Politics on the brain, The Whole World is Now a Message Board Moderated Largely by Partisan Progs

Your barely constrained anger precedes you well. More condescension from an assumed authority. But I think I understand from where your years of anger arise. It's common here. You equate misdirection for eloquence. Sentence structure for validity and opinion for evident truth. I am just not seeing your audience.

So... not even an attempt at defining the divisions you would like to see healed will be forthcoming. How old are you, Son? Still in the spoon-feeding age, and in need of someone to apportion slices small enough for you to chew over?

Abortion as infanticide, sovereignty & enforcement of national borders, radical Islamic terrorism, economic growth through America 1st unapologetic policy.... These are the tip of the iceberg, all ideological issues that the left hates Trump on. They have a different world view and unlike equivocating GOP president's of the past they have a firebrand of a president ideologically & tangibly (policy) bowling them over at every turn. I for one am extremely thankful for this rare presidential anomaly!

"Abortion as infanticide" is a rather silly, counter-factual meme to hook folks with a fetus fetish, deployed to denigrate women facing a difficult decision on their future life. Solves nothing, but it does serve to fan the flames of hysteria on the right.

"Sovereignty & enforcement of national borders" is an issue involving invading armies, and an army at a state's disposal to defend its territory. Deployed against refugees it's a meme to rile up nativists and racists who dislike sharing even the tiniest portion of a nation's wealth with those fleeing war or war-like conditions. For a nation of immigrants, proudly proclaiming to welcome the world's "huddled masses", that's particularly pathetic.

"Radical Islamic terrorism" is being dealt with as we speak. There is some hope that right-wing, Nazi terrorism also gets the attention this far bigger problem deserves. The stupid stereotype to crow "Islamic terrorism" in order to besmirch all Muslims needs to be rejected in no uncertain terms.

"Economic growth through America 1st unapologetic policy" is - in an interdependent, intertwined world facing major problems that can be resolved through cooperation, or not at all - a meme so silly, one has to be a know-nothing blowhard like Trump even to contemplate that for a second. "America 1st" has no (positive) relation to economic growth whatsoever (it might, through the currently instigated trade war, cause a recession, though), but it is evidence for folks falling for Trump's paranoid fantasy that the rest of the world is ganging up to raid the "piggy bank". That fantastic meme isn't just counter-factual and stupid, it's a veritable monument to stupidity.
The right wing radio:

L. Ingraham
just to name a few.
Raise taxes, abolish ICE, free college, free housing, guaranteed jobs for everyone.

Sounds like a winning ticket to me.
It makes me think that the shriller the crescendo of "twitterer and Chief" gets the more efficacious the counter is to that of the MSM narrative. Likewise the derision of a bumbling inept President bespeaks the true fear by the left that they are being outwitted by the chief executive of the land, lol :) A lot to contemplate in you post, as a genXer I often feel behind the curve in the information age... lol

No worries I am from the late 70s and totally overwhelmed by the sea of technology. Having nieces and nephews to help decode it all is an advantage. Our President is like a master drunken boxer. The more a fool he acts, the closer the MSM want to get to him, the easier for him to pincer formation their lies. His tweeting directly to the American people is in my opinion an unprecedented demonstration of respect for the average citizen. Means he cares about us. My confidence lies partly in a key majority of military loyalty including the full weight of the DIA and highly specialized intelligence and counterintelligence units.

Still, the cyber war for ideology and political identity is far from over in my opinion. Seems the more people try to tell the truth, the more dangerous the MSM and radical Left become. They're a new age Hydra. Hopefully our President and his supporters are new age Hercules.
In remembering back to the FISC abuses when they came out, I remember coming to the realization that Trump knew what would be revealed neigh on a year before we all did. I believe that he is doing this again with the Mueller investigation. He would loose little political capital if he canned Rosenstein, Mueller & the whole sordid lot of them. Might he not be strategically utilizing this circus, feeding the MSM frenzy and charging up his base, all at the same time!

