Poll to condemn or condone "the violence and law breaking that took place inside the Capital on 1/6"

Do you support the "violence and law breaking that took place inside the Capital on 1/6"?

  • I'm a GOP voter and NO I do NOT support the attack on the Capital Building

    Votes: 35 33.3%
  • I'm a GOP voter and YES I do support the attack on the Capital Building

    Votes: 11 10.5%
  • I'm a democrat and I condemn the 1/6 attack on the Capital Building

    Votes: 22 21.0%
  • Other, see my post

    Votes: 37 35.2%

  • Total voters
2. The virus got out and killed 600,000 Americans, as well as hurt the US economy, and President Trump's term
nope, the average death counts didn't increase from previous years. explain that?
:thankusmile: I know I had to laugh when I saw that babble,he has been taken in by the CIA controlled news,:rofl:unaware the virus is no more dangerous than the yearly flu which somehow vanished this past year with no flu deaths counted:rofl:

View attachment 505516

It does appear that the cure for influenza was discovered last year.



Yep and everytime as always our resident troll America hater bodecca can’t can’t counter facts,he tries to laugh them off.
Not as hard as it is for trump fluffers to say "Blue Lives Matter" now.
you've finally lost it. Blue Lives Matter, they matter as much as all lives matter. seems you can't say that.
Yes Blue Lives Matter....too bad the trump cultists on Jan 6th at the Capitol didn't believe that, and Republican members of Congress after Jan 6th don't believe in that.


Then you should be all for the Capitol police officer receiving a medal of valor for shooting the violent unarmed female insurrectionist on the 6th of January 2021.

You should write all your congresspersons to support this since he saved all their lives from certain death.

Small compensation for his act of heroism.


you people burn down entire cities

"Hyperbole of the Day"

I don't think an entire City has been burn down since Sherman's March to the Sea!

But do go on with your apocalyptic fantasy.

Fair enough. I will modify to “you people burn cities”.
Never burned a city ever. Haven't done what trump insurrectionist thugs did either, defecate in the Capitol building and try to kill Capitol police, Congresspeople, and the VP.
Wow so that's what a city being burned looks like. Just wow! Minneapolis sure looks small!

here’s our Nation’s Capital. How many fires from riots in cities throughout the Country would you like to see? The point is, the Left starts fires in cities when they are angry.View attachment 505118
When were those pictures taken?
2. The virus got out and killed 600,000 Americans, as well as hurt the US economy, and President Trump's term
nope, the average death counts didn't increase from previous years. explain that?
:thankusmile: I know I had to laugh when I saw that babble,he has been taken in by the CIA controlled news,:rofl:unaware the virus is no more dangerous than the yearly flu which somehow vanished this past year with no flu deaths counted:rofl:
In an average year 32,000 people die of the flu...so yeah your fucking wrong.

Also, masks, social distancing and hand washing....you heard of those right?
Trumpybears violent Brownshirt mob are true followers like the followers of Jim Jones. Not the ones who drank the poison mind you, but the followers who gunned down the Congressman investigating the situation.
View attachment 505505

I'm sure some secret service agents can be assigned to him for his safety.

A hero should be venerated and honored even if he has to take up residence at the Capitol henceforth.

After all he is a national hero for shooting down that violent unarmed female insurrectionist.



Well maybe that would have been true in the country we used to be. Now half the major political parties in the country no longer have faith in the US Constitution and are willing to turn to violence to achieve their political goals. That's who want the Heroes name released. The faithless ones are willing to turn to violence, so I wouldn't trust them anymore that I would trust Benedict Arnold in our mist.
Yes Blue Lives Matter....too bad the trump cultists on Jan 6th at the Capitol didn't believe that, and Republican members of Congress after Jan 6th don't believe in that.
still want to know why the cops let them into the capital. can you answer that? Seems that created much chaos. shooting oneself in the foot.

I condemn them going farther in than the cops allowed, but I don't blame them for entering when the cops let them in. It was a set up and those people fell for the demofk trap. It happens a lot.
2. The virus got out and killed 600,000 Americans, as well as hurt the US economy, and President Trump's term
nope, the average death counts didn't increase from previous years. explain that?
:thankusmile: I know I had to laugh when I saw that babble,he has been taken in by the CIA controlled news,:rofl:unaware the virus is no more dangerous than the yearly flu which somehow vanished this past year with no flu deaths counted:rofl:
In an average year 32,000 people die of the flu...so yeah your fucking wrong.

