Politics on the brain, The Whole World is Now a Message Board Moderated Largely by Partisan Progs

To take the rubric of this thread and twist it a bit, let me go out on a limb and speculate a bit. 'The world as a message board moderated by' what? I am reticent to reveal the extent of some of my speculations and beliefs, (not derived from FNC) as they may be a little out there. I do believe that while the POTUS may hold title to 'the most powerful position' there are entities that pull many strings. Very few know the inner workings of the Bilderberg organization, the origin of the vast power Monsantos has over the very genetics of food the masses are consigned to consume & the insidious web of influence Soros has woven touching everything from currency manipulation to our right to bear arms at the state level & the message pervading every household by the MSM. Is it possible that all 3 of the above are interwoven surreptitiously at some level (sorry Newt for asking another ?) ? Is there a thumb placed unilaterally on the scale of our national trajectory, which had been balanced so wisely from our inception as a nation...
Lol bring it on, I know I deserve a little derision here as it's late and fantastical notions run through my head :)
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The Whole World Is Now a Message Board

We are bombarded at every turn by charged rhetoric and partisan driven narratives. Gone are the days of fact based reporting and bullet points of objective data. So where in the online age of instantaneous information gathering do people go when they are fed up with the artificial narratives & hackneyed rhetoric?

The whole world is now a Message Board that truth seekers, bloviators and japers alike gather at waging battles of of wit and harsh rhetoric in the age old pastime of persuasion. The question is, however, in a politically charged and partisan time are these message boards, like the communal fireside gatherings of old, really free and unfettered meetings of the mind where majority and reason prevail; or is the the thumb of the moderator held down unilaterally on the scale.

Conservatives have lost their shit. You rely on Fake Fox News which has been proven over and over to produce the least informed people there are and con-talk-radio brays the same lies 24/7 and you bleeting sheep believe it without question.

Conservatism = fake now.

Truth and fact to you weirdos are the enemy.

To take the rubric of this thread and twist it a bit, let me go out on a limb and speculate a bit. 'The world as a message board moderated by' what? I am reticent to reveal the extent of some of my speculations and beliefs, (not derived from FNC) as they may be a little out there. I do believe that while the POTUS may hold title to 'the most powerful position' there are entities that pull many strings. Very few know the inner workings of the Bilderberg organization, the origin of the vast power Monsantos has over the very genetics of food the masses are consigned to consume & the insidious web of influence Soros has woven touching everything from currency manipulation to our right to bear arms at the state level & the message pervading every household by the MSM. Is it possible that all 3 of the above are interwoven surreptitiously at some level (sorry Newt for asking another ?) ? Is there a thumb placed unilaterally on the scale of our national trajectory, which had balanced so wisely from our inception as a nation...
Lol bring it on, I know I deserve a little derision here as it's late and fantastical notions run through my head :)

I think that the truth of the world we citizens of nations are not in a position or power level to see clearly is likely stranger than anyone can accurately speculate. A universal lifeboat if you will for me for the last twenty-seven years has been the US Army. While corruption in form of nepotism, aristocratic prejudice of the officer cadre, and political aspiration soils military life at every level, and attachment at the hip to civilian research and development and intelligence agencies can weigh it down and further politicize what it means to be a modern American soldier, there's indelible truth in relying on the man or women in front of and behind you to execute a perfectly timed a change step march.

This is why as long as our sitting President is surrounded by loyal high echelon command staff--and corps and division commanders in turn--no outside or 'upside' domestic or foreign privateers or government agencies or eternal aristocrat families can truly redefine with what we recognize as the core of American heritage, values, religion and history. Sure, some of these anti-American forces will pick at us internally and from without and gain serious influence on our fellow citizens and many of our young minds.

Nevertheless we American people will go one place individually and together, and I think that place is back to the beginning; to the writings of the Founders, to belief in the God they founded our nation under, and find ways to translate the core of who and what America was in the beginning to the current world.

Somewhere some illuminati cabal could be pulling strings but even if they do exist like some imagine and are meddling on a global scale in the whole Show, I for one will keep the faith in the ways of my father, my nation, senior officers and President to show us a way back into the light.
The Whole World Is Now a Message Board

We are bombarded at every turn by charged rhetoric and partisan driven narratives. Gone are the days of fact based reporting and bullet points of objective data. So where in the online age of instantaneous information gathering do people go when they are fed up with the artificial narratives & hackneyed rhetoric?

