Political Cartoon

Their sure are a lot of morons, halfwits and other's that you are trying hard to refer too in that picture, so what on earth will you do when their representative is running this nation again ?

I know -
You might as well quit hiding your moronic halfwit self, and of course join them in their utopic halfwit world. What a party that will be. Yeeeeeee hawwwwwww.... rotflmbo 🤣 You know you want too, but what's bad is that you wouldn't qualify to even shine their shoe's. Why ? Because you are the real Mcoy when it comes to being a leftist halfwitted moron that hates and can't figure out why. 😂
The vax reduces symptoms, severity, hospitalization, and death.

Not being vaxed does nothing for you.
Unless you have immunity, and then it depends on the immune system as to the severity of the symptoms along with the length of the infection.

Compromised immune system's are subjected to severe symptoms, and this is regardless of the type of virus contacted in many cases.

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