POLL: Individual Freedom is the foundation of a successful civil society.

Agree or Disagree - individual freedom is the foundation of a successful civil society

  • Disagree, because individual freedom is enjoyed at the collective's expense

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Disagree, because individual freedom doesn't pay a living wage

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Many people don't want freedom and liberty today. They want government to give them stuff and tell them what to do like the serfs they are. Democrats all.
Everyone likes to get free stuff, but the people who are duped into supporting socialism simply don't understand what what it costs them in the long run.
Such a general statement; there are many forms/degrees of “socialism”.
Those societies in Scandinavia seem to be very happy.
No, there is only one widely accepted definition about socialism and that is that the government controls the means of production, and the Scandinavian countries are not socialist. The only socialist countries in the world today are China, Cuba, Laos and Vietnam.

List of socialist states - Wikipedia
There is NOT only one definition of socialism!

Socialism is a range of economic and social systems characterised by social ownership of the means of production and workers' self-management,[10] as well as the political theories and movements associated with them.[11] Social ownership can be public, collective or cooperativeownership, or citizen ownership of equity.[12] There are many varieties of socialism and there is no single definition encapsulating all of them,[13] with social ownership being the common element shared by its various forms.

Socialism - Wikipedia
Read your post. Socialism always means government ownership - I would have said control - of the means of production by one means or another. This condition does not exist in the Scandinavian countries.
Many say Scandinavian countries are “socialistic”, esp conservatives. Many right-wing even call them communist. LOL. They even support nationalistic regimes like Putin’s Russia. BTW, extreme nationalism is often seen as “Nazi”.
Anarchy works until your neighbors decide to join forces to take yo shiet
Which violates the NAP. Under such a violation, it is incumbent upon the person having the shit to light up the fuckers coming to take his shit.
His neighbors have the numbers and the weaponry in this fight. Your anarchist’s best chance is to appeal to neighbors and hope they’ll come to some agreement by which to cooperate and oh shit, there goes anarchy.
You appear to be ignorant about atheism.
A-theist: one who is NOT a theist.
BTW, i am not a strong atheist.
I understand atheism perfectly. It is a belief about the existence of God, just and Christianity, Islam, Judaism, etc. are. If, as you propose, it should be illegal for people who have other beliefs about God to share these beliefs, it should also be illegal for atheists to share their beliefs about God.
You do NOT understand. An atheist has NO BELIEFS about Gods/gods. Hence, a-theist.
lol Not true, he believes God does not exist and that is a belief about God.
Definition in Wikipedia:

Atheism is, in the broadest sense, the absence of belief in the existence of deities.
Exactly what I said, it is a belief that God does not exist, which is a belief about God.
You have a reading comprehension problem.
No belief is NO BELIEF.
Everyone likes to get free stuff, but the people who are duped into supporting socialism simply don't understand what what it costs them in the long run.
Such a general statement; there are many forms/degrees of “socialism”.
Those societies in Scandinavia seem to be very happy.
No, there is only one widely accepted definition about socialism and that is that the government controls the means of production, and the Scandinavian countries are not socialist. The only socialist countries in the world today are China, Cuba, Laos and Vietnam.

List of socialist states - Wikipedia
There is NOT only one definition of socialism!

Socialism is a range of economic and social systems characterised by social ownership of the means of production and workers' self-management,[10] as well as the political theories and movements associated with them.[11] Social ownership can be public, collective or cooperativeownership, or citizen ownership of equity.[12] There are many varieties of socialism and there is no single definition encapsulating all of them,[13] with social ownership being the common element shared by its various forms.

Socialism - Wikipedia
Read your post. Socialism always means government ownership - I would have said control - of the means of production by one means or another. This condition does not exist in the Scandinavian countries.
Many say Scandinavian countries are “socialistic”, esp conservatives. Many right-wing even call them communist. LOL. They even support nationalistic regimes like Putin’s Russia. BTW, extreme nationalism is often seen as “Nazi”.
None of the Scandinavian countries are socialist by the definition your posted. If you have a different definition of socialism I'd be interested in hearing it.
While it is true that some anarchist are peaceful people, some are not.

Anarchy is a absence of any rules or regulations. Thus one has to rely on the nature of each individual to co-exist peacefully.

But if one anarchist decides he wants the land and belongings of another one, there is nothing about anarchy that would keep him from taking it.
And that is why anarchy is impossible.

The moment there is a dispute between individuals, there will be a need for resolution of that dispute. Enter government.


Um, fuck the state in all it's many guises.
I agree. I wish a stateless society could work. It would not last longer than a few weeks, unfortunately.

