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POLL: Open the economy up and go back to work - Stay home and shutdown

Do you support reopening many US businesses 4/13/20, or prefer keeping the US shutdown longer

  • Yes, Re-open the US economy such as small businesses to keep them from going bankrupt

    Votes: 92 69.2%
  • No, do not open up small or big US businesses, COVID-19 is too dangerous to rush opening

    Votes: 41 30.8%

  • Total voters
I'm seeing a lot of discussion but can't figure out who has the majority.

To re-open the US economy in a limited fashion around Easter Monday (4/13/20) with masks, social distancing, no sports venues, no cruises, or major crowds, just minimal re-opening businesses. The object is to keep as many companies in-business as possible.

Or, keep the economy and businesses shutdown until the coronavirus (COVID-19) is under control as recommended by the doctors, even if that means that many businesses would NOT re-open due to the lost revenue and bankruptcy.
Open it up. Sure. Some may catch it. But shutting down the whole COUNTRY will cause a depression worse than 1929. How many died as a result of THAT?
The Unthinkable Cruelty and Inhumanity of the Coerced Shutdown
View attachment 317656

On Wednesday of this week a prominent oyster provider for D.C. area restaurants was forced to let 350+ workers go. Readers can likely imagine that more than a few lack any kind of familial safety net. It’s also not unreasonable to guess that many won’t be receiving a $1,200 check on account of the under-the-table nature of their employment.

Such is the cruelty of economic contractions care of overdone hysteria and political force. The reverberations are broad. The seen is the empty restaurants; that, or restaurants reduced to a fraction of their former capacity in the form of curbside takeout. The unseen is, among other things, the brutality endured by the suppliers of those restaurants. Sick-inducing is that the 350 workers mentioned above are but a fraction of the total number who will have to figure out ways to get by without a paycheck given the forced shutdown of all “nonessential” businesses in various parts of the country. That all too many of these businesses were open, and thriving not too many weeks ago, is a reminder that politicians have a different understanding of “essential” than do investors, business heads, and employees.


Someone temporarily losing their non-essential service job is nothing compared to the disaster that is happening in hospitals across the country, especially New York City.

Go to a hospital in New York City where they are running out of supplies and people are dying in such large numbers they had to bring in freezer trucks to hold all the bodies that are piling up. 500 dead a day now. Expected to up to 2,000 dead a day in two weeks. Had we locked up and stayed home a month earlier than this, these deaths would not be happening.
Speculative nonsense just as all of this overreactive farce has been

The figures are not speculative, they are real. Over 500 people have died from this virus today in the United States.
How many have died from FLU?
I'm seeing a lot of discussion but can't figure out who has the majority.

To re-open the US economy in a limited fashion around Easter Monday (4/13/20) with masks, social distancing, no sports venues, no cruises, or major crowds, just minimal re-opening businesses. The object is to keep as many companies in-business as possible.

Or, keep the economy and businesses shutdown until the coronavirus (COVID-19) is under control as recommended by the doctors, even if that means that many businesses would NOT re-open due to the lost revenue and bankruptcy.

All of the lock down measures that I've seen, have not been effective, as near as I can tell.
The clear example of this, would be Italy, which is again as near as I can tell, has the most strict and harsh lock down measure of any country.

Yet virus infections are still rising.

So.... given there doesn't seem to be much value in lock down, then we are left with a pointless policy that damages the entire economy. Corona, no matter which way you look at it, will be short term. Damage to the economy will be long term.

Now I do understand the logic, of trying to flatten the curve, and prevent hospitals from being overwhelmed. Again... not seeing that this is working.

I tried to explain this to these guys before it all has to do with the natural logarithm of increase. Most socially transmitted diseases fall well within the realm of controllability by virtue of their contagion factor. But this thing is right off the charts. It really makes a person suspicious that it shows up with a two-week incubation period. Now consider the fact that the natural logarithm also has an inverse proportionality. Since 3 is a limit that it never reaches the fact that this thing has a contagion factor of more than that indicates that it's probably not controllable at all. Based on our ability to increase our treatment of it we find ourselves falling below the natural logarithm of increase. And we will never surpass that because nothing in nature ever has. Along comes covid-19 where the infected person most likely contacts hundreds of people before he knows he's even sick.
The mathematical indicators create an impossible scenario. even those places that are now boasting control and containment or complete elimination will eventually be ravaged. It's inescapable.