Also, masks, social distancing and hand washing....you heard of those right?
oh fk no sherlock 60 k can die from the flu. post a yearly chart for us.
Trumpybears violent Brownshirt mob are true followers like the followers of Jim Jones. Not the ones who drank the poison mind you, but the followers who gunned down the Congressman investigating the situation.
View attachment 505505

I'm sure some secret service agents can be assigned to him for his safety.

A hero should be venerated and honored even if he has to take up residence at the Capitol henceforth.

After all he is a national hero for shooting down that violent unarmed female insurrectionist.



Well maybe that would have been true in the country we used to be. Now half the major political parties in the country no longer have faith in the US Constitution and are willing to turn to violence to achieve their political goals. That's who want the Heroes name released. The faithless ones are willing to turn to violence, so I wouldn't trust them anymore that I would trust Benedict Arnold in our mist.


I find it more likely that you're lying through your teeth and know that what was done was wrong on levels you can neither fathom or control.


Yep and everytime as always our resident troll America hater bodecca can’t can’t counter facts,he tries to laugh them off.
she and Mac think it means something to us. I just chuckle at their lack of skills to debate.
They are protecting the Hero from Trumpybears violent Neo-GOP brown-shirt fascists, who we know are Biglie lying scum, out for revenge.

View attachment 505497

Why would a national hero who saved all those congresspersons from certain death at the hands of a violent unarmed female insurrectionist require protection?



Trumpybears violent Brownshirt mob are true followers like the followers of Jim Jones. Not the ones who drank the poison mind you, but the followers who gunned down the Congressman investigating the situation.

oh no, the jonesers are demofks dip stick.

Not the ones that murdered the Congressman. Jones' sheep were like the "Rioting Tourist" seem wandering around the capital with that dazed, dumbasdirt look on their faces.
Trumpybears violent Brownshirt mob are true followers like the followers of Jim Jones. Not the ones who drank the poison mind you, but the followers who gunned down the Congressman investigating the situation.
View attachment 505505

I'm sure some secret service agents can be assigned to him for his safety.

A hero should be venerated and honored even if he has to take up residence at the Capitol henceforth.

After all he is a national hero for shooting down that violent unarmed female insurrectionist.



Well maybe that would have been true in the country we used to be. Now half the major political parties in the country no longer have faith in the US Constitution and are willing to turn to violence to achieve their political goals. That's who want the Heroes name released. The faithless ones are willing to turn to violence, so I wouldn't trust them anymore that I would trust Benedict Arnold in our mist.

View attachment 505531

I find it more likely that you're lying through your teeth and know that what was done was wrong on levels you can neither fathom or control.



Tell me brother, when did you lose faith in the US Constitution?
Trumpybears violent Brownshirt mob are true followers like the followers of Jim Jones. Not the ones who drank the poison mind you, but the followers who gunned down the Congressman investigating the situation.
View attachment 505505

I'm sure some secret service agents can be assigned to him for his safety.

A hero should be venerated and honored even if he has to take up residence at the Capitol henceforth.

After all he is a national hero for shooting down that violent unarmed female insurrectionist.



Well maybe that would have been true in the country we used to be. Now half the major political parties in the country no longer have faith in the US Constitution and are willing to turn to violence to achieve their political goals. That's who want the Heroes name released. The faithless ones are willing to turn to violence, so I wouldn't trust them anymore that I would trust Benedict Arnold in our mist.

View attachment 505531

I find it more likely that you're lying through your teeth and know that what was done was wrong on levels you can neither fathom or control.



Tell me brother, when did you lose faith in the US Constitution?

when 60 judges threw out 60 affidavits of cheating for a presidential election.
2. The virus got out and killed 600,000 Americans, as well as hurt the US economy, and President Trump's term
nope, the average death counts didn't increase from previous years. explain that?
Explain what? Put up a link or two so I know WTF you're posting about, because your post makes no sense.
the virus was a hoax, the average death rate declined in 2020. So it can't be that 600,000 people died from it.

other than the CDC saying probable, do you have any evidence a virus existed?

