Poll: Florida voters more afraid of Obama's Medicare plan than Ryan's


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
Poll: Florida voters more afraid of Obama's Medicare plan than Ryan's

Florida voters are more afraid of President Obama's health care overhaul than Paul Ryan's budget plan when it comes to Medicare's future, according to a Rasmussen Reports poll released Thursday.

The poll of 500 likely Florida voters asked which plan "scares" them more.
Forty-eight percent chose the health care law. Forty-one percent chose Ryan's plan
- while 11 percent weren't sure.

The results come as both campaigns elevate the issue of Medicare in their ads, interviews and stump speeches -- particularly in Florida, with its large senior population. Ryan is the author of the controversial budget plan that would, 10 years from now, give seniors the option of using a government payment to buy private insurance. Obama's campaign says the plan would "end Medicare as we know it."

But Ryan and Mitt Romney are firing back, claiming that "ObamaCare" is the one that guts Medicare by "raiding" the entitlement to pay for the health care law. Ryan repeated that line in Ohio Thursday, saying "he raided $716 billion from Medicare to pay for Obamacare. This will lead to fewer services for seniors."

The Rasmussen poll results were within the margin of error. The poll from Aug. 15 had a margin of error of 4.5 percentage points.

The poll also asked Floridians whether they prefer Obama or Romney. The results were roughly even, with 45 percent choosing Romney and 43 percent choosing Obama.
Read more: Poll: Florida voters more afraid of Obama's Medicare plan than Ryan's | Fox News
Don't worry, Obama and AARP will set them straight before the election.
And the truth is just now barely beginning to emerge.

Romney / Ryan has a huge warchest to make sure the facts are known.

Obama is gutting Medicare for CURRENT seniors.

Yep the fear driven right wingers...

Pretty low to use the fear of elders for political purposes though.
Rasmussen again.

Obama did not take a red cent out of the Medicare Trust Fund, nor a cent of the money Americans paid in. He did not cut a cent from the benefit package for current or future Medicare recipients. All that money is there and will continue to be there until it is paid out in medical benefits.

What Obama did is use $716 billion over 10 years ($71 billion a year) from future savings in the Medicare Trust Fund and he uses that money for seniors’ health care benefits. That money comes from excessive and wasteful “administrative costs” paid to drug companies, hospitals, and doctors.

The money is being used, through Obamacare, for things like closing the donut hole in senior drug benefits, which is already saving seniors on their prescriptions, as well as free cancer screenings, and other medical services to seniors.

Obama is taking money from drug companies, insurance companies, and hospitals, not from seniors.

Ryans Medicare plan calls for the same 716 billion in cuts but he wants to use it for tax cuts for the wealthy.

Try the Medicare website: It has a bunch of info. on it.

Affordable Care Act | Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
Yep the fear driven right wingers...

Pretty low to use the fear of elders for political purposes though.

How many decades have Democrats been scaring elderly voters by claiming Republicans are going to roll granny off the cliff?

You are a laughable troll.
The more Romney and Ryan lie, the more voters will hold it against them and wingnut Congress members on Election Day. So keep the lies coming...
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OGnE83A1Z4U&feature=player_detailpage]The Agenda Project: Granny Off the Cliff - YouTube[/ame]
The more Romney and Ryan lie, the more voters will hold it against them and wingnut Congress members on Election Day. So keep the lies coming...

Obama Deputy Campaign Manager: You Bet Obama Cut Medicare By $700 Billion

From Jillians link.

Even with the ACA cuts, the CBO says the cost of Medicare is expected to grow from about $500 billion in 2012 to nearly $900 billion by 2022.

As for the cuts, they come from eliminating a massive subsidy to private insurers and gradually reducing the rate of growth in payments to some providers. These changes, while not catastrophic for Medicare, are important. Under the ACA, the federal government will substantially reduce the amount it spends funding Medicare Advantage, which is privately administered insurance offered to Medicare beneficiaries. About one-quarter of Medicare recipients are enrolled in private Medicare Advantage. In theory, these plans are supposed to manage health care spending better than fee-for-service Medicare. But they don’t actually save the federal government any money. They cost, per patient, 14% more than traditional Medicare. (See Figure 3 of this fact sheet from the Kaiser Family Foundation. And see here for more.) The

Read more: Fact Check: Obamacare

Hmm Meidcare advantage costs 14% more and isn't that where Ryans plan wants to divert more dollars?

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