You can't be ravaged if your on lockdown. China has effectively controlled it. If there is a second wave after they reopen, they can lockdown again. As time goes by, we get closer to a vaccine. With a vaccine, everything changes.

Japan only has 1,500 cases. Its under control there. It could have been that way too for the United States, but Trump and the rest of the leadership failed to act in January and February.

I agree with one point....Vaccine yes.
Other than that I predict global exposure
Is inevitable.... It's not going away.


Exactly. That's the point. The problem with this logic, is that we are still operating under the impression that we can eliminate this.

Well... the Chinese haven't been able to eliminate the other Corona strains, and they were LESS contagious than this strain.

Again.... could be wrong. Could be wrong! I'll be the first to admit it!

But given that they can't eliminate the previous less dangerous strain, and this strain hasn't been contained...... anywhere.....

So if you can contain this thing, I see precious little evidence to support it.

Are the other corona strains causing the Chinese people and economy a problem? NO

China acted early and kicked this things ass. Because Trump acted late, were going to have far more deaths than China did. Lockdowns work, China proved it.


Coronavirus devastates China's economy and the 'nightmare' is not over


The silly part about the numbers scare is that on a normal day in the US about 7,000 people die. That's every day.

I am no longer concerned about the now. The next 12 months after “the now” well may be a horse of a different color disaster
Many simulations have been run in recent weeks using standard epidemiological models and the emerging consensus, as I read it, is that test, trace and isolate can be very effective. Paul Romer’s simulations are here and he notes that a COVID-19 test does not have to be especially accurate for the test, trace and isolate strategy to work. Indeed, you don’t even need to trace, if you test enough people. Linnarsson and Taipale agree writing:

We propose an additional intervention that would contribute to the control of the COVID-19 pandemic and facilitate reopening of society, based on: (1) testing every individual (2) repeatedly, and (3) self-quarantine of infected individuals. By identification and isolation of the majority of infectious individuals, including the estimated 86% who are asymptomatic or undocumented, the reproduction number R0 of SARS-CoV-2 would be reduced well below 1.0, and the epidemic would collapse….Unlike sampling-based tests, population-scale testing does not need to be very accurate: false negative rates up to 15% could be tolerated if 80% comply with testing, and false positives can be almost arbitrarily high when a high fraction of the population is already effectively quarantined.
What is the scenario for going back to work? Testing and tracing. In fact, two types of tests. First, the test for COVID-19 which says if an individual is infected. After deadly delays caused by the FDA and CDC we unleashed the private labs and the states and are now ramping up the number of tests. As of today, we have run about 80 thousand but we need many more and with every positive test we need to isolate and contact trace. Test, isolate, and trace. Health care workers need daily testing. We don’t need to test everyone but we do need to test enough to get the number of new cases down to a level that people feel comfortable returning to work, to shop, to eat. In China yesterday there were no new local infections. We can get there.

The second test is for COVID-19 antibodies which indicate that the person was infected and recovered and may thus have some immunity. An antibody test was just announced. The test looks only at one antibody and this doesn’t guarantee immunity. Nevertheless, people who have been infected and recovered are valuable. The blood of recovered individuals may be useful as a treatment. (N.B. The NIH Vaccine Research Center is looking for otherwise healthy recovered COVID-19 patients who are willing to donate their blood for study. Please contact.) In addition, recovered individuals have a kind of superpower and would be highly desirable workers. Recovered individuals are better able to help the sick at lower risk, for example (David Balan made this point in an unpublished piece). Moreover, a non-infected person would be very willing to work with a recovered person so the effect on labor supply is amplified.

