Poll Finds Cuomo Would Crush Wouldbe Repulican Candidates

Yeah but how does he do if there's a third party Teabagger candidate in there?

Yeah, didn't think of THAT did you, commies!!!

Yeah but how does he do if there's a third party Teabagger candidate in there?

Yeah, didn't think of THAT did you, commies!!!


Oh, I want to see the Teabagger party run people in each and every Senate and House race this year. Each and every one.
Yeah but how does he do if there's a third party Teabagger candidate in there?

Yeah, didn't think of THAT did you, commies!!!


Oh, I want to see the Teabagger party run people in each and every Senate and House race this year. Each and every one.

Unfortunately most of them will eventually just slink back to the reservation. The tea party has never been anything more than a faction of the Republican party in an extra grumpy mood.
Thats all we need, is more of Andrew Cuomo's stupid Affirmative Action Banking Shit!!!
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ivmL-lXNy64"]Andrew Cuomo[/ame]
New poll finds AG Andrew Cuomo would crush would-be Republican opponents in gov run

Cuomo, according to the poll, would defeat Lazio 55% to 26%, Paladino 60% to 24% and Levy 57% to 24%.

This isn't anything new. Cuomo has been leading in these hypothetical polls by a huge margin for months. He has yet to enter the race at this point, but I'm sure he will.

He'll be like the dog that caught the car. Look at Ahrnold in Calyfornia. NY is not an example of a well run state.
So you're saying that a state that elected Eliot Spitzer, Charlie Rangel, Chuck Schumer and Hilary Clinton would prefer to vote for Cuomo?
Shocker that.
Cuomo wants to shut down Indian Point, so if you want to see a real American Revolution, just watch when the lights start going out in New York City when he gets his way

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