Poll: More Americans believe Cohen than Trump

Americans Trust President Trump Less Than Admitted Liar Michael Cohen, Survey Says

Yes....Americans believe we have a Criminal in the White House. The tide is turning and the Mafia Boss is being exposed....
Republicans are resisting the obvious:

QU Poll Release Detail

"March 5, 2019 - 64 Percent Of U.S. Voters Say Trump Committed A Crime, Quinnipiac University National Poll Finds; President Gets Mixed Grades For North Korea

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Sample and Methodology detail

"President Donald Trump committed crimes before he became president, American voters say 64 - 24 percent in a Quinnipiac University National Poll released today.

"Republicans say 48 - 33 percent that President Trump did not commit crimes before he was president, the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University National Poll finds.

"Every other listed party, gender, education, age and racial group says by wide margins that Trump committed crimes."
As Trump becomes more and more desperate he becomes a bigger and bigger buffoon and the fool of America on display.
Considering that every Democrat today has a double digit IQ, Trump has too much competition to be a buffoon or the “fool of America”.

tRumPutin has a single digit IQ, he wins most of the buffoon competitions. Unless tRumPutinbots are around.
Americans Trust President Trump Less Than Admitted Liar Michael Cohen, Survey Says

Yes....Americans believe we have a Criminal in the White House. The tide is turning and the Mafia Boss is being exposed....
Republicans are resisting the obvious:

QU Poll Release Detail

"March 5, 2019 - 64 Percent Of U.S. Voters Say Trump Committed A Crime, Quinnipiac University National Poll Finds; President Gets Mixed Grades For North Korea

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Sample and Methodology detail

"President Donald Trump committed crimes before he became president, American voters say 64 - 24 percent in a Quinnipiac University National Poll released today.

"Republicans say 48 - 33 percent that President Trump did not commit crimes before he was president, the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University National Poll finds.

"Every other listed party, gender, education, age and racial group says by wide margins that Trump committed crimes."
Republicans are now the most intelligent group in the country by a very wide margin.

Most Democrats couldn’t tell you Trump’s age if you held a gun to their non-existent testicles.
As Trump becomes more and more desperate he becomes a bigger and bigger buffoon and the fool of America on display.
Considering that every Democrat today has a double digit IQ, Trump has too much competition to be a buffoon or the “fool of America”.

tRumPutin has a single digit IQ, he wins most of the buffoon competitions. Unless tRumPutinbots are around.
Only someone with a low double digit IQ would ever say this.

You can’t have a single digit IQ as a human being and live for more than a few seconds.
Traitors to TRUMP. WE are patriots. We love our country.

YOU love Trump

You assholes love America so much you are allowing it to be overrun by illegal foreigners who rape and kill Americans while you abort millions of real Americans. :anj_stfu:
Americans Trust President Trump Less Than Admitted Liar Michael Cohen, Survey Says

Yes....Americans believe we have a Criminal in the White House. The tide is turning and the Mafia Boss is being exposed....
Republicans are resisting the obvious:

QU Poll Release Detail

"March 5, 2019 - 64 Percent Of U.S. Voters Say Trump Committed A Crime, Quinnipiac University National Poll Finds; President Gets Mixed Grades For North Korea

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Trend Information
Sample and Methodology detail

"President Donald Trump committed crimes before he became president, American voters say 64 - 24 percent in a Quinnipiac University National Poll released today.

"Republicans say 48 - 33 percent that President Trump did not commit crimes before he was president, the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University National Poll finds.

"Every other listed party, gender, education, age and racial group says by wide margins that Trump committed crimes."
Republicans are now the most intelligent group in the country by a very wide margin.

Most Democrats couldn’t tell you Trump’s age if you held a gun to their non-existent testicles.
Republicans are now the most intelligent group in the country by a very wide margin.
Where did you get that idea?

"Overall, whites with a four-year college degree or more education made up 30% of all validated voters. Among these voters, far more (55%) said they voted for Clinton than for Trump (38%). Among the much larger group of white voters who had not completed college (44% of all voters), Trump won by more than two-to-one (64% to 28%)"

An examination of the 2016 electorate, based on validated voters
As Trump becomes more and more desperate he becomes a bigger and bigger buffoon and the fool of America on display.
Considering that every Democrat today has a double digit IQ, Trump has too much competition to be a buffoon or the “fool of America”.

tRumPutin has a single digit IQ, he wins most of the buffoon competitions. Unless tRumPutinbots are around.
Only someone with a low double digit IQ would ever say this.