I am no longer concerned about the now. The next 12 months after “the now” well may be a horse of a different color disaster

That all depends. The longer we stay shutdown, the harder the recovery, and some will have no chance at recovery. If we see a drop in deaths and new cases by mid April, that would start the wheels turning. If (like the flu) we find out this has seasonal effects, then the recovery will be even quicker. If we go through the entire summer and fall with little change, we are in big trouble.
The Unthinkable Cruelty and Inhumanity of the Coerced Shutdown
View attachment 317656

On Wednesday of this week a prominent oyster provider for D.C. area restaurants was forced to let 350+ workers go. Readers can likely imagine that more than a few lack any kind of familial safety net. It’s also not unreasonable to guess that many won’t be receiving a $1,200 check on account of the under-the-table nature of their employment.

Such is the cruelty of economic contractions care of overdone hysteria and political force. The reverberations are broad. The seen is the empty restaurants; that, or restaurants reduced to a fraction of their former capacity in the form of curbside takeout. The unseen is, among other things, the brutality endured by the suppliers of those restaurants. Sick-inducing is that the 350 workers mentioned above are but a fraction of the total number who will have to figure out ways to get by without a paycheck given the forced shutdown of all “nonessential” businesses in various parts of the country. That all too many of these businesses were open, and thriving not too many weeks ago, is a reminder that politicians have a different understanding of “essential” than do investors, business heads, and employees.


Someone temporarily losing their non-essential service job is nothing compared to the disaster that is happening in hospitals across the country, especially New York City.

Go to a hospital in New York City where they are running out of supplies and people are dying in such large numbers they had to bring in freezer trucks to hold all the bodies that are piling up. 500 dead a day now. Expected to up to 2,000 dead a day in two weeks. Had we locked up and stayed home a month earlier than this, these deaths would not be happening.
Speculative nonsense just as all of this overreactive farce has been

The figures are not speculative, they are real. Over 500 people have died from this virus today in the United States.
How many have died from FLU?

Last time I looked, it was around 16,000 so far, and the flu season is not nearly over yet.
What is the scenario for going back to work? Testing and tracing. In fact, two types of tests. First, the test for COVID-19 which says if an individual is infected. After deadly delays caused by the FDA and CDC we unleashed the private labs and the states and are now ramping up the number of tests. As of today, we have run about 80 thousand but we need many more and with every positive test we need to isolate and contact trace. Test, isolate, and trace. Health care workers need daily testing. We don’t need to test everyone but we do need to test enough to get the number of new cases down to a level that people feel comfortable returning to work, to shop, to eat. In China yesterday there were no new local infections. We can get there.

The second test is for COVID-19 antibodies which indicate that the person was infected and recovered and may thus have some immunity. An antibody test was just announced. The test looks only at one antibody and this doesn’t guarantee immunity. Nevertheless, people who have been infected and recovered are valuable. The blood of recovered individuals may be useful as a treatment. (N.B. The NIH Vaccine Research Center is looking for otherwise healthy recovered COVID-19 patients who are willing to donate their blood for study. Please contact.) In addition, recovered individuals have a kind of superpower and would be highly desirable workers. Recovered individuals are better able to help the sick at lower risk, for example (David Balan made this point in an unpublished piece). Moreover, a non-infected person would be very willing to work with a recovered person so the effect on labor supply is amplified.

Welcome aboard newbie! You seem like a very technical poster, good. We have more than enough partisan bullshitters here.
Totally agree with your posts. If the unemployment rate hits 30% for a month or so, then saying that the participation rate was about 67%, so simple math, 0.7 x 0.7 means that the US economy should be running at about 50% as a minimum. As more and more places get back to work that 50% should rise to maybe 90%?? I'm thinking that the cruise and travel industries are in for a few tough years. Thinking about sports crowds?! Should baseball stadiums be allowed to open or just play on TV? No live concerts, etc. until the vaccine is available.
Tucker said that the virus came from a horseshoe bat, and that the nearest colony to Wuhan is 900 miles away, so I'm still thinking it was a Chinese Bio-Weapon of some sort.

