Politics of Envy: Liberals are simply bitter that THEY didn't get rich!


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
If you know many liberals, like I do, then you know the majority of them fit into a general description.

Most of them were the guys in high school who thought they were too cool for the football team, too smart for pep rallies, too "informed" to get into the petty high school ideals of a fast car and fast girl. They spent afternoons sipping on coffee and talking about how if only everyone was as smart as them, the world would be different. THey never bothered competing in anything, leading anything. Just kinda.....existed above the fray in their own minds.

They went off to college, and majored of course in something social-based. Sociology, Diversity, Social Justice, Environmental Issues, etc, etc, etc. Nothing that actually leads to a real job. But only stuff that allows them to discuss how the world SHOULD work, not how it actually does work or how they can succeed in it. Once again, they looked down on the football players, the frat boys, the drunks (don't blame 'em there). They kept up with their coffee, but then began to grow soul patches and wear Goodwill clothes. Not because they were broke and couldnt afford Abercrombie....but because it was cool to look poor. Their cause of class warfare came across stronger if they themselves looked poor. They saw kids doing internships at EVIL corporations and called them corporate sheep. They saw kids in the ROTC and called them war mongers. If only those capitalist pigs, war mongers and dumb jocks would LISTEN to what their social justice professor was teaching....if only.....

Then they graduated. Yes. Finally, a piece of paper that confirms the intellect that the liberal knew he had since 5th grade. He told everyone how smart he was, but now he had the piece of paper to prove it. Hell, he might spend another decade in college collecting more of these pieces of paper that have no market value, but confirms their own self-appointed intellectual superiority. While others were laying a foundation for a successful career, the typical liberal was volunteering at socially acceptable causes and ranting on how wrong the system is.

Then, usually around age 35, the liberal realizes something. Shit. He spent 10 years talking about how things should work. While others were actually working in the system that the liberal hates so much. They became rich, or at least well off. The liberal didn't. HOW??? He is so much smarter than that other guy. That guy who was a frat boy. A jock. A military guy. HOW did that guy get more wealth than the liberal? HE doesn't deserve it. After all, HE isn't as intellectual as the liberal. HE isn't as smart, and doesn't care about the environment!! THAT rich guy doesn't even fight for gay rights or fairness for illegal immigrants. All HE does is slave away for the corporation.

And the liberal then realizes something else. This injustice must be corrected. Not by volunteerism, because that never works. Global warming efforts taught him that. No no no.....the only way to level the playing field (again, like it was at age 18) is by force. They need legislation, backed with enforcement by men with guns. THAT can put the money back where it belongs, back in the hands of people that care, LIBERALS, people that are smart enough to know what to do with it, LIBERALS!!!!!

Liberals, may I suggest something? Get over it. Your chosen path in life led you to bitterness. It was your choices, not ours, that led you there. Your vendetta against those who obviously made better choices than you has gone far enough. Make your own way in life. And stop blaming others when you realize life after 30 isn't what you thought it was supposed to be when you were 21.
Hmm. Like George Soros, Bill Gates and Warren Buffett?

They bitter because they didn't get rich?
About Responsible Wealth | United for a Fair Economy

Responsible Wealth (RW) is a network of over 700 business leaders and wealthy individuals in the top five percent of income and/or wealth in the U.S. As beneficiaries of economic policies tilted in their favor, these individuals advocate for fair taxes and corporate accountability. Their message is simple, and surprising to some: we can afford to pay more; we don’t need any more tax breaks.

Members of Responsible Wealth recognize that their own prosperity and success would not be possible without the foundation of a strong public education system, an effective transportation network, a strong legal system and more. RW members are bound by their commitment to supporting the public investments from which they have greatly benefited.

Responsible Wealth members actively engage in high-profile tax fairness advocacy in a variety of ways:
■Speaking out to the media about economic fairness issues (taxes, wage issues, budget issues, corporate accountability, etc.).
■Taking the Tax Fairness Pledge to redirect tax savings to tax fairness efforts.
■Lobbying state legislators or Congress.
■Participate in RW’s shareholder accountability initiative by filing resolutions and attending annual meetings (either in person or through a proxy).
■Directly supporting grassroots tax fairness organizing work in their state.

If your income puts you in the top five percent of wealth in the U.S. (over $200,000 household income and/or over $1 million net assets) and you care about economic justice, consider becoming a member of Responsible Wealth today!
Truthmatters, what if you are in the top 5% of wealth in the WORLD????? Because even America's "poor" are in that top 5%. Should they join that cause?

And Buffett, Soros, etc aren't "typical liberal". There are exceptions. Recall I said "typical liberals", like you Sallow. The types that fit the whole characteristic I laid out, but will now claim you ARE in fact rich and say I'm wrong. See, exactly as I predicted.

The Soros crowd are one of 2 types. They are either guilty about their whiteness, OR, more likely, they are hungry for power and more money, and know useful liberal tools will lead them to both. Much like Al Gore used you morons to make BANK on the global warming panic hahahahaha!!!!! Wish I'd have invested in that bullshit, I'd be rich off you morons!!!!
Truthmatters, what if you are in the top 5% of wealth in the WORLD????? Because even America's "poor" are in that top 5%. Should they join that cause?