Remember the nazi's got millions of jews in boxcars without even a virus. Look what they did to the globe on a hoax. holy fk, some evil fks out there.
1. The virus was NOT a hoax. Trust me. Its DNA is well documented.
2. The virus was engineered in the Wuhan Lab, paid for in-part by US taxpayer dollars to Chinese researchers, who took bat viruses and were paid to develop "gain of function" viruses, meaning more deadly viruses, which years ago we would have called "germ warfare" research. Why would the US pay China for germ warfare???????
3. The deaths from Covid are well documented. An average US flu season would have about 40,000 deaths.
4. The deaths from Covid-19 are over 600,000

5. The above data is from the Johns Hopkins Covid dashboard:

6. So the evidence for Covid-19 is its DNA. The scary part is that there are even more deadly viruses in the Wuhan Lab that did NOT escape yet. You should be calling your reps saying that we don not want any gain-of-function research for viruses, period.
. The virus was NOT a hoax. Trust me. Its DNA is well documented
How can you possibly prove that? Impossible. Had the daily death rates increased would have given some credence, but nope. The normal flu didn’t just go away did it? Hahaha.

heart disease was solved? Cancer? Hahaha.

why did people need to be tested? With China qtips already doctored? Why up the nose and then cover our mouths?
Last edited:
you people burn down entire cities

"Hyperbole of the Day"

I don't think an entire City has been burn down since Sherman's March to the Sea!

But do go on with your apocalyptic fantasy.

Fair enough. I will modify to “you people burn cities”.
Never burned a city ever. Haven't done what trump insurrectionist thugs did either, defecate in the Capitol building and try to kill Capitol police, Congresspeople, and the VP.
Wow so that's what a city being burned looks like. Just wow! Minneapolis sure looks small!

here’s our Nation’s Capital. How many fires from riots in cities throughout the Country would you like to see? The point is, the Left starts fires in cities when they are angry.View attachment 505118
When were those pictures taken?
Take it to the FBI or your favorite forensic. I live just outside DC and saw the fires and looting,
2. The virus got out and killed 600,000 Americans, as well as hurt the US economy, and President Trump's term
nope, the average death counts didn't increase from previous years. explain that?
Explain what? Put up a link or two so I know WTF you're posting about, because your post makes no sense.
the virus was a hoax, the average death rate declined in 2020. So it can't be that 600,000 people died from it.

other than the CDC saying probable, do you have any evidence a virus existed?

Remember the nazi's got millions of jews in boxcars without even a virus. Look what they did to the globe on a hoax. holy fk, some evil fks out there.
1. The virus was NOT a hoax. Trust me. Its DNA is well documented.
2. The virus was engineered in the Wuhan Lab, paid for in-part by US taxpayer dollars to Chinese researchers, who took bat viruses and were paid to develop "gain of function" viruses, meaning more deadly viruses, which years ago we would have called "germ warfare" research. Why would the US pay China for germ warfare???????
3. The deaths from Covid are well documented. An average US flu season would have about 40,000 deaths.
4. The deaths from Covid-19 are over 600,000
View attachment 505544

5. The above data is from the Johns Hopkins Covid dashboard:

6. So the evidence for Covid-19 is its DNA. The scary part is that there are even more deadly viruses in the Wuhan Lab that did NOT escape yet. You should be calling your reps saying that we don not want any gain-of-function research for viruses, period.

You keep claiming it was engineered with gain-of-function research but you keep posting links that don't say that.

As an example, Dr. Fauci's paying the Wuhan Lab for covid "gain of function" research bit him on the ass.
That's another lie. Fauci actually said “Senator Paul, with all due respect, you are entirely and completely incorrect, that the N.I.H. has not ever and does not now fund gain-of-function research in the Wuhan Institute.”
The Wuhan Lab documented that the funding came from NIH. Dr. Fauci paid the Wuhan Lab to do gain of function research, and it got out. Thank God it wasn't the deadliest virus they developed.
Point being, that we can't trust anything that the government says or does. You can drink their KoolAde, I'm not.
Funding for research did come from the N.I.H. but that funding wasn't for gain-of-function research. Nor had it been proven that was the origin of the virus. Senator Paul lied and Fauci called him on it.
Fauci is a liar. Rand is calling him a liar. The paper trail confirms that Fauci is lying. Do you support paying China to do "gain of function" research to make bat viruses more deadly? I don't.
True, that would be a lie if Fauci actually knew the figure was $826K, but I have no evidence of that either. And your question about support paying China to do "gain of function" research is based on your falsehood that we paid China for gain-of-function research. That's never been proven either.

