Poll: Will you comply with vaccine mandates required of you by politicians to keep your job?

Poll: Will you comply with vaccine mandates required of you by politicians to keep your job?

  • Yes, I will get vaccinated because Biden mandated it.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Yep, getting a shot is just like being sent to a concentration camp.

No, but being forced to by government is not much different. Being forced to carry government papers around with you to live a normal life is not far from it either.

The fact that there are no actual photos of the "virus", the fact that the numbers have been sensationalized and skewed and the fact that the so-called "vaccine" is pushed and given out "free" to those gullible enough to allow the injection, all point to a scam.
Is there a psychiatrist in the house? :oops:
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LOWVILLE, New York (WJW) — A hospital in New York will stop delivering babies this month after too many workers in the maternity unit resigned over COVID-19 vaccine mandates.

WWNY reports Lewis County Health System CEO Gerald Cayer said the hospital will stop delivering babies starting Sept. 24.

“If we pause the service and now focus on recruiting nurses who are vaccinated, we will be able to reengage in delivering babies here in Lewis County,” he said. “We are not alone. There are thousands of positions that are open north of the thruway.”

Cayer said six workers in the maternity unit resigned rather than get vaccinated. Seven others are undecided.

Why is it every single Democrat idea turns into a disaster?
See my post #568 of this thread for my source. Far more qualified than you are.
All I saw was an article in something called the epoch times. An article that has no link to the actual study it cited. While I'm perfectly happy to accept that somebody calling himself Doctor might be more knowledgeable than I am, this taking the article at face value. However, I'm not the one making the claims. I'm sourcing the claims by the CDC in studies cited by them that you can actually look at yourself and more important studies that are peer-reviewed.
The others were on a mortality countdown already, covid only hastened it, same as the flu or annual cold would have.
You think so?
I'm hypertensive, have been most of my adult life. A simple pill a day takes care of it enough to make me a healthy 40-year-old. I even play competitive sport still. Are you suggesting I'm on death's doorstep?
It's funny how you as an elderly person attempt to minimize the consequences of Covid-19 because it is more deadly for certain people. Guess what? Age, this means your age group is by far the most vulnerable.
Sandy Shanks said:
How many in your family got covid? Did your children get covid? How about your friends? Your co-workers? Delta is highly contagious. Any chance you spread the disease to others because you chose not to get vaccinated.?

you're vaccinated. You're safe. That's the main thing. YOU. are safe. It doesn't matter what anyone else does.
How many in your family got covid? Did your children get covid? How about your friends? Your co-workers?

Delta is highly contagious. Any chance you spread the disease to others because you chose not to get vaccinated.?

It is not just you!
Yes we all got COVID. My wife got it bad like me. My kids were almost asymptomatic.

I got it from a colleague at work after being in a meeting room for two whole days with coughing Europeans who had just traveled through international airports with a bunch of Chinese travelers. This was before masks.

It spread through my work rapidly.

As soon as I started feeling sick, I went home. I recovered quickly, being healthy. When I went back to work, we had teams where nearly every employee was out sick.

Of course it's not just me. Vulnerable people should take what precautions they deem necessary.

I had COVID. I am not wearing an arguably-ineffective mask for two years and I don't need two or more shots either. It's not just about you either.

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Less than half of the population takes a Flu shot (vaccine), so what’s preventing us from making it mandatory?
Good god. You really can't puzzle out the difference between the seasonal flu and a novel, deadly virus that is filling our hospitals? Fuck, we are a doomed country of morons.
Answering the question....

I don't have a conventional job; long retired and doing almost exclusively pro-bono professional work for several non-profit entities. If any of them spring this vaccination mandate shit....despite my have had both shots....I will immediately cut them off. Not that I object the vaccine. I simply don't want to buy into accepting dictatorship.

But that doesn't mean I won't work for them....it just means I wouldn't work for them for free anymore. Oh, and their rate would be 3X what I charge the few remaining paying clients I have kept. Then their money will be donated to overturning regime Xiden legally by election or lawsuit.
Answering the question....

I don't have a conventional job; long retired and doing only pro-bono professional work for several non-profit entities. If any of them spring this vaccination mandate shit....despite my have had both shots....I will immediately cut them off. Not that I object the vaccine. I simply don't want to buy into accepting dictatorship.
How stupid of you. The nonprofit entities that exist to help people will likely be pleased not to work with a person so low on compassion and sympathy.
Yes, he has, everyone knows the delta strain is a mutated version of coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2).
When a virus mutates, it builds a resistance to vaccines, just as antibiotics built a resistance to infections.

There are, BTW, two more strains out there too.

spike protein. spike get it? some parts of your body NEED smooth walls. This stops that causing clots which can break away and kill you. this is not a vaccine. It is something else.

These strains,delta plus and Mu could be worse, the vaccines may not even be effective.
Many here hate unions or anything that might help your average workers get a tiny bit ahead. Now you want them to take action. It's the little man, the workers who lives paychecks to pay heck, who has single handedly built this country and keeps it going.
the vaxxed like to think of themselves as the morally righteous. They have taken the vaxx for ....others. Like sheep led to slaughter. The bible speaks of this.

You think you are untouchable at this point. but let me tell you....you will not be in the future. At some point...you will realize that you let the turning point pass you by when you could have stopped this slow descent into tyranny.
That's true of all "elites". As it turns out, the leaders and elites make more money. What are ya, a communist?
i see...you are fine with others stealing the money out of your pocket to live the lifestyle to which they have become accustomed while other struggle. What's that called. socialism? communism? and you won't be up there with the big wigs. You will be down here with the rest of us.
Answering the question....

I don't have a conventional job; long retired and doing almost exclusively pro-bono professional work for several non-profit entities. If any of them spring this vaccination mandate shit....despite my have had both shots....I will immediately cut them off. Not that I object the vaccine. I simply don't want to buy into accepting dictatorship.

But that doesn't mean I won't work for them....it just means I wouldn't work for them for free anymore. Oh, and their rate would be 3X what I charge the few remaining paying clients I have kept. Then their money will be donated to overturning regime Xiden legally by election or lawsuit.
Thank you for your pro-bono work. May the Karma come back to you ten fold. Very nice of you. We need more people like you willing to give back (voluntarily).

God bless you.

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