Your posts don't have a projected timeline. I've been way to optimistic so far, so I'm thinking some time in May they might start letting people who can work safely with daily testing back to work, state by state, that Abbot Labs 5-minute test is a game-changer.
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I am no longer concerned about the now. The next 12 months after “the now” well may be a horse of a different color disaster

That all depends. The longer we stay shutdown, the harder the recovery, and some will have no chance at recovery. If we see a drop in deaths and new cases by mid April, that would start the wheels turning. If (like the flu) we find out this has seasonal effects, then the recovery will be even quicker. If we go through the entire summer and fall with little change, we are in big trouble.

If TRump is correct that the peak will occur around Easter, then it depends how fast the infections drop. Considering the new fast (5-minute) test from Abbot Labs, if thet gets rolled out fast enough we should be able to start getting back to work some time in May, June at the latest, or the economy is in deep trouble. The loans to businesses to keep them afloat will only last so long before they get over-extended.
What is the scenario for going back to work? Testing and tracing. In fact, two types of tests. First, the test for COVID-19 which says if an individual is infected. After deadly delays caused by the FDA and CDC we unleashed the private labs and the states and are now ramping up the number of tests. As of today, we have run about 80 thousand but we need many more and with every positive test we need to isolate and contact trace. Test, isolate, and trace. Health care workers need daily testing. We don’t need to test everyone but we do need to test enough to get the number of new cases down to a level that people feel comfortable returning to work, to shop, to eat. In China yesterday there were no new local infections. We can get there.

The second test is for COVID-19 antibodies which indicate that the person was infected and recovered and may thus have some immunity. An antibody test was just announced. The test looks only at one antibody and this doesn’t guarantee immunity. Nevertheless, people who have been infected and recovered are valuable. The blood of recovered individuals may be useful as a treatment. (N.B. The NIH Vaccine Research Center is looking for otherwise healthy recovered COVID-19 patients who are willing to donate their blood for study. Please contact.) In addition, recovered individuals have a kind of superpower and would be highly desirable workers. Recovered individuals are better able to help the sick at lower risk, for example (David Balan made this point in an unpublished piece). Moreover, a non-infected person would be very willing to work with a recovered person so the effect on labor supply is amplified.

Please stop quoting China. Their official statements aren't worth a pile of moldy horseshit. The technique sounds good but I strongly encourage you not to depend on any numbers you get from the Chinese government.

I am no longer concerned about the now. The next 12 months after “the now” well may be a horse of a different color disaster

That all depends. The longer we stay shutdown, the harder the recovery, and some will have no chance at recovery. If we see a drop in deaths and new cases by mid April, that would start the wheels turning. If (like the flu) we find out this has seasonal effects, then the recovery will be even quicker. If we go through the entire summer and fall with little change, we are in big trouble.

If TRump is correct that the peak will occur around Easter, then it depends how fast the infections drop. Considering the new fast (5-minute) test from Abbot Labs, if thet gets rolled out fast enough we should be able to start getting back to work some time in May, June at the latest, or the economy is in deep trouble. The loans to businesses to keep them afloat will only last so long before they get over-extended.

Once we have ample testing, anybody who gets blood work done should have an automatic COVID test included. What we need the most of for prevention and getting back to normal is a huge supply of N-95 disposable masks. Once those are available to us all, the more confident people will be about shopping and going back to work, or otherwise carrying on with their normal life.
You saying there is a vaccine?

it appears so....

Annual deaths from influenza are 20-60k. It would take 20 years to get to 1.7 million deaths.

As you can see, your claim that COVID isn’t going to kill as many as influenza is unsupported.
so why incite the public into a panic, and literally stop the productive worker ant(s) from producing?

I think that is all Trump was trying to do, not scare the pants off people so that they refuse to go to work even though its relatively safe.

Cuomo had an upbeat presser today.
1. More people leaving the hospital each of the last 8-days.
2. Fewer people entering the hospitals the last few days. (a trend or a blip? we'll know next week)

Not to jinx us, but it looks from the last few days that the US curve is bending downward to a peak, like the EU appears to be doing. We'll know that in the next week or two.
View attachment 316848

I would say information like this is why the lockdowns must continue. We might, just might be starting to make some headway against this thing. Here is some other good information to report.