The whole world is now a Message Board that truth seekers, bloviators and japers alike gather at waging battles of of wit and harsh rhetoric in the age old pastime of persuasion. The question is, however, in a politically charged and partisan time are these message boards, like the communal fireside gatherings of old, really free and unfettered meetings of the mind where majority and reason prevail; or is the the thumb of the moderator held down unilaterally on the scale.


And there is a literal army of dissatisfied, disenchanted, mostly male young adults ripe for radicalization. The internet is host to what the writer and programmer David Auerbach calls “the first wide-scale collective gathering of those who are alienated, voiceless, and just plain unsocialized” — seeking freedom from the disappointments of the physical world in places where social interaction is decoupled from material and emotional signals they don’t understand or have access to. “There’s people that are, like, behind the counter at a Pizza Hut or whatever, and their intellect and their skills are not being used in the real world in a way that’s appealing to them,” the web-comic artist and longtime 4chan observer Dale Beran tells me. “The only interesting stuff that’s going on is the internet and video games.”​

For what you know best are "the communal fireside gatherings of old". These would be like the "really free and unfettered meetings of the mind" you could have now, were it not for the moderators who thwart those meetings on an equal footing, where reason prevails.

Hence we get to observe the whining over the "thumb of the moderator", who, as in real life, holds those armies of "dissatisfied, disenchanted, mostly male young adults" down. Unsurprisingly, meetings of the mind has nothing to do with what's going on, right?

Now, though, you can reproduce your ideas essentially infinitely, for prices so low as to be effectively free, and suffer no ill social effect. In fact, online, toxic ideas are more likely to get attention and social capital (plus, thanks to programmatic ad networks, real capital) that goes along with attention.​

That's where posters' and moderators' interests align, in the attention economy of chat boards like this, where attention generates "social capital" and clicks, that is, real capital, in one fell swoop. Trying to let that leaky boat sail under the flag of "meeting of minds and seeking the truth" was nice, though. In your next attempt, try to appear somewhat less needy, and you might even get away with it.
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The Whole World Is Now a Message Board

We are bombarded at every turn by charged rhetoric and partisan driven narratives. Gone are the days of fact based reporting and bullet points of objective data. So where in the online age of instantaneous information gathering do people go when they are fed up with the artificial narratives & hackneyed rhetoric?

The whole world is now a Message Board that truth seekers, bloviators and japers alike gather at waging battles of of wit and harsh rhetoric in the age old pastime of persuasion. The question is, however, in a politically charged and partisan time are these message boards, like the communal fireside gatherings of old, really free and unfettered meetings of the mind where majority and reason prevail; or is the the thumb of the moderator held down unilaterally on the scale.

It's almost comically horrifying how an internet message board like 4Chan can mouse over high percentages of American minds and cause pop-up box ideas to change their beliefs. How can any fact or truth counter or defend agaisnt that? What once took generations of brainwashing to cultivate in a populace during the Middle Ages can now be done in days, weeks, at the speed of broadband.

Rational thinkers as one may deny the occurrence of a second Civil War in pointing out the lack of formation on formation combat in our streets. When what's been going on unseen, behind the curtain of OZ is indeed a war of attrition for the minds of billions. In this new system one person or a small group can wield the power to change the attitudes of millions almost instantly. Denial of this neo-generational mass manipulation of self defining politics is akin to Japan denying the atom bomb dropped on Hiroshima.

If a second internal American war goes shooting hot, it's very likely the battle for hearts and minds will have already be over and the physical kinetic combat will have become an academic matter.
It makes me think that the shriller the crescendo of "twitterer and Chief" gets the more efficacious the counter is to that of the MSM narrative. Likewise the derision of a bumbling inept President bespeaks the true fear by the left that they are being outwitted by the chief executive of the land, lol :) A lot to contemplate in you post, as a genXer I often feel behind the curve in the information age... lol

No worries I am from the late 70s and totally overwhelmed by the sea of technology. Having nieces and nephews to help decode it all is an advantage. Our President is like a master drunken boxer. The more a fool he acts, the closer the MSM want to get to him, the easier for him to pincer formation their lies. His tweeting directly to the American people is in my opinion an unprecedented demonstration of respect for the average citizen. Means he cares about us. My confidence lies partly in a key majority of military loyalty including the full weight of the DIA and highly specialized intelligence and counterintelligence units.

