Poll: Will you comply with vaccine mandates required of you by politicians to keep your job?

Poll: Will you comply with vaccine mandates required of you by politicians to keep your job?

  • Yes, I will get vaccinated because Biden mandated it.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I hate people complaining that they can't do something because they refuse to do what needs to be done.

Would you complain that you can't visit your mom overseas because your principles prevent you from going through a metal detector?


Yeah, and you can just keep your arm from getting broken if you give the money to Tony the bag man.
Apples and oranges really. When you join the military you more or less give them the authority to mandate things like experimental vaccines. You didn't do that by being a citizen of this country or getting a job with any company.

Here's a problem with that. The "vaccines" are experimental, despite the take approval by the FDA for the Pfizer one (they approved a different version than what most people have been jabbed with). It's a violation of the Nuremburg Code to force experimental medical treatments on people agains their wills. U.S. laws covering such treatments are based on the principles of the Nuremburg Code.
That's the problem. We are all uninformed. We have no idea how long these vaccines are supposed to last, we have no idea if boosters would help, we have no idea if boosters would hurt us. We didn't and still don't have enough time to study all this.

That's because the are untested and experimental. This scamdemic has been a giant badly run clinical trial.
Because the CDC is an actually number based on the shots that were actually given, and the other was based on a phone call (or other) to specific subset of people for a poll.
So you think the poll is that inaccurate. Gotcha. You realize that there’s a pretty big difference between 9% and 79%, right? It’s not even close.

What makes you think that any of their findings are accurate if you consider them so far off when it comes to race? Why are you even referencing this poll if you find them so inaccurate?
9% of what now? Here, look real close this time..

Not sure why you say "this time" as it was not my post. I linked to an article. However, Dark Blue = Fully Vaccinated. Look at "Black, Non-Hispanic". Looks to be ....9% :).

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Suddenly everyone on the right is a Doctor? My advice: Don’t go to the hospital next to me you’re sick cuz you don’t trust them. Just tell yourself that Facebook knows better.

You need to be a doctor to be seriously concerned over an experimental vaccine? I don't think you do. It's called looking out for yourself.

I hope the left pushes this as hard as they can. It helps make our case for why we should never have socialized medicine. Look at what they are doing to us without government healthcare just because they are in power. Imagine what their demands will be if they monopolize the healthcare system.

If they can force us to take a medication we don't want now, guess what they will do with a totally government run healthcare system. They will be able to tell us what to eat, what we can drink, how much we are allowed to weigh and what body mass we are allowed to have. Don't comply? Make sure employers are not allowed to hire you.

Oh, and don't say it's apples and oranges when you look at the little bit of power they have in this situation.
I have a very large organization in the US and abroad that report to me. We will be following the OSHA rules in the US. We are not gonna pay for weekly testing so employees really only have 2 choices. Vax or quit. However like most companies most won’t be in office until next year so no rush. Most of my leaders, if not all, are vaxxed anyway.

Sounds good. If this vaccine ends up causing great harm in five or six years from now, I hope your employees that were affected because of your mandate sue you right out of business.
Not sure why you say "this time" as it was not my post. I linked to an article. However, Dark Blue = Fully Vaccinated. Look at "Black, Non-Hispanic". Looks to be ....9% :).

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So this is your problem. "Percent among Persons who are Fully Vaccinated" doesn't mean what you think it means.

It means you take the entire population of vaccinated people. Then you take the amount of black vaccinated people out of the entire population of vaccinated people.

Formula: Black vaccinated people / Total vaccinated people.

The vaccine rate by race that was illustrated in your other source is taking the amount of vaccinated people divided by the amount of people in that group.

Formula: Black vaccinated adults in survey / Total black adults in survey.
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It sounds as if workers should have unions. Bring them back and stand up for workers. Anti union is truly anti American. That is a fact that cannot be debated
So you think the poll is that inaccurate. Gotcha. You realize that there’s a pretty big difference between 9% and 79%, right? It’s not even close.

What makes you think that any of their findings are accurate if you consider them so far off when it comes to race? Why are you even referencing this poll if you find them so inaccurate?
Correct, the poll is inaccurate as we have actual real statistics for ethnicity. Since true statistical data is not collected for the vaccine by political affiliation there is no way to get 100% accurate information there, and unfortunately a poll is all we have for that specific measure. Is it possible that their descrepancy for republicans are also as far off...sure it is, but it is all we have. However, feel free to pull in your own statistics for the % of republicans vaccinated, and we can compare using your finding against the CDC info for the black community.
Correct, the poll is inaccurate as we have actual real statistics for ethnicity. Since true statistical data is not collected for the vaccine by political affiliation there is no way to get 100% accurate information there, and unfortunately a poll is all we have for that specific measure. Is it possible that their descrepancy for republicans are also as far off...sure it is, but it is all we have. However, feel free to pull in your own statistics for the % of republicans vaccinated, and we can compare using your finding against the CDC info for the black community.
The reason it's so far off is because you're looking at a completely different calculation.

"Percent among vaccinated" is vastly different than a vaccine rate by group. That's why your two sources are so far off from each other.
The reason it's so far off is because you're looking at a completely different calculation.

"Percent among vaccinated" is vastly different than a vaccine rate by group. That's why your two sources are so far off from each other.
I did not link you to that chart. I linked to an article. In that article there was a link to a chart on another page that you pulled over into the discussion. I never linked to a chart. If I miss read the chart you posted, then my apologies, but thought you posted it with the CDC information I posted in mind.
Of all people vaccinated 9% of them are black. That is the way I read it.

It means you take the entire population of vaccinated people. Then you take the amount of black vaccinated people out of the entire population of vaccinated people.

Formula: Black vaccinated people / Total vaccinated people.

The vaccine rate by race that was illustrated in your other source is taking the amount of vaccinated people divided by the amount of people in that group.

Formula: Black vaccinated adults in survey / Total black adults in survey.
I did not link you to that chart. I linked to an article. In that article there was a link to a chart on another page that you pulled over into the discussion. I never linked to a chart. If I miss read the chart you posted, then my apologies, but thought you posted it with the CDC information I posted in mind.

That's why I explained there's an issue when you're looking at two different sources. They're doing calculations differently.

I tried to explain this to you with the 9% to 79% difference. Obviously there's something different happening there.
I served during that era as well 68-72 USMC, Vietnam--1971. I am not an anti vaxxer--just have problems with this one and since I was infected in Jan., I should have anti-bodies.
You're too old to be dickin'-around with this... at least get tested for antibodies... if the test comes-up Zero then get the damned shot.
You're too old to be dickin'-around with this... at least get tested for antibodies... if the test comes-up Zero then get the damned shot.
Just curious. Would you, or anyone else be okay with an "Antibody card"? We know that science shows those who have had the virus appear to be better off than those vaccinated, so seems logical IMO. I personally don't like that as it isn't anyones business, but just wondering.
Just curious. Would you, or anyone else be okay with an "Antibody card"? We know that science shows those who have had the virus appear to be better off than those vaccinated, so seems logical IMO. I personally don't like that as it isn't anyones business, but just wondering.
Personally, I would be fine with an interim Vaccine Passport that either showed (a) shot received or (b) ongoing and recent Antibodies Present test results.

And, although I understand HIPPA (privacy) and all that well enough, I have zero problem with requiring such a card until the pandemic is declared over.

Not because I'm hot-to-trot about showing some of my data to someone, but because it's the only way to hold Stupid People accountable on a broad scale.

And in a global pandemic -caliber long-running public health emergency, accountability is an absolute necessity to maintaining a semblance of normal life.

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