Poll to condemn or condone "the violence and law breaking that took place inside the Capital on 1/6"

Do you support the "violence and law breaking that took place inside the Capital on 1/6"?

  • I'm a GOP voter and NO I do NOT support the attack on the Capital Building

    Votes: 35 33.3%
  • I'm a GOP voter and YES I do support the attack on the Capital Building

    Votes: 11 10.5%
  • I'm a democrat and I condemn the 1/6 attack on the Capital Building

    Votes: 22 21.0%
  • Other, see my post

    Votes: 37 35.2%

  • Total voters
Jan 6th was Xi and Nancy's Reichstag Fire. To our uneducated Progressive brothers and sistas, the Reichstag Fire was a false flag that brought Hitler to power same way the Stolen election put Xi's puppets in the American White House

"Hitler had been appointed Chancellor of Germany only four weeks previously, on 30 January 1933, when he was invited by President von Hindenburg to lead a coalition government. Hitler's government had urged von Hindenburg to dissolve the Reichstag and to call elections for 5 March."

On the evening of 27 February 1933—six days before the parliamentary election—fire broke out in the Reichstag chambers.
Reichstag Fire Decree - Wikipedia

"The Reichstag Fire Decree (German: Reichstagsbrandverordnung) is the common name of the Decree of the Reich President for the Protection of People and State (German: Verordnung des Reichspräsidenten zum Schutz von Volk und Staat) issued by German President Paul von Hindenburg on the advice of Chancellor Adolf Hitler on 28 February 1933 in immediate response to the Reichstag fire. The decree nullified many of the key civil liberties of German citizens. With Nazis in powerful positions in the German government, the decree was used as the legal basis for the imprisonment of anyone considered to be opponents of the Nazis, and to suppress publications not considered "friendly" to the Nazi cause. The decree is considered by historians as one of the key steps in the establishment of a one-party Nazi state in Germany."

Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to support democrats

See...your fellow blob supporters think it wasn't Trump supporters who stormed the capitol.

So your poll is useless unless you change it to condemning their fellow Trump supporters....which they never, ever will. When you're weak minded...you have to have a herd mentality because you're too dumb to exist on your own for long.
1. How do you know that the posters being referenced aren't just messing with you? T
There is no way of knowing if they really believe what they post. Trump is the most prolific liar to ever enter the public space. That his supporters would also lie their ass off is a very small jump in logic. Feel free to man up and call them out if you want. We all know you don't have the stones to do it.
2. My poll proves that at least 80% of GOP voters condemn the violence at the capital caused by Trump supporters. Until it can be proven that any other groups were involved. The rioters were herded to the capital by people with bullhorns.
Either you're being willfully aloof or you're just retarded. I can explain it to you but I can't understand it for you.
3. We'll see in 2022 and 2024 how Republicans and Trump supporters do. Buckle-up buttercup.
I know what the Trump supporters will do; they will vote for anyone with an R next to their name on the ballot.

Your poll is still useless.
1. Xiden is quite the liar too, as you well know. Just sayin'

2. We don't know what we don't know about who all was involved in the 1/6 riot.

3. Dodge/non-response/willful ignorance. The poll results are clear assuming honest responses. Republicans condemn the 1/6 riot.

4. You are totally free to have any opinion you want about the poll results. This thread was to settle a disagreement "HappyJoy" and I were having on another thread. He seems okay with the poll results. The poll questions were as agreed to, not just mine.
RT is Russia Today, a propaganda tool of Putin/Russians....
OK, I googled it and that's what came up. Funny how google puts up RT and censors RWs. WTF?
OK, here's another link to Tucker.
Dumbfuck, Carlson is just another wackadoo like you. Want proof? His source is revolver.news. Revolver.news is a fake news website. It was just started last year and it conceals who started the site...

Real news agencies don't hide who they are.
There are MANY sites that are covering the potential FBI involvement, not just revolver.
Don't forget that the MSM covers up for the deep state. I'm not saying FBI involvement is proven, just being investigated.

They're ALL sourcing fake news revolver.news, ya fucking moron. :cuckoo:

All you're doing is posting fake news and pretending like it's real news because other non-news outlets are echoing that one fake news site.

You never answered my question... do you even know you’re psychotic?
You can't prove that 100% of revolver is fake news, anymore than you can prove that the MSM's fake news and propaganda is real.
Name-calling means you lose the debate. Thanks for playing.
Of course I can. Here's a real news website...

You can see who owns the site, they don't hide it. You can see it's well established, being around for 23 years...

You can click on any abcnews.go article and it shows who the authors are, with links which show they're journalists.

That's what real news looks like. It doesn't hide from the public. It doesn't conceal who's behind the articles. That's what fake news does. That's what the source you're leaning on does. They've only been around 1 year and they hide who's behind it. They conceal who's site it is...

In the article you fall for, they don't disclose who wrote it...

And you can't find that nonsense on real news.

Of course, I'm explaining this to a moron who actually claimed he's pro-choice after saying he's not pro-choice, so there's that. :eusa_doh:
1. OK, now we're getting somewhere, actual facts to debate. You like ABC news. Fine, I'm glad you didn't put up CNN or MSDNC as real news outlets. The only point I'm bringing up about ABC News is that they do have a bias as documented by the following Harvard Study:
View attachment 505133

2. From the above chart you can see that FXN is the most "fair and balanced" news outlet. NBC is just below CNN in bias.

3. FXN generally has both parties represented in debates. CNN, MSDNC, and most MSM programs don't have Republican views presented. If I don't hear both sides presented fairly, I'm not watching their propaganda.

4. As I already explained ad nauseum, abortion is legal, therefore it is NOT murder, duh. Yet, as a Catholic, I am morally opposed to abortion. My position isn't really to complicated unless you're a low-IQ democrat.

5. Summarizing, we don't have any set of facts or any set of alternate facts that we can agree on, correct?
"The only point I'm bringing up about ABC News is that they do have a bias as documented by the following Harvard Study"

I can't believe I actually have to point this out to you ... but apparently, I do ...... ABC isn't in that study. Do you ever post anything based in reality??

"As I already explained ad nauseum, abortion is legal, therefore it is NOT murder"

You just can't stop lying, can ya? YOU called it murder before you said it's not murder...
Abortion is the murder of babies for convenience.

You're literally talking out of both sides of your mouth. When it's convenient for you for abortion to be murder, you call it murder. When that becomes inconvenient for you, you deny it's murder.

"Summarizing, we don't have any set of facts or any set of alternate facts that we can agree on, correct?"

Not if you're going to eschew reality and stick with fake news. I prefer to live in reality. You don't have to, mind you, it's your choice.
1. OK, ABC wasn't in the Harvard study, not sure why it was missed, but I'm sure that they are closer to NBC on bias than FXN.
2. You must have reading comprehension issues, and you just love to quote things out of context. I have no clue if that blue quote is real or not. Even if it is it means in the "moral context" and not in the "legal context". So stop mis-applying my prior quotes. The "both sides of my mouth are the "legal and moral" sides. They are very different sides.
3. LOL, keep drinking the state propaganda. I prefer to hear both sides of arguments, fake news only presents one side.
Earlier you said I was the only one who thought it was other than Trump supporters doing the rioting. Since then, I have pointed out about a dozen folks who have said it was someone other than blob supporters. You even pointed it out yourself.

