POLL: Is Hamas Palestinians Justified in Committing Mass Acts of Violence Against Jews?

Is Hamas Justified in Committing Acts of Violence Against Israeli Jews?

  • Maybe a little, but not cutting off the heads of babies

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According to Ben Gurion.
Can you show us where in the Koran it mentions Palestine or Palestinians, Fatima? I mean you'd think this final messenger of Allah that came about 1400 years ago would have known and mentioned these mythical terrorist people.
Hamas has committed acts of mass murder against the Jews, as well as kidnapped them, tortured them, beheaded them alive, burned them to death, including babies, beheaded babies, terrorized a nation, engaged in widespread rape of women, etc... This attacked is focused on hurting Jews and the Jewish state, consist with the teachings of Islam and promoted by Hamas.

Many are speaking up in support of Hamas, claiming all sorts of nonsense, like that there is a legitimate group of people called "Palestinians"; that these people have some sort of legal claim to Gaza and the West Bank; that these people are subject to "Israeli terror", etc...

In fact, these people are a relatively small group of swarthy desert Arabs who nobody wants. These people have never possessed title to this land; the Jews have just as much of a valid claim to it as these people, and most likely a much stronger claim to it; these pieces of land we take control of by Israel after they repelled 2 aggressive military attacks launched against it by Islamic forces; the control of these 2 areas is vitally necessary because (1) Israel has a duty to try as best as they can to keep a lid on the folks inside from committing acts of terror against them and killing people. The "Palestinian" people have quite a long history of murdering innocent Jews inside Israel in terror attacks; and (2) They cannot support themselves without Israel. If we let these people roam free they would be murdering Jews left and right per history and living in abject poverty, like all Arabs who don't have their fingers in oil money (or Obama/Biden money!). Lest you be misled by the leftist swine, Israel military strikes are always conducted after these people attach Israel. ALWAYS.

The "Palestinians" and their supporters speak with forked tongue. They are telling lies about their plight and about Israel. Their interest is simple: They hate Jews. They want the Earth to be rid of all Jews. Not only does this sound akin to Nazism, but it IS Nazism. As we know from history, Hitler sent his little Nazi goons to Islamic states during WWII to gin up support and push the muslims to not only hate Jews, but to help wipe them off the face of the Earth. One must truly wonder how anybody can speak in support of these Palestinian ghouls today.

However, I got a message for your leftist DeRps who are supporting the Palestinians. All this fake "Israeli terrorism" they are being subjected to? You don't have to worry about it much longer. It is about to be a thing of the past!! There will be nobody left there for Israel to "terrorize" anymore. LOL!!

Israel has money, power and a voice.. they have considered Palestinians sub human since 1920. This just on and on.
Islamist propaganda. No such thing as the Palestinians in history. You are full of it, Jews never converted to any religion, especially Islam.

Israel is the religious, cultural and ancestral homeland of the Jews. Jerusalem mentioned over 900 times in the Torah, not once in the Koran. Open up your Koran and read it, you will see a chapter about Moses and the story of Exodus and gives the land of Israel to the Bani- Israel ((children of Israel). Palestine or Palestinian not mentioned in the Koran.

Your beloved Palestinians voted for Hamas, so they’re getting what they voted for. Now Gaza will be leveled and Hamas destroyed. If Iran or Hezbollah get involved they will be destroyed as well. Israel has been preparing for this worse case scenario for many years.

Palestinian animals killed and kidnapped Americans so of course the US will be involved, and help it’s ally, Israel.

They tried to prevent the founding of Hamas.
Israel has money, power and a voice.. they have considered Palestinians sub human since 1920. This just on and on.
Palestinians have had money and plenty of opportunity, but instead of using it coexist with the Israelis their leaders have always stolen the money and created a culture of Jew hate and terrorism. If they don’t like being looked at as subhuman by the world, they shouldn‘t commit barbarism and savagery.
arafats wife ran off with billions and won’t even spit in the face of her Palestinian people. Hamas got billions too and instead they built tunnels, suicide bombers and assorted IslamoNazi terrorist armies and stole the rest.

After all that they’ve done on Oct. 7, the subhuman animals still won’t release the children, young civilians and women they’ve kidnapped. How barbaric and savage can a people be, truly one of the most depraved, evil people in the history of the world.

