Polygamy is adultry and fornications and illegal.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Since men can only marry one woman he is committing adultery and fornications. Polygamy was allowed in the bible for a reason but the new covenant change that to one wife. GOD’s original intent was one man and one women.
Gen 1;27,2;24, Matt 19;3-6, 1Cor 7;2. There is no Christian religion that allows polygamy.

And many crimes are connected with polygamy in the name of religions when in fact it is lust to commit immoral and criminally acts. And I would like to know if Romney is elected if he will go after Fundamentalist Mormons like he plan to go after Illegal Aliens.
Welfare receipts
Church leaders have encouraged their flock to take advantage of government assistance in the form of welfare and the WIC (woman-infant-child) programs.[citation needed] Since the government recognizes only one woman as the legal wife of a man, the rest of his wives are considered single mothers and are eligible to receive government assistance. The more wives and children one has, the more welfare checks and food stamps one can receive. By 2003, for example, more than $6 million dollars in public funds were being channeled into the community of Colorado City, AZ. In his book Under the Banner of Heaven (p. 15), Jon Krakauer writes that, "Fundamentalists call defrauding the government 'bleeding the beast' and regard it as a virtuous act." Carolyn Campbell ("Inside Polygamy in the '90s,", 102) adds, "The attitude of some polygamists is 'the government is untrustworthy and corrupt, and I'm above it, but give me those food stamps and free medical care.

Birth defects
The Colorado City/Hildale area has the world's highest incidence of fumarase deficiency, an extremely rare genetic condition. Geneticists attribute this to the prevalence of cousin marriage between descendants of two of the town's founders, Joseph Smith Jessop and John Yeates Barlow. It causes encephalopathy, severe mental retardation, unusual facial features, brain malformation, and epileptic seizures.
Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Abortion and LDS Inconsistency
By Bill McKeever
Abortion and LDS Inconsistency | Mormonism Research Ministry
A President doesn't "go after" anyone. What you want to know is will the Justice Department take Federal action against the Fundamentalist groups. And the answer will be yes if they break Federal law. Polygamy is not however a major crime and does not involve the Federal Government, it is a State issue unless the participants cross State lines. Which in some cases they do.

If one supports gay marriage on the creed that what consenting adults do in the privacy of their home is their business, explain again why anyone should care about Polygamy?

And the Mormon Church forbade Polygamy in the early 1890's. Anyone that practices it is Ex communicated and removed from the Church.
Mormon's do not condone multiple marriage anymore....it's been a LONG time. Mitt has ONE wife...so you have no arguement with him on that. Wow...you people are just digging for crap on him and it's driving you crazy. Are you for gay marriage? Like Retired said...why should this bother you?

I'm against gay marriage...i'm also against polygamy. But Mitt doesn't have that problem...keep looking, you might actually find something real to complain about!
Don't vote for Mitt cuz there's some inbreds in Arizona?


There's plenty of legit reasons not to vote for him, that's not one of them.
A President doesn't "go after" anyone. What you want to know is will the Justice Department take Federal action against the Fundamentalist groups. And the answer will be yes if they break Federal law. Polygamy is not however a major crime and does not involve the Federal Government, it is a State issue unless the participants cross State lines. Which in some cases they do.

If one supports gay marriage on the creed that what consenting adults do in the privacy of their home is their business, explain again why anyone should care about Polygamy?

And the Mormon Church forbade Polygamy in the early 1890's. Anyone that practices it is Ex communicated and removed from the Church.

Polygamy and gay marriage affect no one.
Why people want to get into the personal lives of others is not unusual these days though. Jerry Springer is very popular.
Folks need to mind their own damn business and get a life.
The Romney's fled the US when the anti-polygamy law was passed and stayed there for three generations. Brigham Young wanted a "mission" in Mexico long before that however. SOME of the Romney family returned to the US as a result of the Mexican Revolution. Mittens supports some part of the Mexican Romney's but what is available on line is very confusing and of course, just like his tax returns, Mittens ain't tellin'. Apparently, he still has many cousins there as well as a sister. Some were interviewed on a news program but the sister refused to be interviewed.

As for polygamy, except that it often involves under-age girls, I really don't care. As it pertains to Mittens, I think its just one more thing he lies about.
If the Romneys spent three generation is Mexico with the LDS colonies, then, yes, somewhere there is some polygamy.

Back then.

Who cares now?
The Romney's fled the US when the anti-polygamy law was passed and stayed there for three generations. Brigham Young wanted a "mission" in Mexico long before that however. SOME of the Romney family returned to the US as a result of the Mexican Revolution. Mittens supports some part of the Mexican Romney's but what is available on line is very confusing and of course, just like his tax returns, Mittens ain't tellin'. Apparently, he still has many cousins there as well as a sister. Some were interviewed on a news program but the sister refused to be interviewed.

As for polygamy, except that it often involves under-age girls, I really don't care. As it pertains to Mittens, I think its just one more thing he lies about.

No, they fled because the mobs burned their house down.
No one burned down their houses in the 1880s or 1890s.

Some of the LDS moved to "las colonias" south of Juarez to practice the doctrine of polygamy.
The Romney's fled the US when the anti-polygamy law was passed and stayed there for three generations. Brigham Young wanted a "mission" in Mexico long before that however. SOME of the Romney family returned to the US as a result of the Mexican Revolution. Mittens supports some part of the Mexican Romney's but what is available on line is very confusing and of course, just like his tax returns, Mittens ain't tellin'. Apparently, he still has many cousins there as well as a sister. Some were interviewed on a news program but the sister refused to be interviewed.

