(Politico) Hillary Clinton's power players: her team

What did we tell you folks, they didn't have a brunch with all these SO CALLED reporters FOR NOTHING.

hell she doesn't have TO champagne. she has own lapdogs in the media who will do it for her and then run nothing but SMEARS on the Republicans


vote them out in 2016 if you are SICK AND TIRED of this kind of fakery shoved down your throats by these progressives.
This was Polutico the last time Hillary was running with McCain/Palin.

they are nothing but a DNC lapdog

Wake the hell up people.
Issuing Hillary Talking Points? Clinton Campaign Wines And Dines Media In Off-Record Dinners

Nothing going on there…

Via Breitbart:

ABC’s George Stephanopoulos, MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough, and a half-dozen reporters from CNN were reportedly among the media elites that attended an off-the-record New York dinner with Hillary Clinton’s advisers on Friday evening ahead of her Sunday campaign announcement.

According to CNN’s Brian Stelter, ABC’s Diane Sawyer, David Muir, and Stephanopoulos, who was Bill Clinton’s White House communications director and originated the “war on women” narrative against Republicans and Mitt Romney during the 2012 campaign, CBS’s Norah O’Donnell, NBC’s Savannah Guthrie, who recently asked one-sided questions to Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) unlike the softballs she threw at President Barack Obama during a pre-Super Bowl interview, MSNBC’s Scarborough, who relishes every opportunity to bash Republicans to be in the good graces of NYC-DC elites, MSNBC president Phil Griffin, Politico’s Mike Allen, and reporters from CNN, which has been accused of being the “Clinton News Network,” were among those who attended the dinner, which Clinton pollster Joel Benenson reportedly hosted.

ALL of it here:
Issuing Hillary Talking Points Clinton Campaign Wines And Dines Media In Off-Record Dinners Weasel Zippers
Hey Staph, you like President Barack, you will love President Hillary.

Now Staph, Briebart? Really? Why don't you just post from the Dailly World. Same kind of stories.
Hillary's power team ??????????????

RW's of course !!!

stand back and watch them self destruct.. it's effortless, and 100% successful.
this is a good question? her only reason is FOR POWER. and to carry on the destruction Obama started

Why Is Hillary Clinton Even Running?
Hillary has no resume to run on. Is America ready for her to dial up the culture war to 11?
by Victor Davis Hanson
April 12, 2015 - 7:36 pm

That is not as stupid a question as it first sounds. Ostensibly we know her four ready answers.

I. Who Else?

One, there is no other credible Democrat who could run for presidency. The senior party leadership — Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Al Gore, John Kerry, and Dianne Feinstein — is shrill and buffoonish. They all have either tried before and failed, or are ossified has-beens — or both. There are no up-and-coming governors with distinguished records of executive success. There are no young charismatic Democratic senators — other than the well-preserved, 65-year-old Harvard populist Elizabeth Warren — out to make a name, who can speak well and mirror image a Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, or Mario Rubio. Congressional-district gerrymandering that encourages ethnic chauvinism and hard-left polarization has almost ensured that there will not be another minority star, like Barack Obama, who can win crossover votes and statewide office as a springboard to the White House.

II. Her Turn

Two, Hillary Clinton, like a Walter Mondale, Bob Dole or John McCain, believes that it is finally her turn. In her case she lost in 2008 and loyally served the man who defeated and often humiliated her (“you’re likable enough, Hillary” Obama condescendingly remarked during a debate of Democratic presidential candidates in January of 2008).

She feels that she was robbed of a sure nomination by the upstart Obama, who cut in front of the line with his inane “hope and change” banalities and subtle race carding, as if racial chauvinism must always trump gender pandering. She blew a huge lead in the primaries, licked her wounds, and now it is time for the party to unite loyally behind her the way she did with Obama.

III. First Woman

Three, she thinks she can win largely on the issue of being the first woman president in the manner that Barack Obama milked his racially iconic status in lieu of a record. Her supporters believe that they can reignite the old wars: the Republican war on women, war on minorities, war on immigrants, war on the environment, war on the poor, war on everybody — and thereby galvanize the supposedly oppressed, as in 2008-2012, to register, turn out, and vote in lockstep in record numbers. Thereby they will more than make up for the millions of independents and white, blue-collar so-called Reagan Democrats that she will lose by such racial and gender histrionics.

IV. Money, Money, Money…

all of it here:
Why Is Hillary Clinton Running as the Successor to Barack Obama Works and Days
Hey Staph, you like President Barack, you will love President Hillary.

Now Staph, Briebart? Really? Why don't you just post from the Dailly World. Same kind of stories.
Attack the source not the content

and call people nasty names. typical for the libs on this board

what nasty names? the ones in your vivid imagination?

at least one full blown moron agrees with steph's vivid imagination.
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