POLL: Who is worse: Biden or Putin?

Who is worse?

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Monday Morning... 6:30am:
"must find a way to post something negative about Trump, but I have made so many Trump threads... people think I am obsessed. I am not obsessed!!... I just care so much.... what can I do... what's this??... a poll said TRUMP!! supporters like Putin more than Biden???!!!
I have to made a thread on this!!! But... they will just make fun of me again for Trump obsession.... why can't they understand??
Wait... I will make a POLL!!!.... I will trick them into answering the question... they won't know it is about TRUMP!!!!
Then when they answer... oh yes... I will make it about Trumpers and Trumpist!!!
HAHAHAHAHA!!!... I have them this time!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAH!
Biden. And then the Mac and his fantasies will abound.

Biden is part of a cabal that is destroying America. Under Obama they used Federal agencies to attack Americans for their views. Conservative Non profits such as True the vote were attacked by the IRS, NSA, FBI, ATF, OSHA and others. When brought up in Congress under hearings. Nothing happened to those who attacked them. Even after they won in court against the IRS and won. They got nothing even after court orders showing they were abused. Lois Lerner had to quit. Destroyed evidence and NEVER DID ANY TIME. Got an early retirement.

Biden used taxpayer funds in UKRAINE to get his boy a WORK FROM HOME JOB because the BIG GUY is his daddy and was the VP. Not only did they LAUNDER MONEY. They flew in Air Force 2 to get the job. They should be charged under the Rico Act and for Money Laundering. But when you own Judges and the DOJ these CRIMES GO UNPUNISHED.

Now for the Russia Russia Russia BS. And the Ukraine BS and Impeachment. The ESTABLISHMENT ATTACKED TRUMP because he was uncovering all of this. Not that he had to as it is VERY WELL DOCUMENTED. Admiral Rogers nailed their asses on it with the NSA and the FISA COURTS SHOW THIS.

Look at this.
and this

There is enough there to need to build a new prison for all involved. And indeed they were spying on the over PARTY and the Trump campaign.. Using FISA warrants on Page with a BS charge under the Logan Act. Using a KNOWN RUSSIAN AGENT for an UNVERIFIED Document. with a person WHO HATED TRUMP.........That would be STEELE. VIOLATING every law and REGULATION with FISA. IT IS ALL DOCUMENTED VIA THE COURTS AND ADMIRAL ROGERS.

To continue. They also got relatives and friends jobs in Ukraine. PELOSI, ROMNEY, KERRY...........All got caught with there buddies and family in the cookie jar. ALL OF THEM SHOULD BE IN PRISON.

OATH OF OFFICE. Swore an OATH to UPHOLD THE CONSTITUTION.........Biden SWORE that OATH as did the CORRUPT POLITICIANS. RUNNING THE SEWER IN DC. Yet they OPENLY REFUSE TO HONOR THAT OATH on our border. Over 2 million illegals have come into this country under Biden in DIRECT VIIOLATION OF HIS OATH OF OFFICE.
Not only that. He got Americans FIRED for the VACCINE but didn't require anything for illegals coming in. Flown in at night all over the country using the TAXPAYERS money to do so. This is PISSING ON THE CONSTITUTION in broad daylight.

AFGHANISTAN. You don't leave people behind. You make sure they are ALL OUT THEN LEAVE. He left our people at the hands of the enemy and this is a disgrace to the roll of the CNC. The dead returning from the Airport with FAMILIES WATCHING.......this is what BIDEN WAS DOING AS THE DEAD WENT BY.



to be continued MAC DADDY.
I wonder why a nasty personal insult is needed.

Okay, I’m just kidding. I know why.
Me too.

It's an erroneous choice either way.

To break the entirety of a human being down into a single yes, or no comparison with another complex human being...is insulting to all concerned.

Don't you libtards rail against such logic?

Don't you call it "stereotyping or profiling", or at the least judging from a distance?

That's bad correct?
BLM riots and the politicians who fanned the flames. Biden apart of it. Burning and Looting all over the country. While the politicians PROMOTED IT. At the same time pushing A DEFUND THE POLICE NARRATIVE as Police officers died from it.

IN THEIR OWN WORDS. Biden I'd like to take him behind the Gym and Beat the hell out of him...........Trump
BLM riots and the politicians who fanned the flames. Biden apart of it. Burning and Looting all over the country. While the politicians PROMOTED IT. At the same time pushing A DEFUND THE POLICE NARRATIVE as Police officers died from it.

IN THEIR OWN WORDS. Biden I'd like to take him behind the Gym and Beat the hell out of him...........Trump

Sounds like the insurrection
I see the usual suspects in here taking pot shots, but none actually answering the OPs question….hmmmm….Wonder why?
all i see is the usual.....the lefties here think biden is great the righties think he sucks.....its only a matter of time before putin is taken out by someone and biden is fairly ineffective as president...

Vlad Putin. He is MY ENEMY. The only reason we haven't stomped your ass into the ground is because you OWN NUKES. And turning the world to 2 million degrees is not in the interest of America or the world.....That is why your troops in Ukraine aren't TOAST. Your purpose is with BRICS is our eventual destruction Right now you are plotting with China to to take the world off the Reserve currency to finish off what is left of the Dollar.

I wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire. Now your BOY BIDEN is helping you along with the greedy politicians who LAUNDER THE DOLLAR as INFLATION GOES THROUGH THE ROOF fucking over EVERY AMERICAN IN THIS COUNTRY.



Both SUCK..........BUT AT LEAST YOU DON'T SHIT ON YOUR FLAG LIKE THE LEFTIST HERE. Our look at your watch as the dead come back in coffins in front of their families.


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