POLL: Is Hamas Palestinians Justified in Committing Mass Acts of Violence Against Jews?

Is Hamas Justified in Committing Acts of Violence Against Israeli Jews?

  • Maybe a little, but not cutting off the heads of babies

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023
Hamas has committed acts of mass murder against the Jews, as well as kidnapped them, tortured them, beheaded them alive, burned them to death, including babies, beheaded babies, terrorized a nation, engaged in widespread rape of women, etc... This attacked is focused on hurting Jews and the Jewish state, consist with the teachings of Islam and promoted by Hamas.

Many are speaking up in support of Hamas, claiming all sorts of nonsense, like that there is a legitimate group of people called "Palestinians"; that these people have some sort of legal claim to Gaza and the West Bank; that these people are subject to "Israeli terror", etc...

In fact, these people are a relatively small group of swarthy desert Arabs who nobody wants. These people have never possessed title to this land; the Jews have just as much of a valid claim to it as these people, and most likely a much stronger claim to it; these pieces of land we take control of by Israel after they repelled 2 aggressive military attacks launched against it by Islamic forces; the control of these 2 areas is vitally necessary because (1) Israel has a duty to try as best as they can to keep a lid on the folks inside from committing acts of terror against them and killing people. The "Palestinian" people have quite a long history of murdering innocent Jews inside Israel in terror attacks; and (2) They cannot support themselves without Israel. If we let these people roam free they would be murdering Jews left and right per history and living in abject poverty, like all Arabs who don't have their fingers in oil money (or Obama/Biden money!). Lest you be misled by the leftist swine, Israel military strikes are always conducted after these people attach Israel. ALWAYS.

The "Palestinians" and their supporters speak with forked tongue. They are telling lies about their plight and about Israel. Their interest is simple: They hate Jews. They want the Earth to be rid of all Jews. Not only does this sound akin to Nazism, but it IS Nazism. As we know from history, Hitler sent his little Nazi goons to Islamic states during WWII to gin up support and push the muslims to not only hate Jews, but to help wipe them off the face of the Earth. One must truly wonder how anybody can speak in support of these Palestinian ghouls today.

However, I got a message for your leftist DeRps who are supporting the Palestinians. All this fake "Israeli terrorism" they are being subjected to? You don't have to worry about it much longer. It is about to be a thing of the past!! There will be nobody left there for Israel to "terrorize" anymore. LOL!!
What is the point of a poll like this?
He fancy's himself some sort of writer. :dunno:

Otherwise, there goes the site resources. ;)

By Ben Shapiro

A society that loses its moral compass and believes there is nuance and complexity to people beheading babies is not a society that is destined to live. That kind of society cannot withstand any sort of pressure at all; it collapses inward at the first sign of conflict.
CNN and MSNBC interviews showed people asserting there was moral equivalence between Israelis and the Hamas terrorists who slaughtered families in their homes and decapitated babies.

Oh, the sophistication, the nuance. Don’t you see the shades of gray?

The media are disgusting. They’re truly disgusting. Some of them seek truth. Some of them occasionally stumble upon it even if they’re not seeking it. But then you have the motivated actors who are more interested in their own pseudo-sophistication and moral equivalence than anything else.

Terrorism is, by definition, an act of atrocity that involves civilians. If you hide behind a civilian, you are the person responsible for the death of that civilian. And that’s what Hamas does. Hamas literally located its military headquarters at the bottom of a hospital.
This is what they are. They locate their headquarters in mosques. They hide weapons caches in churches and mosques so that if Israel has to blow those things up, then they can claim it’s some sort of human rights violation.

This is what they do. They understand how the Western press plays this garbage. They understand the Western press pretends there is some sort of moral equivalence between a Hamas terrorist riding into a kibbutz and beheading a child and Israel attempting to minimize civilian casualties on the Gaza Strip and failing because Hamas is hiding behind children.

