Poll: Will you comply with vaccine mandates required of you by politicians to keep your job?

Poll: Will you comply with vaccine mandates required of you by politicians to keep your job?

  • Yes, I will get vaccinated because Biden mandated it.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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I served during that era as well 68-72 USMC, Vietnam--1971. I am not an anti vaxxer--just have problems with this one and since I was infected in Jan., I should have anti-bodies.
Thanks for your service. If you were infected, you certainly have long-lived anti-bodies.

New strains could overcome them, but your illness would likely not be as severe as if you had not already had COVID. Just like the flu.

Your antibodies are better at fighting COIVD than the vaccine antibodies, which mimic them but only target the spike protein. You have antibodies which recognize multiple parts of the real virus. You are good to go.

This is the 21st century - the anti-jab markers will be tattoos.
70 years later, history would repeat itself...


I use John’s Hopkins recommendations. WhT do you use? 100% guarantee you ignore my question, post a meme, or make a joke. No way you offer up your sources of advice.
Everyone has a unique personal situation. Everyone has a fundamental right to make their own medical decisions based upon their own situation, research, beliefs, and optionally with advice from their health care provider who will give them 15 minutes.

Here's a problem with that. The "vaccines" are experimental, despite the take approval by the FDA for the Pfizer one (they approved a different version than what most people have been jabbed with). It's a violation of the Nuremburg Code to force experimental medical treatments on people agains their wills. U.S. laws covering such treatments are based on the principles of the Nuremburg Code.
Example waiver everyone has to sign which says, literally, they could die from the vaccine and they voluntarily give up all rights to sue. It includes...

I understand that this waiver means I give up my right to bring any claims including for personal injuries, death, disease or property losses, or any other loss, including but not limited to claims of negligence and give up any claim I may have to seek damages, whether known or unknown, foreseen or unforeseen.

That's because the are untested and experimental. This scamdemic has been a giant badly run clinical trial.
And they don't work. Still have to wear a mask. CDC says does not prevent infection or transmission. Tow doses aren't good enough, so have a third.

Sounds good. If this vaccine ends up causing great harm in five or six years from now, I hope your employees that were affected because of your mandate sue you right out of business.
That would seem to be difficult if the Department of Labor issues a mandate as Biden promised. Seems that all fault should fall on the Biden Admin.

The thing that irritates me about this stuff is knowing that a substantial part of why blacks are perceived as more reluctant than whites -- "to receive" (as it's been put) these vaccines is because they've clearly not been "distributed" to blacks as readily as to whites. Not that other minorities don't have similar issues. But, in other words, that blacks must work harder in general than whites to get vaccinated should be acknowledged right upfront, rather than deliberately discounted if not totally ignored by many.

Believe you Leftist media. Newsweek says:
African-Americans are less likely to want to take the COVID-19 vaccine because of a deep-rooted distrust of national institutions and memories of former public health scandals such as the Tuskegee experiment, Black health leaders have said.

I didn't have anti-bodies when I was infected and my body defeated it (five other family members did as well). I don't need some internet keyboard warrior that doesn't know shit giving me health care advice anymore than a demented old useless politician.
The PCR tests are terribly inaccurate. If you recovered from a strong infection, you have great antibodies.

not a single person has mentioned the fact that moderna and Pfizer are developed in aborted fetal cells while the j n j actually includes them. not only are the so called vaccines deadly, they most likely offend GOD. heck, I threw out my favorite chips, Fritos, because fetal cells are used in the testing-Pepsi and Cheetos included.

my sister, who first warned me about the fetal cells, took the jab to protect my mom and she can barely get out of bed now. she is also growing what looks like a tumor on her foot. tumors and cancer are a growing side effect of these vaccines.

p.s: a 14 week -male- aborted fetus was the testing subject.
This is absolutely true that they were developed using aborted fetal tissue. J&J is produced and manufactured using it too. Official proof here which could help someone with a religious exemption...

Last edited:
Back all that up with data and references. Especially Fritos. :eek2yum:
tumors cancer, lawsuit to produce covid evidence 50;00 is tumors

Dr. Lee Merritt, former US Navy surgeon, warns of catastrophic vaccine risk


25:00 gives you the vaccine codes for fetal cell use.