Your criticizing others' comprehension at this point is laughable.
OMG, give it up already. Of the ~500 rioters how many were Trump supporters, and how many were non-Trump supporters?
All Trump supporters.
My point being that the vast majority of the 500 were Trump supporters, and the poll questions are reasonable, which is what we were debating. You wanted Republicans listed, I said the vast majority of the rioters were obviously Trump supporters.
No. What I said was your poll question didn't specify blob supporters as those who committed the acts of violence.

Blob supporters have come to occupy a fantasy land where Trump was a conservative, he never lied, he won the election, and someone else committed the acts of violence at the capitol. You, yourself, after insisting nobody had that view other than me cited Fox News as having that view....after I gave you about 20 instances of people spouting that nonsense on this very forum.

Had your poll question cited the violence by blob supporters, you wouldn't have gotten any buy-in from blob supporters on the poll. Such is the life inside the cult.
If the FBI, or antifa, or BLM, or other anarchists were in attendance, doesn't matter as far as the poll is concerned.
View attachment 505291
Correct. They were not in attendance.
I'm sorry, but your TDS is really serious.
Its obvious that the rioters were Trump supporters.
Agreed that there are many partisan/rabid Trump supporters spouting nonsense, just like you people with TDS spouting nonsense.
The poll question is just fine as it is, and as "HappyJoy" forwarded to me.
Its obvious to rational observers who the rioters were.
Last edited:
As an example, Dr. Fauci's paying the Wuhan Lab for covid "gain of function" research bit him on the ass.
That's another lie. Fauci actually said “Senator Paul, with all due respect, you are entirely and completely incorrect, that the N.I.H. has not ever and does not now fund gain-of-function research in the Wuhan Institute.”
The Wuhan Lab documented that the funding came from NIH. Dr. Fauci paid the Wuhan Lab to do gain of function research, and it got out. Thank God it wasn't the deadliest virus they developed.
Point being, that we can't trust anything that the government says or does. You can drink their KoolAde, I'm not.
Funding for research did come from the N.I.H. but that funding wasn't for gain-of-function research. Nor had it been proven that was the origin of the virus. Senator Paul lied and Fauci called him on it.
Fauci is a liar. Rand is calling him a liar. The paper trail confirms that Fauci is lying. Do you support paying China to do "gain of function" research to make bat viruses more deadly? I don't.
True, that would be a lie if Fauci actually knew the figure was $826K, but I have no evidence of that either. And your question about support paying China to do "gain of function" research is based on your falsehood that we paid China for gain-of-function research. That's never been proven either.

But seeing as how you can't stop yourself from lying, I can't wholly state I expect anything different from you.
1. Yes there is evidence that Fauci paid China to do gain of function research. There are tons of credible sites.
There are a lot of unknowns, speculation and differences of opinion on these topics. But let’s start with what we do know: In 2014, the NIH awarded a grant to the U.S.-based EcoHealth Alliance to study the risk of the future emergence of coronaviruses from bats. In 2019, the project was renewed for another five years, but it was canceled in April 2020 — three months after the first case of the coronavirus was confirmed in the U.S.
EcoHealth ultimately received $3.7 million over six years from the NIH and distributed nearly $600,000 of that total to China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology, a collaborator on the project, pre-approved by NIH.
The grant cancellation came at a time when then-President Donald Trump and others questioned the U.S. funding to a lab in Wuhan, while exaggerating the amount of federal money involved.

2. QED. You can't deny the funding.

3. My suspicion is that Dr Fauci's irresponsible research is what killed 600,000 Americans. Covid did not come directly from bats, it was enhanced via gain of function research. It will be proven.

And you blob had him on the payroll for 4 years?

You guys have gone from blaming China to blaming Democrats to blaming someone who appeared at numerous press conferences with your blob.
Read your post again. Try re-writing it so it makes sense.
It makes perfect sense.

When the blob was in office, you guys blamed China for the virus.
When the blob was in office, you guys blamed the deaths from his mismanagement on the Democrats.
Now that Biden is in office, you guys are blaming Fauci...the same guy your blob had on the payroll for 4 years and appeared at numerous briefings with the blob himself.

Are you really this dense?
1. Where did the Covid-19 virus come from? (hint: Wuhan China)
2. Which administration paid China for gain of function research for bat viruses? The BO (democrat) admin and Dr. Fauci
3. Who paid the Wuhan Lab to develop the killer bat viruses? (hint: Fauci)
4. Who stopped paying the Wuhan Lab to do gain of function research? (ans: Trump)
Anthony Fauci resisted a White House directive in April of last year to cancel a research grant for a nonprofit linked to the Wuhan Institute of Virology but "reluctantly agreed" after he learned that then-President Donald Trump had explicitly ordered its cancellation,

If you read the links you see what really happened. Fauci's stupid bat research, started under the BO admin, ultimately killed 600,000 Americans.
As an example, Dr. Fauci's paying the Wuhan Lab for covid "gain of function" research bit him on the ass.
That's another lie. Fauci actually said “Senator Paul, with all due respect, you are entirely and completely incorrect, that the N.I.H. has not ever and does not now fund gain-of-function research in the Wuhan Institute.”
The Wuhan Lab documented that the funding came from NIH. Dr. Fauci paid the Wuhan Lab to do gain of function research, and it got out. Thank God it wasn't the deadliest virus they developed.
Point being, that we can't trust anything that the government says or does. You can drink their KoolAde, I'm not.
Funding for research did come from the N.I.H. but that funding wasn't for gain-of-function research. Nor had it been proven that was the origin of the virus. Senator Paul lied and Fauci called him on it.
Fauci is a liar. Rand is calling him a liar. The paper trail confirms that Fauci is lying. Do you support paying China to do "gain of function" research to make bat viruses more deadly? I don't.
True, that would be a lie if Fauci actually knew the figure was $826K, but I have no evidence of that either. And your question about support paying China to do "gain of function" research is based on your falsehood that we paid China for gain-of-function research. That's never been proven either.

But seeing as how you can't stop yourself from lying, I can't wholly state I expect anything different from you.
1. Yes there is evidence that Fauci paid China to do gain of function research. There are tons of credible sites.
There are a lot of unknowns, speculation and differences of opinion on these topics. But let’s start with what we do know: In 2014, the NIH awarded a grant to the U.S.-based EcoHealth Alliance to study the risk of the future emergence of coronaviruses from bats. In 2019, the project was renewed for another five years, but it was canceled in April 2020 — three months after the first case of the coronavirus was confirmed in the U.S.
EcoHealth ultimately received $3.7 million over six years from the NIH and distributed nearly $600,000 of that total to China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology, a collaborator on the project, pre-approved by NIH.
The grant cancellation came at a time when then-President Donald Trump and others questioned the U.S. funding to a lab in Wuhan, while exaggerating the amount of federal money involved.

