Poll: Will you comply with vaccine mandates required of you by politicians to keep your job?

Poll: Will you comply with vaccine mandates required of you by politicians to keep your job?

  • Yes, I will get vaccinated because Biden mandated it.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Kondor3 came-down with Covid and spent April 1 - 24 2020 in hospital --- 11 of those days in ICU.

Kondor3 has a 4-year-old live-in grandson who cannot be vaccinated yet and who is at-risk from idiots who will not get vaccinated.

Kondor3 has in-laws whose families have lost loved ones due to the goddamned Covid.

Kondor3 has cousins whose extended families and children-in-law have died from the damned thing.

Kondor3 works as IT support (on patient-facing floors and ERs in-part) for a major federal hospital and sees the effects nearly every day of the week.

Kondor3 has lost neighbors from the blasted virus.

Kondor3 has just received Dose 3 (booster) of the Pfizer this very morning as a Federal healthcare support staffer and puts his money where his mouth is.

Kondor3 sees up-close-and-personal the toll that Delta is putting on doctors and nurses and clinical technicians and support staff and hospital capacity.

Kondor3 witnessed the sheer idiocy of the Trump Administration response to COVID and the dumbing-down of the GOP regarding the pandemic.

Kondor3 is painfully aware that the COVID Surge at-present in the United States is almost entirely a Plague of the Unvaccinated... a.k.a. Stupid People.

Kondor3 is goddamned sick-and-tired of self-centered chicken$hit idiots braying-on about My Body My Choice while they kill those around them.

Kondor3 has reached the conclusion that ridiculing those who refuse to vaccinate and calling them out as pu$$ie$ reveals the Disdain of the Vaccinated.

THAT's what happened to Kondor3.
Thanks. I can certainly understand your viewpoint. Sorry for what you have gone through. That sounds really terrible.

I hate to discuss reason after such a post, but....

If the vaccines work, vulnerable folks can go get them.

If one has gotten the vaccine, don't worry about other people. Make sure your loved ones are encouraged to get the vaccine if you think they should.

If the vaccines don't work, you can't logically expect other people to get them.

COVID sucked for me too. Not as bad as you, just a really bad flu, and I recovered quickly. Felt almost normal when not exerting myself after about four or five days. Took me six weeks to get my full lung capacity back when exerting myself.

Perhaps instead of telling people "just
"Shut the phukk up and get the goddamned shot and quit your whining, little bitches."
you would be more impactful if you actually shared your story in a polite way like you did above.

Glad you pulled through.

You need to be a doctor to be seriously concerned over an experimental vaccine? I don't think you do. It's called looking out for yourself.

I hope the left pushes this as hard as they can. It helps make our case for why we should never have socialized medicine. Look at what they are doing to us without government healthcare just because they are in power. Imagine what their demands will be if they monopolize the healthcare system.

If they can force us to take a medication we don't want now, guess what they will do with a totally government run healthcare system. They will be able to tell us what to eat, what we can drink, how much we are allowed to weigh and what body mass we are allowed to have. Don't comply? Make sure employers are not allowed to hire you.

Oh, and don't say it's apples and oranges when you look at the little bit of power they have in this situation.
Honestly, it mystifies me how so much of America is simply incapable of any pattern of thought other than outsourcing. Abdicating all responsibility for your well being to an "expert" is something that I outgrew decades ago and I figured that most adults were like me. Then this balkanizing scam virus fairy tale came along and proved just how little Americans have actually grown up. Babies. Babies who are attached almost intravenously to the Holy Glowing Rectangle, paralyzed and unable to make the simplest decisions for themselves because the TV tells them that they are too stupid to make up their own minds.
Why didn't you guys bitch and moan when your kids had to be vaccinated to attend Public Schools.
Those vaccines actually work. They have an extensive long-term database supporting their safety and effectiveness. They tend to protect from more severe diseases. Note that the influenza vaccine is not mandated for public school attendance. Like other respiratory virus vaccines with animal reservoirs, they are not very effective and requiring frequent tuning to deliver 50% effectiveness in a good year. Effectiveness is defined as "likely reduced severity of disease."