You can’t have a single digit IQ as a human being and live for more than a few seconds.

Ewe seem to be living proof, slither on.
Americans Trust President Trump Less Than Admitted Liar Michael Cohen, Survey Says

Yes....Americans believe we have a Criminal in the White House. The tide is turning and the Mafia Boss is being exposed....
Republicans are resisting the obvious:

QU Poll Release Detail

"March 5, 2019 - 64 Percent Of U.S. Voters Say Trump Committed A Crime, Quinnipiac University National Poll Finds; President Gets Mixed Grades For North Korea

PDF format
Trend Information
Sample and Methodology detail

"President Donald Trump committed crimes before he became president, American voters say 64 - 24 percent in a Quinnipiac University National Poll released today.

"Republicans say 48 - 33 percent that President Trump did not commit crimes before he was president, the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University National Poll finds.

"Every other listed party, gender, education, age and racial group says by wide margins that Trump committed crimes."
Republicans are now the most intelligent group in the country by a very wide margin.

Most Democrats couldn’t tell you Trump’s age if you held a gun to their non-existent testicles.
Republicans are now the most intelligent group in the country by a very wide margin.
Where did you get that idea?

"Overall, whites with a four-year college degree or more education made up 30% of all validated voters. Among these voters, far more (55%) said they voted for Clinton than for Trump (38%). Among the much larger group of white voters who had not completed college (44% of all voters), Trump won by more than two-to-one (64% to 28%)"

An examination of the 2016 electorate, based on validated voters
The fact that you associate college with intelligence hilariously proves how wrong and how stupid you are. High schoolers today are more intelligent than college graduates today.

Professors who actually know what they are talking about no longer exist in the biggest colleges, they have been chased off by dumbass kids, Obama’s policies and the media. Instead you have idiots who shouldn’t be allowed to teach kindergarten teaching in college and making national headlines with the stupid and racist shit they are saying.
Trumproids are being repeatedly shown with clear evidence their leader is a Hillary Clinton obsessed ....

Since Hillary Clinton, who should never have been in the 2016 election, lost in 2016, the Democrats - seriously - lost their damn mind. They refused to accept the results of the 2016 election and have been on a non-stop obsessive quest to effect a coup d'état, to overturn the will of the American people / the results of a democratically-held election.

The Democrats' actions against the President, as evidence shows, have ranged from an abuse of power all the way to seditious conspiratorial treason.

All of the Conspirators (Comey, McCabe, Baker, Strock, Paige) in the FBI have either been fired or have left the FBI, 2 of them - at least - are under personal investigation. The US IG has already identified crimes committed by the FBI, who began an illegal investigation of the President because they disagreed with his foreign policy and because he fired their boss. Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe was recommended for indictment by the US IG. The US IG reportedly is still investigating the FISA Court abuses / crimes perpetrated by the FBI - who has an amazing documented criminal history of criminal FISA Court abuses.

The entire criminal treasonous collaboration between the Obama Administration's top agency Directors / Leaders and Co-Conspirator Mueller's witch hunt has lasted more than 2 years and has come up with no crime and no evidence of any crime directly linked to the President.

NOW, still rabidly obsessed with taking down the President and pissed off Mueller has failed to take down the President, the Democrats - led my admitted criminal Classified Info Leaker Schiff - is not even waiting for Mueller's report but instead has declared they will abuse their power to launch an unprecedented fishing expedition - based on NO CRIME / evidence of a crime, just like Mueller's investigation - into every aspect of the President's life in an attempt to successfully complete their intended coup against the President of the United States.

And in the meantime the Democrats refuse to acknowledge the only evidence of real crimes exposed in this entire investigation because that evidence has exposed Democrats and the Witch Hunters are the ones who perpetrated them.

The only ones who have been obsessed and remain obsessed are the Democrats, demonstrating they are willing to even harm this nation (shutdown) in order to take down or hurt the President's re-election chances in 2020.

