Political Hypocrisy about Sexuality


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
The Right-Wing's 20 Biggest Sex Hypocrites
The Right-Wing s 20 Biggest Sex Hypocrites Alternet

"The ones who scream the loudest about how godly they are often turn out to be the exact opposite.

Of course, the Democratic Party has had plenty of sex scandals as well. But most of the Democrats who have become involved in major sex scandals (Bill Clinton, John Edwards, Anthony Weiner, Gary Hart, among others) had not marketed themselves as extreme moralists. Post-1970s Republicans, all too often, have been self-righteous, preachy, overbearing, holier-than-thou witch hunters—and in many cases, the ones who screamed the loudest about how godly they were turned out to be the exact opposite. Below are 20 of the top socially conservative hypocrites of the Religious Right."

The 20 at link
"Republicans have more scandals (35 to 28), but Democrats have bigger ones, based on our methodology (13 out of the top 20).

• Democrats tend to have more problems with harassment, staffers, and underage girls; Republicans tend to have more problems with prostitutes, hypocrisy, and underage boys."
Anthony Weiner Photos Scandal Which Party Has the Most Sex Scandals - The Daily Beast


Almost half the sex scandals we turned up involved someone saying one thing while doing another. The earliest example was womens’ rights champion Robert Packwood, who in 1992 was infamously slapped with several sexual-harassment and abuse charges from former female staffers.

Solid Republican (17-9)"

The Top 16 Anti-Gay Activists Caught Being Gay
Top 16 Anti-Gay Politicians Caught Being Gay Anti-Gay Activists Out of the Closet

10 of the most hypocritical statements from politicians we’ve come across
10 of the most hypocritical statements from politicians we ve come across TheBlaze.com

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