The percentage rate of increase in confirmed cases per day has been declining for a few days now:

March 24, 2020 - United States - 54,916
March 25, 2020 - United States - 68,489 - 24.7% increase
March 26, 2020 - United States - 85,594 - 24.97% increase
March 27, 2020 - United States - 104,256 - 21.8% increase
March 28, 2020 - United States - 123,776 - 18.7% increase
March 29, 2020 - United States - 142,224 - 14.9% increase

Is that the infection, or unemployment rate going up daily?

Get ready to not have things, dumbass. You asked for it, begged for it, even.

Those are called NON-ESSENTIAL THINGS! The Essential services economy is booming!
When folks need money to buy food to eat, and money to pay their bills? IT'S ALL ESSENTIAL.

The check from the government will replace that. Consider it the government paying you to STAY HOME, just as we paid soldiers to go overseas and fight Nazi's in foreign countries in World War II.
We're all getting about $1,200 until we get back to work, which may be some time in May.
I hope you have a money tree in your home.

I get nothing except less work!

I get nothing and I'm still working at 120% keeping the economy going.
How do you get time to sleep what with working all those hours and then all the hours you spend posting here?

Did you fail math and reading comprehension snowflake?
The Unthinkable Cruelty and Inhumanity of the Coerced Shutdown
View attachment 317656

On Wednesday of this week a prominent oyster provider for D.C. area restaurants was forced to let 350+ workers go. Readers can likely imagine that more than a few lack any kind of familial safety net. It’s also not unreasonable to guess that many won’t be receiving a $1,200 check on account of the under-the-table nature of their employment.

Such is the cruelty of economic contractions care of overdone hysteria and political force. The reverberations are broad. The seen is the empty restaurants; that, or restaurants reduced to a fraction of their former capacity in the form of curbside takeout. The unseen is, among other things, the brutality endured by the suppliers of those restaurants. Sick-inducing is that the 350 workers mentioned above are but a fraction of the total number who will have to figure out ways to get by without a paycheck given the forced shutdown of all “nonessential” businesses in various parts of the country. That all too many of these businesses were open, and thriving not too many weeks ago, is a reminder that politicians have a different understanding of “essential” than do investors, business heads, and employees.


Someone temporarily losing their non-essential service job is nothing compared to the disaster that is happening in hospitals across the country, especially New York City.

Go to a hospital in New York City where they are running out of supplies and people are dying in such large numbers they had to bring in freezer trucks to hold all the bodies that are piling up. 500 dead a day now. Expected to up to 2,000 dead a day in two weeks. Had we locked up and stayed home a month earlier than this, these deaths would not be happening.
Speculative nonsense just as all of this overreactive farce has been

The figures are not speculative, they are real. Over 500 people have died from this virus today in the United States.
How many have died from FLU?

Actually the number on the 31st was 700 deaths from Coronavirus in the United States. Seasonal flu kills an average of 200 Americans a day during flu season, primarily those that FAILED to get their FLU shot vaccine. There is no vaccine for Coronavirus. As many as 3,500 Americans may be dying every day from Coronavirus the week after Easter.

Then there is the risk of Americans dying, because they can't get treatment at hospitals that are overwhelmed.
The Unthinkable Cruelty and Inhumanity of the Coerced Shutdown
View attachment 317656

On Wednesday of this week a prominent oyster provider for D.C. area restaurants was forced to let 350+ workers go. Readers can likely imagine that more than a few lack any kind of familial safety net. It’s also not unreasonable to guess that many won’t be receiving a $1,200 check on account of the under-the-table nature of their employment.

Such is the cruelty of economic contractions care of overdone hysteria and political force. The reverberations are broad. The seen is the empty restaurants; that, or restaurants reduced to a fraction of their former capacity in the form of curbside takeout. The unseen is, among other things, the brutality endured by the suppliers of those restaurants. Sick-inducing is that the 350 workers mentioned above are but a fraction of the total number who will have to figure out ways to get by without a paycheck given the forced shutdown of all “nonessential” businesses in various parts of the country. That all too many of these businesses were open, and thriving not too many weeks ago, is a reminder that politicians have a different understanding of “essential” than do investors, business heads, and employees.