Still, the cyber war for ideology and political identity is far from over in my opinion. Seems the more people try to tell the truth, the more dangerous the MSM and radical Left become. They're a new age Hydra. Hopefully our President and his supporters are new age Hercules.
In remembering back to the FISC abuses when they came out, I remember coming to the realization that Trump knew what would be revealed neigh on a year before we all did. I believe that he is doing this again with the Mueller investigation. He would loose little political capital if he canned Rosenstein, Mueller & the whole sordid lot of them. Might he not be strategically utilizing this circus, feeding the MSM frenzy and charging up his base, all at the same time!

I have always believed Mueller is President Trump's man through and through, not Rosenstein's. Mueller was a Marine Corps captain during the Vietnam war and is I believe a loyal warrior first, political minion second. He is also the second longest serving FBI director behind JE Hoover meaning the amount of classified dirt he's sitting on must be higher than Everest. Rosenstein may have appointed Mueller, but just imagine if Mueller serves a second master other than the deputy attorney general, and is also a man of the American people.

I think our President is adroitly making use of MSM loud mouths such as MSNBC, CNN and HuffPost. I cannot remember a President hated like our current one. I have windows 10. My start page displays MSN news and every day it's so full of nitpicking Donald Trump for the slightest perceived offenses. It's almost become bad as watching the Keystone Cops or Benny Hill and calling it serious reality. Like who really believes this stuff?

So yeah the media maelstrom definitely seems to be serving rather than directly harming our President. That said it can be tough as a MAGA supporter to just sit there and be bombarded by all the Anti-American rhetoric over our President's successes and not have doubts spring up. The real victories will come at the close of the IG report hearings, November election results and revolutionary changes for individual freedom in North Korea, Europe and Iran.

Hopefully, once the majority of America's youth realize Trump is not the enemy, he can refocus on domestic issues everyone can benefit from. And 2020 isn't that far off. A second term for DT will show the nation and world exactly where the majority of patriotic folks stand.

What if Mueller and President Trump both want the special council investigation to continue?

Neither can I. You should think about why that is. People aren’t hating him for no reason.
The Whole World Is Now a Message Board

We are bombarded at every turn by charged rhetoric and partisan driven narratives. Gone are the days of fact based reporting and bullet points of objective data. So where in the online age of instantaneous information gathering do people go when they are fed up with the artificial narratives & hackneyed rhetoric?

The whole world is now a Message Board that truth seekers, bloviators and japers alike gather at waging battles of of wit and harsh rhetoric in the age old pastime of persuasion. The question is, however, in a politically charged and partisan time are these message boards, like the communal fireside gatherings of old, really free and unfettered meetings of the mind where majority and reason prevail; or is the the thumb of the moderator held down unilaterally on the scale.

Conservatives have lost their shit. You rely on Fake Fox News which has been proven over and over to produce the least informed people there are and con-talk-radio brays the same lies 24/7 and you bleeting sheep believe it without question.

Conservatism = fake now.

Truth and fact to you weirdos are the enemy.

This is the thing I don’t understand about the right. Despite the facts and evidence they continue to deny it and rather believe what faux news,info wars and daily beast tell them. Any actual factual news they immediately dismiss it as fake news or leftist agenda.
It's almost comically horrifying how an internet message board like 4Chan can mouse over high percentages of American minds and cause pop-up box ideas to change their beliefs. How can any fact or truth counter or defend agaisnt that? What once took generations of brainwashing to cultivate in a populace during the Middle Ages can now be done in days, weeks, at the speed of broadband.

Rational thinkers as one may deny the occurrence of a second Civil War in pointing out the lack of formation on formation combat in our streets. When what's been going on unseen, behind the curtain of OZ is indeed a war of attrition for the minds of billions. In this new system one person or a small group can wield the power to change the attitudes of millions almost instantly. Denial of this neo-generational mass manipulation of self defining politics is akin to Japan denying the atom bomb dropped on Hiroshima.

If a second internal American war goes shooting hot, it's very likely the battle for hearts and minds will have already be over and the physical kinetic combat will have become an academic matter.
It makes me think that the shriller the crescendo of "twitterer and Chief" gets the more efficacious the counter is to that of the MSM narrative. Likewise the derision of a bumbling inept President bespeaks the true fear by the left that they are being outwitted by the chief executive of the land, lol :) A lot to contemplate in you post, as a genXer I often feel behind the curve in the information age... lol

No worries I am from the late 70s and totally overwhelmed by the sea of technology. Having nieces and nephews to help decode it all is an advantage. Our President is like a master drunken boxer. The more a fool he acts, the closer the MSM want to get to him, the easier for him to pincer formation their lies. His tweeting directly to the American people is in my opinion an unprecedented demonstration of respect for the average citizen. Means he cares about us. My confidence lies partly in a key majority of military loyalty including the full weight of the DIA and highly specialized intelligence and counterintelligence units.