And Buffett, Soros, etc aren't "typical liberal". There are exceptions. Recall I said "typical liberals", like you Sallow. The types that fit the whole characteristic I laid out, but will now claim you ARE in fact rich and say I'm wrong. See, exactly as I predicted.

The Soros crowd are one of 2 types. They are either guilty about their whiteness, OR, more likely, they are hungry for power and more money, and know useful liberal tools will lead them to both. Much like Al Gore used you morons to make BANK on the global warming panic hahahahaha!!!!! Wish I'd have invested in that bullshit, I'd be rich off you morons!!!!
while you do have the intellectual educated liberal...most libs are just stupid whining losers that want other peoples money..and Sallow is the perfect example of a fat lazy tool that hates productive people!!this is the catagory most of the commy left falls in!!!and why don't they attack Soros isn't he rich???
If you know many liberals, like I do, then you know the majority of them fit into a general description.

Most of them were the guys in high school who thought they were too cool for the football team, too smart for pep rallies, too "informed" to get into the petty high school ideals of a fast car and fast girl. They spent afternoons sipping on coffee and talking about how if only everyone was as smart as them, the world would be different. THey never bothered competing in anything, leading anything. Just kinda.....existed above the fray in their own minds.

They went off to college, and majored of course in something social-based. Sociology, Diversity, Social Justice, Environmental Issues, etc, etc, etc. Nothing that actually leads to a real job. But only stuff that allows them to discuss how the world SHOULD work, not how it actually does work or how they can succeed in it. Once again, they looked down on the football players, the frat boys, the drunks (don't blame 'em there). They kept up with their coffee, but then began to grow soul patches and wear Goodwill clothes. Not because they were broke and couldnt afford Abercrombie....but because it was cool to look poor. Their cause of class warfare came across stronger if they themselves looked poor. They saw kids doing internships at EVIL corporations and called them corporate sheep. They saw kids in the ROTC and called them war mongers. If only those capitalist pigs, war mongers and dumb jocks would LISTEN to what their social justice professor was teaching....if only.....

Then they graduated. Yes. Finally, a piece of paper that confirms the intellect that the liberal knew he had since 5th grade. He told everyone how smart he was, but now he had the piece of paper to prove it. Hell, he might spend another decade in college collecting more of these pieces of paper that have no market value, but confirms their own self-appointed intellectual superiority. While others were laying a foundation for a successful career, the typical liberal was volunteering at socially acceptable causes and ranting on how wrong the system is.

Then, usually around age 35, the liberal realizes something. Shit. He spent 10 years talking about how things should work. While others were actually working in the system that the liberal hates so much. They became rich, or at least well off. The liberal didn't. HOW??? He is so much smarter than that other guy. That guy who was a frat boy. A jock. A military guy. HOW did that guy get more wealth than the liberal? HE doesn't deserve it. After all, HE isn't as intellectual as the liberal. HE isn't as smart, and doesn't care about the environment!! THAT rich guy doesn't even fight for gay rights or fairness for illegal immigrants. All HE does is slave away for the corporation.

And the liberal then realizes something else. This injustice must be corrected. Not by volunteerism, because that never works. Global warming efforts taught him that. No no no.....the only way to level the playing field (again, like it was at age 18) is by force. They need legislation, backed with enforcement by men with guns. THAT can put the money back where it belongs, back in the hands of people that care, LIBERALS, people that are smart enough to know what to do with it, LIBERALS!!!!!

Liberals, may I suggest something? Get over it. Your chosen path in life led you to bitterness. It was your choices, not ours, that led you there. Your vendetta against those who obviously made better choices than you has gone far enough. Make your own way in life. And stop blaming others when you realize life after 30 isn't what you thought it was supposed to be when you were 21.

The Republican base thinks of themselves as "millionaires currently without funds". They are so sure that one day their "ship will come in". That's why they want to slant every law and policy towards the wealthy, because one day, they will be. They see it as a "pre-emptive strike".

Becoming rich without an education or a full set of teeth is about as likely as "winning the lottery". In fact, the odds are "exactly the same".
What make you think Liberals are not rich?

It is common knowledge that liberals get incredible amounts of money and don't have to work for it. We get lots of stuff for free too. Houses, cars, HDTVs.....just show your liberal card and it is all FREE. We also don't have to pay taxes

Only conseratives are dumb enough to actually work and pay taxes
Lot of liberals in this country then, it seems.


Envious louts!
The economic policies of the American left can pretty much be summed up by three words: envy, jealousy, and greed
The economic policies of the American left can pretty much be summed up by three words: envy, jealousy, and greed

What happened to you Taze?

You were always rightwing, but you made coherent arguments. Now you just spout crap that would come out of Glenn Beck

"envy, jealousy and greed"?

You used to be much better than this

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