Poll: Will you comply with vaccine mandates required of you by politicians to keep your job?

Poll: Will you comply with vaccine mandates required of you by politicians to keep your job?

  • Yes, I will get vaccinated because Biden mandated it.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Totally wrong. Why must people wear seat belts today? Because the insurance industry paid off the politicians. That's the bottom line. The insurance industry controls legislation in our country. The insurance industry forced states to lower their blood alcohol level to .08 from whatever it was before, they forced states into mandating helmets for motorcycle riders, and the reason better paying companies drug test is because they get cheaper workman's compensation rates for their employees if there is random testing.

Money is power baby.
Totally wrong. Why must people wear seat belts today? Because the insurance industry paid off the politicians. That's the bottom line. The insurance industry controls legislation in our country. The insurance industry forced states to lower their blood alcohol level to .08 from whatever it was before, they forced states into mandating helmets for motorcycle riders, and the reason better paying companies drug test is because they get cheaper workman's compensation rates for their employees if there is random testing.

Money is power baby.
It isn't totally wrong.
I never mentioned insurance companies, looking to reduce their claims and citizen's groups, that true.
On the other side you had car manufacturing lobby fighting back and giving their own $$$ to politicians to prevent the seatbelt, as well as air bag laws from being passed.

A decades old fight for both.
But car companies did offer seatbelts as optional...................for a fee.

It wasn't JUST insurance companies bribery.
The average time from conception to FDA approval of drugs is 12 years and only a fraction of those drugs ever make it to human testing, but you moron expect people take take a vaccine that's only been around for little over a year. I'm not a Republican or a Democrat. I'm a Conservative and exercise common sense.
So, now the excuses change from, it's not FDA approved to not enough time.
But republicans are more than willing to take a horse dewormer for covid?
Counterfeit vaccine cards will be everywhere
Yeah, they will be cracking down on that too.

September 1, 2021
An Illinois woman who showed a fake vaccine card listing two “Maderna” shots has been arrested in Hawaii after trying to evade the state’s strict COVID-19 rules, police say.

The 24-year-old Oak Lawn woman uploaded false documents to bypass state quarantine rules, including a vaccine card that misspelled “Moderna” as “Maderna,” Hawaii News Now reported.

If convicted, the woman faces up to a year in prison and a fine of up to $5,000, KITV reported.
She’s being held on $2,000 bail.

Like the last $4.00 beer at the bar could cost you a lot more.
I hate this vaccine mandates I hate them....I hate vaccine passports too....so if I have my mom living overseas....and I am not vaccinated I can not go and visit her?


GOD I hate it so much:confused:

It might be a surprise to some, but your "freedom" doesn't include your right to infect other people with a potentially deadly illness -- your freedom doesn't include the right to negligent manslaughter.

If anybody is like the Nazis, it's the people who reject all sanity and rationality by insisting on not being vaccinated, endangering the health and lifes of their fellow citizens. It's them who kill innocent people, just like the Nazis killed innocent people.
Sounds like a paraphrase of a famous Ben Franklin quote.
Yes, one should never forget The Patriot Act around this time of year.
"Those who would give up essential Liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
"Ask not for whom the bell tolls" - Hemingway
"Vaccines save lives" -- UNICEF
And also notable,
"The only freedom which deserves the name, is that of pursuing our own good in our own way, so long as we do not attempt to deprive others of theirs, or impede their efforts to obtain it. Each is the proper guardian of his own health, whether bodily, or mental and spiritual. Mankind are greater gainers by suffering each other to live as seems good to themselves, than by compelling each to live as seems good to the rest." -- John Stuart Mill
Yes, one should never forget The Patriot Act around this time of year.
"Those who would give up essential Liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
"Ask not for whom the bell tolls" - Hemingway
"Vaccines save lives" -- UNICEF
And also notable,
"The only freedom which deserves the name, is that of pursuing our own good in our own way, so long as we do not attempt to deprive others of theirs, or impede their efforts to obtain it. Each is the proper guardian of his own health, whether bodily, or mental and spiritual. Mankind are greater gainers by suffering each other to live as seems good to themselves, than by compelling each to live as seems good to the rest." -- John Stuart Mill

And: "With freedom, there comes responsibility."
Not sure who said it.

Freedom seems to be so cheap these days. Everybody insists on his freedom, but nobody wants to take responsibility.
So, now the excuses change from, it's not FDA approved to not enough time.
But republicans are more than willing to take a horse dewormer for covid?
Both time and FDA approval are covered in my post and you also seemed to miss the part were I stated, I'm not a Republican. Comprehension issues or is it a lack of common sense ? Two things that seem to plague Democrats and Republicans.
Both time and FDA approval are covered in my post and you also seemed to miss the part were I stated, I'm not a Republican. Comprehension issues or is it a lack of common sense ? Two things that seem to plague Democrats and Republicans.

"Comprehension issues"?

You seem to have it, with your own comment.

"The average time from conception to FDA approval of drugs is 12 years and only a fraction of those drugs ever make it to human testing, but you moron expect people take take a vaccine that's only been around for little over a year".

Your opinion is implying there wasn't enough time and the approval too quick.
Slippery slope arguments and amateur hack analysis is all the right has. If we require seat belts well then the government is one step away from telling you what to think? come on. It’s all just so you can feel like you’re resisting some sinister movement to control you in a search of self importance. Because you can’t get your way on other issues by golly you’ll get your way on this even if it’s stupid.

Tell me this medical genius. When is the vaccine no longer experimental?
It might be a surprise to some, but your "freedom" doesn't include your right to infect other people with a potentially deadly illness -- your freedom doesn't include the right to negligent manslaughter.

Only if the person knows they are sick and intentionally infects other people. Insisting or legislating that other people take potentially dangerous precautions to make you happy is indeed stripping them of freedom because you are forcing them to act against their own better judgement for your selfish interests. Communists love controlling the lives of other people. And if we let them get away with this, get covid behind us one day, what makes you think these control freaks won't insist on the same drastic measures for the annual flu? After all millions of Americans get the flu every year and pass it on to other people. Hundreds of thousands are hospitalized because of the flu, and tens of thousands die every year.

If anybody is like the Nazis, it's the people who reject all sanity and rationality by insisting on not being vaccinated, endangering the health and lifes of their fellow citizens. It's them who kill innocent people, just like the Nazis killed innocent people.

Nazis killed people intentionally like Biden is doing by letting in millions of infected illegals into the country, busing or flying them from coast to coast, and harming or killing other Americans for the sole purpose of future power for Big Brother.
It isn't totally wrong.
I never mentioned insurance companies, looking to reduce their claims and citizen's groups, that true.
On the other side you had car manufacturing lobby fighting back and giving their own $$$ to politicians to prevent the seatbelt, as well as air bag laws from being passed.

A decades old fight for both.
But car companies did offer seatbelts as optional...................for a fee.

It wasn't JUST insurance companies bribery.

Sure it was the insurance companies. Auto manufacturers never fought against seat belts. It's one more item they would have to install in the car and charge you for That means more union workers, more parts to receive, unpack, stock and bring to the line.

In our state seat belts are a secondary offense so they can't pull you over for that alone. Unless the weather is bad I never use the damn thing.
I think you may have me confused with another poster.
I assumed you were a vaccine denier based on your characterization of it as experimental and you weren’t safe enough to avoid getting it.

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