Politics overwhelming the system - bad times ahead for all


Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2013
MS-13 victim was stabbed 100 times, decapitated, had heart ripped out, police say

Crimes like this often stemming from a large influx of foreigners and now, home grown bad apples taking advantage of a shaky political climate, immense disparity between political ideologies which manage the justice system and just discord among citizens are becoming common daily news.

All leading to an enormous burden on the Justice system and penal system which will in turn do the only thing our Constitution will allow......overlook an ever increasing level of crime and severity of crime.

While there certainly are bad cops, we've seen a trend towards the handcuffing of Police officers especially in Democrat strongholds. More and more cops are taking a standback and survive position and understandably so. The alternative is do your job and either die or get investigated for defending yourself against all these criminals and possibly face jail time yourself.

I say politics because our legislators and even our President's hands are tied to a large extend by soft judges who make criminal activity a game, put politics ahead of the lives of Americans and career hustling prosecutors whose only desire, ambition and motivation is to go after "sure wins" and high profile cases in order to move up the ladder.

If criminals at the borders can kill our border patrol agents while our agents face the fear of Sanctuary City Loving judges and prosecutors....where does that leave the average citizen? In trouble.
Foreigners look at America and see an exceptionally "soft target" that is ripe for exploitation.
Our system was more designed for a nation of law abiding people with morals....but today we have the opposite and our system is buckling under the load.

I see violent times ahead as more and more criminals committing more serious crimes are given relatively luxurious times in "prison" where many of the planets inhabitants have never had it so good, and out of necessity, more and more dangerous criminals are release early or given probation simply because the system is overwhelmed.

What is needed is for those in positions of legislation and enforcement and the delivery of Justice to do their jobs of protecting AMERICA FIRST and put the damn politics aside.. Secure the borders, enforce the Constitution and get tough on crime.

Could be wrong and sure hope so......but realistically......what other direction can this go?

Ultimately, either the nation will get tough on self preservation and do whatever it takes to stem the onslaught.....or it will devolve into a lawless conglomeration of badlands and dangerous lawlessness.
Think Chicago......coast to coast....but even more violent.
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ms-13 needs to be hunted down and killed. Fucking bastards.


No, they need to be driven to sanctuary cities and if they break the law spend a few days in the jails that have revolving doors.

Wash, rinse, repeat.
This young moron looks proud of his handiwork......

Stabbed his victim over 100 times then carved his heart out of his body.......

THIS is what's being allowed to cross our borders and infest our nation. Like roaches, for every one caught, there are 1000 more waiting in the holes and sewers. And NO...it's NOT because he appears to be Hispanic. It's because too many criminal hispanics are coming here from South of the border.

If more people don't see the significance here, that's in itself a very telling sad prediction of the future.
This is important....and it's happening now.

Rome falls...... again

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