Still, the cyber war for ideology and political identity is far from over in my opinion. Seems the more people try to tell the truth, the more dangerous the MSM and radical Left become. They're a new age Hydra. Hopefully our President and his supporters are new age Hercules.
In remembering back to the FISC abuses when they came out, I remember coming to the realization that Trump knew what would be revealed neigh on a year before we all did. I believe that he is doing this again with the Mueller investigation. He would loose little political capital if he canned Rosenstein, Mueller & the whole sordid lot of them. Might he not be strategically utilizing this circus, feeding the MSM frenzy and charging up his base, all at the same time!

I have always believed Mueller is President Trump's man through and through, not Rosenstein's. Mueller was a Marine Corps captain during the Vietnam war and is I believe a loyal warrior first, political minion second. He is also the second longest serving FBI director behind JE Hoover meaning the amount of classified dirt he's sitting on must be higher than Everest. Rosenstein may have appointed Mueller, but just imagine if Mueller serves a second master other than the deputy attorney general, and is also a man of the American people.

I think our President is adroitly making use of MSM loud mouths such as MSNBC, CNN and HuffPost. I cannot remember a President hated like our current one. I have windows 10. My start page displays MSN news and every day it's so full of nitpicking Donald Trump for the slightest perceived offenses. It's almost become bad as watching the Keystone Cops or Benny Hill and calling it serious reality. Like who really believes this stuff?

So yeah the media maelstrom definitely seems to be serving rather than directly harming our President. That said it can be tough as a MAGA supporter to just sit there and be bombarded by all the Anti-American rhetoric over our President's successes and not have doubts spring up. The real victories will come at the close of the IG report hearings, November election results and revolutionary changes for individual freedom in North Korea, Europe and Iran.

Hopefully, once the majority of America's youth realize Trump is not the enemy, he can refocus on domestic issues everyone can benefit from. And 2020 isn't that far off. A second term for DT will show the nation and world exactly where the majority of patriotic folks stand.

What if Mueller and President Trump both want the special council investigation to continue?

Neither can I. You should think about why that is. People aren’t hating him for no reason. After Bush I didn’t think any POTUS could top Bush’s idiocy and embarrassment to the nation.
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The Whole World Is Now a Message Board

We are bombarded at every turn by charged rhetoric and partisan driven narratives. Gone are the days of fact based reporting and bullet points of objective data. So where in the online age of instantaneous information gathering do people go when they are fed up with the artificial narratives & hackneyed rhetoric?

The whole world is now a Message Board that truth seekers, bloviators and japers alike gather at waging battles of of wit and harsh rhetoric in the age old pastime of persuasion. The question is, however, in a politically charged and partisan time are these message boards, like the communal fireside gatherings of old, really free and unfettered meetings of the mind where majority and reason prevail; or is the the thumb of the moderator held down unilaterally on the scale.

Conservatives have lost their shit. You rely on Fake Fox News which has been proven over and over to produce the least informed people there are and con-talk-radio brays the same lies 24/7 and you bleeting sheep believe it without question.

Conservatism = fake now.

Truth and fact to you weirdos are the enemy.

This is the thing I don’t understand about the right. Despite the facts and evidence they continue to deny it and rather believe what faux news,info wars and daily beast tell them. Any actual factual news they immediately dismiss it as fake news or leftist agenda.

Ironically enough the Right sees the Left in the exact same light. So America is divided; a cat chasing its tail 24/7 online and off, on CNN and Fox. Indeed I so support our President, but for just a moment or two can you contemplate what would be best for America without calling for removal of its commander in chief? What goals would unite all Americans, and following such a unity, what measures and policies and steps should be taken to fix things?

Or is an America united contradiction of our multi-party system and an ultimate road to stagnation totalitarianism. I ask this because the Left--at least the radical extreme of it--is calling for lots of impeachment and dismantling of government officials and federal organizations. The radical Left, from my point of view, is bent on calling for defiance of law and order, not promoting it.

The radical Left is behaving in a very clearly anti-American way, no denying it, where its strategy is to target opposition political figures, not work together with them to solve import modern issues. That's how this Right leaning American sees things.

