Poll: Will you comply with vaccine mandates required of you by politicians to keep your job?

Poll: Will you comply with vaccine mandates required of you by politicians to keep your job?

  • Yes, I will get vaccinated because Biden mandated it.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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I hate this vaccine mandates I hate them....I hate vaccine passports too....so if I have my mom living overseas....and I am not vaccinated I can not go and visit her?


GOD I hate it so much:confused:
One more reason we should have shacked up 15 years ago. :stir:

I wish I could say this was the single dumbest quote you can find on the internet, but dumb has become the new norm these days. The fact that you saved and posted here thinking it had any kind of merit or wisdom behind it says very little about you.

LOWVILLE, New York (WJW) — A hospital in New York will stop delivering babies this month after too many workers in the maternity unit resigned over COVID-19 vaccine mandates.

WWNY reports Lewis County Health System CEO Gerald Cayer said the hospital will stop delivering babies starting Sept. 24.

“If we pause the service and now focus on recruiting nurses who are vaccinated, we will be able to reengage in delivering babies here in Lewis County,” he said. “We are not alone. There are thousands of positions that are open north of the thruway.”

Cayer said six workers in the maternity unit resigned rather than get vaccinated. Seven others are undecided.

Why is it every single Democrat idea turns into a disaster?

If you're a nurse and you're still not vaccinated, you might as well tattoo the words, I am a dummy, on your forehead. Would you honestly let a nurse anywhere near you that admitted they don't trust doctors or modern medicine? We don't need wildly irrational ppl working in medicine. Let them retire for the betterment of all. There was a 24 year old antivax nurse who refused the vaccine. She's dead now of covid and it wasn't a quick death either. Why would you want someone so stupid looking out for you?
If you're a nurse and you're still not vaccinated, you might as well tattoo the words, I am a dummy, on your forehead. Would you honestly let a nurse anywhere near you that admitted they don't trust doctors or modern medicine? We don't need wildly irrational ppl working in medicine. Let them retire for the betterment of all. There was a 24 year old antivax nurse who refused the vaccine. She's dead now of covid and it wasn't a quick death either. Why would you want someone so stupid looking out for you?

Darn, I never thought of it that way. You are so right. Let's deplete our healthcare staff by 30 or 40% across the country because that would be the best way to take care of an overflow of people with covid-19. :alcoholic:
As long as the vaccine was their choice, good for them. Only the left is trying to force a vaccine. I am not aware of the right trying to force you not to take it.
it WASN'T their choice. They were MANDATED by their employers to get it
it WASN'T their choice. They were MANDATED by their employers to get it
Then Fox did the wrong thing. However, a link showing these forced vaccinations would be appreciated.
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Prove it's 30-40%

You can't prove it until it happens. What we do know is that one NY hospital had to quit baby delivery because the staff decided to not take the vaccine and get laid off. But forget the 30%. If even 10% are forced off the job, that would put a lot of clinics and hospitals in dire straits and like that hospital in NY, have to cut services or patients.
They assume hospitals treat no other patients for some reason. And that everyone in the hospital is there because of COVID.

Or like they did with the covid deaths. There is a difference between dying with covid and dying because of covid, but they lump everybody together. The same is happening with these hospitalizations I'm sure.

Yep. There is money in it. Even if they dies of something else, a positive COVID test of the patient will provide big bucks to the hospital.

Plus a lot of people are probably dying from the effects of out "solutions" to COVID. Mental problems, addiction, delaying health care, etc. And it has become much easier to be more sedentary, particularly for people who normally don't exercise - many of them don't even have to get up and do things like walk to the office from their car and walk up the stairs. Plus, so close to the fridge all day.

The lockdowns and such are having disastrous consequences on a lot of people.

(Link) SIXTEEN US states have adult obesity rates of at least 35% - almost double the number from 2018, CDC report finds

The vaxxed and unvaxxed are coming down with covid. Many should not even be in the hospital but for that 14,000 stipend the hospital gets for covid diagnoses.

BUT, i'm going to tell you some things to do if you find yourself in that position..>this is from personal experience. DO NOT let them ventilate you. that is a death sentence. I'm not even happy with oxygen but better oxygen than a ventilator. GET OFF oxygen as soon as possible. Take DEEP breaths IN because this is what can protect you from pneumonia. ASK THEM FOR the pneumonia preventative 'shot'. THERE ARE Things to help protect a bed ridden patient from pneumonia. Ask for the blood clot preventative 'shot' also. Don't let them wait until you are ready for dismissal and they're rushing around giving those 'shots' to cover their asses.