Hamas is to blame for both sides of those civilian casualties. Hamas is actively encouraging people not to move from these areas. I know this for a fact: Israel has called off uncounted strikes over the last 30 years because there are civilians in the area.

When Israel was bombing Gaza, video showed secondary explosions. Secondary explosions only emerge if there’s a weapons cache underneath the buildings Israel hit. The secondary explosions are a result of weapons being hidden beneath the ground, which is what the Palestinian Authority, Hamas, and Islamic Jihad do.​

Israel has tried to hand control of the Gaza Strip over to Egypt. They weren’t interested. Israel has tried to hand over control of Palestinian Arab areas in Judea and Samaria to Jordan. Jordan said, “Hell no.”

America would never stand for anything like the massacre Hamas committed. Imagine that the people who are crossing the southern border right now were all armed to the teeth and were going to random villages killing 30,000 Americans. Do you think the border with Mexico would currently be controlled by no one, or do you think the American military would be there? Do you think the Mexican government would even be functional?

Israel’s going to have to do what it has to do and watch as the media — already moral cowards — turn their fire on the people who watched their babies be beheaded by terrorist groups.

To anyone who claims they can’t see moral clarity at this point in time, I don’t believe you. If you can’t draw the distinction between people beheading babies and people attempting to protect babies, you have ulterior motives at play, whether it’s your own pseudo-sophistication or whether you have baser and darker ulterior motives.

I know one thing: The West is going to win. And right now, Israel is the emissary of the West against these pieces of human debris.

When I asked for the “point” of this poll, what I meant was that the idiots who support the Palestinian use of terrorism (as Hamas just performed against civilians) is likely to lie about it.

Any normal, sane and decent human being has to oppose it.
Hamas has committed acts of mass murder against the Jews, as well as kidnapped them, tortured them, beheaded them alive, burned them to death, including babies, beheaded babies, terrorized a nation, engaged in widespread rape of women, etc... This attacked is focused on hurting Jews and the Jewish state, consist with the teachings of Islam and promoted by Hamas.

Many are speaking up in support of Hamas, claiming all sorts of nonsense, like that there is a legitimate group of people called "Palestinians"; that these people have some sort of legal claim to Gaza and the West Bank; that these people are subject to "Israeli terror", etc...

In fact, these people are a relatively small group of swarthy desert Arabs who nobody wants. These people have never possessed title to this land; the Jews have just as much of a valid claim to it as these people, and most likely a much stronger claim to it; these pieces of land we take control of by Israel after they repelled 2 aggressive military attacks launched against it by Islamic forces; the control of these 2 areas is vitally necessary because (1) Israel has a duty to try as best as they can to keep a lid on the folks inside from committing acts of terror against them and killing people. The "Palestinian" people have quite a long history of murdering innocent Jews inside Israel in terror attacks; and (2) They cannot support themselves without Israel. If we let these people roam free they would be murdering Jews left and right per history and living in abject poverty, like all Arabs who don't have their fingers in oil money (or Obama/Biden money!). Lest you be misled by the leftist swine, Israel military strikes are always conducted after these people attach Israel. ALWAYS.

The "Palestinians" and their supporters speak with forked tongue. They are telling lies about their plight and about Israel. Their interest is simple: They hate Jews. They want the Earth to be rid of all Jews. Not only does this sound akin to Nazism, but it IS Nazism. As we know from history, Hitler sent his little Nazi goons to Islamic states during WWII to gin up support and push the muslims to not only hate Jews, but to help wipe them off the face of the Earth. One must truly wonder how anybody can speak in support of these Palestinian ghouls today.

However, I got a message for your leftist DeRps who are supporting the Palestinians. All this fake "Israeli terrorism" they are being subjected to? You don't have to worry about it much longer. It is about to be a thing of the past!! There will be nobody left there for Israel to "terrorize" anymore. LOL!!

The Palestinians are descendants of Jewish farmers who didn't leave. They stayed behind and tended the Roman terraces and aquaducts.