Someone temporarily losing their non-essential service job is nothing compared to the disaster that is happening in hospitals across the country, especially New York City.

Go to a hospital in New York City where they are running out of supplies and people are dying in such large numbers they had to bring in freezer trucks to hold all the bodies that are piling up. 500 dead a day now. Expected to up to 2,000 dead a day in two weeks. Had we locked up and stayed home a month earlier than this, these deaths would not be happening.
Speculative nonsense just as all of this overreactive farce has been

The figures are not speculative, they are real. Over 500 people have died from this virus today in the United States.
How many have died from FLU?

Last time I looked, it was around 16,000 so far, and the flu season is not nearly over yet.

Flu season usually runs from October 1 to March 31 each year.
You saying there is a vaccine?

it appears so....

Annual deaths from influenza are 20-60k. It would take 20 years to get to 1.7 million deaths.

As you can see, your claim that COVID isn’t going to kill as many as influenza is unsupported.
so why incite the public into a panic, and literally stop the productive worker ant(s) from producing?

I think that is all Trump was trying to do, not scare the pants off people so that they refuse to go to work even though its relatively safe.

Cuomo had an upbeat presser today.
1. More people leaving the hospital each of the last 8-days.
2. Fewer people entering the hospitals the last few days. (a trend or a blip? we'll know next week)

Not to jinx us, but it looks from the last few days that the US curve is bending downward to a peak, like the EU appears to be doing. We'll know that in the next week or two.
View attachment 316848

I would say information like this is why the lockdowns must continue. We might, just might be starting to make some headway against this thing. Here is some other good information to report.

The percentage rate of increase in confirmed cases per day has been declining for a few days now:

March 24, 2020 - United States - 54,916
March 25, 2020 - United States - 68,489 - 24.7% increase
March 26, 2020 - United States - 85,594 - 24.97% increase
March 27, 2020 - United States - 104,256 - 21.8% increase
March 28, 2020 - United States - 123,776 - 18.7% increase
March 29, 2020 - United States - 142,224 - 14.9% increase

Is that the infection, or unemployment rate going up daily?

Get ready to not have things, dumbass. You asked for it, begged for it, even.

Those are called NON-ESSENTIAL THINGS! The Essential services economy is booming!
When folks need money to buy food to eat, and money to pay their bills? IT'S ALL ESSENTIAL.

The check from the government will replace that. Consider it the government paying you to STAY HOME, just as we paid soldiers to go overseas and fight Nazi's in foreign countries in World War II.
We're all getting about $1,200 until we get back to work, which may be some time in May.
I hope you have a money tree in your home.

It won't be May. It will be July at the earliest, and it will be done slowly. In the mean time, the economy for essential services is booming!
It's all essential to someone. . . .

. . . and if it goes on that long? There will be a general revolt.

They will have to shut down the internet, folks won't tolerate the lies for that long. This illness just isn't that deadly, the numbers are being fudged.

. . . any death that is recorded, is being falsely pinned on it. I have already seen folks that work in the hospitals come clean and admit, if someone dies of a heart attack or stroke, but they happen to have this? Then the cause of death is put down as Covid-19 so the commie's can take over.

Eventually, folks won't be happy with funny money anymore. They will realize, this is just an excuse to remake the entire system, and you and your pals will be dragged out in the streets if you do not stop this madness. . .

Conspiracy theorist. Well, some people see aliens, other people think 9/11 was an inside job by the government.
You saying there is a vaccine?

it appears so....

Annual deaths from influenza are 20-60k. It would take 20 years to get to 1.7 million deaths.

As you can see, your claim that COVID isn’t going to kill as many as influenza is unsupported.
so why incite the public into a panic, and literally stop the productive worker ant(s) from producing?

I think that is all Trump was trying to do, not scare the pants off people so that they refuse to go to work even though its relatively safe.