The fact that you support them day after day, says a lot about who and what you are. Made of the same cloth.
And yet we all know now it is nonsense.
How about the Pali subhuman animals release the little kids and women they are holding hostage in their terrorist rat hole caves, for starters. But no all they want to talk about is a “ceasefire” just so they can rearm and steal the humanitarian aid meant for their people, which is something they’ve done many times before.
And I really wish Biden would stop trying to paint PalestinIans as totally innocent victims in all this. They did, after all, choose HAMAS terrorists as their leaders and brainwash their kids into wanting to kill Jews. They even SACRIFICE their own kids with suicide bombs if it means Jews can be murdered.
As if there’s a difference between Palestinians and Hamas. There isn’t. When they committed the savagery of Oct. 7, all the Palestinians and the entire Muslim world broke into celebrations and eating of sweets, as if it was 9-11 all over again.
As if there’s a difference between Palestinians and Hamas. There isn’t. When they committed the savagery of Oct. 7, all the Palestinians and the entire Muslim world broke into celebrations and eating of sweets, as if it was 9-11 all over again.
And listen to how Biden, and now Harris, are always emphasizing how the Palestinians are separate - and oppressed, innocent victims.

They‘re setting us up for when then relocate these “innocent’ Jew-haters to America.
And listen to how Biden, and now Harris, are always emphasizing how the Palestinians are separate - and oppressed, innocent victims.

They‘re setting us up for when then relocate these “innocent’ Jew-haters to America.
His handlers just told him he’s going to lose the Muslim vote and therefore Michigan. So now they’re backtracking. Before Jew hate we must confront Islamophobia. Can you imagine?
He fancy's himself some sort of writer. :dunno:

Otherwise, there goes the site resources. ;)

Everyone here is a writer, dear. If a group of malcontents burn babies up in front of parents they torture mentally before actually killing them in cold blood, bound and gagged--and finding it cheerful, they're killing the humanity in their own souls. Hitler allied himself with an Arabic Mayor of Jerusalem in the 1930s and 40s. The result was his own suicide after killing one million Jews in the European theater of WWII and promising that German forces would be killing Jews in the promised land when WWII was over. I'm sorry to see Americans flooding Washington D.C. on the evening news calling for backing down on the defense of Netanyahu's Israel after the grisly Hamas attempt to do Hitler's promise all by themselves. They are not succeeding with all that money Iran is spending on American reporters, American politicians, and protest parties in Universities the Ayatollah jealously coveted and paid a tremendous price to revive Hitler's goals on American soil.

President Trump will not allow nonsense of bringing the spirit of Hitler to this land. Biden doesn't give a damn unless he gets several million dollars under the table for egomania he has engaged in for likely 50 years. The wealth he accumulated from wheeling and dealing with the Foreign Aid Packages he has exploited to the max will not save him from being the most disgusting human being who ever grabbed the WH with extortion money he accumulated to buy his way into grim sort of undeserved power. And that's my opinion based on the facts in print and on the air. I prefer honor over wealth.
And listen to how Biden, and now Harris, are always emphasizing how the Palestinians are separate - and oppressed, innocent victims.

They‘re setting us up for when then relocate these “innocent’ Jew-haters to America.
I think he already did that by way of the Southern Border. It's the sickest thing an American president has ever done. Unfortunately, the failure to keep his oath of office to provide for the common defense has thrown the world into accomplish a third world war, and it's already started. Only one man I know of can reverse this ploy: Donald Trump. Vote for him in Election 2024. With President Trump, we will get a more peaceful world. Trump's track record shows that peace is first and foremost in his administrative duties. God blessed America with hope as President Trump fenced for world peace, and not for world war. And that's what I think.
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I think he already did that by way of the Southern Border. It's the sickest thing an American president has ever done.
Agree. And think how I feel, as a Jew. For the first time in my 60+ years, we had an armed guard posted in front of shul for regular Friday night and Saturday services.

I am sure that Obama is running a shadow presidency, continuing his love affair with antisemitic Muslims.
His handlers just told him he’s going to lose the Muslim vote and therefore Michigan. So now they’re backtracking. Before Jew hate we must confront Islamophobia. Can you imagine?
Dems will use Tlaib, omar, and the rest of the Squat to tell those muslims that Joe don't mean it. Watch his actions, not his words.

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