Hamas is maybe as many as 20,000 people. They were encouraged and funded by Israel in 1987 so Israel would never have a 2 state solution. They recruited in the meanest refugee camps and opposed the PLO.

This has nothing to do with the US or the Palestinians. Christians and Muslim Palestinians tried like hell to stop the formation of Hamas.

This is Israel's problem, not ours
The Palestinians are descendants of Jewish farmers who didn't leave. They stayed behind and tended the Roman terraces and aquaducts.

Hamas is maybe as many as 20,000 people. They were encouraged and funded by Israel in 1987 so Israel would never have a 2 state solution. They recruited in the meanest refugee camps and opposed the PLO.

This has nothing to do with the US or the Palestinians. Christians and Muslim Palestinians tried like hell to stop the formation of Hamas.

This is Israel's problem, not ours
Pure fiction.
The Palestinians are descendants of Jewish farmers who didn't leave. They stayed behind and tended the Roman terraces and aquaducts.

Hamas is maybe as many as 20,000 people. They were encouraged and funded by Israel in 1987 so Israel would never have a 2 state solution. They recruited in the meanest refugee camps and opposed the PLO.

This has nothing to do with the US or the Palestinians. Christians and Muslim Palestinians tried like hell to stop the formation of Hamas.

This is Israel's problem, not ours
Islamist propaganda. No such thing as the Palestinians in history. You are full of it, Jews never converted to any religion, especially Islam.

Israel is the religious, cultural and ancestral homeland of the Jews. Jerusalem mentioned over 900 times in the Torah, not once in the Koran. Open up your Koran and read it, you will see a chapter about Moses and the story of Exodus and gives the land of Israel to the Bani- Israel ((children of Israel). Palestine or Palestinian not mentioned in the Koran.

Your beloved Palestinians voted for Hamas, so they’re getting what they voted for. Now Gaza will be leveled and Hamas destroyed. If Iran or Hezbollah get involved they will be destroyed as well. Israel has been preparing for this worse case scenario for many years.

Palestinian animals killed and kidnapped Americans so of course the US will be involved, and help it’s ally, Israel.
Islamist propaganda. No such thing as the Palestinians in history. You are full of it, Jews never converted to any religion, especially Islam.

Israel is the religious, cultural and ancestral homeland of the Jews. Jerusalem mentioned over 900 times in the Torah, not once in the Koran. Open up your Koran and read it, you will see a chapter about Moses and the story of Exodus and gives the land of Israel to the Bani- Israel ((children of Israel). Palestine or Palestinian not mentioned in the Koran.

Your beloved Palestinians voted for Hamas, so they’re getting what they voted for. Now Gaza will be leveled and Hamas destroyed. If Iran or Hezbollah get involved they will be destroyed as well. Israel has been preparing for this worse case scenario for many years.

Palestinian animals killed and kidnapped Americans so of course the US will be involved, and help it’s ally, Israel.
And I really wish Biden would stop trying to paint PalestinIans as totally innocent victims in all this. They did, after all, choose HAMAS terrorists as their leaders and brainwash their kids into wanting to kill Jews. They even SACRIFICE their own kids with suicide bombs if it means Jews can be murdered.
I am still struggling to see what exactly is the "Palestinian" cause.
They have very prolific birth rates so starvation is not a factor.

The claims that Israel took their land are bogus...not based in fact or reality.

The reprisals from suicide bombers and attacks by mortars and rockets completely deflate their claims about being unfairly harassed by Israeli military.

Then there are the arrests of Palestinians that are preparing or helping Hamas attack Israel....again not legitimate claims of the detention of innocents.

Then we see the abandoning of their airport and docks. Also we see how many Palestinians work inside of Israel....So economic abuse claims are also phoney.

Why are they always attacking Israel?
I am still struggling to see what exactly is the "Palestinian" cause.
They have very prolific birth rates so starvation is not a factor.

The claims that Israel took their land are bogus...not based in fact or reality.