But seeing as how you can't stop yourself from lying, I can't wholly state I expect anything different from you.
1. Yes there is evidence that Fauci paid China to do gain of function research. There are tons of credible sites.
There are a lot of unknowns, speculation and differences of opinion on these topics. But let’s start with what we do know: In 2014, the NIH awarded a grant to the U.S.-based EcoHealth Alliance to study the risk of the future emergence of coronaviruses from bats. In 2019, the project was renewed for another five years, but it was canceled in April 2020 — three months after the first case of the coronavirus was confirmed in the U.S.
EcoHealth ultimately received $3.7 million over six years from the NIH and distributed nearly $600,000 of that total to China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology, a collaborator on the project, pre-approved by NIH.
The grant cancellation came at a time when then-President Donald Trump and others questioned the U.S. funding to a lab in Wuhan, while exaggerating the amount of federal money involved.

2. QED. You can't deny the funding.

3. My suspicion is that Dr Fauci's irresponsible research is what killed 600,000 Americans. Covid did not come directly from bats, it was enhanced via gain of function research. It will be proven.
You really can't stop posting bullshit, can ya, con?

I only got as far as this lie....

The US National Institutes of Health (NIH) funded bat-coronavirus research in the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China to the tune of US$3.7 million, a recent article in the British newspaper Daily Mail revealed.

You've now posted 2 articles on this.... one stating the NIH gave the Wuhan $826K, the other stating the NIH gave the Wuhan lab $3.7 million.

Clearly, they can't both be true. So clearly, you're posting fake news again.

So do you ever stop lying?


This is exactly the reason you have zero cred. You say abortion is murder... then you say abortion is not murder. You say you're not pro-choice... then you say you are pro-choice. Now you say the NIH gave the Wuhan lab $826K... then you say the NIH gave the Wuhan lab $3.7 million.

You keep relying on fake news -- you keep on embarrassing yourself.
Clearly you can't debate. You obfuscate. Maybe you know you are fighting the truth, so obfuscation is all you can do.
I'm retired, I have all day to post the truth.
1. NIH funded gain of function research at the Wuhan Lab to make bat viruses more deadly, the funding came from several US agencies, thru intermediaries, to cover their asses. So don't whine about the amounts and from whom.
2. The virus got out and killed 600,000 Americans, as well as hurt the US economy, and President Trump's term
3. Do you ever debate with facts? Ever??
4. In the US is abortion murder, y/n? So stop your stupid grade school arguments or you lose the debate, and that's all I'll put in future replies.
5. Your empty posts show how vapid your grade school arguments are.

You literally posted two different articles that contradicted each other but you project I'm the one obfuscating.

Your lies and nuttiness aside, you claim...

"NIH funded gain of function research at the Wuhan Lab to make bat viruses more deadly"

... but then you post an article that shows you're lying...

Scientists haven't ruled out the possibility that the coronavirus leaked from a lab.

... which means your claims haven't been proven to be true.

I don't even have to debate you. Your own articles do that for me. :lmao:
1. Your post has no content, just lies.
2. Your post is contradictory, my post stands as correct. 1) NIH funded gain of function research, and 2) there is a possibility that the (deadlier) virus leaked from the lab.
3. My claims, as supported by Sen Rand Paul as well as many scientists are valid. The US paid for gain of function research, the virus then escaped from the Wuhan Lab.
4. You can't obfuscate when the truth is staring you in the face. All you have are lies and deflection.

Like I said, I have all day to keep re-posting the truth and disproving your childish unsubstantiated obfuscations.
"my post stands as correct. 1) NIH funded gain of function research"

You're still lying (surprise, surprise). Your point was refuted by your own links.

