Politics of Personal Destruction are eating Comrade Donald

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The fear and hate are the staples of Comrade Donald's campaign of demagoguery.

The American people have demonstrated such a grasp of Comrade Donald and his followers' psychopathology that the campaign effort has now started the inevitable cycle of diminishing returns that guarantees his massive defeat..
So there's really no reason to continue posting fear and hate about him, right?
Pointing out Comrade Donald's hatred and fear mongering is every American's duty.
For what purpose, if there is no way he will be president? Perhaps you are admitting that you desire more than a simple electoral defeat in Nov? Sounds like you would like to see his entire life destroyed, not just see him return to real estate mogul status without having to take the big pay cut to be president the next 8 years.
You are a clown listening to voices in your head. Comrade Trump is a hater and a fear monger. When he is defeated, he will go away from the political spot light. Who cares what happens to him after that?
The real problem isn't Trump. It's that neither side is in the mood to accept the authority of the other. No matter who wins the next election they will have to contend with a significant percentage of the population that will work tirelessly for their end. Dreams of corralling half the population into gigantic rebellious camps won't get past the democrat wet dream stage if indeed they win.
Or the far right contard fantasies.

However, . . . the millennials by 2020 will put any right wing hope to rest forever.
The millennials are nothing. They will have to be the skipped generation.

White Millennials have been brainwashed since the womb to be "diverse" and "tolerant".

When the Left starts accusing the white ones of being racist, which they HAVE TO DO, in order to justify continued anti-white discrimination, they are going to realize that it is complete bullshit and wake the fuck up.

I don't know about that much. I was reading a thread where a 15-year-old child is expressing hatred towards the poor. Where do these children get these ideas?

From their adults.

When the poor are dutifully voting to support the liberals, they are the Salt of the Earth, by who our treatment of, defines our society.

When they fail to do as they are told, then they are stupid and poorly educated worthy only contempt.
Correll is now spamming and trolling with nothing on OP.

Trump is doubling down for his constituency, but it is about 35% to 40% of the electorate, if that much.

Latest poll has him behind 50 to 42.
Correll is now spamming and trolling with nothing on OP.

Trump is doubling down for his constituency, but it is about 35% to 40% of the electorate, if that much.

Latest poll has him behind 50 to 42.

ONe of you assholes is saying nothing but calling Trump a Nazi.

The other asshole is saying nothing but calling Trump a Communist.

Calling you both assholes is not spamming or trolling, it is the only reasonable and rational response.

Ok guys...enough. Get back on topic. Save the bending over and assholery for the FZ gym.
Correll is now spamming and trolling with nothing on OP.

Trump is doubling down for his constituency, but it is about 35% to 40% of the electorate, if that much.

Latest poll has him behind 50 to 42.

ONe of you assholes is saying nothing but calling Trump a Nazi.

The other asshole is saying nothing but calling Trump a Communist.

Calling you both assholes is not spamming or trolling, it is the only reasonable and rational response.

Yeah, you are. When all you are doing is name calling and saying "nuh uh", yeah, that is spamming and trolling, nothing else. You can't offer any defense for Comrade Trump's increasingly erratic behavior since the beginning of the RNC week. He is blowing the election big time to a Dem Kasich could have beaten by ten points. Comrade Trump is destroying his own campaign.
I think it's the first time in modern history that the freaking president of the United States ever took the time to use the "bully pulpit" to condemn a private citizen who happens to be running for political office and the left whines about Trump's alleged "negative campaigning" about a former president's wife who never had a real job that wasn't arranged by her husband.. No surprises here.
I think it's the first time in modern history that the freaking president of the United States ever took the time to use the "bully pulpit" to condemn a private citizen who happens to be running for political office and the left whines about Trump's alleged "negative campaigning" about a former president's wife who never had a real job that wasn't arranged by her husband.. No surprises here.
Yup, there is, the surprise being you don't think presidents don't campaign on behalf of their party's nominee.
Hillary seems to have Texas in the bag now that they allow Jake and his/her/its ilk to cast 350 absentee ballots each. Surely, under those conditions Trump has no chance ar all!
Texas does not need my vote. If Texas did go Clinton, they end of days would be on us.
The fear and hate are the staples of Comrade Donald's campaign of demagoguery.

The American people have demonstrated such a grasp of Comrade Donald and his followers' psychopathology that the campaign effort has now started the inevitable cycle of diminishing returns that guarantees his massive defeat..
So there's really no reason to continue posting fear and hate about him, right?
Pointing out Comrade Donald's hatred and fear mongering is every American's duty.
For what purpose, if there is no way he will be president? Perhaps you are admitting that you desire more than a simple electoral defeat in Nov? Sounds like you would like to see his entire life destroyed, not just see him return to real estate mogul status without having to take the big pay cut to be president the next 8 years.
You are a clown listening to voices in your head. Comrade Trump is a hater and a fear monger. When he is defeated, he will go away from the political spot light. Who cares what happens to him after that?
Actually, I'm reading what you write. Is that really any different from a voice in my head? If you don't care that Trump will return to the life of a rich, powerful real estate mogul and you're absolutely certain he's going to lose, why then do you post so much fear and hate about him? It's an interesting psychological phenomenon.
Filthy lying lefties will say anything without any concern for Truth or Human Decency if it serves the leftist agenda.