Our President and party on the other hand are promoting solutions to decades old national and global problems. Our side of aisle is acting constructively for America, where the Left is not. An important part of being an American is respecting the office if not the man. Your side can hate our POTUS all it wants, but officially it must work with him or our Nation and people will get nowhere faster than we are right now.

Now you know how at least one President Trump supporter sees it.
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This is the thing I don’t understand about the right. Despite the facts and evidence they continue to deny it and rather believe what faux news,info wars and daily beast tell them. Any actual factual news they immediately dismiss it as fake news or leftist agenda.

That's not all that hard to understand. Proceed from the fact that the facts have a well-known left-wing bias. Right-wingers figured this out because facts stubbornly refused to bend to their ideological preferences. Trump is a ridiculous know-nothing, a buffoon and a crook, trickle-down never trickled down, minorities don't get all the breaks, women may not be grabbed by their pussy without consent, and the globe is warming, the righties' strenuous objections notwithstanding. There's the left-wing bias in all glaring detail.

Once that's understood, the facts have to be decried as "fake", and accurate reporting on facts, following by and large long-established journalistic standards - while fallible still the best we got as the first draft of history - has to be decried as "fake news".

You still with me? The last step, and considering the intransigence of "fake news", the good right-wingers then turn away from reporting altogether, and turn to their ilk instead. That's commonly known as avoiding cognitive dissonance. And there they are, Breitbart and InfoWars at their disposal, along with twitchy.com and ConservativeTreeHouse (etc.), triumphantly victorious over the earth-spanning conspiracies that marshal facts against everything that is "right".

In case you think I am kidding, don't.
This is the thing I don’t understand about the right. Despite the facts and evidence they continue to deny it and rather believe what faux news,info wars and daily beast tell them. Any actual factual news they immediately dismiss it as fake news or leftist agenda.

That's not all that hard to understand. Proceed from the fact that the facts have a well-known left-wing bias. Right-wingers figured this out because facts stubbornly refused to bend to their ideological preferences. Trump is a ridiculous know-nothing, a buffoon and a crook, trickle-down never trickled down, minorities don't get all the breaks, women may not be grabbed by their pussy without consent, and the globe is warming, the righties' strenuous objections notwithstanding. There's the left-wing bias in all glaring detail.

Once that's understood, the facts have to be decried as "fake", and accurate reporting on facts, following by and large long-established journalistic standards - while fallible still the best we got as the first draft of history - has to be decried as "fake news".

You still with me? The last step, and considering the intransigence of "fake news", the good right-wingers then turn away from reporting altogether, and turn to their ilk instead. That's commonly known as avoiding cognitive dissonance. And there they are, Breitbart and InfoWars at their disposal, along with twitchy.com and ConservativeTreeHouse (etc.), triumphantly victorious over the earth-spanning conspiracies that marshal facts against everything that is "right".

In case you think I am kidding, don't.

You've made a point for the Right both reining in the Left and not trusting it.

Your entire post is Donald Trump bashing. That's its sum. Nothing else. Your entire ideology is hate Trump.

When your side, whatever it may be, calls for, "Anything but Trump" trust me we when I tell you we worry very much just what you'll invite through the gate.
If a second internal American war goes shooting hot, it's very likely the battle for hearts and minds will have already be over and the physical kinetic combat will have become an academic matter.

Sun Tzu says wars are won in the tempers before they're even fought.
The time is now. Defeating the Marxist left requires truth and the empirical as weapons.
When your side, whatever it may be, calls for, "Anything but Trump" trust me we when I tell you we worry very much just what you'll invite through the gate.

I actually forgot to mention above, it often pays to watch out on the right for the "foreign substances introduced into their (and the nation's) precious bodily fluids" angle. The panic over that leads to a generalized fear from, and lashing out against, all that's being let in, or "invite[d] through the gate".
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When your side, whatever it may be, calls for, "Anything but Trump" trust me we when I tell you we worry very much just what you'll invite through the gate.

I actually forgot to mention above, it often pays to watch out on the right for the "pollution of their (and the nation's) precious bodily fluids" angle. The panic over that leads to a generalized fear from, and lashing out against, all that's being let in, or "invite[d] through the gate".

The sophist condescension angle? Perhaps we can't all demonstrate such pretense.
The Whole World Is Now a Message Board

We are bombarded at every turn by charged rhetoric and partisan driven narratives. Gone are the days of fact based reporting and bullet points of objective data. So where in the online age of instantaneous information gathering do people go when they are fed up with the artificial narratives & hackneyed rhetoric?