Hillary was right:

The fact that you associate college with intelligence hilariously proves how wrong and how stupid you are. High schoolers today are more intelligent than college graduates today.
That's not saying much. College graduates these days are only dumber than high school kids because they have attended and gotten their diplomas from the 'advanced liberal indoctrination ' institutions.
The fact that you associate college with intelligence hilariously proves how wrong and how stupid you are. High schoolers today are more intelligent than college graduates today.
That's not saying much. College graduates these days are only dumber than high school kids because they have attended and gotten their diplomas from the 'advanced liberal indoctrination ' institutions.
The point is that this idiot(a college graduate himself no doubt)directly associates intelligence with college education. There is no correlation between the ability to receive and give information and just receiving and giving that information.

Even when colleges were good people didn’t just become smarter because they went to them. In fact dumb people used to be shamed out of colleges.
Traitors to TRUMP. WE are patriots. We love our country.

YOU love Trump
No, I just hate you.

You have destroyed western civilization and you will pay with your lives for it.
You threatening people again?

Inciting murder?
I am not threatening.

I will kill as many of you as I can.

But not before I torture you for hours.

I just can’t decide if I want to skin you all alive and drown you in boiling water so you can experience what white South Africans go through every day, or whether I should turn one of your political symbols into a weapon against you and chisel ominous messages into your bodies with a hammer and sickle.

Someone is just deranged, period. Geez, seek professional help. Thank goodness the ACA requires mental health be covered...
Traitors to TRUMP. WE are patriots. We love our country.

YOU love Trump
No, I just hate you.

You have destroyed western civilization and you will pay with your lives for it.
You threatening people again?

Inciting murder?
I am not threatening.

I will kill as many of you as I can.

But not before I torture you for hours.

I just can’t decide if I want to skin you all alive and drown you in boiling water so you can experience what white South Africans go through every day, or whether I should turn one of your political symbols into a weapon against you and chisel ominous messages into your bodies with a hammer and sickle.

Someone is just deranged, period. Geez, seek professional help. Thank goodness the ACA requires mental health be covered...


You're replying to a very sick person who has totally lost it.

Another right winger who wants to kill their fellow American only for the reason that the American has different views from them.

This is today's conservative. Violent and filled with hate to the point that it wants to torture and murder their fellow Americans just because those Americans don't share their beliefs.

This is one very seriously sick and disturbed person.

I think the best thing to do is just ignore this very disturbed person. I sure hope that person doesn't lose it and start on a rampage of murder.
Even when colleges were good people didn’t just become smarter because they went to them. In fact dumb people used to be shamed out of colleges.
In my entire college experience I learned the most (almost all) during my Internship working for a company, not in any classroom.
Traitors to TRUMP. WE are patriots. We love our country.

YOU love Trump
No, I just hate you.

You have destroyed western civilization and you will pay with your lives for it.
You threatening people again?

Inciting murder?
I am not threatening.

I will kill as many of you as I can.

But not before I torture you for hours.

I just can’t decide if I want to skin you all alive and drown you in boiling water so you can experience what white South Africans go through every day, or whether I should turn one of your political symbols into a weapon against you and chisel ominous messages into your bodies with a hammer and sickle.

Someone is just deranged, period. Geez, seek professional help. Thank goodness the ACA requires mental health be covered...


Another right winger who wants to kill their fellow American only for the reason that the American has different views from them.

This is today's conservative. Violent and filled with hate to the point that it wants to torture and murder their fellow Americans just because those American don't share their beliefs.

This is one very seriously sick and disturbed person.

I think the best thing to do is just ignore this very disturbed person. I sure hope that person doesn't lose it and start on a rampage of murder.

Ignore him? Call the FBI more like...
1. Polls are worth shit.
- How many people took part, demographics/political split of those polled, what were the specific questions - - they can be written to get any answer you want...

2. Cohen is an admitted convicted Felon Perjurer, convicted for lying under oath to Congress. During his 2nd appearance before Congress he committed Felony Perjury 6 times, resulting in the recommendation to the DOJ that he be indicted again on new Felony Perjury charges. This would result in more charges and more jail time for Cohen.

This means Cohen has absolutely ZERO credibility and absolutely no hesitation / reservation about lying...

That also means Democrats, by bringing him in to testify and continuing to hold him up as a reliable witness, proved / are still proving they have no reservation about using a convicted Felony Perjurer who can not provide any evidence to support his claims as their star witness in a continued coup d'état against the President of the United States.

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