Again, your own links didn't say that. Your own links state that hasn't been confirmed.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie like ya do.
1. Your Lie#1, my point was refuted by my own links. Here is a link proving my point, NIH funded GOF research:
"Dr. Anthony Fauci knew about U.S. funding for the gain of function research occurring at the Wuhan lab in China but downplayed its role in the COVID-19 pandemic, new emails show. Fauci recently denied that specific research was used by the overseas Virology Institute or funded by him.
In emails acquired by Buzzfeed News, Fauci conversed with NIAID Principal Deputy Director Hugh Auchincloss in a conversation labeled “IMPORTANT” about an article detailing the gain of function research occurring in Wuhan through the Wuhan Virology Institute."

2. Here is another credible link proving my point again:

Your unsubstantiated lies are obvious, as well as childish. Thanks for playing kid.
Actually, Fauci played both sides of the argument...
The voluntary moratorium on gain-of-function research related to the transmissibility of highly pathogenic H5N1 influenza virus should continue, pending the resolution of critical policy questions concerning the rationale for performing such experiments and how best to report their results.
... the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, a component of the U.S. National Institutes of Health, strongly supports the continuation of this moratorium pending the resolution of critical policy issues related to the rationale for performing and reporting such experiments.

"1. Your Lie#1, my point was refuted by my own links. Here is a link proving my point, NIH funded GOF research:"

Do you ever stop lying? Ever???

Your lie was claiming the NIH paid the Wuhan lab to conduct gain-of-function research and every link you posted stated there was uncertainty if the Wuhan lab did that. So exactly how brain-damaged are you to claim the NIH paid for something which isn't even confirmed to exist??
OMG, you are way out of your lane.
1. H5N1 is the avian flu or "bird flu" of 1997, not Covid, duh.
2. Your claiming "uncertainty" is way overblown. The link said LIKELY, meaning probably. Just because something isn't confirmed does not mean its false, duh.
3. Its your turn to prove that Covid-19 came from the Wuhan "wet market". If it wasn't engineered in the Wuhan Lab, as paid for by Fauci, then it must have occurred naturally. Please prove that with credible and current links, not the old links from the deep state's cover story. I have current links saying the opposite, duh.
As an example, Dr. Fauci's paying the Wuhan Lab for covid "gain of function" research bit him on the ass.
That's another lie. Fauci actually said “Senator Paul, with all due respect, you are entirely and completely incorrect, that the N.I.H. has not ever and does not now fund gain-of-function research in the Wuhan Institute.”
The Wuhan Lab documented that the funding came from NIH. Dr. Fauci paid the Wuhan Lab to do gain of function research, and it got out. Thank God it wasn't the deadliest virus they developed.
Point being, that we can't trust anything that the government says or does. You can drink their KoolAde, I'm not.
Funding for research did come from the N.I.H. but that funding wasn't for gain-of-function research. Nor had it been proven that was the origin of the virus. Senator Paul lied and Fauci called him on it.
Fauci is a liar. Rand is calling him a liar. The paper trail confirms that Fauci is lying. Do you support paying China to do "gain of function" research to make bat viruses more deadly? I don't.
True, that would be a lie if Fauci actually knew the figure was $826K, but I have no evidence of that either. And your question about support paying China to do "gain of function" research is based on your falsehood that we paid China for gain-of-function research. That's never been proven either.

But seeing as how you can't stop yourself from lying, I can't wholly state I expect anything different from you.
1. Yes there is evidence that Fauci paid China to do gain of function research. There are tons of credible sites.
There are a lot of unknowns, speculation and differences of opinion on these topics. But let’s start with what we do know: In 2014, the NIH awarded a grant to the U.S.-based EcoHealth Alliance to study the risk of the future emergence of coronaviruses from bats. In 2019, the project was renewed for another five years, but it was canceled in April 2020 — three months after the first case of the coronavirus was confirmed in the U.S.
EcoHealth ultimately received $3.7 million over six years from the NIH and distributed nearly $600,000 of that total to China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology, a collaborator on the project, pre-approved by NIH.
The grant cancellation came at a time when then-President Donald Trump and others questioned the U.S. funding to a lab in Wuhan, while exaggerating the amount of federal money involved.