2. QED. You can't deny the funding.

3. My suspicion is that Dr Fauci's irresponsible research is what killed 600,000 Americans. Covid did not come directly from bats, it was enhanced via gain of function research. It will be proven.
You really can't stop posting bullshit, can ya, con?

I only got as far as this lie....

The US National Institutes of Health (NIH) funded bat-coronavirus research in the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China to the tune of US$3.7 million, a recent article in the British newspaper Daily Mail revealed.

You've now posted 2 articles on this.... one stating the NIH gave the Wuhan $826K, the other stating the NIH gave the Wuhan lab $3.7 million.

Clearly, they can't both be true. So clearly, you're posting fake news again.

So do you ever stop lying?


This is exactly the reason you have zero cred. You say abortion is murder... then you say abortion is not murder. You say you're not pro-choice... then you say you are pro-choice. Now you say the NIH gave the Wuhan lab $826K... then you say the NIH gave the Wuhan lab $3.7 million.

You keep relying on fake news -- you keep on embarrassing yourself.
Clearly you can't debate. You obfuscate. Maybe you know you are fighting the truth, so obfuscation is all you can do.
I'm retired, I have all day to post the truth.
1. NIH funded gain of function research at the Wuhan Lab to make bat viruses more deadly, the funding came from several US agencies, thru intermediaries, to cover their asses. So don't whine about the amounts and from whom.
2. The virus got out and killed 600,000 Americans, as well as hurt the US economy, and President Trump's term
3. Do you ever debate with facts? Ever??
4. In the US is abortion murder, y/n? So stop your stupid grade school arguments or you lose the debate, and that's all I'll put in future replies.
5. Your empty posts show how vapid your grade school arguments are.

You literally posted two different articles that contradicted each other but you project I'm the one obfuscating.

Your lies and nuttiness aside, you claim...

"NIH funded gain of function research at the Wuhan Lab to make bat viruses more deadly"

... but then you post an article that shows you're lying...

Scientists haven't ruled out the possibility that the coronavirus leaked from a lab.

... which means your claims haven't been proven to be true.

I don't even have to debate you. Your own articles do that for me. :lmao:
As an example, Dr. Fauci's paying the Wuhan Lab for covid "gain of function" research bit him on the ass.
That's another lie. Fauci actually said “Senator Paul, with all due respect, you are entirely and completely incorrect, that the N.I.H. has not ever and does not now fund gain-of-function research in the Wuhan Institute.”
The Wuhan Lab documented that the funding came from NIH. Dr. Fauci paid the Wuhan Lab to do gain of function research, and it got out. Thank God it wasn't the deadliest virus they developed.
Point being, that we can't trust anything that the government says or does. You can drink their KoolAde, I'm not.
Funding for research did come from the N.I.H. but that funding wasn't for gain-of-function research. Nor had it been proven that was the origin of the virus. Senator Paul lied and Fauci called him on it.
Fauci is a liar. Rand is calling him a liar. The paper trail confirms that Fauci is lying. Do you support paying China to do "gain of function" research to make bat viruses more deadly? I don't.
True, that would be a lie if Fauci actually knew the figure was $826K, but I have no evidence of that either. And your question about support paying China to do "gain of function" research is based on your falsehood that we paid China for gain-of-function research. That's never been proven either.

But seeing as how you can't stop yourself from lying, I can't wholly state I expect anything different from you.
1. Yes there is evidence that Fauci paid China to do gain of function research. There are tons of credible sites.
There are a lot of unknowns, speculation and differences of opinion on these topics. But let’s start with what we do know: In 2014, the NIH awarded a grant to the U.S.-based EcoHealth Alliance to study the risk of the future emergence of coronaviruses from bats. In 2019, the project was renewed for another five years, but it was canceled in April 2020 — three months after the first case of the coronavirus was confirmed in the U.S.
EcoHealth ultimately received $3.7 million over six years from the NIH and distributed nearly $600,000 of that total to China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology, a collaborator on the project, pre-approved by NIH.
The grant cancellation came at a time when then-President Donald Trump and others questioned the U.S. funding to a lab in Wuhan, while exaggerating the amount of federal money involved.

2. QED. You can't deny the funding.

3. My suspicion is that Dr Fauci's irresponsible research is what killed 600,000 Americans. Covid did not come directly from bats, it was enhanced via gain of function research. It will be proven.

And you blob had him on the payroll for 4 years?

You guys have gone from blaming China to blaming Democrats to blaming someone who appeared at numerous press conferences with your blob.
Read your post again. Try re-writing it so it makes sense.
It makes perfect sense.

When the blob was in office, you guys blamed China for the virus.
When the blob was in office, you guys blamed the deaths from his mismanagement on the Democrats.
Now that Biden is in office, you guys are blaming Fauci...the same guy your blob had on the payroll for 4 years and appeared at numerous briefings with the blob himself.

Are you really this dense?
As an example, Dr. Fauci's paying the Wuhan Lab for covid "gain of function" research bit him on the ass.
That's another lie. Fauci actually said “Senator Paul, with all due respect, you are entirely and completely incorrect, that the N.I.H. has not ever and does not now fund gain-of-function research in the Wuhan Institute.”
The Wuhan Lab documented that the funding came from NIH. Dr. Fauci paid the Wuhan Lab to do gain of function research, and it got out. Thank God it wasn't the deadliest virus they developed.
Point being, that we can't trust anything that the government says or does. You can drink their KoolAde, I'm not.
Funding for research did come from the N.I.H. but that funding wasn't for gain-of-function research. Nor had it been proven that was the origin of the virus. Senator Paul lied and Fauci called him on it.
Fauci is a liar. Rand is calling him a liar. The paper trail confirms that Fauci is lying. Do you support paying China to do "gain of function" research to make bat viruses more deadly? I don't.
True, that would be a lie if Fauci actually knew the figure was $826K, but I have no evidence of that either. And your question about support paying China to do "gain of function" research is based on your falsehood that we paid China for gain-of-function research. That's never been proven either.

But seeing as how you can't stop yourself from lying, I can't wholly state I expect anything different from you.
1. Yes there is evidence that Fauci paid China to do gain of function research. There are tons of credible sites.
There are a lot of unknowns, speculation and differences of opinion on these topics. But let’s start with what we do know: In 2014, the NIH awarded a grant to the U.S.-based EcoHealth Alliance to study the risk of the future emergence of coronaviruses from bats. In 2019, the project was renewed for another five years, but it was canceled in April 2020 — three months after the first case of the coronavirus was confirmed in the U.S.
EcoHealth ultimately received $3.7 million over six years from the NIH and distributed nearly $600,000 of that total to China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology, a collaborator on the project, pre-approved by NIH.
The grant cancellation came at a time when then-President Donald Trump and others questioned the U.S. funding to a lab in Wuhan, while exaggerating the amount of federal money involved.

