Poll: Should Amnesty Be Part of Comprehensive Immigration Reform?


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Poll: Should Amnesty Be Part of Comprehensive Immigration Reform?

“We have worked to build our power and now we intend to use it,” said Janet Murguía, president of National Council of La Raza. “The bottom line is that Latino voters went to the polls (not Illegal Aliens) with the economy on their minds but with immigration reform (amnesty) in their hearts.”
A “path to citizenship” for 11 million undocumented aliens in America is being sought. Does that mean amnesty for millions here illegally? One group says Congress has voted seven amnesties since 1986.
Poll: Should Amnesty Be Part of Comprehensive Immigration Reform? - Encinitas, CA Patch
54% of Americans say NO.

The Seven Amnesties Passed by Congress
Since the passing of the Immigration and Reform Control Act (IRCA), 6 million illegal aliens have received amnesty in the United States. The IRCA Amnesty was supposed to "wipe the slate clean" and instead it's lead to the current situation of 12-20 million illegal aliens living in the country.
Few advocate ‘amnesty.’

No actual, serious proposal in Washington as to immigration reform has amnesty as a component, including the president’s.
It is amnesty when it allows people who came here illegally to stay here legally and continue to reap the benefits of their illegal behavior.

And B.S. on any objection which says the kids shouldn't have to pay a price for their parents' illegal behavior.

When someone robs a bank do they get to keep the money as long as they promise to give it to their children?

No, the money has to go back and the parents have to go to jail, and the kids suffer the consequences of their parents' bad behavior. And it sucks that the parents would do that to their children, but it doesn't mean the kids get to keep the money.

All these people who are here illegally who will get to stay here legally are receiving a form of amnesty and are taking job opportunities away from people who were born here into poverty and don't see the light at the end of the tunnel.

We need to enforce laws and crack down on people hiring illegal aliens. Not give them permission to stay here and work permits.
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Amnesty, path to citizenship. same thing with a different name. They don't give a fuck about amnesty or citizenship, they just want to stay and reap the benefits of being here. How many from the 1986 amnesty have applied for citizenship and learned the language? Amnesty is a pardon and if we let them stay on a path to citizenship it is amnesty.
Why not? In American culture now a days, we seem to be so gullible as to equate illegal immigrants with honorable respectable legal immigrants. American culture has become so coarse and rude and devoid of respect, we tolerate this junk. The fault is in our own identity as Americans. We are losing our sense of identity. That isn’t something that can be quantified, weighed or measured. That is why we actually listen to illegal aliens when they dictate to us what our immigration policy should be…
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NO to any form of amnesty. Illegals should be run out of the country and enter here legally if they want to come back.

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