I have always believed Mueller is President Trump's man through and through, not Rosenstein's. Mueller was a Marine Corps captain during the Vietnam war and is I believe a loyal warrior first, political minion second. He is also the second longest serving FBI director behind JE Hoover meaning the amount of classified dirt he's sitting on must be higher than Everest. Rosenstein may have appointed Mueller, but just imagine if Mueller serves a second master other than the deputy attorney general, and is also a man of the American people.

I think our President is adroitly making use of MSM loud mouths such as MSNBC, CNN and HuffPost. I cannot remember a President hated like our current one. I have windows 10. My start page displays MSN news and every day it's so full of nitpicking Donald Trump for the slightest perceived offenses. It's almost become bad as watching the Keystone Cops or Benny Hill and calling it serious reality. Like who really believes this stuff?

So yeah the media maelstrom definitely seems to be serving rather than directly harming our President. That said it can be tough as a MAGA supporter to just sit there and be bombarded by all the Anti-American rhetoric over our President's successes and not have doubts spring up. The real victories will come at the close of the IG report hearings, November election results and revolutionary changes for individual freedom in North Korea, Europe and Iran.

Hopefully, once the majority of America's youth realize Trump is not the enemy, he can refocus on domestic issues everyone can benefit from. And 2020 isn't that far off. A second term for DT will show the nation and world exactly where the majority of patriotic folks stand.

What if Mueller and President Trump both want the special council investigation to continue?

Neither can I. You should think about why that is. People aren’t hating him for no reason. After Bush I didn’t think any POTUS could top Bush’s idiocy and embarrassment to the nation.

Really? obummer grants 2000 Iranians (including govt. officials) US CITIZENSHIP, and you think trump is bad? You're a moron.
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Thank you Sahba for starting a thread with a very well presented piece of intelligent writing and opening up a thoughtful discussion. I agree that at least the world of online speaking feels like a lot of message boards even throughout social media, chat boards, reviews, and commentaries after news articles. What "progs" are I do not know , but, the truth is that the USA is full of bitter partisan conflict. Wise people know that no side is ever completely right and no one is perfect. It is ok to have your own little collection of beliefs, but it is not ok to lay all the blame for any world , national or personal woe on one individual nor a category of individuals. Discussion can often be productive, yet, sometimes it turns rancid.
Thank you Sahba for starting a thread with a very well presented piece of intelligent writing and opening up a thoughtful discussion. I agree that at least the world of online speaking feels like a lot of message boards even throughout social media, chat boards, reviews, and commentaries after news articles. What "progs" are I do not know , but, the truth is that the USA is full of bitter partisan conflict. Wise people know that no side is ever completely right and no one is perfect. It is ok to have your own little collection of beliefs, but it is not ok to lay all the blame for any world , national or personal woe on one individual nor a category of individuals. Discussion can often be productive, yet, sometimes it turns rancid.

Progressive in the opposite of regressive. One can not go backward in time. This is what conservatives stand for, they say freedom but only for the wealthy.
Couldn't quite stop laughing. But yeah, there it is:

President Trump accused his predecessor, former President Barack Obama, on Tuesday of awarding citizenship to Iranian officials during the Iran nuclear deal negotiations.

Just out that the Obama Administration granted citizenship, during the terrible Iran Deal negotiation, to 2,500 Iranians - including to government officials. How big (and bad) is that?
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 3, 2018​

The president’s allegation is based on the Iranian claims in a Fox News report. Hojjat al-Islam Mojtaba Zolnour, a member of Iran’s parliament, told a local paper that Mr. Obama granted citizenship to 2,500 Iranians during the Iran nuclear deal negotiations.

“This sounds like totally made-up B.S.,” said Marie Harf, a former State Department spokeswoman who now works for Fox News.

The current State Department said in a statement to Fox News: “We’re not going to comment on every statement by an Iranian official.”​

The Moonie Times said so, based on the Trumpy saying so, based on Faux News saying so, based on an Iranian official saying so. So it must be true. A Faux News employee calling it “totally made-up B.S.,” notwithstanding.

But hey, whatever lifts your skirt...

Is there any truth to the claim?