2. QED. You can't deny the funding.

3. My suspicion is that Dr Fauci's irresponsible research is what killed 600,000 Americans. Covid did not come directly from bats, it was enhanced via gain of function research. It will be proven.

And you blob had him on the payroll for 4 years?

You guys have gone from blaming China to blaming Democrats to blaming someone who appeared at numerous press conferences with your blob.
Read your post again. Try re-writing it so it makes sense.
It makes perfect sense.

When the blob was in office, you guys blamed China for the virus.
When the blob was in office, you guys blamed the deaths from his mismanagement on the Democrats.
Now that Biden is in office, you guys are blaming Fauci...the same guy your blob had on the payroll for 4 years and appeared at numerous briefings with the blob himself.

Are you really this dense?
1. Where did the Covid-19 virus come from? (hint: Wuhan China)
2. Which administration paid China for gain of function research for bat viruses? The BO (democrat) admin and Dr. Fauci
3. Who paid the Wuhan Lab to develop the killer bat viruses? (hint: Fauci)
4. Who stopped paying the Wuhan Lab to do gain of function research? (ans: Trump)
Anthony Fauci resisted a White House directive in April of last year to cancel a research grant for a nonprofit linked to the Wuhan Institute of Virology but "reluctantly agreed" after he learned that then-President Donald Trump had explicitly ordered its cancellation,

If you read the links you see what really happened. Fauci's stupid bat research, started under the BO admin, ultimately killed 600,000 Americans.
Which administration paid China for gain of function research for bat viruses? The BO (democrat) admin and Dr. Fauci

I'm shocked to see you're lying again. Your own links show it has not been confirmed the virus came from gain-of-function research. Yet here you are, again stating it as fact that it did.

As an example, Dr. Fauci's paying the Wuhan Lab for covid "gain of function" research bit him on the ass.
That's another lie. Fauci actually said “Senator Paul, with all due respect, you are entirely and completely incorrect, that the N.I.H. has not ever and does not now fund gain-of-function research in the Wuhan Institute.”
The Wuhan Lab documented that the funding came from NIH. Dr. Fauci paid the Wuhan Lab to do gain of function research, and it got out. Thank God it wasn't the deadliest virus they developed.
Point being, that we can't trust anything that the government says or does. You can drink their KoolAde, I'm not.
Funding for research did come from the N.I.H. but that funding wasn't for gain-of-function research. Nor had it been proven that was the origin of the virus. Senator Paul lied and Fauci called him on it.
Fauci is a liar. Rand is calling him a liar. The paper trail confirms that Fauci is lying. Do you support paying China to do "gain of function" research to make bat viruses more deadly? I don't.
True, that would be a lie if Fauci actually knew the figure was $826K, but I have no evidence of that either. And your question about support paying China to do "gain of function" research is based on your falsehood that we paid China for gain-of-function research. That's never been proven either.

But seeing as how you can't stop yourself from lying, I can't wholly state I expect anything different from you.
1. Yes there is evidence that Fauci paid China to do gain of function research. There are tons of credible sites.
There are a lot of unknowns, speculation and differences of opinion on these topics. But let’s start with what we do know: In 2014, the NIH awarded a grant to the U.S.-based EcoHealth Alliance to study the risk of the future emergence of coronaviruses from bats. In 2019, the project was renewed for another five years, but it was canceled in April 2020 — three months after the first case of the coronavirus was confirmed in the U.S.
EcoHealth ultimately received $3.7 million over six years from the NIH and distributed nearly $600,000 of that total to China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology, a collaborator on the project, pre-approved by NIH.
The grant cancellation came at a time when then-President Donald Trump and others questioned the U.S. funding to a lab in Wuhan, while exaggerating the amount of federal money involved.

2. QED. You can't deny the funding.

3. My suspicion is that Dr Fauci's irresponsible research is what killed 600,000 Americans. Covid did not come directly from bats, it was enhanced via gain of function research. It will be proven.
You really can't stop posting bullshit, can ya, con?

I only got as far as this lie....

The US National Institutes of Health (NIH) funded bat-coronavirus research in the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China to the tune of US$3.7 million, a recent article in the British newspaper Daily Mail revealed.

You've now posted 2 articles on this.... one stating the NIH gave the Wuhan $826K, the other stating the NIH gave the Wuhan lab $3.7 million.

Clearly, they can't both be true. So clearly, you're posting fake news again.

So do you ever stop lying?


This is exactly the reason you have zero cred. You say abortion is murder... then you say abortion is not murder. You say you're not pro-choice... then you say you are pro-choice. Now you say the NIH gave the Wuhan lab $826K... then you say the NIH gave the Wuhan lab $3.7 million.

You keep relying on fake news -- you keep on embarrassing yourself.
Clearly you can't debate. You obfuscate. Maybe you know you are fighting the truth, so obfuscation is all you can do.
I'm retired, I have all day to post the truth.
1. NIH funded gain of function research at the Wuhan Lab to make bat viruses more deadly, the funding came from several US agencies, thru intermediaries, to cover their asses. So don't whine about the amounts and from whom.
2. The virus got out and killed 600,000 Americans, as well as hurt the US economy, and President Trump's term
3. Do you ever debate with facts? Ever??
4. In the US is abortion murder, y/n? So stop your stupid grade school arguments or you lose the debate, and that's all I'll put in future replies.
5. Your empty posts show how vapid your grade school arguments are.

You literally posted two different articles that contradicted each other but you project I'm the one obfuscating.

Your lies and nuttiness aside, you claim...

"NIH funded gain of function research at the Wuhan Lab to make bat viruses more deadly"

... but then you post an article that shows you're lying...

Scientists haven't ruled out the possibility that the coronavirus leaked from a lab.

... which means your claims haven't been proven to be true.

I don't even have to debate you. Your own articles do that for me. :lmao:
1. Your post has no content, just lies.
2. Your post is contradictory, my post stands as correct. 1) NIH funded gain of function research, and 2) there is a possibility that the (deadlier) virus leaked from the lab.
3. My claims, as supported by Sen Rand Paul as well as many scientists are valid. The US paid for gain of function research, the virus then escaped from the Wuhan Lab.
4. You can't obfuscate when the truth is staring you in the face. All you have are lies and deflection.