While it is true that some anarchist are peaceful people, some are not.

Anarchy is a absence of any rules or regulations. Thus one has to rely on the nature of each individual to co-exist peacefully.

But if one anarchist decides he wants the land and belongings of another one, there is nothing about anarchy that would keep him from taking it.
And that is why anarchy is impossible.

The moment there is a dispute between individuals, there will be a need for resolution of that dispute. Enter government.

Disputes could be handled privately.

While it is true that some anarchist are peaceful people, some are not.

Anarchy is a absence of any rules or regulations. Thus one has to rely on the nature of each individual to co-exist peacefully.

But if one anarchist decides he wants the land and belongings of another one, there is nothing about anarchy that would keep him from taking it.
Anarchy is absence of The State, not rules.

While it is true that some anarchist are peaceful people, some are not.

Anarchy is a absence of any rules or regulations. Thus one has to rely on the nature of each individual to co-exist peacefully.

But if one anarchist decides he wants the land and belongings of another one, there is nothing about anarchy that would keep him from taking it.
Anarchy is absence of The State, not rules.

anarchy is absence of authority, without authority rules are just suggestions.
While it is true that some anarchist are peaceful people, some are not.

Anarchy is a absence of any rules or regulations. Thus one has to rely on the nature of each individual to co-exist peacefully.

But if one anarchist decides he wants the land and belongings of another one, there is nothing about anarchy that would keep him from taking it.
And that is why anarchy is impossible.

The moment there is a dispute between individuals, there will be a need for resolution of that dispute. Enter government.

Disputes could be handled privately.

Yep, I want your land, you do not want to give it to me...I shot you and take your land. The dispute has been handled privately.
Disagree, because some "individual freedom" is morally wrong

anyone who votes for that probably needs a helicopter ride

While it is true that some anarchist are peaceful people, some are not.

Anarchy is a absence of any rules or regulations. Thus one has to rely on the nature of each individual to co-exist peacefully.

But if one anarchist decides he wants the land and belongings of another one, there is nothing about anarchy that would keep him from taking it.
Anarchy is absence of The State, not rules.

anarchy is absence of authority, without authority rules are just suggestions.
Authority can be derived through voluntary associations....Your model is of, by, and for proactive aggressive force....The kind of force that harms and kills people.
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Authoritarians must have authority. They can't function without it. They piss their little britches if they don't have it.

Those are the people we need to expel.


While it is true that some anarchist are peaceful people, some are not.

Anarchy is a absence of any rules or regulations. Thus one has to rely on the nature of each individual to co-exist peacefully.

But if one anarchist decides he wants the land and belongings of another one, there is nothing about anarchy that would keep him from taking it.
Anarchy is absence of The State, not rules.

anarchy is absence of authority, without authority rules are just suggestions.
Authority can be derived through voluntary associations....Your model is of, by, and for proactive aggressive force....The kind of force that harms and kills people.

My "model" is based off of human nature and reality. your model is based off of fiction and wishful thinking.

Anarchy and Communism suffer the same problem as they ignore the existence of assholes.

With anarchy its assholes with more power than you locally (bigger gun, more of them), with communism is assholes with more power than you in charge of things.
And in capitalism we are mere slaves of the monied masters..

Hyperbole, nothing but. Sorry but Bill Gates can't come over to my house and make me wax his car for free.

Anarchy and Communism suffer the same problem as they ignore the existence of assholes.

With anarchy its assholes with more power than you locally (bigger gun, more of them), with communism is assholes with more power than you in charge of things.
And in capitalism we are mere slaves of the monied masters..

Hyperbole, nothing but. Sorry but Bill Gates can't come over to my house and make me wax his car for free.
Just try working for a company and speaking yer mind on Facebook..​

Anarchy and Communism suffer the same problem as they ignore the existence of assholes.

With anarchy its assholes with more power than you locally (bigger gun, more of them), with communism is assholes with more power than you in charge of things.
View attachment 248065

Not warlords, just the biggest strongest, and/or largest groups without scruples.

Sorry, but again, anarchism and communism can only work with robots programmed for the parameters needed for success. Real people mess up the equations.

Anarchy and Communism suffer the same problem as they ignore the existence of assholes.

With anarchy its assholes with more power than you locally (bigger gun, more of them), with communism is assholes with more power than you in charge of things.
And in capitalism we are mere slaves of the monied masters..

Hyperbole, nothing but. Sorry but Bill Gates can't come over to my house and make me wax his car for free.
Just try working for a company and speaking yer mind on Facebook..​

At will employment works both ways, and in slavery the whole problem is NOT being able to leave.

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