Fox News noted in its story that there's no evidence to support Zolnour's claim. Zolnour is a hard-liner, and was using the claim as a cudgel against his more moderate foes in Tehran. His point was that allies of the comparatively moderate Iranian president, Hassan Rouhani, were benefiting from a secret deal with the U.S. that runs counter to Iranian interests.

But former Obama staffers are saying that there is zero truth to Zolnour's claim. "The allegation is absurd and entirely false. It shouldn't be lost on anyone that this is a case of Donald Trump parroting Fox News, which is peddling the claims of an Iranian hardliner," Jeff Prescott, the former senior director on President Obama's National Security Council, told CBS News.​
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Raise taxes, abolish ICE, free college, free housing, guaranteed jobs for everyone.

Sounds like a winning ticket to me.

That is not what socialism is.
It's the Dem platform. Pregunta la puta de los Bronx.

Yes we give give and give more to the corps. Foxcomm does not need to follow EPA laws, can take millions of water daily out of Lake MI and does not need to pay taxes for years. That is socialism.

I say its payback time:
Though Reagan did not achieve all of his goals, he made good progress." The Tax Reform Act of 1986 and its impact on the alternative minimum tax (AMT) reduced nominal rates on the wealthy and eliminated tax deductions, while raising tax rates on lower-income individuals.
Reaganomics - Wikipedia

Not to mention he tripled the debt.
The Whole World Is Now a Message Board

We are bombarded at every turn by charged rhetoric and partisan driven narratives. Gone are the days of fact based reporting and bullet points of objective data. So where in the online age of instantaneous information gathering do people go when they are fed up with the artificial narratives & hackneyed rhetoric?

The whole world is now a Message Board that truth seekers, bloviators and japers alike gather at waging battles of of wit and harsh rhetoric in the age old pastime of persuasion. The question is, however, in a politically charged and partisan time are these message boards, like the communal fireside gatherings of old, really free and unfettered meetings of the mind where majority and reason prevail; or is the the thumb of the moderator held down unilaterally on the scale.

Conservatives have lost their shit. You rely on Fake Fox News which has been proven over and over to produce the least informed people there are and con-talk-radio brays the same lies 24/7 and you bleeting sheep believe it without question.

Conservatism = fake now.

Truth and fact to you weirdos are the enemy.

This is the thing I don’t understand about the right. Despite the facts and evidence they continue to deny it and rather believe what faux news,info wars and daily beast tell them. Any actual factual news they immediately dismiss it as fake news or leftist agenda.

Conservative talk radio and Fake Fox News were constructed and work every day to convince these people of an alternate unreality. Their motis operandi has been to discredit legitimate news sources and replace them with the propaganda outlets the right wing has constructed the last 20 years. And now orange turd is carrying their fake water by joining this batshit cry of 'fake news'.

Fox News, Breitbart, Drudge, and all the other like this are the fake news. Period. They sell the big lie daily. And it is effective on the ignorants that listen to them. It is not effective on the more intelligent people of the society. Propaganda cannot work on the whole population when the real press like CNN, CBS, NBC, and the various newspapers who do real journalism continue to put the truth out there.

Fox News viewers are always the least informed of any 'news' outlet by far.
Just replace the words "conservative" and Fox and "right wing" with "far left" MSNBC and "left wing" and you get the polar opposite extreme! LOL: ....................................Far left talk radio and Fake MSNBC News were constructed and work every day to convince these people of an alternate unreality. Their motis operandi has been to discredit legitimate news sources and replace them with the propaganda outlets the left wing has constructed the last 20 years!......:muahaha:
Your barely constrained anger precedes you well. More condescension from an assumed authority. But I think I understand from where your years of anger arise. It's common here. You equate misdirection for eloquence. Sentence structure for validity and opinion for evident truth. I am just not seeing your audience.

So... not even an attempt at defining the divisions you would like to see healed will be forthcoming. How old are you, Son? Still in the spoon-feeding age, and in need of someone to apportion slices small enough for you to chew over?

Abortion as infanticide, sovereignty & enforcement of national borders, radical Islamic terrorism, economic growth through America 1st unapologetic policy.... These are the tip of the iceberg, all ideological issues that the left hates Trump on. They have a different world view and unlike equivocating GOP president's of the past they have a firebrand of a president ideologically & tangibly (policy) bowling them over at every turn. I for one am extremely thankful for this rare presidential anomaly!

