Poll: Abolish ICE?

Abolish ICE

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Some Democrat congressmen, including Pocahontas, want to abolish ICE. Do you agree?

Yes, I agree that some Democrat congressmen…want to abolish ICE.

They [those who want to abolish ICE] are on the side of foreign invaders, against that of their own country and their own fellow Americans. This makes them traitors.

We used to put traitors to death by firing squad. We still should.
Well maybe Ms. Warren should yell about abolishing the Supreme Court because they just upheld presidential power and immigration control under the federal government powers.
I agree that it should be abolished.

But not for the reasons stated by these congress members. The Framers would have likely hanged the majority of congress, truth be told.

Of course, I want to abolish pretty much every alphabet agency there is. I want as little federal government as possible. I want to legalize the Constitution again.
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LMAO Abolish ICE


[intheMatrixxx] on Twitter
I agree that it should be abolished.

But not for the reasons stated by these congress members. The Framers would have likely hanged the majority of congress, truth be told.

Of course, I want to abolish pretty much every alphabet agency there is. I want as little federal government as possible. I want to legalize the Constitution again.

The function of ICE is a legitimate federal function. I don't know that we need a separate organization just for this function. We could probably consolidate a lot of the various federal agencies, into a much smaller number of agencies with broader missions. Really, we just need the FBI for all domestic law enforcement at the federal level, and the military to defend us against various foreign threats and offenses against our nation. Illegal immigration/invasion would fall under the latter.
The function of ICE is a legitimate federal function. I don't know that we need a separate organization just for this function. We could probably consolidate a lot of the various federal agencies, into a much smaller number of agencies with broader missions. Really, we just need the FBI for all domestic law enforcement at the federal level, and the military to defend us against various foreign threats and offenses against our nation. Illegal immigration/invasion would fall under the latter.

That's a deep discussion, Bob. Getting into the proper role and of government and the limits on it set forth by the Constitution. Stuff like like is probably better discussed in one of those invite only threads so as to stay free from litter, as much as I don't like the idea of them. Can't really have a discussion on that stuff in the gp.

I followed you, though. I don't see you post too much.
Democrats have got to be dumbest assholes out there -Abolish ice ? What's next the police -WTF ?

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