Poll: Obama hits lowest approval


VIP Member
Jul 23, 2014
President Barack Obama’s approval rating is at the lowest level of his presidency
The survey comes less than a month out from the November midterm elections. A large number of Democratic congressional and gubernatorial candidates on the campaign trail have been distancing themselves from the White House.
Republicans riding turnout wave among 2014 voters - The Washington Post

Seems like people are finally waking up to his failed progressive agenda. Barack is like a ball and chain around the ankle of every Democrat Senate candidate. That's a good thing for this country
A catch 22, you suport Obama and there's the low support rate. You distance yourself and you appear to be abandoning the Democrat party line or just being dishonest.
Barak Obola don't give a damn about polls any more, as if he ever did. :up:
True. His corrupt mission has always been for the government to take control of the people for a one-party Democratic/Socialist system with one dictator to be the law of the land in America. He started with takeover of medical care, soon, passing legislation legalizing illegal immigration with welcome signs at open borders, and will finish with the take over by the government of our personal property rights, which is legal to do under the process of Eminent Domain. He isn't anywhere near through and couldn't care less about polls. The mission is the destruction of the Constitution as the founders intended it, not as a living, mutating document Barack Hussein wants to see.

What is Eminent Domain?
Simply put, eminent domain is the power of the state to take private property for the use in a public project in return for reasonable compensation. Reasonable compensation is defined in terms of fair market value of the property.

Example 1: Private property is in the way of a road that must be expanded to accommodate public use. The condemning agency in the case partially or entirely overtakes the property through eminent domain action, if no agreement is reached first.

Example 2: Utility company needs to run power poles through your property; it can claim "easement" rights to use your property without actually possessing it.

Can't Eminent Domain Power be Abused?
It certainly can. Eminent domain abuse has become a growing concern in many communities where a property developer convinces the city take private property for the purpose of redevelopment for profit. The law has gone as far as defining "public use" as "for the public good", which are entirely different things. Under the "public good" definition, cities can claim private property and allow private developers to raise new buildings for the sole purpose of profit growth. There is an excellent 60 minutes article that shines light on the growing concern surrounding eminent domain abuse.

What Is Eminent Domain
A catch 22, you suport Obama and there's the low support rate. You distance yourself and you appear to be abandoning the Democrat party line or just being dishonest.
I met people that would not call Bush a republican in the last years of his presidency......He is also one of the very few never invited to his parties convention to elect a president..sad...
Repubs in Congress have lower approval rating than the president, does that mean they will distance themselves from themselves?
Barry Ebola's been in over his head since the moment he first stepped into our White House, and now he's likely going to negatively influence some election outcomes that affect his fellow party members.

It's a beautiful thing!
Barry Ebola's been in over his head since the moment he first stepped into our White House, and now he's likely going to negatively influence some election outcomes that affect his fellow party members.

It's a beautiful thing!
The greatest influence is voting trends in US history. The party with a sitting president have a greater chance of losing Congress...Especially mid-term elections...

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