DR. CHRISTIANE NORTHRUP expose the truth about the Covid-19 "pandemic" and "vaccine"


(looking up the rest)
Mentioned that to some family members the other day who had been vaccinated, and they freaked. I thought it was well known, however, they should disclose this information before someone gets the vaccine.
I am looking for it. I think it was on the vaccine insert.
Where in the heck did you see the person you respond to mention anything about seat belts? I guess I missed it?
As far as vaccines no longer being experimental... per an earlier post it usually takes about 12 years to go through testing and FDA approval.
Weird. Since you’re so knowledgeable about vaccine approval (better informed than John’s-Hopkins no less) I had assumed you had specific criteria you were looking for that hasn’t been met. Sounds like you’re just winging it. FDA approved it on Aug 23.
tumors cancer, lawsuit to produce covid evidence 50;00 is tumors

Dr. Lee Merritt, former US Navy surgeon, warns of catastrophic vaccine risk


25:00 gives you the vaccine codes for fetal cell use.

DR. CHRISTIANE NORTHRUP expose the truth about the Covid-19 "pandemic" and "vaccine"


(looking up the rest)
An orthopedic surgeon? Really?
Well, that's one of the dumbest "went right over your head"response to a statement I've ever seen.
Never said insulin WAS vaccine.

"You will need 2 boosters a year to keep vaccinated".

Diabetics need one to four shots DAILY, to keep them from getting sick, going into shock or dying.

Totally missed the entire point.

The number of SHOTS.

Diabetes isn't a virus you uneducated loon
she worked with the Pentagon and is the designated person, in a group of doctors, who follows the actual Vaers adverse cases, world trends, and is a research geek.
She's an orthopedic surgeon that now belongs to a conspiracy theorist organization.
I didn't have anti-bodies when I was infected and my body defeated it (five other family members did as well). I don't need some internet keyboard warrior that doesn't know shit giving me health care advice anymore than a demented old useless politician.
You DO understand that the Delta variant is FAR more transmissible AND severe than the Alpha variant, don't you?

Don't take MY word for it... ask your DOCTOR.

Weird. Since you’re so knowledgeable about vaccine approval (better informed than John’s-Hopkins no less) I had assumed you had specific criteria you were looking for that hasn’t been met. Sounds like you’re just winging it. FDA approved it on Aug 23.
I think you may have me confused with another poster.
Believe you Leftist media. Newsweek says:
African-Americans are less likely to want to take the COVID-19 vaccine because of a deep-rooted distrust of national institutions and memories of former public health scandals such as the Tuskegee experiment, Black health leaders have said.
Nice non sequitur. Try arguing with the actual point. And why would Newsweek be particularly leftist?
tumors cancer, lawsuit to produce covid evidence 50;00 is tumors

Dr. Lee Merritt, former US Navy surgeon, warns of catastrophic vaccine risk


25:00 gives you the vaccine codes for fetal cell use.

DR. CHRISTIANE NORTHRUP expose the truth about the Covid-19 "pandemic" and "vaccine"


(looking up the rest)
Wackos unite!
You DO understand that the Delta variant is FAR more transmissible AND severe than the Alpha variant, don't you?

Don't take MY word for it... ask your DOCTOR.

You do understand that even if you're vaccinated you can contract and spread the Delta variant? You do understand that the jab makes it less severe---because Fau Chi says so. You do know SCIENCE says natural anti bodies are more effective than the jab. Too bad you need validation from everyone else on earth because you don't really have faith in your choice. I have faith in my decision so get your nose out of my ass.
You have no clue WTF you're talking about. It doesn't work that way. Type 1 is insulin dependent, Type 2 is non-insulin dependent. I've never heard of any doctor prescribing pills and shots. Insulin is not like opioid products where your body develops a tolerance to it and you need more as time goes on. Any changes in dosage is based on your glucose test results, otherwise known as A1C. At times a doctor may start you off on one shot and progress to two shots, and other times you may start of with two shots and the doctor reduces it to one. It all depends on test results, not how long you've been taking it.

Some people diagnosed with Type 2 may start of taking two or three pills a day like a friend of mine. He hated taking the pills, lost about 50 lbs, started exercising, and they took him of the medication entirely. This is a very common story with people who have weight problems as they age.
You have no clue.
"At times a doctor may start you off on one shot and progress to two shots, and other times you may start of with two shots and the doctor reduces it to one. It all depends on test results, not how long you've been taking it".

My comment never stated that.

'People diagnosed with type 1 diabetes usually start with two injections of insulin per day".
"Some people diagnosed with Type 2 may start of taking two or three pills a day".

TWO key words, diagnosed and usually.
That means when the doctor FIRST discovers it and MAY start with two injections, one injection OR none at all.
See this is where Pedo Joe’s plan goes awry. Obviously the unvaccinated are either self employed or have a side job or two. They can’t be bullied with mandates. Should be interesting to see how this plays out.
Sure they can, what if the customer insist?
Well, that one job gone.

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