Like I said, I have all day to keep re-posting the truth and disproving your childish unsubstantiated obfuscations.
As an example, Dr. Fauci's paying the Wuhan Lab for covid "gain of function" research bit him on the ass.
That's another lie. Fauci actually said “Senator Paul, with all due respect, you are entirely and completely incorrect, that the N.I.H. has not ever and does not now fund gain-of-function research in the Wuhan Institute.”
The Wuhan Lab documented that the funding came from NIH. Dr. Fauci paid the Wuhan Lab to do gain of function research, and it got out. Thank God it wasn't the deadliest virus they developed.
Point being, that we can't trust anything that the government says or does. You can drink their KoolAde, I'm not.
Funding for research did come from the N.I.H. but that funding wasn't for gain-of-function research. Nor had it been proven that was the origin of the virus. Senator Paul lied and Fauci called him on it.
Fauci is a liar. Rand is calling him a liar. The paper trail confirms that Fauci is lying. Do you support paying China to do "gain of function" research to make bat viruses more deadly? I don't.
True, that would be a lie if Fauci actually knew the figure was $826K, but I have no evidence of that either. And your question about support paying China to do "gain of function" research is based on your falsehood that we paid China for gain-of-function research. That's never been proven either.

But seeing as how you can't stop yourself from lying, I can't wholly state I expect anything different from you.
1. Yes there is evidence that Fauci paid China to do gain of function research. There are tons of credible sites.
There are a lot of unknowns, speculation and differences of opinion on these topics. But let’s start with what we do know: In 2014, the NIH awarded a grant to the U.S.-based EcoHealth Alliance to study the risk of the future emergence of coronaviruses from bats. In 2019, the project was renewed for another five years, but it was canceled in April 2020 — three months after the first case of the coronavirus was confirmed in the U.S.
EcoHealth ultimately received $3.7 million over six years from the NIH and distributed nearly $600,000 of that total to China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology, a collaborator on the project, pre-approved by NIH.
The grant cancellation came at a time when then-President Donald Trump and others questioned the U.S. funding to a lab in Wuhan, while exaggerating the amount of federal money involved.

2. QED. You can't deny the funding.

3. My suspicion is that Dr Fauci's irresponsible research is what killed 600,000 Americans. Covid did not come directly from bats, it was enhanced via gain of function research. It will be proven.

And you blob had him on the payroll for 4 years?

You guys have gone from blaming China to blaming Democrats to blaming someone who appeared at numerous press conferences with your blob.
Read your post again. Try re-writing it so it makes sense.
It makes perfect sense.

When the blob was in office, you guys blamed China for the virus.
When the blob was in office, you guys blamed the deaths from his mismanagement on the Democrats.
Now that Biden is in office, you guys are blaming Fauci...the same guy your blob had on the payroll for 4 years and appeared at numerous briefings with the blob himself.

Are you really this dense?
1. Where did the Covid-19 virus come from? (hint: Wuhan China)
2. Which administration paid China for gain of function research for bat viruses? The BO (democrat) admin and Dr. Fauci
3. Who paid the Wuhan Lab to develop the killer bat viruses? (hint: Fauci)
4. Who stopped paying the Wuhan Lab to do gain of function research? (ans: Trump)
Anthony Fauci resisted a White House directive in April of last year to cancel a research grant for a nonprofit linked to the Wuhan Institute of Virology but "reluctantly agreed" after he learned that then-President Donald Trump had explicitly ordered its cancellation,

If you read the links you see what really happened. Fauci's stupid bat research, started under the BO admin, ultimately killed 600,000 Americans.
Which administration paid China for gain of function research for bat viruses? The BO (democrat) admin and Dr. Fauci

I'm shocked to see you're lying again. Your own links show it has not been confirmed the virus came from gain-of-function research. Yet here you are, again stating it as fact that it did.
1. Scientists know that Covid-19 is NOT naturally occuring, there is no link from bats to animals to humans. It is an engineered, aka "gain of function" virus:
“Damning” science strongly suggests that COVID-19 is a man-made monster, optimized in a lab for maximum infectivity before hitting the outside to catastrophic effect, two experts said Sunday.
Writing in an opinion piece for the Wall Street Journal, Dr. Steven Quay and Richard Muller pointed to two key pieces of evidence to support the claim, which has increasingly gained steam after long being derided as little more than speculation.

2. Fauci is trying to cover his ass, but the paper trail and money trail are damning. His stupid research killed 600,000 Americans
"The U.S. government banned funding for the gain of function research in 2014 but the Wuhan Institute of Virology was still operating and conducting the controversial research using U.S. taxpayer dollars. This funding was funneled unscrutinized to the EcoHealth Alliance by the NIAID led by Fauci to propel Wuhan studies on bat coronaviruses and allowed NIAID to hide research that they said didn’t meet the standard for “gain of function” from the Potential Pandemic Pathogens Control and Oversight Framework review board.
Fauci previously defended gain of function research in 2012 and said it might be worth it even if it caused a pandemic."
As an example, Dr. Fauci's paying the Wuhan Lab for covid "gain of function" research bit him on the ass.
That's another lie. Fauci actually said “Senator Paul, with all due respect, you are entirely and completely incorrect, that the N.I.H. has not ever and does not now fund gain-of-function research in the Wuhan Institute.”
The Wuhan Lab documented that the funding came from NIH. Dr. Fauci paid the Wuhan Lab to do gain of function research, and it got out. Thank God it wasn't the deadliest virus they developed.
Point being, that we can't trust anything that the government says or does. You can drink their KoolAde, I'm not.
Funding for research did come from the N.I.H. but that funding wasn't for gain-of-function research. Nor had it been proven that was the origin of the virus. Senator Paul lied and Fauci called him on it.
Fauci is a liar. Rand is calling him a liar. The paper trail confirms that Fauci is lying. Do you support paying China to do "gain of function" research to make bat viruses more deadly? I don't.
True, that would be a lie if Fauci actually knew the figure was $826K, but I have no evidence of that either. And your question about support paying China to do "gain of function" research is based on your falsehood that we paid China for gain-of-function research. That's never been proven either.

But seeing as how you can't stop yourself from lying, I can't wholly state I expect anything different from you.
1. Yes there is evidence that Fauci paid China to do gain of function research. There are tons of credible sites.
There are a lot of unknowns, speculation and differences of opinion on these topics. But let’s start with what we do know: In 2014, the NIH awarded a grant to the U.S.-based EcoHealth Alliance to study the risk of the future emergence of coronaviruses from bats. In 2019, the project was renewed for another five years, but it was canceled in April 2020 — three months after the first case of the coronavirus was confirmed in the U.S.
EcoHealth ultimately received $3.7 million over six years from the NIH and distributed nearly $600,000 of that total to China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology, a collaborator on the project, pre-approved by NIH.
The grant cancellation came at a time when then-President Donald Trump and others questioned the U.S. funding to a lab in Wuhan, while exaggerating the amount of federal money involved.

2. QED. You can't deny the funding.

3. My suspicion is that Dr Fauci's irresponsible research is what killed 600,000 Americans. Covid did not come directly from bats, it was enhanced via gain of function research. It will be proven.
You really can't stop posting bullshit, can ya, con?

I only got as far as this lie....

The US National Institutes of Health (NIH) funded bat-coronavirus research in the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China to the tune of US$3.7 million, a recent article in the British newspaper Daily Mail revealed.

