Political Cartoon


Easy enough. They're already trembling in their pink ballet shoes.


Ballet is for fags. Unless they're women dancers.

And that Baryshnikov feller, who wasn't wasn't really a fag, just a Russian who liked to mince around like he was a faggot.

Damn I'm a drunk summa bitch tonight. :laughing0301:

Wish you were my next door neighbor!

Wanna move to Dakota?


Where;s Dakota? Is that like some Indian place our there in the badlands?:
Ballet is for fags. Unless they're women dancers.

And that Baryshnikov feller, who wasn't wasn't really a fag, just a Russian who liked to mince around like he was a faggot.

Damn I'm a drunk summa bitch tonight. :laughing0301:

Where;s Dakota? Is that like some Indian place our there in the badlands?:

Is that why we haven't seen you in so long? On the wagon?

South Dakota. Southeast corner of the state, near Sioux Falls.

But don't make any decisions about moving until you sober up, hun!


Is that why we haven't seen you in so long? On the wagon?

South Dakota. Southeast corner of the state, near Sioux Falls.

But don't make any decisions about moving until you sober up, hun!


I haven't been on here the last couple weeks because I quit smo9king. Between the crazy pilsl and the nicotine patch, I think I have my cigarette addiction whipped.


Way good for you! I'm impressed!

Does having a little drinkie or two make it harder? It did for me.


Not at all. I no longer have the urge to smoke cigarettes, and really haven't been in the mood to drink much, until tonight. I'm pretty much a "binge drinker". I can go weeks without having a drink but when I do, I drink until I get sleepy and go to bed to sleep it off off.
Not at all. I no longer have the urge to smoke cigarettes, and really haven't been in the mood to drink much, until tonight. I'm pretty much a "binge drinker". I can go weeks without having a drink but when I do, I drink until I get sleepy and go to bed to sleep it off off.
Yeah, I never did much habitual drinking. The last time I had a reason to social drink was about 25 years ago and I just haven't had a reason to drink since.

It's okay, I'm an expensive drinker so saving the money is not a bad thing.

Yeah, I never did much habitual drinking. The last time I had a reason to social drink was about 25 years ago and I just haven't had a reason to drink since.

It's okay, I'm an expensive drinker so saving the money is not a bad thing.


An "expensive drinker"? :laughing0301:

No idea what an "expensive drinker" would be. I pick up a$4.99 pint bottle cheap vodka at Walmart, drink half of it, then I'm done for the night. Maybe once or twice a month.

Hell, I was spending almost $10 per day for a pack of Marlboro 100mm Black cigs, up until a month ago. I feel great now: I can breathe, no more choking, coughing , and hacking.

Today I even walked and trotted 6 times around a soccer field and walked through the woods on my property, wearing a full combat load with body armor, magazines, and carrying an AK-47. And that was after having some crud that was going around, for the last week.
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An "expensive drinker"? :laughing0301:

No idea what an "expensive drinker" would be. I pick up a$4.99 pint bottle cheap vodka at Walmart, drink half of it, then I'm done for the night. Maybe once or twice a month.

40 year old scotch, when I can get it. 23 when I can't.

Or used to be. I don't even remember what it used to be. I just looked it up -- a couple grand.

Whew! I'm a much cheaper date these days, since I don't drink at all. LOL!

If you're referring to Donald J. Trump, as you probably are, exactly what criminal offense has he been convicted of?

They've persecuted him by the shit-flinging method.

They throw a bunch of shit against the wall and hope it'll stick.

It doesn't.


40 year old scotch, when I can get it. 23 when I can't.

Or used to be. I don't even remember what it used to be. I just looked it up -- a couple grand.

Whew! I'm a much cheaper date these days, since I don't drink at all. LOL!


A couple grand for 40 year-old Scotch? Damn that Bidenomics anyway.

Fuck that sonsofbitch and his 12% inflation rate.

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