Cuomo had an upbeat presser today.
1. More people leaving the hospital each of the last 8-days.
2. Fewer people entering the hospitals the last few days. (a trend or a blip? we'll know next week)

Not to jinx us, but it looks from the last few days that the US curve is bending downward to a peak, like the EU appears to be doing. We'll know that in the next week or two.
View attachment 316848

I would say information like this is why the lockdowns must continue. We might, just might be starting to make some headway against this thing. Here is some other good information to report.

The percentage rate of increase in confirmed cases per day has been declining for a few days now:

March 24, 2020 - United States - 54,916
March 25, 2020 - United States - 68,489 - 24.7% increase
March 26, 2020 - United States - 85,594 - 24.97% increase
March 27, 2020 - United States - 104,256 - 21.8% increase
March 28, 2020 - United States - 123,776 - 18.7% increase
March 29, 2020 - United States - 142,224 - 14.9% increase

Is that the infection, or unemployment rate going up daily?

Get ready to not have things, dumbass. You asked for it, begged for it, even.

Those are called NON-ESSENTIAL THINGS! The Essential services economy is booming!
When folks need money to buy food to eat, and money to pay their bills? IT'S ALL ESSENTIAL.

The check from the government will replace that. Consider it the government paying you to STAY HOME, just as we paid soldiers to go overseas and fight Nazi's in foreign countries in World War II.
We're all getting about $1,200 until we get back to work, which may be some time in May.
I hope you have a money tree in your home.

It won't be May. It will be July at the earliest, and it will be done slowly. In the mean time, the economy for essential services is booming!
You are such a Commie turd.

Just look at you gleefully celebrating almost all wage-earner jobs being lost. What a fucking traitorous asshole!

Bring back hanging for seditious pieces of crap, I say!

The country is being attacked by a PATHOGEN and you want to feed that PATHOGEN new hosts which will get more Americans killed. That's a threat to this country's security and economy. The fastest way out of this disaster is to stay in lockdown until the pathogen is defeated or contained. You'll save lives and heal the economy faster with that approach.
I've always been attracted to the upper quintile, albeit them usually being social outcasts , and what i've noted is they may be God's in whatever they do best, but often lack the simple down to earth common sense to apply it toward the rest of their existence

But you cant have it both ways
Kind of like what they did in 2008, where all the working folks got kind of screwed.
Consider it the government paying you to STAY HOME, just as we paid soldiers to go overseas and fight Nazi's in foreign countries in World War II
As I said before, the ESSENTIAL SERVICES ECONOMY IS BOOMING RIGHT NOW. Its never been a better time to be employed in the production and distribution of FOOD and MEDICINE!
I guess it's nice to be considered 'essential' then....
Remember unemployed people
like me> non essential, & wanting to work?
Someone temporarily losing their non-essential service job is nothing compared to the disaster that is happening in hospitals across the country, especially New York City.
Grand, take a few months of w/out pay

and get back to us then


Sorry, but killing people to open up your non-essential job is not worth it for the country. STAY HOME AND SAVE LIVES! The country is at war with a PATHOGEN and people going to work in their non-essential business's provide the pathogen with a means to spread and kill more people.

There are homeless people out there in worse shape than these people at home from their non-essential business's. Don't aid the enemy, STAY HOME! This is a national effort to defeat the pathogen.
Non essential to who?

if your economic future depends on a small business that you built from the ground up its very essential to you

there are a lot of odd ducks on this forum who are retired or foreigners, or in some other way not part of the regular economy to begin with

but they dont represent most Americans
... I'm seeing a lot of discussion but can't figure out who has the majority. ...

In the USA? I guess the way of Turkmenistan could grow to become a mayority in the USA. Turkmenistan did forbid to use the word "Corona" and it works: In Turkmenistan exists not any infection with Corona. What a happy country with what a wonderful autocratic president. I guess everyone has weapons in this "third world shit hole country" and because they re not able to shoot down the virus they shoot down the unweaponed fighters against this virus.

Keep distance and help each other.

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... If we die, we die on our feet. with our boots on ...

No problem. Visit me. I hope I'll find somewhere in the cellar an old rifle of one of my grand-grand fathers, who had died without boots in a warm bed, surrounded from friends, when they were very, very old.

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