"Abortion as infanticide" is a rather silly, counter-factual meme to hook folks with a fetus fetish, deployed to denigrate women facing a difficult decision on their future life. Solves nothing, but it does serve to fan the flames of hysteria on the right.

"Sovereignty & enforcement of national borders" is an issue involving invading armies, and an army at a state's disposal to defend its territory. Deployed against refugees it's a meme to rile up nativists and racists who dislike sharing even the tiniest portion of a nation's wealth with those fleeing war or war-like conditions. For a nation of immigrants, proudly proclaiming to welcome the world's "huddled masses", that's particularly pathetic.

"Radical Islamic terrorism" is being dealt with as we speak. There is some hope that right-wing, Nazi terrorism also gets the attention this far bigger problem deserves. The stupid stereotype to crow "Islamic terrorism" in order to besmirch all Muslims needs to be rejected in no uncertain terms.

"Economic growth through America 1st unapologetic policy" is - in an interdependent, intertwined world facing major problems that can be resolved through cooperation, or not at all - a meme so silly, one has to be a know-nothing blowhard like Trump even to contemplate that for a second. "America 1st" has no (positive) relation to economic growth whatsoever (it might, through the currently instigated trade war, cause a recession, though), but it is evidence for folks falling for Trump's paranoid fantasy that the rest of the world is ganging up to raid the "piggy bank". That fantastic meme isn't just counter-factual and stupid, it's a veritable monument to stupidity.
U don't seem to realize that we fundamentally disagree with you! I and many Constitutional conservatives will NOT placate you, we will not compromise, we do not want your perversion of truth, morality and vision for this Nation to have ANY influence in this Nation going forward. This is important here so listen up. You are the small but vocal minority. U and your co-opted illegals are not representative of what this Nation is about or of us the vast majority of the electorate. I truly hope we 'reap the consequences of standing up resolutely and not mincing words' as your ilk keeps clamoring about)! The consequences you ask.... U shall see soon enough in 2020 and perhaps this Nov. as well May your adulteration of progressivism die on the vine of truth, liberty & constitutionality!
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The Whole World Is Now a Message Board

We are bombarded at every turn by charged rhetoric and partisan driven narratives. Gone are the days of fact based reporting and bullet points of objective data. So where in the online age of instantaneous information gathering do people go when they are fed up with the artificial narratives & hackneyed rhetoric?

The whole world is now a Message Board that truth seekers, bloviators and japers alike gather at waging battles of of wit and harsh rhetoric in the age old pastime of persuasion. The question is, however, in a politically charged and partisan time are these message boards, like the communal fireside gatherings of old, really free and unfettered meetings of the mind where majority and reason prevail; or is the the thumb of the moderator held down unilaterally on the scale.

Conservatives have lost their shit. You rely on Fake Fox News which has been proven over and over to produce the least informed people there are and con-talk-radio brays the same lies 24/7 and you bleeting sheep believe it without question.

Conservatism = fake now.

Truth and fact to you weirdos are the enemy.

This is the thing I don’t understand about the right. Despite the facts and evidence they continue to deny it and rather believe what faux news,info wars and daily beast tell them. Any actual factual news they immediately dismiss it as fake news or leftist agenda.

Conservative talk radio and Fake Fox News were constructed and work every day to convince these people of an alternate unreality. Their motis operandi has been to discredit legitimate news sources and replace them with the propaganda outlets the right wing has constructed the last 20 years. And now orange turd is carrying their fake water by joining this batshit cry of 'fake news'.

Fox News, Breitbart, Drudge, and all the other like this are the fake news. Period. They sell the big lie daily. And it is effective on the ignorants that listen to them. It is not effective on the more intelligent people of the society. Propaganda cannot work on the whole population when the real press like CNN, CBS, NBC, and the various newspapers who do real journalism continue to put the truth out there.