These are the first mRNA vaccines ever. They do not have long-term data.

I don't think I ever got vaccinated from chicken pox to attend public school. I had chicken pox, and CDC says you don't need to get the vaccine if you already had it...

PS: I am not afraid of the vaccines, and I would encourage vulnerable people who have not had COVID to get vaccinated.
Oh good, you're using kff as well. I like their stuff. They break everything down really nicely.

View attachment 537971

So let's see...according to this chart from this source that we're both using, I can see that Democrats are more likely to be vaccinated than Republicans. I can also see that black adults are more likely to be vaccinated than Republicans.

Looks like we're in agreement, yes?
Personally, I would be fine with an interim Vaccine Passport that either showed (a) shot received or (b) ongoing and recent Antibodies Present test results.

And, although I understand HIPPA (privacy) and all that well enough, I have zero problem with requiring such a card until the pandemic is declared over.

Not because I'm hot-to-trot about showing some of my data to someone, but because it's the only way to hold Stupid People accountable on a broad scale.

And in a global pandemic -caliber long-running public health emergency, accountability is an absolute necessity to maintaining a semblance of normal life.
Personally I'd be fine if you moved to another country and took your commie ways with you!!!
That's why I explained there's an issue when you're looking at two different sources. They're doing calculations differently.

I tried to explain this to you with the 9% to 79% difference. Obviously there's something different happening there.
The thing that irritates me about this stuff is knowing that a substantial part of why blacks are perceived as more reluctant than whites -- "to receive" (as it's been put) these vaccines is because they've clearly not been "distributed" to blacks as readily as to whites. Not that other minorities don't have similar issues. But, in other words, that blacks must work harder in general than whites to get vaccinated should be acknowledged right upfront, rather than deliberately discounted if not totally ignored by many.
You're too old to be dickin'-around with this... at least get tested for antibodies... if the test comes-up Zero then get the damned shot.
I didn't have anti-bodies when I was infected and my body defeated it (five other family members did as well). I don't need some internet keyboard warrior that doesn't know shit giving me health care advice anymore than a demented old useless politician.
I served during that era as well 68-72 USMC, Vietnam--1971. I am not an anti vaxxer--just have problems with this one and since I was infected in Jan., I should have anti-bodies.
Yes, from what I understand you should have antibodies if you had COVID-19.

I think the reason many people are refusing to take the vaccine is the government’s approach. It seems Biden and company wants to treat Americans like mushrooms. Keep us in the dark and feed us bullshit.

Biden needs to understand that history shows Americans distrust government.

It also irritates the hell out of me that while Biden is insisting American citizens MUST get vaccinated he is allowing illegal aliens to be shipped all over the U.S. without being vaccinated and with a high percentage having the coronavirus or one of its variations. I think the same is true of the refugees from Afghanistan.

Illegal immigrants and refugees have more rights than our own citizens. To the Biden administration citizens born here are second class.
You need to be a doctor to be seriously concerned over an experimental vaccine? I don't think you do. It's called looking out for yourself.

I hope the left pushes this as hard as they can. It helps make our case for why we should never have socialized medicine. Look at what they are doing to us without government healthcare just because they are in power. Imagine what their demands will be if they monopolize the healthcare system.

If they can force us to take a medication we don't want now, guess what they will do with a totally government run healthcare system. They will be able to tell us what to eat, what we can drink, how much we are allowed to weigh and what body mass we are allowed to have. Don't comply? Make sure employers are not allowed to hire you.

Oh, and don't say it's apples and oranges when you look at the little bit of power they have in this situation.
Slippery slope arguments and amateur hack analysis is all the right has. If we require seat belts well then the government is one step away from telling you what to think? come on. It’s all just so you can feel like you’re resisting some sinister movement to control you in a search of self importance. Because you can’t get your way on other issues by golly you’ll get your way on this even if it’s stupid.