The whole world is now a Message Board that truth seekers, bloviators and japers alike gather at waging battles of of wit and harsh rhetoric in the age old pastime of persuasion. The question is, however, in a politically charged and partisan time are these message boards, like the communal fireside gatherings of old, really free and unfettered meetings of the mind where majority and reason prevail; or is the the thumb of the moderator held down unilaterally on the scale.
Well said. Do you have any solutions or optimism for change? If so, what are they and how do they become realized?
Truth be told I created this thread still hot under the collar from an active and insightfully stimulating ANTIFA thread being summarily closed down by one of our esteemed young progressive moderators; a sassy lass like myself no less. I was and sill am expecting to be likewise shut down if the tenor of this thread continues as it has. All that to say, for too long the conservative base has remained silent. When they do interject it is with placating 'polititalk' rhetoric. DJT has opened my eyes to the possibilities and potential for changing this course. I am inspired by his brazen rebuttals in the instantaneous information age; taking on the hegemony of the entire MSM with a flick of his thumbs. Night_Son perhaps conveyed it best.
If a second internal American war goes shooting hot, it's very likely the battle for hearts and minds will have already be over and the physical kinetic combat will have become an academic matter.
If the left can trot a Maxine Waters & Michael Moore out with a silly antiquated message to "put you bodies on the line" Why should we not also become proactive; not with physicality but with the vocalization of truth & message! In a sense my challenging the moderators on USMB is but a microcosm of what I believe should be done across this nation by all those who believe in conservative values, and preservation of this Nation as an example of freedom under the law and freedom from the tyranny of legislative overreach from the law.

I left the Republican party, DJT was a has been all washed up when he flew in to Wash on fumes. He is a charlatan and you can worship him if you want, but I have 0 respect for him or the drastic tactics of the GOP, that started with the tea party, and Bush Jr. although I voted for his dad. DJT is not a patriot and never was pro American, he and his DTR were and are all about the almighty dollar and where they can get stuff made the cheapest. Actually his whole family save the youngest son who must be spoiled highly, like DJT.

He is a low life scum.
This is the thing I don’t understand about the right. Despite the facts and evidence they continue to deny it and rather believe what faux news,info wars and daily beast tell them. Any actual factual news they immediately dismiss it as fake news or leftist agenda.

I wish we could fisk the specific sources of the "actual factual news" that you are referring to & narrow down the purview i.e. efficacy of gun control, illegals and criminality in the US etc. I submit that "despite the facts and evidence they continue to deny it" is perhaps a prime example of U in your partisanship casting a wide net of politically charged NARRATIVE that is subjective and not at all objective.
Ironically enough the Right sees the Left in the exact same light. So America is divided; a cat chasing its tail 24/7 online and off, on CNN and Fox. Indeed I so support our President, but for just a moment or two can you contemplate what would be best for America without calling for removal of its commander in chief? What goals would unite all Americans, and following such a unity, what measures and policies and steps should be taken to fix things?

I really do get a kick out of your advocacy, Son.

You start out with equaling CNN (a legit, if rather poor, news source) with Fox (an entertainment channel mostly for elderly, white rightards with no clue but a surplus of bile for all not like them), then go on to confess you find America divided, but seemingly have no idea how to fix things, and not even the chops to explain what these darned divisions even are. But we should explain to you how to fix the divisions you can't and won't define, but on your terms - respecting the limitation that we not call for removing the "commander in chief". Because calling for the removal of one of the main obstacles to progress, and one who uses his bully pulpit regularly to increase and deepen the societal divisions, is somehow off limits when looking for remedies for divisions.

I find you should throw the expression "submissive authoritarians" in your preferred search engine and see what you find. Once you did that, and once you can at least define the divisions you'd like to be healed, I might be inclined to help you see a few fixes.
Ironically enough the Right sees the Left in the exact same light. So America is divided; a cat chasing its tail 24/7 online and off, on CNN and Fox. Indeed I so support our President, but for just a moment or two can you contemplate what would be best for America without calling for removal of its commander in chief? What goals would unite all Americans, and following such a unity, what measures and policies and steps should be taken to fix things?

I really do get a kick out of your advocacy, Son.

You start out with equaling CNN (a legit, if rather poor, news source) with Fox (an entertainment channel mostly for elderly, white rightards with no clue but a surplus of bile for all not like them), then go on to confess you find America divided, but seemingly have no idea how to fix things, and not even the chops to explain what these darned divisions even are. But we should explain to you how to fix the divisions you can't and won't define, but on your terms - respecting the limitation that we not call for removing the "commander in chief". Because calling for the removal of one of the main obstacles to progress, and one who uses his bully pulpit regularly to increase and deepen the societal divisions, is somehow off limits when looking for remedies for divisions.