Fox News viewers are always the least informed of any 'news' outlet by far.
U forgot to say 'In your opinion' again, lol .... You and your base, me and mine are not the final arbiters of truth. Opinions hopefully are formulated on objective data, in part, but by and large the partisan issues can be condensed down to subjectivity. If you think that you walk around life as a standard bearer of objectivity, I certainly feel bad for you.
The Whole World Is Now a Message Board

We are bombarded at every turn by charged rhetoric and partisan driven narratives. Gone are the days of fact based reporting and bullet points of objective data. So where in the online age of instantaneous information gathering do people go when they are fed up with the artificial narratives & hackneyed rhetoric?

The whole world is now a Message Board that truth seekers, bloviators and japers alike gather at waging battles of of wit and harsh rhetoric in the age old pastime of persuasion. The question is, however, in a politically charged and partisan time are these message boards, like the communal fireside gatherings of old, really free and unfettered meetings of the mind where majority and reason prevail; or is the the thumb of the moderator held down unilaterally on the scale.

Conservatives have lost their shit. You rely on Fake Fox News which has been proven over and over to produce the least informed people there are and con-talk-radio brays the same lies 24/7 and you bleeting sheep believe it without question.

Conservatism = fake now.

Truth and fact to you weirdos are the enemy.

This is the thing I don’t understand about the right. Despite the facts and evidence they continue to deny it and rather believe what faux news,info wars and daily beast tell them. Any actual factual news they immediately dismiss it as fake news or leftist agenda.

Conservative talk radio and Fake Fox News were constructed and work every day to convince these people of an alternate unreality. Their motis operandi has been to discredit legitimate news sources and replace them with the propaganda outlets the right wing has constructed the last 20 years. And now orange turd is carrying their fake water by joining this batshit cry of 'fake news'.

Fox News, Breitbart, Drudge, and all the other like this are the fake news. Period. They sell the big lie daily. And it is effective on the ignorants that listen to them. It is not effective on the more intelligent people of the society. Propaganda cannot work on the whole population when the real press like CNN, CBS, NBC, and the various newspapers who do real journalism continue to put the truth out there.

Fox News viewers are always the least informed of any 'news' outlet by far.
U forgot to say 'In your opinion' again, lol .... You and your base, me and mine are not the final arbiters of truth. Opinions hopefully are formulated on objective data but by and large the partisan issues can be condensed down to subjectivity. If you think that you walk around life as a standard bearer of objectivity, I certainly feel bad for you.

I'm sure you feel bad. Try therapy.
The Whole World Is Now a Message Board

We are bombarded at every turn by charged rhetoric and partisan driven narratives. Gone are the days of fact based reporting and bullet points of objective data. So where in the online age of instantaneous information gathering do people go when they are fed up with the artificial narratives & hackneyed rhetoric?

The whole world is now a Message Board that truth seekers, bloviators and japers alike gather at waging battles of of wit and harsh rhetoric in the age old pastime of persuasion. The question is, however, in a politically charged and partisan time are these message boards, like the communal fireside gatherings of old, really free and unfettered meetings of the mind where majority and reason prevail; or is the the thumb of the moderator held down unilaterally on the scale.

Conservatives have lost their shit. You rely on Fake Fox News which has been proven over and over to produce the least informed people there are and con-talk-radio brays the same lies 24/7 and you bleeting sheep believe it without question.

Conservatism = fake now.

Truth and fact to you weirdos are the enemy.

This is the thing I don’t understand about the right. Despite the facts and evidence they continue to deny it and rather believe what faux news,info wars and daily beast tell them. Any actual factual news they immediately dismiss it as fake news or leftist agenda.

Conservative talk radio and Fake Fox News were constructed and work every day to convince these people of an alternate unreality. Their motis operandi has been to discredit legitimate news sources and replace them with the propaganda outlets the right wing has constructed the last 20 years. And now orange turd is carrying their fake water by joining this batshit cry of 'fake news'.

Fox News, Breitbart, Drudge, and all the other like this are the fake news. Period. They sell the big lie daily. And it is effective on the ignorants that listen to them. It is not effective on the more intelligent people of the society. Propaganda cannot work on the whole population when the real press like CNN, CBS, NBC, and the various newspapers who do real journalism continue to put the truth out there.