Tell me this medical genius. When is the vaccine no longer experimental?
Sounds good. If this vaccine ends up causing great harm in five or six years from now, I hope your employees that were affected because of your mandate sue you right out of business.
You gonna give us credit for saving lives in the interim?
not a single person has mentioned the fact that moderna and Pfizer are developed in aborted fetal cells while the j n j actually includes them. not only are the so called vaccines deadly, they most likely offend GOD. heck, I threw out my favorite chips, Fritos, because fetal cells are used in the testing-Pepsi and Cheetos included.

my sister, who first warned me about the fetal cells, took the jab to protect my mom and she can barely get out of bed now. she is also growing what looks like a tumor on her foot. tumors and cancer are a growing side effect of these vaccines.

p.s: a 14 week -male- aborted fetus was the testing subject.
No, "we" don't.
Sorry, thought it was common knowledge at this point.

Here you go...

Israel study: Natural immunity better shield against Delta variant than two doses of Pfizer vaccine

Individuals who had a Covid-19 infection are much less likely than never-infected vaccinated people to contract the Delta variant of the virus, according to newly released data out of Israel.

Those with natural immunity from a previous infection are also less likely to develop symptoms or become hospitalized with serious Covid-19.
The Delta variant was 27 times more likely to break through Pfizer protection from January-February and cause symptoms than it was to penetrate natural immunity from the same period,
The vaccine-dependent people had a seven-fold higher chance of symptomatic infection, and a 6.7-fold higher chance of being hospitalized, the study found.

Johns Hopkins Professor Says COVID Infection Provides More Immunity Than Vaccines

A doctor and professor with Johns Hopkins University said in a recent television appearance....those who actually catch the coronavirus and recover are approximately seven times more immune from future infections than those who receive a vaccine
...studies have proven that “natural immunity is better against the Delta variant” than vaccines.
When you get infected with COVID, your body’s immune system develops antibodies to the entire surface of the virus. Not just the slight protein that the vaccines give you, but the entire surface.
not a single person has mentioned the fact that moderna and Pfizer are developed in aborted fetal cells while the j n j actually includes them. not only are the so called vaccines deadly, they most likely offend GOD. heck, I threw out my favorite chips, Fritos, because fetal cells are used in the testing-Pepsi and Cheetos included.

my sister, who first warned me about the fetal cells, took the jab to protect my mom and she can barely get out of bed now. she is also growing what looks like a tumor on her foot. tumors and cancer are a growing side effect of these vaccines.

p.s: a 14 week -male- aborted fetus was the testing subject.
Back all that up with data and references. Especially Fritos. :eek2yum:
not a single person has mentioned the fact that moderna and Pfizer are developed in aborted fetal cells while the j n j actually includes them. not only are the so called vaccines deadly, they most likely offend GOD. heck, I threw out my favorite chips, Fritos, because fetal cells are used in the testing-Pepsi and Cheetos included.

my sister, who first warned me about the fetal cells, took the jab to protect my mom and she can barely get out of bed now. she is also growing what looks like a tumor on her foot. tumors and cancer are a growing side effect of these vaccines.

p.s: a 14 week -male- aborted fetus was the testing subject.
Mentioned that to some family members the other day who had been vaccinated, and they freaked. I thought it was well known, however, they should disclose this information before someone gets the vaccine.
Slippery slope arguments and amateur hack analysis is all the right has. If we require seat belts well then the government is one step away from telling you what to think? come on. It’s all just so you can feel like you’re resisting some sinister movement to control you in a search of self importance. Because you can’t get your way on other issues by golly you’ll get your way on this even if it’s stupid.

Tell me this medical genius. When is the vaccine no longer experimental?
Where in the heck did you see the person you respond to mention anything about seat belts? I guess I missed it?
As far as vaccines no longer being experimental... per an earlier post it usually takes about 12 years to go through testing and FDA approval.
Personally I'd be fine if you moved to another country and took your commie ways with you!!!

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