The reprisals from suicide bombers and attacks by mortars and rockets completely deflate their claims about being unfairly harassed by Israeli military.

Then there are the arrests of Palestinians that are preparing or helping Hamas attack Israel....again not legitimate claims of the detention of innocents.

Then we see the abandoning of their airport and docks. Also we see how many Palestinians work inside of Israel....So economic abuse claims are also phoney.

Why are they always attacking Israel?
They are following in their prophet’s footsteps. Behaving like savage Neanderthal Jihadi animals. This conflict has never been about “land”.

Islam means surrender, it is not only a religion, it’s a political ideology that usurps all others including patriotism, and a way of life.

“In The History of Jihad: From Muhammad to ISIS, Islamic scholar Robert Spencer proves definitively that Islamic terror is as old as Islam itself, as old as Muhammad, the prophet of Islam, who said "I have been made victorious through terror." Spencer briskly traces the 1,400-year war of Islamic jihadis against the rest of the world, detailing the jihad against Europe, including the 700-year struggle to conquer Constantinople; the jihad in Spain, where non-Muslims fought for another 700 years to get the jihadi invaders out of the country; and the jihad against India, where Muslim warriors and conquerors wrought unparalleled and unfathomable devastation in the name of their religion. Told in great part in the words of contemporary chroniclers themselves, both Muslim and non-Muslim, The History of Jihad shows that jihad warfare has been a constant of Islam from its very beginnings, and present-day jihad terrorism proceeds along exactly the same ideological and theological foundations as did the great Islamic warrior states and jihad commanders of the past. The History of Jihad: From Muhammad to ISIS is the first one-volume history of jihad in the English language, and the first book to tell the whole truth about Islam's bloody history in an age when Islamic jihadis are more assertive in Western countries than they have been for centuries. This book is indispensable to understanding the geopolitical situation of the twenty-first century, and ultimately to formulating strategies to reform Islam and defeat radical terror.”

Hamas has committed acts of mass murder against the Jews, as well as kidnapped them, tortured them, beheaded them alive, burned them to death, including babies, beheaded babies, terrorized a nation, engaged in widespread rape of women, etc... This attacked is focused on hurting Jews and the Jewish state, consist with the teachings of Islam and promoted by Hamas.

Many are speaking up in support of Hamas, claiming all sorts of nonsense, like that there is a legitimate group of people called "Palestinians"; that these people have some sort of legal claim to Gaza and the West Bank; that these people are subject to "Israeli terror", etc...

In fact, these people are a relatively small group of swarthy desert Arabs who nobody wants. These people have never possessed title to this land; the Jews have just as much of a valid claim to it as these people, and most likely a much stronger claim to it; these pieces of land we take control of by Israel after they repelled 2 aggressive military attacks launched against it by Islamic forces; the control of these 2 areas is vitally necessary because (1) Israel has a duty to try as best as they can to keep a lid on the folks inside from committing acts of terror against them and killing people. The "Palestinian" people have quite a long history of murdering innocent Jews inside Israel in terror attacks; and (2) They cannot support themselves without Israel. If we let these people roam free they would be murdering Jews left and right per history and living in abject poverty, like all Arabs who don't have their fingers in oil money (or Obama/Biden money!). Lest you be misled by the leftist swine, Israel military strikes are always conducted after these people attach Israel. ALWAYS.

The "Palestinians" and their supporters speak with forked tongue. They are telling lies about their plight and about Israel. Their interest is simple: They hate Jews. They want the Earth to be rid of all Jews. Not only does this sound akin to Nazism, but it IS Nazism. As we know from history, Hitler sent his little Nazi goons to Islamic states during WWII to gin up support and push the muslims to not only hate Jews, but to help wipe them off the face of the Earth. One must truly wonder how anybody can speak in support of these Palestinian ghouls today.