I find you should throw the expression "submissive authoritarians" in your preferred search engine and see what you find. Once you did that, and once you can at least define the divisions you'd like to be healed, I might be inclined to help you see a few fixes.

Your barely constrained anger precedes you well. More condescension from an assumed authority. But I think I understand from where your years of anger arise. It's common here. You equate misdirection for eloquence. Sentence structure for validity and opinion for evident truth. I am just not seeing your audience.
It's almost comically horrifying how an internet message board like 4Chan can mouse over high percentages of American minds and cause pop-up box ideas to change their beliefs. How can any fact or truth counter or defend agaisnt that? What once took generations of brainwashing to cultivate in a populace during the Middle Ages can now be done in days, weeks, at the speed of broadband.

Rational thinkers as one may deny the occurrence of a second Civil War in pointing out the lack of formation on formation combat in our streets. When what's been going on unseen, behind the curtain of OZ is indeed a war of attrition for the minds of billions. In this new system one person or a small group can wield the power to change the attitudes of millions almost instantly. Denial of this neo-generational mass manipulation of self defining politics is akin to Japan denying the atom bomb dropped on Hiroshima.

If a second internal American war goes shooting hot, it's very likely the battle for hearts and minds will have already be over and the physical kinetic combat will have become an academic matter.
It makes me think that the shriller the crescendo of "twitterer and Chief" gets the more efficacious the counter is to that of the MSM narrative. Likewise the derision of a bumbling inept President bespeaks the true fear by the left that they are being outwitted by the chief executive of the land, lol :) A lot to contemplate in you post, as a genXer I often feel behind the curve in the information age... lol

No worries I am from the late 70s and totally overwhelmed by the sea of technology. Having nieces and nephews to help decode it all is an advantage. Our President is like a master drunken boxer. The more a fool he acts, the closer the MSM want to get to him, the easier for him to pincer formation their lies. His tweeting directly to the American people is in my opinion an unprecedented demonstration of respect for the average citizen. Means he cares about us. My confidence lies partly in a key majority of military loyalty including the full weight of the DIA and highly specialized intelligence and counterintelligence units.

Still, the cyber war for ideology and political identity is far from over in my opinion. Seems the more people try to tell the truth, the more dangerous the MSM and radical Left become. They're a new age Hydra. Hopefully our President and his supporters are new age Hercules.
In remembering back to the FISC abuses when they came out, I remember coming to the realization that Trump knew what would be revealed neigh on a year before we all did. I believe that he is doing this again with the Mueller investigation. He would loose little political capital if he canned Rosenstein, Mueller & the whole sordid lot of them. Might he not be strategically utilizing this circus, feeding the MSM frenzy and charging up his base, all at the same time!

I have always believed Mueller is President Trump's man through and through, not Rosenstein's. Mueller was a Marine Corps captain during the Vietnam war and is I believe a loyal warrior first, political minion second. He is also the second longest serving FBI director behind JE Hoover meaning the amount of classified dirt he's sitting on must be higher than Everest. Rosenstein may have appointed Mueller, but just imagine if Mueller serves a second master other than the deputy attorney general, and is also a man of the American people.

I think our President is adroitly making use of MSM loud mouths such as MSNBC, CNN and HuffPost. I cannot remember a President hated like our current one. I have windows 10. My start page displays MSN news and every day it's so full of nitpicking Donald Trump for the slightest perceived offenses. It's almost become bad as watching the Keystone Cops or Benny Hill and calling it serious reality. Like who really believes this stuff?

So yeah the media maelstrom definitely seems to be serving rather than directly harming our President. That said it can be tough as a MAGA supporter to just sit there and be bombarded by all the Anti-American rhetoric over our President's successes and not have doubts spring up. The real victories will come at the close of the IG report hearings, November election results and revolutionary changes for individual freedom in North Korea, Europe and Iran.

Hopefully, once the majority of America's youth realize Trump is not the enemy, he can refocus on domestic issues everyone can benefit from. And 2020 isn't that far off. A second term for DT will show the nation and world exactly where the majority of patriotic folks stand.

What if Mueller and President Trump both want the special council investigation to continue?