Next. to stay off that oxygen and ventilators, don't let them misread your oxygen levels. Those little finger contraptions that they put on your finger to measure temp and oxygen do not read accurately if your hands are cold...and they keep your room colllllllld 66 to 68 degrees they say to kill the virus. (LOLOLOL) Warm up your hands and fingers to get an accurate reading.

Part of the fear mongering is that the nurses will dress in near hazmat attire. you'll notice that your doctors will not be doing that. LOLOL They walk in their regular 'doctor' attire with no extra safety measures. what's that tellya.
I think it's also good advice to get up as soon as you can, as difficult as it is. When I had COVID, it was a struggle for a couple of days for me to even get up, and I am remarkably fit (Not bragging, but I run and lift weights daily, normal weight, etc.) On the third day, I could get up only for about five minutes at a time at first before feeling terrible and having to go lay back down. It would be easy to just continue to lay down, and if it's heavily in your lungs like most people, they tend to clog up. The longer you lay down, it's often harder to get back up. Bad cases of flu are similar.


There are tens of thousands or more of us whom have had covid, recovered and better off than would be with the vaccine. So yes, there should be a card for the "got it, got over it" of us!
CDC says there are an estimated 120 million Americans who have been infected by COVID....

You can't prove it until it happens. What we do know is that one NY hospital had to quit baby delivery because the staff decided to not take the vaccine and get laid off. But forget the 30%. If even 10% are forced off the job, that would put a lot of clinics and hospitals in dire straits and like that hospital in NY, have to cut services or patients.

An anti vax nurse injected 8,600 people with saline instead of the vaccine before she was caught. That is the lunacy coming from just ONE antivaxxer nurse. When will you realize that this has become a a deadly cult. Would you want a cult member taking care of your medical needs?
An anti vax nurse injected 8,600 people with saline instead of the vaccine before she was caught. That is the lunacy coming from just ONE antivaxxer nurse. When will you realize that this has become a a deadly cult. Would you want a cult member taking care of your medical needs?
Come on. Most nurses, regardless of political beliefs have chosen such a profession because they want to help people and they serve with integrity. You use one nutjob to assume that everyone of their political persuasion is also a nutjob; otherwise, we would all be nutjobs.

But since you mentioned it, why don't you back up your assumption that she was a Right Winger with some proof, please. She was German, and much of their politically Right are Democrats by US standards.

An anti vax nurse injected 8,600 people with saline instead of the vaccine before she was caught. That is the lunacy coming from just ONE antivaxxer nurse. When will you realize that this has become a a deadly cult. Would you want a cult member taking care of your medical needs?

This is the first I heard about it and I read the news all the time. Any link to your story? In any case, I have no idea WTF that had to do with my comment. Furthermore would you like me to post some stories of pro-mask people attacking those not wearing a mask?
I think it's also good advice to get up as soon as you can, as difficult as it is. When I had COVID, it was a struggle for a couple of days for me to even get up, and I am remarkably fit (Not bragging, but I run and lift weights daily, normal weight, etc.) On the third day, I could get up only for about five minutes at a time at first before feeling terrible and having to go lay back down. It would be easy to just continue to lay down, and if it's heavily in your lungs like most people, they tend to clog up. The longer you lay down, it's often harder to get back up. Bad cases of flu are similar.

I heard a doctor on a talk show months ago about the covid deaths. He said something like 94% of the deaths the people were vitamin D deficient. My doctor has had me taking D3 for the last 15 years or so. Never had a problem knock on wood.
Come on. Most nurses, regardless of political beliefs have chosen such a profession because they want to help people and they serve with integrity. You use one nutjob to assume that everyone of their political persuasion is also a nutjob; otherwise, we would all be nutjobs.

But since you mentioned it, why don't you back up your assumption that she was a Right Winger with some proof, please. She was German, and much of their politically Right are Democrats by US standards.


I never said she was a right winger, I said she was antivax, which she is. She's been radicalized just like so many other antivaxxers. That's why they are potentially dangerous.
This is the first I heard about it and I read the news all the time. Any link to your story? In any case, I have no idea WTF that had to do with my comment. Furthermore would you like me to post some stories of pro-mask people attacking those not wearing a mask?

There are hypocrites the world over, but those idiots are not responsible with life and death decisions involving me. Is that really the best you have?

I heard a doctor on a talk show months ago about the covid deaths. He said something like 94% of the deaths the people were vitamin D deficient. My doctor has had me taking D3 for the last 15 years or so. Never had a problem knock on wood.
Yeah, D matters so much for immune strength. COVID and all kinds of other bugs. I got COVID in Winter when D is normally near annual low, and I had not taken any supplements. Probably not a bad idea to take it if one does not get much sun or from other dietary sources.

I wonder if this contributes to the normal Fall/Winter influenza outbreaks.

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