Poll: Will you comply with vaccine mandates required of you by politicians to keep your job?

Poll: Will you comply with vaccine mandates required of you by politicians to keep your job?

  • Yes, I will get vaccinated because Biden mandated it.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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the vaxxed like to think of themselves as the morally righteous. They have taken the vaxx for ....others. Like sheep led to slaughter. The bible speaks of this.

You think you are untouchable at this point. but let me tell you....you will not be in the future. At some point...you will realize that you let the turning point pass you by when you could have stopped this slow descent into tyranny.
It's already true. Once the CDC recommended that the vaccinated wear masks, anyone with a brain could be certain the vaccines were not working. Then the CDC came out and told everyone that the vaccines don't prevent infection or transmission.

They lost their "holier than thou" ammunition long ago, and there are plenty of people who already had COVID who are better protected from infection than they are, with their bio-engineered antibodies against the spike protein only.

Delta mutated the spike protein and broke the vaccines.

Natural immunity provides multiple anti-bodies against multiple parts of the real virus. These anti-bodies are diverse, long-lasting, and may provide a lifetime of protection. Vaccines only attempt to mimic natural immunity and don't do a very good job at it against respiratory viruses which mutate quickly and have animal reservoirs.

The left thinks they are righteous by denying their opposition's speech and limiting their freedom.

I get why they are angry. If they were the majority they would not have to cheat. If they were the majority there would not be opposition to the perversion and insanity that is socially acceptable today. Pronouns, opposite world...calling evil good and good evil, knowing that your govt reps are corrupt and filthy and you know this from the political elites own mouths and by their actions.

These political elites are hell bent on taking all our freedom and liberty and anything of value that we have. That means you too. You won't have anything either. Best thing we can all do is to band together and fight these peoples' plans together. Vaxxed and unvaxxed need to stand together and tell these tyrants that we will not be stripped of our liberties.
Natural immunity provides multiple anti-bodies against multiple parts of the real virus. These anti-bodies are diverse, long-lasting, and may provide a lifetime of protection. Vaccines only attempt to mimic natural immunity and don't do a very good job at it against respiratory viruses which mutate quickly and have animal reservoirs.
Your link does not support your arguments. There's no "mimic"king of natural immunity going on. All immunity is "natural." All vaccines stimulate our (natural) immunity (antibody production). Some stimulate it more than others. Some better mimic the virus they're attempting to combat, thereby producing stronger, faster immune response. All such immunity lingers. Variants invariably arrive, possibly rendering them moot. But, dammit, Fort Fun just stole the main point. If getting two shots wasn't working at all, then why does it still prevent serious illness and death so well vs getting none?
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Your link does not support your arguments. There's no "mimic"king of natural immunity going on. All immunity is "natural." All vaccines stimulate our (natural) immunity (anti-body production). Some stimulate it more than others. Some better mimic the virus they're attempting to combat, thereby producing stronger, faster immune response. All such immunity lingers. Variants invariably arrive, possibly rendering them moot. But, dammit, Fort Fun just stole the main point. If getting two shots wasn't working at all, then why does it still prevent serious illness and death so well vs getting none?
Back home again, in Indiana :

It's already true. Once the CDC recommended that the vaccinated wear masks, anyone with a brain could be certain the vaccines were not working. Then the CDC came out and told everyone that the vaccines don't prevent infection or transmission.

Correct. They are blaming Republicans for not getting the vaccine even though no Republican leaders or talk show hosts are protesting against them. In fact they admit they took the vaccine as well.

I had to laugh. I was watching Tucker this evening when they showed a clip of Dementia. He said "we need to vaccinate the un-vaccinated to protect those who are already vaccinated." What?????

I think they are turning off the fence sitters of getting the shot or not more than anybody.
No he didn't.

I don't know where the clip came from, but he said something similar and I have the source for that:

“We are going to protect vaccinated workers from unvaccinated coworkers. We are going to reduce the spread of COVID-19 by increasing the share of the workforce that is vaccinated in businesses all across America,” he said.

So there you go.
Good god. You really can't puzzle out the difference between the seasonal flu and a novel, deadly virus that is filling our hospitals? Fuck, we are a doomed country of morons.
You obviously have not been in too many hospitals over the last 20 months, keep telling yourself that…
You obviously have not been in too many hospitals over the last 20 months, keep telling yourself that…
We don't personally have to go inside of the hospitals to learn about them. Did you not know that?

Poll: Will you comply with vaccine mandates required of you by politicians to keep your job?

I think 100 million people ought to all dare their employer to fire them, then sue them, file for unemployment, file for welfare and SNAP, then march on the Capitol and ask Biddum what the USA will do now with 100 million unemployed people suddenly not doing their jobs, slowing the economy, while starving and dying.

Good thing we have Joe to figure these problems out.
I think 100 million people ought to all dare their employer to fire them, then sue them, file for unemployment, file for welfare and SNAP, then march on the Capitol and ask Biddum what the USA will do now with 100 million unemployed people suddenly not doing their jobs, slowing the economy, while starving and dying.

Good thing we have Joe to figure these problems out.

How can people not be suspicious of the vaccine when clinicians are refusing to take it and Piglosi carved out an exemption for members of Congress? :eusa_shhh:
We had three employees come down with Covid at work. Our company did not institute a vaccine mandate, but did require us to show our vaccine passports if we didn't want to wear a mask. I have a Libertarian friend who got the shot but chose to wear a mask rather than show the company his passport.

Whatever floats your boat, I guess.
You absolutely love these mandates and passports and let-me-see-your-papers bullshit, don't you?

You're such a fucking authoritarian piece of shit. Go fuck yourself.

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