2. QED. You can't deny the funding.

3. My suspicion is that Dr Fauci's irresponsible research is what killed 600,000 Americans. Covid did not come directly from bats, it was enhanced via gain of function research. It will be proven.

And you blob had him on the payroll for 4 years?

You guys have gone from blaming China to blaming Democrats to blaming someone who appeared at numerous press conferences with your blob.
Read your post again. Try re-writing it so it makes sense.
It makes perfect sense.

When the blob was in office, you guys blamed China for the virus.
When the blob was in office, you guys blamed the deaths from his mismanagement on the Democrats.
Now that Biden is in office, you guys are blaming Fauci...the same guy your blob had on the payroll for 4 years and appeared at numerous briefings with the blob himself.

Are you really this dense?
1. Where did the Covid-19 virus come from? (hint: Wuhan China)
2. Which administration paid China for gain of function research for bat viruses? The BO (democrat) admin and Dr. Fauci
3. Who paid the Wuhan Lab to develop the killer bat viruses? (hint: Fauci)
4. Who stopped paying the Wuhan Lab to do gain of function research? (ans: Trump)
Anthony Fauci resisted a White House directive in April of last year to cancel a research grant for a nonprofit linked to the Wuhan Institute of Virology but "reluctantly agreed" after he learned that then-President Donald Trump had explicitly ordered its cancellation,

If you read the links you see what really happened. Fauci's stupid bat research, started under the BO admin, ultimately killed 600,000 Americans.
Which administration paid China for gain of function research for bat viruses? The BO (democrat) admin and Dr. Fauci

I'm shocked to see you're lying again. Your own links show it has not been confirmed the virus came from gain-of-function research. Yet here you are, again stating it as fact that it did.
1. Scientists know that Covid-19 is NOT naturally occuring, there is no link from bats to animals to humans. It is an engineered, aka "gain of function" virus:
“Damning” science strongly suggests that COVID-19 is a man-made monster, optimized in a lab for maximum infectivity before hitting the outside to catastrophic effect, two experts said Sunday.
Writing in an opinion piece for the Wall Street Journal, Dr. Steven Quay and Richard Muller pointed to two key pieces of evidence to support the claim, which has increasingly gained steam after long being derided as little more than speculation.

2. Fauci is trying to cover his ass, but the paper trail and money trail are damning. His stupid research killed 600,000 Americans
"The U.S. government banned funding for the gain of function research in 2014 but the Wuhan Institute of Virology was still operating and conducting the controversial research using U.S. taxpayer dollars. This funding was funneled unscrutinized to the EcoHealth Alliance by the NIAID led by Fauci to propel Wuhan studies on bat coronaviruses and allowed NIAID to hide research that they said didn’t meet the standard for “gain of function” from the Potential Pandemic Pathogens Control and Oversight Framework review board.
Fauci previously defended gain of function research in 2012 and said it might be worth it even if it caused a pandemic."

Again, your own link refutes you...

likely engineered in lab

For your edification, "likely" means not confirmed.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie like ya do.
Likely means likely, "probably true" but not 100% certified. English your 2nd language?
Likely does not mean "untrue", duh.
What is your "proof" that Covid-19 came from the Wuhan "wet market", the initial "cover story"? That lie is "unlikely".
Likely means not confirmed. Yet you continue to lie, despite being shot down by your own links, and falsely claim they were conducting gain-of-function research.

Your own links!


I don't have to prove you wrong as your own links do that for me.
Liar. Prove me wrong.
you people burn down entire cities

"Hyperbole of the Day"

I don't think an entire City has been burn down since Sherman's March to the Sea!

But do go on with your apocalyptic fantasy.

Fair enough. I will modify to “you people burn cities”.
Never burned a city ever. Haven't done what trump insurrectionist thugs did either, defecate in the Capitol building and try to kill Capitol police, Congresspeople, and the VP.
Wow so that's what a city being burned looks like. Just wow! Minneapolis sure looks small!

here’s our Nation’s Capital. How many fires from riots in cities throughout the Country would you like to see? The point is, the Left starts fires in cities when they are angry.View attachment 505118
Hey now, rightwingnuts start fires too.....


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