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Sorry, I am very far left of everyone here, but your post is not just wrong, but incredibly ignorant.

First lets talk about vaccines. Vaccine have to contain a dead virus, so that the immune system has something to remember. The mRNA vaccines have no virus at all. All they do is get our own cells to start growing spike proteins.
And you can NOT get the immune system to trigger on spike proteins, because the reason coronavirus have them is they are mimicking our own exosome spike proteins.

Second is that masks are part of the Full Quarantine strategy.
That is where you end any epidemic in less than a month by full lock down, closing all transportation, all public places, etc. But we did not do that because it is expensive. So then there is only one other strategy also ends any epidemic in about a month, but ensure some deaths. That is deliberate infection, in order to speed up herd immunity. That always works, and is what historically has always ended almost all epidemics. But then you can't use masks or social distancing. Masks and social distancing prevents herd immunity, so makes it never end, and that causes the largest possible death toll.

That is the REAL science.
You need to do some reading.
It is NEVER correct to "flatten the curve".
That can never end any epidemic, but instead prevents it from ending by herd immunity.
It conserves easy hosts.
So it will go on to kill the maximum number of people, since it is given the maximum amount of time.
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