(Politico) Insiders: Ted Cruz hurt most by Trump candidacy

Trump is drawing all the fire away from the other candidates. And that is fabulous because it means that the other candidates can work the GOP primaries pretty well unscathed for a while.

He certainly has the media's knickers in a twist. Actually that's putting it mildly. The Donald has many of the left wing loon commentators in a rabid lather.

Even bad publicity is better than no publicity

When was the last time anyone heard from Carson, Fiorina, Paul or Perry?
yep. Trump sucked all the oxygen out of the room
Trump is drawing all the fire away from the other candidates. And that is fabulous because it means that the other candidates can work the GOP primaries pretty well unscathed for a while.

He certainly has the media's knickers in a twist. Actually that's putting it mildly. The Donald has many of the left wing loon commentators in a rabid lather.

Even bad publicity is better than no publicity

When was the last time anyone heard from Carson, Fiorina, Paul or Perry?

The general public has no need to hear from them right now. That's my point.

While Trump is drawing all the wrath of the left wing loons in the media, the other candidates are able to campaign and bring their messages to those who vote in the primaries.

The Trump campaign is an awesome diversionary entity.

I disagree with you about "left loons". It's not people from the Left who are supporting Trump in GOP nomination polling. The media is just doing it's job and reporting what is happening. Were the media to not report this, then the Right would be bellyaching that the media is trying to bury Trump.

So, which do you want?

And would you like some BBQ sauce on it?

In fact, Trump and Cruz met up just a few short days ago.

Mebbe one was trying to convince the other that the other should clear the field...
Trump is drawing all the fire away from the other candidates. And that is fabulous because it means that the other candidates can work the GOP primaries pretty well unscathed for a while.

He certainly has the media's knickers in a twist. Actually that's putting it mildly. The Donald has many of the left wing loon commentators in a rabid lather.

While he's firing ON the other candidates.

He's going to damage them, hopefully to a point that they cannot recover.
Trump is drawing all the fire away from the other candidates. And that is fabulous because it means that the other candidates can work the GOP primaries pretty well unscathed for a while.

He certainly has the media's knickers in a twist. Actually that's putting it mildly. The Donald has many of the left wing loon commentators in a rabid lather.

Even bad publicity is better than no publicity

When was the last time anyone heard from Carson, Fiorina, Paul or Perry?
Perry was on fellow clown Joe Scarborough's show the other day all outraged over the latest fake video, about Planned Parenthood.

Maybe Trump is right: Perry should have to take an IQ test before joining the debates.
One of the B listers on the GOP roster who needs to make a move should come out swinging against Trump and beat on him with everything but the kitchen sink.
The problem is that the B-listers won't make the FOXNEWS cutoff of the top 10. Perry, Santorum, Christie all might not make it.
Trump is the 2.0 version of Bachmann and Palin, and he will look great in polls for a period of time but like so many radicals they usually fall off after the first or second debate.

The one to watch for is Rick Santorum and him getting the crazy vote over Cruz. Santorum fit the typical Tea party candidate and could be the choice in 2016 if everything fall correctly for him.

Cruz is a candidate like Trump that will also do well in polls at the start but once the debating start his weakness will be shown and his soundbites will not catch the GOP by fire and Cruz will fall fast...

So the crazy vote will go to Rick Santorum and not Cruz, and if I am incorrect by my prediction then let visit this come this time next year...
Trump is the 2.0 version of Bachmann and Palin, and he will look great in polls for a period of time but like so many radicals they usually fall off after the first or second debate.

The one to watch for is Rick Santorum and him getting the crazy vote over Cruz. Santorum fit the typical Tea party candidate and could be the choice in 2016 if everything fall correctly for him.

Cruz is a candidate like Trump that will also do well in polls at the start but once the debating start his weakness will be shown and his soundbites will not catch the GOP by fire and Cruz will fall fast...

So the crazy vote will go to Rick Santorum and not Cruz, and if I am incorrect by my prediction then let visit this come this time next year...

Well, Rick Santorum has already won primary states, in 2012. If I remember, he won 10 states.
Trump is the 2.0 version of Bachmann and Palin, and he will look great in polls for a period of time but like so many radicals they usually fall off after the first or second debate.

The one to watch for is Rick Santorum and him getting the crazy vote over Cruz. Santorum fit the typical Tea party candidate and could be the choice in 2016 if everything fall correctly for him.

Cruz is a candidate like Trump that will also do well in polls at the start but once the debating start his weakness will be shown and his soundbites will not catch the GOP by fire and Cruz will fall fast...

So the crazy vote will go to Rick Santorum and not Cruz, and if I am incorrect by my prediction then let visit this come this time next year...

Well, Rick Santorum has already won primary states, in 2012. If I remember, he won 10 states.
Santorum isn't going to make the cut for the first debate. That is very damaging.

Hey wingnuts: how do you feel about FOX deciding who can compete for the GOP nomination?
Trump is the 2.0 version of Bachmann and Palin, and he will look great in polls for a period of time but like so many radicals they usually fall off after the first or second debate.

