Poll: ONLY 29% see Obama winning in 2012....

R1's immaturity reeks badly, and the lack of argumentative skills rots his arguments. He needs far more than wack wing nut talking points to compete here. Perhaps he will learn.

Someday R1 will look back at what he thought were great comments and laugh at them.....God knows we sure do
Obama will run again in 2012 and barring an economic collapse, he will win.

He is still personally popular and will be able to point to quite a resume of accomplishments

Frankly, there is no heavy hitter for the Republicans. Romney and Huckabee will run because their resumes iare getting stale. Neither can generate much public support and will fade as the election draws near.

2016 is a good target for the Republicans. The public usually votes the other party after 8 years and the Dems lack an heir apparent after Obama (Hillary?)
Yeah you are. Incumbents are very difficult to defeat.

Slick Willie did beat Bush I, declaring when Bush's positives were something like 90%. If the economy gets better, Obama will have a better chance. But if we're still at 9.8% unemployment, it will be difficult for him.

If anyone wants to bet money on Obama, or anyone else, winning the Presidency in 2012, you can go to Intrade and lay down a wager. Currently, the odds of Obama winning re-election are 56%. The odds of Palin winning the nomination are 19%.

I still think Perot had a lot to do with Clinton winning. Not surprised about obama's odds. I would have said 60. surprised palin's nomination chances are that low, tbph.

Elvis, I have heard the Perot hurt Clinton worse than Bush. I haven't checked it out for evidence. Just saying.
Slick Willie did beat Bush I, declaring when Bush's positives were something like 90%. If the economy gets better, Obama will have a better chance. But if we're still at 9.8% unemployment, it will be difficult for him.

If anyone wants to bet money on Obama, or anyone else, winning the Presidency in 2012, you can go to Intrade and lay down a wager. Currently, the odds of Obama winning re-election are 56%. The odds of Palin winning the nomination are 19%.

I still think Perot had a lot to do with Clinton winning. Not surprised about obama's odds. I would have said 60. surprised palin's nomination chances are that low, tbph.

Elvis, I have heard the Perot hurt Clinton worse than Bush. I haven't checked it out for evidence. Just saying.

without looking at evidence, it's hard for me to believe perot took more votes from clinton than Bush I. we'll never know for sure, I suppose.
I still think Perot had a lot to do with Clinton winning. Not surprised about obama's odds. I would have said 60. surprised palin's nomination chances are that low, tbph.

Elvis, I have heard the Perot hurt Clinton worse than Bush. I haven't checked it out for evidence. Just saying.

without looking at evidence, it's hard for me to believe perot took more votes from clinton than Bush I. we'll never know for sure, I suppose.

Bush really got hurt by raising taxes. He was a pretty good president on the whole, it just cut into his base doing that.

I don't think Perot had much of an effect..especially after his vice president fiasco.
Obama may get reelected but not in 2012. The census cost him at least a 40 electoral college swing in the coming election, more probably close to 100. It is very difficult for a president to win reelection if he is in power during a third digit odd number census (Such as 2010). The exceptions such as Madison, Jackson and Grant were involved in survival wars or heroes of same. The odds are not good for third digit number censuses (2000, 1980 and 1960) either and in fact my even be worse for the party in power but Obama is still bucking 7-3 odds against reelection. When the electoral college map is changing normal strategies tend to fail.
"The census cost him at least a 40 electoral college swing in the coming election, more probably close to 100." OK, that's your opinion. Now give us the hard evidence to support it. Obama is right now 56% positive with the gambler's odds.

"When the electoral college map is changing normal strategies tend to fail." OK, that's your opinion. Now give us the hard evidence to support it.

Now for some hard evidence. In 1948, 1956, and 1996 the sitting presidents, having been rocked by massive changes in favor of their congressional opposition, won election: handily in the last two campaigns.

See, William, what some hard evidence does to talking point opinions. You are only whistling in the dark as you pass the graveyard. Want to buck up GOP odds. Work as hard as you can against a Palin nomination and work as hard as you can for a Romney nomination.
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Do you really mean to tell me that only 29% of us are pessimists? Are 71% of us really that optimistic?

"The census cost him at least a 40 electoral college swing in the coming election, more probably close to 100." OK, that's your opinion. Now give us the hard evidence to support it. Obama is right now 56% positive with the gambler's odds.

Do. The. Math. Both electoral college and presidential reelection bids for years ending in 2.

"When the electoral college map is changing normal strategies tend to fail." OK, that's your opinion. Now give us the hard evidence to support it.

Now for some hard evidence. In 1948, 1956, and 1996 the sitting presidents, having been rocked by massive changes in favor of their congressional opposition, won election: handily in the last two campaigns.

None of your examples are post census reelection examples such elections end in 0 or 2. As in FDR and McKinley are exemptions for reelections ending in zero.

See, William, what some hard evidence does to talking point opinions. You are only whistling in the dark as you pass the graveyard. Want to buck up GOP odds. Work as hard as you can against a Palin nomination and work as hard as you can for a Romney nomination.
Yeah it show you did not bother to count, do simple arithmetic or read.
"The census cost him at least a 40 electoral college swing in the coming election, more probably close to 100." OK, that's your opinion. Now give us the hard evidence to support it. Obama is right now 56% positive with the gambler's odds.

Do. The. Math. Both electoral college and presidential reelection bids for years ending in 2.

"When the electoral college map is changing normal strategies tend to fail." OK, that's your opinion. Now give us the hard evidence to support it.

Now for some hard evidence. In 1948, 1956, and 1996 the sitting presidents, having been rocked by massive changes in favor of their congressional opposition, won election: handily in the last two campaigns.

None of your examples are post census reelection examples such elections end in 0 or 2. As in FDR and McKinley are exemptions for reelections ending in zero.

See, William, what some hard evidence does to talking point opinions. You are only whistling in the dark as you pass the graveyard. Want to buck up GOP odds. Work as hard as you can against a Palin nomination and work as hard as you can for a Romney nomination.
Yeah it show you did not bother to count, do simple arithmetic or read.

John King did the math yesterday on his show and it showed that Obama would have lost 6 electoral college votes based on the new census information. not even close enough to have defeated him
Well one can only hope. Many issues can affect the outcome of the next election. Too soon to call.

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