I'm just curious if one of the leftists will step up and say which views of Trump are aligned with communism?
He supports Putin on Crimea, Ukraine, and Georgia, so, yes, he is aligned with Russia.

I asked what views of his are aligned with communism?
I don't care what you ask, ChrisL, because your opinion means absolutely nothing to me. Now stay on OP. For the rest of you, as well as C, Trump is fueling his own self destruction by supporting Putin, attacking the Khans and McCain and the VFW, Kasich and Cruz, and so on and so forth.

If you are still going to vote for Trump instead of Gary Johnson after all this, C, then you are an uninformed individual who should not exercise her right to vote.

I say this with all due respect. :lol:

What views of Trump's are aligned with communism?

He won't answer.

It takes DAYS, of badgering to get him to address a subject.

And when he does, he reveals himself to be full of shit, and then when you point that out, he pretends it never happened and reverts to the same old lies.
He supports Putin on Crimea, Ukraine, and Georgia, so, yes, he is aligned with Russia.

I asked what views of his are aligned with communism?
I don't care what you ask, ChrisL, because your opinion means absolutely nothing to me. Now stay on OP. For the rest of you, as well as C, Trump is fueling his own self destruction by supporting Putin, attacking the Khans and McCain and the VFW, Kasich and Cruz, and so on and so forth.

If you are still going to vote for Trump instead of Gary Johnson after all this, C, then you are an uninformed individual who should not exercise her right to vote.

I say this with all due respect. :lol:
Vote for a drug addict! That's a thought. Not much of one but it counts.
You are a drug addict, Tipsy? You must be addled to make a statement like you did above.

Comrade Trump is eating his own tail.

I've nothing to back this up besides my own advancing age

But here we have a 69 year old narcissist who's view of his not being pampered was being sent to a military school for kids of the 1%. He couldn't get a loan from the guys Bloomberg runs with if he offered Ivanka, and it's not that unlikely that he has loans from Putin and friends.

His entire campaign is built on the Putin model .... man of steel. JFK's admin lived in fear of someone finding out what was in the doctor's bag, and Jackie basically had to do an intervention with JFK's self medication with psychotropics. Nixon's WH went into lock down when he went on a martini bender.

Suddenly Trump's own family seems unable to get him to moderate his behavior. Do we know what the effects of testosterone and ED drugs are on a 69 year old man who doesn't do anything more active than ride in a golf cart? We have no idea if he has hypertension or anything

Lefties claim Trump runs his campaign on fear, and then one suggests that Trump has gone Mad due to a combo of Testosterone and Viagra.

You can't make shit like this up. Because if you did, people would ridicule your story as being unbelievable.

But lefties are really like this, and are lying so much and so loudly that they are actually managing to sell this moronic bullshit.

Filthy lying lefties will say anything without any concern for Truth or Human Decency if it serves the leftist agenda.

I'm just curious if one of the leftists will step up and say which views of Trump are aligned with communism?
He supports Putin on Crimea, Ukraine, and Georgia, so, yes, he is aligned with Russia.

I asked what views of his are aligned with communism?
I don't care what you ask, ChrisL, because your opinion means absolutely nothing to me. Now stay on OP. For the rest of you, as well as C, Trump is fueling his own self destruction by supporting Putin, attacking the Khans and McCain and the VFW, Kasich and Cruz, and so on and so forth.

If you are still going to vote for Trump instead of Gary Johnson after all this, C, then you are an uninformed individual who should not exercise her right to vote.

I say this with all due respect. :lol:

What views of Trump's are aligned with communism?

He won't answer. He can't.

He's tried in the past, after I've badgered him for days, and he just made a fool of himself.

Now, he is more resistance to addressing the topic then ever.

He is nothing but a vile troll.
We see now Correll is running on fear and projecting his anguish on his betters.

Comrade Donald now is lashing out Ryan and McConnell and Preibus because his standings are sinking and Americans as a whole realize that Comrade Donald's campaign is a train wreck in motion. Correll is doing his own "donald" here on the Board.

Election 2016 Clinton Trump Spread
RCP Poll Average 46.5 42.0 Clinton +4.5
Favorability Ratings -13.3 -22.6 Clinton +9.3
Betting Odds 75.0 25.0
4-Way Race Johnson Stein
RCP Poll Average 7.4 3.2
Electoral College Clinton Trump Spread
RCP Electoral Map 202 154 Clinton +48
No Toss Up States 328 210
Clinton Trump Spread
Pennsylvania 46.3 41.3 Clinton +5.0
Michigan 41.0 35.8 Clinton +5.2
Ohio 42.6 41.8 Clinton +0.8
Florida 43.5 43.8 Trump +0.3
Iowa 41.3 40.8 Clinton +0.5
Wisconsin 44.3 38.7 Clinton +5.6
New Hampshire 43.0 39.3 Clinton +3.7
Correll is now spamming and trolling with nothing on OP.

Trump is doubling down for his constituency, but it is about 35% to 40% of the electorate, if that much.

Latest poll has him behind 50 to 42.

As you keep saying the same stupid shit, my response is necessarily the same.

Any other reply on my part would be a lie. And I don't do that, hard as that is for a liar like you to understand.
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