The one to watch for is Rick Santorum and him getting the crazy vote over Cruz. Santorum fit the typical Tea party candidate and could be the choice in 2016 if everything fall correctly for him.

Cruz is a candidate like Trump that will also do well in polls at the start but once the debating start his weakness will be shown and his soundbites will not catch the GOP by fire and Cruz will fall fast...

So the crazy vote will go to Rick Santorum and not Cruz, and if I am incorrect by my prediction then let visit this come this time next year...

Well, Rick Santorum has already won primary states, in 2012. If I remember, he won 10 states.
Santorum isn't going to make the cut for the first debate. That is very damaging.

Hey wingnuts: how do you feel about FOX deciding who can compete for the GOP nomination?

True. However, do not underestimate the frothy mix qualities of Rick the Dick Santorum!!!
Trump is the 2.0 version of Bachmann and Palin, and he will look great in polls for a period of time but like so many radicals they usually fall off after the first or second debate.

The one to watch for is Rick Santorum and him getting the crazy vote over Cruz. Santorum fit the typical Tea party candidate and could be the choice in 2016 if everything fall correctly for him.

Cruz is a candidate like Trump that will also do well in polls at the start but once the debating start his weakness will be shown and his soundbites will not catch the GOP by fire and Cruz will fall fast...

So the crazy vote will go to Rick Santorum and not Cruz, and if I am incorrect by my prediction then let visit this come this time next year...

Well, Rick Santorum has already won primary states, in 2012. If I remember, he won 10 states.

For me it going to come down to three candidates:

1. Jeb Bush: His Family name and being the ex-Governor of Florida will carry a good amount of votes for him, but his brother eight years could keep him from taking the nomination. Also Jeb will most likely knock Trump out when it come to the debates.

2. John Kasich: The Governor of Ohio is the real dark horse here. Some is known about him, and I feel he could run away with the Nomination because of his time as Governor of Ohio and not being as polarizing as many of those that are running for the GOP nomination.

3. Rick Santorum: Finished strong in the 2012 run and is the strongest candidate for the Tea Party right vote and could steal the nomination when Trump and Cruz fall quickly. Major issue for Santorum when it come to the right taking him is that he is a Conservative Catholic. It will play well with the Social Conservative right but in a general election he will be a weak candidate against Clinton or Webb...

Cruz and Trump are just the sideshow for this circus and will never be the main attraction nor even the VP candidate.

The one thing the right need to worry about is if Trump pulls a Ross Perot on them and goes third party when he fall out of favor with the GOP, and if so then the Democrats will sail safely into the White House...
Trump is the 2.0 version of Bachmann and Palin, and he will look great in polls for a period of time but like so many radicals they usually fall off after the first or second debate.

The one to watch for is Rick Santorum and him getting the crazy vote over Cruz. Santorum fit the typical Tea party candidate and could be the choice in 2016 if everything fall correctly for him.

Cruz is a candidate like Trump that will also do well in polls at the start but once the debating start his weakness will be shown and his soundbites will not catch the GOP by fire and Cruz will fall fast...

So the crazy vote will go to Rick Santorum and not Cruz, and if I am incorrect by my prediction then let visit this come this time next year...
Bachmann, Palin, Trump, Cruz, and Walker are similar in that they all appeal to ordinary working Americans that don't depend on the government....the silent majority 'crazy vote' (as you call it) is waking up.....
Okay... So the Politico (Liberal) strategy is to try and pit Cruz cray-crays against Trump cray-crays in order to derail their momentum. Cruz and Trump met privately in New York Wednesday. I'm figuring the main topic was defeating Jeb Bush.

The thing with this election cycle is, the GOP has a fierce inner-battle happening and it hasn't been settled. The Establishment GOP would like for us to think it has been settled, and that candidates like Trump and Cruz have no chance to even win the nomination, much less defeat Hillary... the REAL cray-cray.

So far, Trump has made his critics look like fools. Despite every effort to derail his campaign, he has skyrocketed to the top of the GOP polls. Macy's jumped the gun on the illegal immigration comments he made, and now they are losing millions due to their knee-jerk reaction to dump The Trump. Tsk..tsk.

Meanwhile, the liberal clown brigade are all over the place with their videos of Trump Past vs. Trump Present... throwing everything they can throw at Trump, while lamenting to us how they hope, wish and dream about Trump being the GOP nominee. Well Libtards, you may get what you wish for! ;)

Even better for you... If the Establishment is successful at nominating Christie or Bush, you'll probably win for sure because there will likely be a third-party challenge... the Conservatives are not going to go quietly this time. They are not going to hold their noses and vote for another McCain or Romney.
Bachmann, Palin, Trump, Cruz, and Walker are similar in that they all appeal to ordinary working Americans that don't depend on the government....the silent majority 'crazy vote' (as you call it) is waking up.....
What do any of those 5 have to do with the working man? Trump is a billionaire, Cruz is a Harvard snob with a wife on Wall Street, Bachmann has no work experience I've ever seen, Palin is a nutty reality show failure, and Walker has been propped up by the Kochs.

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