You've now posted 2 articles on this.... one stating the NIH gave the Wuhan $826K, the other stating the NIH gave the Wuhan lab $3.7 million.

Clearly, they can't both be true. So clearly, you're posting fake news again.

So do you ever stop lying?


This is exactly the reason you have zero cred. You say abortion is murder... then you say abortion is not murder. You say you're not pro-choice... then you say you are pro-choice. Now you say the NIH gave the Wuhan lab $826K... then you say the NIH gave the Wuhan lab $3.7 million.

You keep relying on fake news -- you keep on embarrassing yourself.
Clearly you can't debate. You obfuscate. Maybe you know you are fighting the truth, so obfuscation is all you can do.
I'm retired, I have all day to post the truth.
1. NIH funded gain of function research at the Wuhan Lab to make bat viruses more deadly, the funding came from several US agencies, thru intermediaries, to cover their asses. So don't whine about the amounts and from whom.
2. The virus got out and killed 600,000 Americans, as well as hurt the US economy, and President Trump's term
3. Do you ever debate with facts? Ever??
4. In the US is abortion murder, y/n? So stop your stupid grade school arguments or you lose the debate, and that's all I'll put in future replies.
5. Your empty posts show how vapid your grade school arguments are.

You literally posted two different articles that contradicted each other but you project I'm the one obfuscating.

Your lies and nuttiness aside, you claim...

"NIH funded gain of function research at the Wuhan Lab to make bat viruses more deadly"

... but then you post an article that shows you're lying...

Scientists haven't ruled out the possibility that the coronavirus leaked from a lab.

... which means your claims haven't been proven to be true.

I don't even have to debate you. Your own articles do that for me. :lmao:
1. Your post has no content, just lies.
2. Your post is contradictory, my post stands as correct. 1) NIH funded gain of function research, and 2) there is a possibility that the (deadlier) virus leaked from the lab.
3. My claims, as supported by Sen Rand Paul as well as many scientists are valid. The US paid for gain of function research, the virus then escaped from the Wuhan Lab.
4. You can't obfuscate when the truth is staring you in the face. All you have are lies and deflection.

Like I said, I have all day to keep re-posting the truth and disproving your childish unsubstantiated obfuscations.
"my post stands as correct. 1) NIH funded gain of function research"

You're still lying (surprise, surprise). Your point was refuted by your own links.

Again, your own links didn't say that. Your own links state that hasn't been confirmed.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie like ya do.
As an example, Dr. Fauci's paying the Wuhan Lab for covid "gain of function" research bit him on the ass.
That's another lie. Fauci actually said “Senator Paul, with all due respect, you are entirely and completely incorrect, that the N.I.H. has not ever and does not now fund gain-of-function research in the Wuhan Institute.”
The Wuhan Lab documented that the funding came from NIH. Dr. Fauci paid the Wuhan Lab to do gain of function research, and it got out. Thank God it wasn't the deadliest virus they developed.
Point being, that we can't trust anything that the government says or does. You can drink their KoolAde, I'm not.
Funding for research did come from the N.I.H. but that funding wasn't for gain-of-function research. Nor had it been proven that was the origin of the virus. Senator Paul lied and Fauci called him on it.
Fauci is a liar. Rand is calling him a liar. The paper trail confirms that Fauci is lying. Do you support paying China to do "gain of function" research to make bat viruses more deadly? I don't.
True, that would be a lie if Fauci actually knew the figure was $826K, but I have no evidence of that either. And your question about support paying China to do "gain of function" research is based on your falsehood that we paid China for gain-of-function research. That's never been proven either.

But seeing as how you can't stop yourself from lying, I can't wholly state I expect anything different from you.
1. Yes there is evidence that Fauci paid China to do gain of function research. There are tons of credible sites.
There are a lot of unknowns, speculation and differences of opinion on these topics. But let’s start with what we do know: In 2014, the NIH awarded a grant to the U.S.-based EcoHealth Alliance to study the risk of the future emergence of coronaviruses from bats. In 2019, the project was renewed for another five years, but it was canceled in April 2020 — three months after the first case of the coronavirus was confirmed in the U.S.
EcoHealth ultimately received $3.7 million over six years from the NIH and distributed nearly $600,000 of that total to China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology, a collaborator on the project, pre-approved by NIH.
The grant cancellation came at a time when then-President Donald Trump and others questioned the U.S. funding to a lab in Wuhan, while exaggerating the amount of federal money involved.

2. QED. You can't deny the funding.

3. My suspicion is that Dr Fauci's irresponsible research is what killed 600,000 Americans. Covid did not come directly from bats, it was enhanced via gain of function research. It will be proven.

And you blob had him on the payroll for 4 years?

You guys have gone from blaming China to blaming Democrats to blaming someone who appeared at numerous press conferences with your blob.
Read your post again. Try re-writing it so it makes sense.
It makes perfect sense.

When the blob was in office, you guys blamed China for the virus.
When the blob was in office, you guys blamed the deaths from his mismanagement on the Democrats.
Now that Biden is in office, you guys are blaming Fauci...the same guy your blob had on the payroll for 4 years and appeared at numerous briefings with the blob himself.

Are you really this dense?
1. Where did the Covid-19 virus come from? (hint: Wuhan China)
2. Which administration paid China for gain of function research for bat viruses? The BO (democrat) admin and Dr. Fauci
3. Who paid the Wuhan Lab to develop the killer bat viruses? (hint: Fauci)
4. Who stopped paying the Wuhan Lab to do gain of function research? (ans: Trump)
Anthony Fauci resisted a White House directive in April of last year to cancel a research grant for a nonprofit linked to the Wuhan Institute of Virology but "reluctantly agreed" after he learned that then-President Donald Trump had explicitly ordered its cancellation,

If you read the links you see what really happened. Fauci's stupid bat research, started under the BO admin, ultimately killed 600,000 Americans.
Which administration paid China for gain of function research for bat viruses? The BO (democrat) admin and Dr. Fauci

I'm shocked to see you're lying again. Your own links show it has not been confirmed the virus came from gain-of-function research. Yet here you are, again stating it as fact that it did.
1. Scientists know that Covid-19 is NOT naturally occuring, there is no link from bats to animals to humans. It is an engineered, aka "gain of function" virus:
“Damning” science strongly suggests that COVID-19 is a man-made monster, optimized in a lab for maximum infectivity before hitting the outside to catastrophic effect, two experts said Sunday.
Writing in an opinion piece for the Wall Street Journal, Dr. Steven Quay and Richard Muller pointed to two key pieces of evidence to support the claim, which has increasingly gained steam after long being derided as little more than speculation.

