Poll: Will you comply with vaccine mandates required of you by politicians to keep your job?

Poll: Will you comply with vaccine mandates required of you by politicians to keep your job?

  • Yes, I will get vaccinated because Biden mandated it.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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They gave up everything but their sacred honor. They lost their homes, their property, their children's lives, their wives lives, their wives' health, their fortunes, and their own lives.
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I care about you but I don’t care for you. Liberals think they are the same and are demanding the latter.
You want a shot—fine
You want me to get a shot and so do I-fine
You want me to but I don’t-I won’t
A mature person would accept this
"Comprehension issues"?

You seem to have it, with your own comment.

"The average time from conception to FDA approval of drugs is 12 years and only a fraction of those drugs ever make it to human testing, but you moron expect people take take a vaccine that's only been around for little over a year".

Your opinion is implying there wasn't enough time and the approval too quick.
Well fuck yeah it's glaringly obvious to those with common sense. 12 to 15 year average for every other drug but this vaccine was being pushed on the people before it even had approval. How is this not an issue with you people ?
Um....here's another clue.

video/audio at link. We need to be more scary to the public. These covid recovered patients..is there anyway that we can continue to sorta count them as hospitalized. Weird male-ish guy...... well they are recovered patients, post covid but we can still count them because......they're human.

LOLOLOLOL Well...i've paraphrased just a tad but you listen for yourself.
Sure it was the insurance companies. Auto manufacturers never fought against seat belts. It's one more item they would have to install in the car and charge you for That means more union workers, more parts to receive, unpack, stock and bring to the line.

In our state seat belts are a secondary offense so they can't pull you over for that alone. Unless the weather is bad I never use the damn thing.
'Auto manufacturers never fought against seat belts. It's one more item they would have to install in the car and charge you for'.

Wrong, the car companies fought seatbelts, airbags and even catalytic converters.

It wasn't until the mid-1950s that many carmakers even offered seat belts as an option.

Most motorists declined. In 1956, only 2% of Ford buyers took the $27 seat-belt option, and the death toll kept rising.
In 1959, American politician Daniel Patrick Moynihan described the situation as "the epidemic on the highways."
In 1965, Nader, 31, penned "Unsafe at Any Speed," a best-selling exposé that claimed car manufacturers were sacrificing lives for style and profit.

His investigation spurred Congress to create what eventually became the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, which required all vehicles (except buses) to be fitted with seat belts in 1968.
As late as 1983, fewer than 15% of Americans said they used seat belts consistently.

New York became the first state to pass a mandatory seat-belt law, in 1984. Other states soon followed.

The U.S. Department of Transportation has ruled that airbags or other automatic restraints must be installed in all new cars unless states representing two-thirds of the nation’s population pass seat belt laws by 1989.

Automakers, who have been fighting the introduction of air bags for nearly a decade as too costly and only marginally effective, have gone a long way toward their goal of bypassing the federal regulations. In recent months, they have successfully lobbied for mandatory seat belt laws in the big states of New York, New Jersey and Illinois. Similar measures are pending in 32 other states.

In my state, not wearing a seatbelt used to be a secondary offense, now it's been a primary offense since 2009.
You phrased it as if it was standard that diabetics increase their dosage. I'm merely pointing out that's not the case. At the beginning everything is touch and go so there will be adjustments up and down until the doctor sees what is working and what is not. This is not to mention the patient who monitors their sugar at home with a meter. If they do start you with two shots but you are having trouble keeping the sugar up, or are constantly eating to keep the sugar up, the doctor decreases the dosage or amount of shots.
It wasn't me who phrased it that way. (copy & paste)
Those two key words, MAY and USUALLY still apply, just like those long-winded side effects, in pharmaceutical commercials, all or none may occur, but they still list them.
Well fuck yeah it's glaringly obvious to those with common sense. 12 to 15 year average for every other drug but this vaccine was being pushed on the people before it even had approval. How is this not an issue with you people ?
Before, you people whined it wasn't FDA approved, now that it is, another excuse?
Like the FDA approval means.................anything.

Covid is widespread and overwhelming hospitals, that's why it isn't an issue.

Millions of people have taken the covid vaccine, they had clinical trials for it, with very few adverse effects as a percentage.

It's been done before.

Jonas Salk's killed polio virus vaccine had to be tested in human trials before licensing. Injections were given to 1.8 million children, making it the largest clinical test of a drug or vaccine in medical history.

The Salk polio vaccine was determined to be safe and effective. Later, however, in a tragic set of circumstances known as the "Cutter Incident," more than 260 people contracted polio from a vaccine produced by Cutter Labs.

In the late 1950s, Albert Sabin theorized that the weakened, live-virus polio vaccine would provide longer lasting immunity. His vaccine was tested in field trials in the Soviet Union between 1957 and 1959, and was licensed in the US by 1962.
The Sabin vaccine was endorsed by the American Medical Association and became the primary weapon for polio prevention in the United States by the end of the 1960s. Even though some cases of polio still occurred from this vaccine, it was primarily used because it was inexpensive and easily administered.

We are all lab rats for the pharmaceutical companies, I don't want to be one for covid.
Yes, he has, everyone knows the delta strain is a mutated version of coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2).
When a virus mutates, it builds a resistance to vaccines, just as antibiotics built a resistance to infections.

There are, BTW, two more strains out there too.

These strains,delta plus and Mu could be worse, the vaccines may not even be effective.

BOMBSHELL! CDC Admits Death Rate from COVID Greatly Overstated​

Something that I’ve been saying all along, and that many other people have been saying since we started getting a little ways into this pandemic is that it’s not as deadly as the media has made it out to be.

This have now been proven true beyond a shadow of a doubt, not only because we still have all of the data that we’ve been using to support the claim, but also because the CDC, who the liberals consider to be the arbiter of truth in all things medical related, has come forward with information that backs all of this up.

So just how different is it according to the CDC? Well, only about half as deadly as we’ve been told, maybe not even that much.

All this time the report has been that 2% of people who have contracted the virus have died, adjusting that number in the United States based on the CDC’s data, that would mean that the death rate is potentially 1% or less than 1% of all who have been infected.

Even CNN is reporting on this,

More than 80% of Americans 16 and older have some level of immunity against the coronavirus, mostly through vaccination, a survey of blood donations indicates.

The survey, led by the CDC, also indicates that about twice as many people have been infected with the virus as have been officially counted. More than 39 million Americans have been diagnosed with coronavirus infection since the pandemic started in 2020.

The team, led by the CDC’s Dr. Jefferson Jones, set out to determine how close the US might be to some kind of herd immunity — although they do not claim to have any kind of handle on that yet.
Has anyone linked a mainstream medical university or hospital suggesting not to get the vaccine? If you guys are trusting your doctors… where are they?
Auto manufacturers never fought against seat belts. It's one more item they would have to install in the car and charge you for'.

Wrong, the car companies fought seatbelts, airbags and even catalytic converters.

You are talking before being mandated by the government. As I said, seat belts ups the cost of the car. That's not good for competition. Now if the government forces all automobile makers to have seat belts in their vehicle, they lose no competitive edge against their competitors. Everybody has to have them installed, everybody has to buy parts, hire more people, and pass on these costs to the people equally, so that they are more than happy to do.

Our seat belt laws didn't go into effect until the mid 80's.

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