Neither can I. You should think about why that is. People aren’t hating him for no reason.
Abortion as infanticide, sovereignty & enforcement of national borders, radical Islamic terrorism, economic growth through America 1st unapologetic policy.... These are the tip of the iceberg, all ideological issues that the left hates Trump on. They have a different world view and unlike equivocating GOP president's of the past they have a firebrand of a president ideologically & tangibly (policy) bowling them over at every turn. I for one am extremely thankful for this rare presidential anomaly!
The Whole World Is Now a Message Board

We are bombarded at every turn by charged rhetoric and partisan driven narratives. Gone are the days of fact based reporting and bullet points of objective data. So where in the online age of instantaneous information gathering do people go when they are fed up with the artificial narratives & hackneyed rhetoric?

The whole world is now a Message Board that truth seekers, bloviators and japers alike gather at waging battles of of wit and harsh rhetoric in the age old pastime of persuasion. The question is, however, in a politically charged and partisan time are these message boards, like the communal fireside gatherings of old, really free and unfettered meetings of the mind where majority and reason prevail; or is the the thumb of the moderator held down unilaterally on the scale.
Well said. Do you have any solutions or optimism for change? If so, what are they and how do they become realized?
Truth be told I created this thread still hot under the collar from an active and insightfully stimulating ANTIFA thread being summarily closed down by one of our esteemed young progressive moderators; a sassy lass like myself no less. I was and sill am expecting to be likewise shut down if the tenor of this thread continues as it has. All that to say, for too long the conservative base has remained silent. When they do interject it is with placating 'polititalk' rhetoric. DJT has opened my eyes to the possibilities and potential for changing this course. I am inspired by his brazen rebuttals in the instantaneous information age; taking on the hegemony of the entire MSM with a flick of his thumbs. Night_Son perhaps conveyed it best.
If a second internal American war goes shooting hot, it's very likely the battle for hearts and minds will have already be over and the physical kinetic combat will have become an academic matter.
If the left can trot a Maxine Waters & Michael Moore out with a silly antiquated message to "put you bodies on the line" Why should we not also become proactive; not with physicality but with the vocalization of truth & message! In a sense my challenging the moderators on USMB is but a microcosm of what I believe should be done across this nation by all those who believe in conservative values, and preservation of this Nation as an example of freedom under the law and freedom from the tyranny of legislative overreach from the law.
I completely agree with your OP but not so much with your take on DJT. He may be a brash wrecking ball to the establishment but he is pouring just as much crap into the swamp as he is taking out. One thing I do see happening, if I’m being optimistic, is DJT exposing the ugliness of both the Left and Right, taking the tribalism to a fever pitch, and then a response by the American voters taking us back to civility. The example of how to lead our country and the world can’t be to talk shit on twitter and spread lie after lie. There has to be consequences for acting that way, but it has unfortunately been rewarded thus far. He has exposed a lot of the Partisan ugliness on both sides, Waters, Pelosi, McConnel being prime examples. That shit needs to have consequences as well. Hoping the next few election cycles cleans out a lot of this crap. Trump included.
Ironically enough the Right sees the Left in the exact same light. So America is divided; a cat chasing its tail 24/7 online and off, on CNN and Fox. Indeed I so support our President, but for just a moment or two can you contemplate what would be best for America without calling for removal of its commander in chief? What goals would unite all Americans, and following such a unity, what measures and policies and steps should be taken to fix things?

I really do get a kick out of your advocacy, Son.

You start out with equaling CNN (a legit, if rather poor, news source) with Fox (an entertainment channel mostly for elderly, white rightards with no clue but a surplus of bile for all not like them), then go on to confess you find America divided, but seemingly have no idea how to fix things, and not even the chops to explain what these darned divisions even are. But we should explain to you how to fix the divisions you can't and won't define, but on your terms - respecting the limitation that we not call for removing the "commander in chief". Because calling for the removal of one of the main obstacles to progress, and one who uses his bully pulpit regularly to increase and deepen the societal divisions, is somehow off limits when looking for remedies for divisions.

I find you should throw the expression "submissive authoritarians" in your preferred search engine and see what you find. Once you did that, and once you can at least define the divisions you'd like to be healed, I might be inclined to help you see a few fixes.

Point taken, loud and clear with little ambiguity, tks. This brings up an excellent point can we, should we be seeking the euphemistic rhetoric of; 'unite the people behind', 'draw the nation together' remedies for division that is replete in your post?
Ideologically on the issues, I say NO! I would love to get into your query of "explain what these darned divisions even are" but will save that for subsequent posts.
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