2. Fauci is trying to cover his ass, but the paper trail and money trail are damning. His stupid research killed 600,000 Americans
"The U.S. government banned funding for the gain of function research in 2014 but the Wuhan Institute of Virology was still operating and conducting the controversial research using U.S. taxpayer dollars. This funding was funneled unscrutinized to the EcoHealth Alliance by the NIAID led by Fauci to propel Wuhan studies on bat coronaviruses and allowed NIAID to hide research that they said didn’t meet the standard for “gain of function” from the Potential Pandemic Pathogens Control and Oversight Framework review board.
Fauci previously defended gain of function research in 2012 and said it might be worth it even if it caused a pandemic."

Again, your own link refutes you...

likely engineered in lab

For your edification, "likely" means not confirmed.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie like ya do.
Our Government through Fauci provided a lot of money through a third party to the Wuhan lab, the money was used for gain of function AT the lab. he provided money even after Obama banned gain of function research by giving it to that third party to hide it as gain of function. he gave money during Obama and Trump presidency. As for the covid it is already accepted by most that it was likely a leak from the lab.
A few folks acting foolish is not an attack. Unless or until urban insurrection is put on equal standing, nobody should take these claims of 'attacks' on the Capitol as anything more than the political propaganda it is.
"A few folks acting foolish".............................View attachment 505064 View attachment 505065 View attachment 505066
Just some good ole boys….. never meanin no harm.

They wus just funnin about, sheriff.
As an example, Dr. Fauci's paying the Wuhan Lab for covid "gain of function" research bit him on the ass.
That's another lie. Fauci actually said “Senator Paul, with all due respect, you are entirely and completely incorrect, that the N.I.H. has not ever and does not now fund gain-of-function research in the Wuhan Institute.”
The Wuhan Lab documented that the funding came from NIH. Dr. Fauci paid the Wuhan Lab to do gain of function research, and it got out. Thank God it wasn't the deadliest virus they developed.
Point being, that we can't trust anything that the government says or does. You can drink their KoolAde, I'm not.
Funding for research did come from the N.I.H. but that funding wasn't for gain-of-function research. Nor had it been proven that was the origin of the virus. Senator Paul lied and Fauci called him on it.
Fauci is a liar. Rand is calling him a liar. The paper trail confirms that Fauci is lying. Do you support paying China to do "gain of function" research to make bat viruses more deadly? I don't.
True, that would be a lie if Fauci actually knew the figure was $826K, but I have no evidence of that either. And your question about support paying China to do "gain of function" research is based on your falsehood that we paid China for gain-of-function research. That's never been proven either.

But seeing as how you can't stop yourself from lying, I can't wholly state I expect anything different from you.
1. Yes there is evidence that Fauci paid China to do gain of function research. There are tons of credible sites.
There are a lot of unknowns, speculation and differences of opinion on these topics. But let’s start with what we do know: In 2014, the NIH awarded a grant to the U.S.-based EcoHealth Alliance to study the risk of the future emergence of coronaviruses from bats. In 2019, the project was renewed for another five years, but it was canceled in April 2020 — three months after the first case of the coronavirus was confirmed in the U.S.
EcoHealth ultimately received $3.7 million over six years from the NIH and distributed nearly $600,000 of that total to China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology, a collaborator on the project, pre-approved by NIH.
The grant cancellation came at a time when then-President Donald Trump and others questioned the U.S. funding to a lab in Wuhan, while exaggerating the amount of federal money involved.

2. QED. You can't deny the funding.

3. My suspicion is that Dr Fauci's irresponsible research is what killed 600,000 Americans. Covid did not come directly from bats, it was enhanced via gain of function research. It will be proven.
You really can't stop posting bullshit, can ya, con?

I only got as far as this lie....

The US National Institutes of Health (NIH) funded bat-coronavirus research in the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China to the tune of US$3.7 million, a recent article in the British newspaper Daily Mail revealed.

You've now posted 2 articles on this.... one stating the NIH gave the Wuhan $826K, the other stating the NIH gave the Wuhan lab $3.7 million.

Clearly, they can't both be true. So clearly, you're posting fake news again.

So do you ever stop lying?


This is exactly the reason you have zero cred. You say abortion is murder... then you say abortion is not murder. You say you're not pro-choice... then you say you are pro-choice. Now you say the NIH gave the Wuhan lab $826K... then you say the NIH gave the Wuhan lab $3.7 million.

You keep relying on fake news -- you keep on embarrassing yourself.
Clearly you can't debate. You obfuscate. Maybe you know you are fighting the truth, so obfuscation is all you can do.
I'm retired, I have all day to post the truth.
1. NIH funded gain of function research at the Wuhan Lab to make bat viruses more deadly, the funding came from several US agencies, thru intermediaries, to cover their asses. So don't whine about the amounts and from whom.
2. The virus got out and killed 600,000 Americans, as well as hurt the US economy, and President Trump's term
3. Do you ever debate with facts? Ever??
4. In the US is abortion murder, y/n? So stop your stupid grade school arguments or you lose the debate, and that's all I'll put in future replies.
5. Your empty posts show how vapid your grade school arguments are.

You literally posted two different articles that contradicted each other but you project I'm the one obfuscating.

Your lies and nuttiness aside, you claim...

"NIH funded gain of function research at the Wuhan Lab to make bat viruses more deadly"

... but then you post an article that shows you're lying...

Scientists haven't ruled out the possibility that the coronavirus leaked from a lab.

... which means your claims haven't been proven to be true.

I don't even have to debate you. Your own articles do that for me. :lmao:
1. Your post has no content, just lies.
2. Your post is contradictory, my post stands as correct. 1) NIH funded gain of function research, and 2) there is a possibility that the (deadlier) virus leaked from the lab.
3. My claims, as supported by Sen Rand Paul as well as many scientists are valid. The US paid for gain of function research, the virus then escaped from the Wuhan Lab.
4. You can't obfuscate when the truth is staring you in the face. All you have are lies and deflection.

Like I said, I have all day to keep re-posting the truth and disproving your childish unsubstantiated obfuscations.
"my post stands as correct. 1) NIH funded gain of function research"

You're still lying (surprise, surprise). Your point was refuted by your own links.

Again, your own links didn't say that. Your own links state that hasn't been confirmed.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie like ya do.
1. Your Lie#1, my point was refuted by my own links. Here is a link proving my point, NIH funded GOF research:
"Dr. Anthony Fauci knew about U.S. funding for the gain of function research occurring at the Wuhan lab in China but downplayed its role in the COVID-19 pandemic, new emails show. Fauci recently denied that specific research was used by the overseas Virology Institute or funded by him.
In emails acquired by Buzzfeed News, Fauci conversed with NIAID Principal Deputy Director Hugh Auchincloss in a conversation labeled “IMPORTANT” about an article detailing the gain of function research occurring in Wuhan through the Wuhan Virology Institute."

2. Here is another credible link proving my point again:

Your unsubstantiated lies are obvious, as well as childish. Thanks for playing kid.
What murderer? A capitol police officers did his/her duty.

View attachment 505162

Doesn't that make him a hero for killing the unarmed female insurrectionist?

He should be given a medal of valor by the president himself for his courage under fire.



He should. He saved lives.

