Poll: Will you comply with vaccine mandates required of you by politicians to keep your job?

Poll: Will you comply with vaccine mandates required of you by politicians to keep your job?

  • Yes, I will get vaccinated because Biden mandated it.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
So this to you is sufficiently bad to prompt you to call me names? And they call left-wing people snowflakes.

As to the rest. 6 Percent had co-morbidities? In other words 39000 people. As for the rest. I always find the argument interesting that someone killed by covid who has co-morbidities is somehow... less dead? Deserved to die? Not killed by Covid? What exactly? They are dead. Without catching covid they would be alive. Ergo, Covid killed them.

So you as a 71-year-old all of a sudden have no time? Fine answer me this one question then. I gave as a source the CDC. What is your source to conclude that since you have already been infected not only do you need no vaccine but your previous infection gives you better protection than the vaccine?
It was 6% of the 650,000 deaths you claim due to Covid, as those whom have NO co-morbidities complicating matters. Usual math means that does work out to @39,000 were Covid ONLY!

The others were on a mortality countdown already, covid only hastened it, same as the flu or annual cold would have.

It's harvest season and our garden is bouncing out ripe produce to deal with, so other more urgent time needs.

See my post #568 of this thread for my source. Far more qualified than you are.
With your well chosen words, articulated points, and professionalism, you have now convinced me to get the shot. All I needed was to see someone use name calling, taking God's name in vain, and to accuse those who disagree with them whining dogs of a specific sex. I have now seen the light through civil discourse and understanding of the opposing viewpoint.
The verbiage served-up here wasn't designed to convince anyone.

It was designed to deride and pi$$-off the idiots who refuse to get it.

The time for persuasion... elegant or otherwise... is drawing to a close.
I have a very large organization in the US and abroad that report to me. We will be following the OSHA rules in the US. We are not gonna pay for weekly testing so employees really only have 2 choices. Vax or quit. However like most companies most won’t be in office until next year so no rush. Most of my leaders, if not all, are vaxxed anyway.
You will have to honor any legitimate religious or medical exemptions.

Biden claimed that he was going to force your company to pay employees' time off to get vaxed, if I recall correctly. Depending upon what the order says, you may have to allow employees to take the testing option.
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My how your opinions have changed, Kondor....

View attachment 537894
My opinion on the subject hasn't changed in the slightest.

I remain opposed to any law compelling you or your children to subject yourselves to a vaccine.

Just don't expect to be allowed into school or your place of employment or many restaurants or stores or transport--modes or countries without it.
You get yours and mind your own business.
If you are not yet vaccinated then that IS my business... your exhalations risk becoming my inhalations... or those of my family.

Don't want it? No problem. Just don't expect to be allowed into the schools or places of employment or other venues without it.
Yea. Just not “get a second opinion from Facebook”.
There are many additional reasons not to get vaccinated, other than fear of the vaccine side effects.

- Being young and/or healthy and not feeling it is needed
- Reserving your right to make your own medical decisions
- Wanting to avoid the microchips. :)
- Having already recovered from COVID, like over 120 other Americans
- Having had a prior bad reaction to a vaccine
- Having a religious reason
- Having a medical exemption
Kondor3 seems like he used to be a nice and caring person who respected other people's rights. Even tried to be a nice neighbor to others.

I wonder what happened to him. It's sad.
Kondor3 came-down with Covid and spent April 1 - 24 2020 in hospital --- 11 of those days in ICU.

Kondor3 has a 4-year-old live-in grandson who cannot be vaccinated yet and who is at-risk from idiots who will not get vaccinated.

Kondor3 has in-laws whose families have lost loved ones due to the goddamned Covid.

Kondor3 has cousins whose extended families and children-in-law have died from the damned thing.

Kondor3 works as IT support (on patient-facing floors and ERs in-part) for a major federal hospital and sees the effects nearly every day of the week.

Kondor3 has lost neighbors from the blasted virus.

Kondor3 has just received Dose 3 (booster) of the Pfizer this very morning as a Federal healthcare support staffer and puts his money where his mouth is.