However, I got a message for your leftist DeRps who are supporting the Palestinians. All this fake "Israeli terrorism" they are being subjected to? You don't have to worry about it much longer. It is about to be a thing of the past!! There will be nobody left there for Israel to "terrorize" anymore. LOL!!
I voted "no", but no one has clean hands.
And I really wish Biden would stop trying to paint PalestinIans as totally innocent victims in all this. They did, after all, choose HAMAS terrorists as their leaders and brainwash their kids into wanting to kill Jews. They even SACRIFICE their own kids with suicide bombs if it means Jews can be murdered.
Exactly. As usual there is no moral clarity in his comments. Biden is trying to once again appease the Muslim Arab base of the Democratic Party.
They are following in their prophet’s footsteps. Behaving like savage Neanderthal Jihadi animals. This conflict has never been about “land”.

Islam means surrender, it is not only a religion, it’s a political ideology that usurps all others including patriotism, and a way of life.

“In The History of Jihad: From Muhammad to ISIS, Islamic scholar Robert Spencer proves definitively that Islamic terror is as old as Islam itself, as old as Muhammad, the prophet of Islam, who said "I have been made victorious through terror." Spencer briskly traces the 1,400-year war of Islamic jihadis against the rest of the world, detailing the jihad against Europe, including the 700-year struggle to conquer Constantinople; the jihad in Spain, where non-Muslims fought for another 700 years to get the jihadi invaders out of the country; and the jihad against India, where Muslim warriors and conquerors wrought unparalleled and unfathomable devastation in the name of their religion. Told in great part in the words of contemporary chroniclers themselves, both Muslim and non-Muslim, The History of Jihad shows that jihad warfare has been a constant of Islam from its very beginnings, and present-day jihad terrorism proceeds along exactly the same ideological and theological foundations as did the great Islamic warrior states and jihad commanders of the past. The History of Jihad: From Muhammad to ISIS is the first one-volume history of jihad in the English language, and the first book to tell the whole truth about Islam's bloody history in an age when Islamic jihadis are more assertive in Western countries than they have been for centuries. This book is indispensable to understanding the geopolitical situation of the twenty-first century, and ultimately to formulating strategies to reform Islam and defeat radical terror.”

But the huge demonstrations around the world with a few notable exceptions (like former Soviet Union Bloc nations) is extremely telling.

But why those demonstrations?
Makes no sense to me with many involved not even being Muslim at all.

Why hate Jews so much. Yes they, together can be annoying but a lot of types of people grouped together can be annoying....from electricians to Moldovians and even Slovakians can be annoying when grouped together....especially Brazillians or Africans. Each is annoying. But now we have violent Palestinian protesters everywhere....lawlessness is running rampant to the point that police are in "mitigation" and riot control...not bothering with misdemeanors anymore in some areas.

Even congress can't get their act together to elect a Speaker. They are supposed to be leadership. And if our leadership can't make peace then how are the rest of the nations supposed to do it?
But the huge demonstrations around the world with a few notable exceptions (like former Soviet Union Bloc nations) is extremely telling.

But why those demonstrations?
Makes no sense to me with many involved not even being Muslim at all.

Why hate Jews so much. Yes they, together can be annoying but a lot of types of people grouped together can be annoying....from electricians to Moldovians and even Slovakians can be annoying when grouped together....especially Brazillians or Africans. Each is annoying. But now we have violent Palestinian protesters everywhere....lawlessness is running rampant to the point that police are in "mitigation" and riot control...not bothering with misdemeanors anymore in some areas.

Even congress can't get their act together to elect a Speaker. They are supposed to be leadership. And if our leadership can't make peace then how are the rest of the nations supposed to do it?
It isn't only Jews. Islam is a hateful, violent religion that cannot coexist with anyone else. If there aren't Jews or Christians to hate, oppress or kill, they go after each other, like Sunnis vs Shiites.
It isn't only Jews. Islam is a hateful, violent religion that cannot coexist with anyone else. If there aren't Jews or Christians to hate, oppress or kill, they go after each other, like Sunnis vs Shiites.
Mohammed said Jews are the offspring of apes and pigs. How lovely.

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