As for polygamy, except that it often involves under-age girls, I really don't care. As it pertains to Mittens, I think its just one more thing he lies about.

When, exactly, has Romney ever lied about polygamy?

With all the things I dislike about Mitt Romney, support of Polygamy would actually make him more palatable to me, not less.

At least it would give the guy some character.
Just to ask another question, When exactly has fornication and adultry become illegal? Morally wrong, yes. Illegal? If it was, i'd have a thriving business and half our politicians would be incarcerated.
No one burned down their houses in the 1880s or 1890s.

Some of the LDS moved to "las colonias" south of Juarez to practice the doctrine of polygamy.

You obviously do not known Mormon History. The church bought land and made towns in the States in the early 1800's and when they became profitable and very good at raising crops the non Mormon neighbors formed mobs and lynched, shot , beat and drove them out of their homes. That is why the Church Moved to what is now Salt lake. To escape the persecution from the United States.

And then they were subject to a false claim of insurrection and invaded by a US Army. The US Government and its people have a shameful history in the treatment of the Mormon Church and its followers.
Jobs.. jobs..jobs and a growing economy, that's what this country needs now, whichever Candidate can deliver should get the vote.

I happen to believe Obama doesn't have the leadership qualities required, yup, plenty of excuses and blame but... no qualifying results.

This knit picking crap means nothing in comparison.
Jobs.. jobs..jobs and a growing economy, that's what this country needs now, whichever Candidate can deliver should get the vote.

I happen to believe Obama doesn't have the leadership qualities required, yup, plenty of excuses and blame but... no qualifying results.

This knit picking crap means nothing in comparison.

This country is spiraling into the abyss and the op is concerned with a sect in the desert. Lol!
No one burned down their houses in the 1880s or 1890s.

Some of the LDS moved to "las colonias" south of Juarez to practice the doctrine of polygamy.

You obviously do not known Mormon History. The church bought land and made towns in the States in the early 1800's and when they became profitable and very good at raising crops the non Mormon neighbors formed mobs and lynched, shot , beat and drove them out of their homes. That is why the Church Moved to what is now Salt lake. To escape the persecution from the United States.

And then they were subject to a false claim of insurrection and invaded by a US Army. The US Government and its people have a shameful history in the treatment of the Mormon Church and its followers.

Did you note I said "the 1880s or 1890s"? Show me were the LDS got burned out and run out after Nauvoo, please. When the Army came to Utah (1857), no one got run out or burned out.

Please study your church's history.
A President doesn't "go after" anyone. What you want to know is will the Justice Department take Federal action against the Fundamentalist groups. And the answer will be yes if they break Federal law. Polygamy is not however a major crime and does not involve the Federal Government, it is a State issue unless the participants cross State lines. Which in some cases they do.

If one supports gay marriage on the creed that what consenting adults do in the privacy of their home is their business, explain again why anyone should care about Polygamy?

And the Mormon Church forbade Polygamy in the early 1890's. Anyone that practices it is Ex communicated and removed from the Church.

Polygamy and gay marriage affect no one.
Why people want to get into the personal lives of others is not unusual these days though. Jerry Springer is very popular.
Folks need to mind their own damn business and get a life.
How can you say polygamy affects no one?

Problems in polygamy that are not about religion, culture or lifestyle include battery, rape, and incest. They revolve around protecting women and children from domestic abuse and sexual assault. Polygamy causes undue stress on officers of the law whose job it is to protect people from undue domestic abuse.

I know. My kid's a cop who hates to go on domestic abuse cases. They never know what is going to happen in that broil of hormones and hatred. It's not safe for anyone, much less its victims. Fraught with danger: calls for domestic disturbances.

Sorry, polygamy is a powder keg of wrongdoing. Battery of abused women and children who suffer incest is everybody's business.
The Romney's fled the US when the anti-polygamy law was passed and stayed there for three generations. Brigham Young wanted a "mission" in Mexico long before that however. SOME of the Romney family returned to the US as a result of the Mexican Revolution. Mittens supports some part of the Mexican Romney's but what is available on line is very confusing and of course, just like his tax returns, Mittens ain't tellin'. Apparently, he still has many cousins there as well as a sister. Some were interviewed on a news program but the sister refused to be interviewed.

As for polygamy, except that it often involves under-age girls, I really don't care. As it pertains to Mittens, I think its just one more thing he lies about.

Obama's Daddy had several wives scattered all over the US and Africa.

Should we blame Barry for what his Daddy did?
Polygamy among adults is not your business, freedombecki.

Abuse of children is, of course, everyone's business. I have know church polygamists (two families actually were LDS hiding the fact) and I have known free range polygamists (unaffiliated). The latter apparently had little criminal activity. I can't say that for the organized church polygamists.

The best way to end the abuses is to make RICO laws against the organized plyg groups, then enforce them.
Polygamy among adults is not your business, freedombecki.

Abuse of children is, of course, everyone's business. I have know church polygamists (two families actually were LDS hiding the fact) and I have known free range polygamists (unaffiliated). The latter apparently had little criminal activity. I can't say that for the organized church polygamists.

The best way to end the abuses is to make RICO laws against the organized plyg groups, then enforce them.
Polygamy is against the law. It's everybody's business who doesn't want it in society. Therefore, it's my business. I'm sorry to inform you my post stuck with problems associated strongly with polygamy that are not due to one's religious beliefs. Incest, mutilation, rape, and wife murders are public business, and they follow polygamy like filth in a feedlot.

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