View attachment 505195

So do it!

Demand it!

Make it happen!!!



It's not up to me. If it was, I would have given him a Medal of Freedom.

View attachment 505196

But she was a violent unarmed female insurrectionist who threatened the very lives of those congresspersons!

You should be writing every one of those congresspersons telling them this award needs to happen soonest!

Make it happen!!!



If you had a store and had an armed security officer....and someone was coming through the window into your store....would you want the security offier to fire or not?

Please make us all laugh harder at you and tell us you'd prefer something else

security initially warns the intruder and most times a warning shot is first.
As an example, Dr. Fauci's paying the Wuhan Lab for covid "gain of function" research bit him on the ass.
That's another lie. Fauci actually said “Senator Paul, with all due respect, you are entirely and completely incorrect, that the N.I.H. has not ever and does not now fund gain-of-function research in the Wuhan Institute.”
The Wuhan Lab documented that the funding came from NIH. Dr. Fauci paid the Wuhan Lab to do gain of function research, and it got out. Thank God it wasn't the deadliest virus they developed.
Point being, that we can't trust anything that the government says or does. You can drink their KoolAde, I'm not.
Funding for research did come from the N.I.H. but that funding wasn't for gain-of-function research. Nor had it been proven that was the origin of the virus. Senator Paul lied and Fauci called him on it.
Fauci is a liar. Rand is calling him a liar. The paper trail confirms that Fauci is lying. Do you support paying China to do "gain of function" research to make bat viruses more deadly? I don't.
True, that would be a lie if Fauci actually knew the figure was $826K, but I have no evidence of that either. And your question about support paying China to do "gain of function" research is based on your falsehood that we paid China for gain-of-function research. That's never been proven either.

But seeing as how you can't stop yourself from lying, I can't wholly state I expect anything different from you.
1. Yes there is evidence that Fauci paid China to do gain of function research. There are tons of credible sites.
There are a lot of unknowns, speculation and differences of opinion on these topics. But let’s start with what we do know: In 2014, the NIH awarded a grant to the U.S.-based EcoHealth Alliance to study the risk of the future emergence of coronaviruses from bats. In 2019, the project was renewed for another five years, but it was canceled in April 2020 — three months after the first case of the coronavirus was confirmed in the U.S.
EcoHealth ultimately received $3.7 million over six years from the NIH and distributed nearly $600,000 of that total to China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology, a collaborator on the project, pre-approved by NIH.
The grant cancellation came at a time when then-President Donald Trump and others questioned the U.S. funding to a lab in Wuhan, while exaggerating the amount of federal money involved.

2. QED. You can't deny the funding.

3. My suspicion is that Dr Fauci's irresponsible research is what killed 600,000 Americans. Covid did not come directly from bats, it was enhanced via gain of function research. It will be proven.

And you blob had him on the payroll for 4 years?

You guys have gone from blaming China to blaming Democrats to blaming someone who appeared at numerous press conferences with your blob.
Read your post again. Try re-writing it so it makes sense.
It makes perfect sense.

When the blob was in office, you guys blamed China for the virus.
When the blob was in office, you guys blamed the deaths from his mismanagement on the Democrats.
Now that Biden is in office, you guys are blaming Fauci...the same guy your blob had on the payroll for 4 years and appeared at numerous briefings with the blob himself.

Are you really this dense?
1. Where did the Covid-19 virus come from? (hint: Wuhan China)
2. Which administration paid China for gain of function research for bat viruses? The BO (democrat) admin and Dr. Fauci
3. Who paid the Wuhan Lab to develop the killer bat viruses? (hint: Fauci)
4. Who stopped paying the Wuhan Lab to do gain of function research? (ans: Trump)
Anthony Fauci resisted a White House directive in April of last year to cancel a research grant for a nonprofit linked to the Wuhan Institute of Virology but "reluctantly agreed" after he learned that then-President Donald Trump had explicitly ordered its cancellation,

If you read the links you see what really happened. Fauci's stupid bat research, started under the BO admin, ultimately killed 600,000 Americans.
Which administration paid China for gain of function research for bat viruses? The BO (democrat) admin and Dr. Fauci

I'm shocked to see you're lying again. Your own links show it has not been confirmed the virus came from gain-of-function research. Yet here you are, again stating it as fact that it did.
1. Scientists know that Covid-19 is NOT naturally occuring, there is no link from bats to animals to humans. It is an engineered, aka "gain of function" virus:
“Damning” science strongly suggests that COVID-19 is a man-made monster, optimized in a lab for maximum infectivity before hitting the outside to catastrophic effect, two experts said Sunday.
Writing in an opinion piece for the Wall Street Journal, Dr. Steven Quay and Richard Muller pointed to two key pieces of evidence to support the claim, which has increasingly gained steam after long being derided as little more than speculation.

2. Fauci is trying to cover his ass, but the paper trail and money trail are damning. His stupid research killed 600,000 Americans
"The U.S. government banned funding for the gain of function research in 2014 but the Wuhan Institute of Virology was still operating and conducting the controversial research using U.S. taxpayer dollars. This funding was funneled unscrutinized to the EcoHealth Alliance by the NIAID led by Fauci to propel Wuhan studies on bat coronaviruses and allowed NIAID to hide research that they said didn’t meet the standard for “gain of function” from the Potential Pandemic Pathogens Control and Oversight Framework review board.
Fauci previously defended gain of function research in 2012 and said it might be worth it even if it caused a pandemic."

Again, your own link refutes you...

likely engineered in lab

For your edification, "likely" means not confirmed.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie like ya do.
Likely means likely, "probably true" but not 100% certified. English your 2nd language?
Likely does not mean "untrue", duh.
What is your "proof" that Covid-19 came from the Wuhan "wet market", the initial "cover story"? That lie is "unlikely".
2. The virus got out and killed 600,000 Americans, as well as hurt the US economy, and President Trump's term
nope, the average death counts didn't increase from previous years. explain that?
Explain what? Put up a link or two so I know WTF you're posting about, because your post makes no sense.
the virus was a hoax, the average death rate declined in 2020. So it can't be that 600,000 people died from it.

other than the CDC saying probable, do you have any evidence a virus existed?

Remember the nazi's got millions of jews in boxcars without even a virus. Look what they did to the globe on a hoax. holy fk, some evil fks out there.
Then you haven't been paying attention. Rioters are criminals.
you never condemned anyone.
Damaged Eagle the blow back on them must be quite severe to not be able to use the word condemn. Huh?


They appear to not want to honor their heroes who stood between them and certain death from violent unarmed female insurrectionists by presenting the hero who fired that first shot to quell the insurrection a medal of valor either.

The president should be giving this hero of the Capitol the honor due by presenting him that medal of valor and perhaps a life sized statue of him shooting the violent unarmed female insurrectionist in the Capitol atrium.

It's not like the police officer gets a lot of pay the Biden administration should honor him for saving all their lives from violent unarmed female insurrectionists.




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