Kondor3 sees up-close-and-personal the toll that Delta is putting on doctors and nurses and clinical technicians and support staff and hospital capacity.

Kondor3 witnessed the sheer idiocy of the Trump Administration response to COVID and the dumbing-down of the GOP regarding the pandemic.

Kondor3 is painfully aware that the COVID Surge at-present in the United States is almost entirely a Plague of the Unvaccinated... a.k.a. Stupid People.

Kondor3 is goddamned sick-and-tired of self-centered chicken$hit idiots braying-on about My Body My Choice while they kill those around them.

Kondor3 has reached the conclusion that ridiculing those who refuse to vaccinate and calling them out as pu$$ie$ reveals the Disdain of the Vaccinated.

THAT's what happened to Kondor3.
There are many additional reasons not to get vaccinated, other than fear of the vaccine side effects.

- Being young and/or healthy and not feeling it is needed
- Reserving your right to make your own medical decisions
- Wanting to avoid the microchips. :)
- Having already recovered from COVID, like over 120 other Americans
- Having had a prior bad reaction to a vaccine
- Having a religious reason
- Having a medical exemption
Most of that is just plain bull$hit... consult with your physician... if he-or-she OK's you for the vaccine, there's no reason not to get it.
Man, taking percentages of percentages??? We're not there yet. Not even close.
Gotta admit it sounded good though.. for a minute :D
As the Delta variant continues to spread across the country, risks are increasing, particularly for people who remain unvaccinated. White people account for the largest share of people who remain unvaccinated (57%), but Black and Hispanic people are less likely than their White counterparts to have received a vaccine, leaving them at increased risk, which may lead to widening disparities going forward and limit the nation’s recovery.
I hate this vaccine mandates I hate them....I hate vaccine passports too....so if I have my mom living overseas....and I am not vaccinated I can not go and visit her?


GOD I hate it so much:confused:
Why didn't you guys bitch and moan when your kids had to be vaccinated to attend Public Schools.
In a free nation you should be able to decide for yourself if you want to take a new vaccine. We have no idea if these new vaccines will cause problems that surface in 5, 10 or 20 years. You should have the right to decide if you want to take that risk.

When I joined the military back in the Vietnam Era, I got a whole bunch of vaccines. That I can understand as if you are in the military who can rapidly get sent to far off places and be exposed to any number of nasty illnesses.
I served during that era as well 68-72 USMC, Vietnam--1971. I am not an anti vaxxer--just have problems with this one and since I was infected in Jan., I should have anti-bodies.
I have gotten tons of vaccinations.....but I simply do not trust this one. I think they need to do more testing to make sure the side effects aren't going to cause permanent damage like I keep hearing about. Some people have been permanently scarred by the vaccine. Blood Clots.....lung damage....dizziness. Some people have gotten Bell's Palsy from the shots.

The Moderna and Pfizer versions are not vaccines. They are experimental, untested mRNA treatments. Our government is forcing people to be lab rats for Big Pharma.
You already said that. I understand that you want to use the CDC information for race. I'm asking you why the CDC 9% is so far away from the 79% in the source you're comparing it to.

9% and 79% are just a little tad off, don't you think? Your two sources are waaaayyyy apart on the black vaccination rate. What's your explanation for that?
Because the CDC is an actually number based on the shots that were actually given, and the other was based on a phone call (or other) to specific subset of people for a poll.
The Moderna and Pfizer versions are not vaccines. They are experimental, untested mRNA treatments. Our government is forcing people to be lab rats for Big Pharma.
Is this your professional opinion as a medical expert or are you citing one? I’m using John’s-Hopkins for my guidance… you?
So, that was then, retards won't even wear masks to this day.
A different generation of retards had the same attitude towards seat belts, they didn't mandate them at first, but the issue got worse, now seatbelts are mandated.

Biden still hasn't mandated mask or shots, yet, it's only a suggestion.
If you want to go to certain stores, restaurants, bars, shops, government buildings, keep a job or get a job.
See................people have choices.
People can't smoke in most these same places, because of the risk.

Jeebus you are a Fumduck hack.

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