Political Cartoon

Better go ask your hypocrite Biden that question, because him and his crew have managed to destroy Ukraine by arming them to fight a giant in possession of nuclear weapons the likes in which the world has never seen.
So then guns are the problem?

Can I quote you on that?
Funny, but very imaginable with everything else they've been doing since 2016... 😂
So then guns are the problem?

Can I quote you on that?
Guns put into the hands of people who are psychotic mental cases is definitely a problem, so if Democrat's would stand down on their fake justice warrior bull shite, then we could get a handle on the mental problems we have in this country again. No more pity for criminal's that murder and commit heinous crimes against the innocent by these dumb ace heartless Democrat apologist.. Deal ????
Like RWNJs who run around faithfully chanting violent extremist slogans.
You can say that with a straight face ? ROTFLMBO 🤣

We know who the damned extremist are, and no amount of your lying Democrat talking points is going to change that fact. The extremist are those that think that parent's aren't to be responsible for their own children anymore, otherwise setting them up to be groomed in ways that should make the most hard hearted say "WAIT WHAT" ?????

Democrat's don't care if abortions are carried out in ways that would make a crazy person say "WAIT WHAT" ??????

Democrat's worry if a death row inmate might squirm a little bit while being injected with a death serum at the time of execution, and not considering the heinous act of a merciless murder in which he or she performed on the victim or their victims.

Democrat's keep the victimhood of slavery going in order to project it onto the new generations as if they are somehow guilty of it themselves, and basically what this is doing is keeping racism front and center in which perpetuates racist activities to be used by those that it currently pretends to be the victims of modern day slavery. It's all in order to keep them dependent on the Democrat's as if they are their only saviors from it. What a ruse.

I could keep going, but the point has been made without it.

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