Fox News viewers are always the least informed of any 'news' outlet by far.
U forgot to say 'In your opinion' again, lol .... You and your base, me and mine are not the final arbiters of truth. Opinions hopefully are formulated on objective data but by and large the partisan issues can be condensed down to subjectivity. If you think that you walk around life as a standard bearer of objectivity, I certainly feel bad for you.

I'm sure you feel bad. Try therapy.
I'm good quite happy and optimistic, just feel bad for you is all. I would say do likewise with the therapy and all but you just seem to be a stick in the much kind of guy, so I won't say likewise. lol Newt
Conservatives have lost their shit. You rely on Fake Fox News which has been proven over and over to produce the least informed people there are and con-talk-radio brays the same lies 24/7 and you bleeting sheep believe it without question.

Conservatism = fake now.

Truth and fact to you weirdos are the enemy.

This is the thing I don’t understand about the right. Despite the facts and evidence they continue to deny it and rather believe what faux news,info wars and daily beast tell them. Any actual factual news they immediately dismiss it as fake news or leftist agenda.

Conservative talk radio and Fake Fox News were constructed and work every day to convince these people of an alternate unreality. Their motis operandi has been to discredit legitimate news sources and replace them with the propaganda outlets the right wing has constructed the last 20 years. And now orange turd is carrying their fake water by joining this batshit cry of 'fake news'.

Fox News, Breitbart, Drudge, and all the other like this are the fake news. Period. They sell the big lie daily. And it is effective on the ignorants that listen to them. It is not effective on the more intelligent people of the society. Propaganda cannot work on the whole population when the real press like CNN, CBS, NBC, and the various newspapers who do real journalism continue to put the truth out there.

Fox News viewers are always the least informed of any 'news' outlet by far.
U forgot to say 'In your opinion' again, lol .... You and your base, me and mine are not the final arbiters of truth. Opinions hopefully are formulated on objective data but by and large the partisan issues can be condensed down to subjectivity. If you think that you walk around life as a standard bearer of objectivity, I certainly feel bad for you.

I'm sure you feel bad. Try therapy.
I'm good quite happy and optimistic, just feel bad for you is all. I would say do likewise with the therapy and all but you just seem to be a stick in the much kind of guy, so I won't say likewise. lol Newt

Stick in the much?

If indeed the American public political forum broadcast and posted 24/7 by anchor, commentator, pundit, candidate, citizen and exotic shill, is moderated, delimited in scope and tone, then brandisher of said bias bleeds blue and leaks Bolshevik red, like a malodorous ink dripping across the national conversation in an overt attempt to redact free speech, free thought, politics of self, and preservation of all our Founders held self-evident and sacred.

The Left of blue is Red oozing classless promises and equality of outcome birth to death. That collectivist voice somehow shouts loudest once again in history and has sought and found a mouthpiece in the freest nation on Earth. While the would be explainers of the would be communist moderators condescendingly lie the mutual benefits of the controlled and their controllers, patriotic Americans must close their ears to the sounds of this treason and remember what patriotism meant to their fathers and father's fathers and the Founders.

We are one nation under God divisible only by internal sabotage and campaigns of lurid deception. A nation always ready to meet the Wolf at the door and domesticate him. A nation of men who trust their leaders, of leaders who trust their electors, and of faith in all fellow citizens to at least believe in the Founders' result and keep the flame of their original intent lit and burning in their hearts.

And we are a nation of personal responsibility. Loss of self and consequence. Loss of freedom and consequence. Loss of God. Observe. Consequence. Without doubt the glaring intent of any would be moderation or limitation of free, honest national conversation for gold or ideological extortion is a shot through the bow of what it means to be American. It is organized, subsidized, recommended, hit counting, ad revenue collecting and asks each and every one of us American citizens to do one of two things: get down on your knees in silent submission or speak lie over sound of truth.

like the communal fireside gatherings of old, really free and unfettered meetings of the mind where majority and reason prevail;
We call that our world problem solving drunken bonfires around here.
Differing opinions, alcohol, and everyone remains friends.

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