Poor are unmarried lazy food stamp getting people without a positive male role model

You're really going to C/P a bullshit link slamming republicans in defense of a crack whore poisoning her kids?


Isn't this a hypothetical thread...?

Maybe we could discuss abortions and fathers who impregnate their daughters...

MeBelle60 said:
Hi, you have received -173 reputation points from MeBelle60.
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MeBelle60 negged me for the above post on another thread. I find no record of any "pos" reps from her.

All rep comments given or recieved fall off the User CP after either
a) a certain amount of time or
b) a certain ammount of rep comments.

So if you are calling me a liar, I would check with a mod first.
Ernie S. said:
Hi, you have received -272 reputation points from Ernie S..
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Ernie S.

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Thanks Ernie. BTW, is that a Mattel or Fisher Price bike in your avatar? I used to ride real machines.

i didn't know sybians came with wheels

Dayum, Del! :D
You're really going to C/P a bullshit link slamming republicans in defense of a crack whore poisoning her kids?


Isn't this a hypothetical thread...?

Maybe we could discuss abortions and fathers who impregnate their daughters...

MeBelle60 said:
Hi, you have received -173 reputation points from MeBelle60.
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Your apology is expected.


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MeBelle60 negged me for the above post on another thread. I find no record of any "pos" reps from her.

Yup I did! I even announced it on the thread:
And WHY I did it.
Isn't this a hypothetical thread...?

Maybe we could discuss abortions and fathers who impregnate their daughters...

MeBelle60 said:
Hi, you have received -173 reputation points from MeBelle60.
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Your apology is expected.


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MeBelle60 negged me for the above post on another thread. I find no record of any "pos" reps from her.

All rep comments given or recieved fall off the User CP after either
a) a certain amount of time or
b) a certain ammount of rep comments.

So if you are calling me a liar, I would check with a mod first.

Hey, retardo, I said "rather than call you a liar"...
Santorum is a freakin' nimrod who is homophobic and deserves no part of the oval office. the views he holds only exist for him to get votes. I don't think he is dumb enough to actually believe what he says he believes. he panders to his base, and compromises his integrity, as do many republicans who take on homophobic, racist, and in general, xenophobic views just to please their Christian base who share similar sentiments but have far less intellect. this was meant to be arrogant.
More wisdom from Ned Flanders.

New reputation!


Hi, you have received -824 reputation points from WillowTree.
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WillowTree negged me for the above post.

only pussies cry every time they get negged.....and you do it every fucking time.....
More wisdom from Ned Flanders.

New reputation!


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WillowTree negged me for the above post.

only pussies cry every time they get negged.....and you do it every fucking time.....

Am I not allowed to expose you wingnuts for negging?
Unmarried lazy food stamp getting people make up a big part of the Democratic Base. Are you saying that's not true? And they really could use some more positive male role models. Don't you agree? Because apparently Barack Obama isn't doing it for them. So what are you actually complaining about with this post? I'm not quite getting what your beef is. Help me out.

the only beef Dean needs is for a Republican to be in the story.......then he will put the Dean spin on it and his little Posse will come in to throw more shit on the story......then they will all giggle like little girls.....the one who gives Dean the most support will get to rub his feet that day.....
I wish I could NEG rep him to, but I already did.

Lakhota is one of the biggest imbeciles in this forum, and the competition is stiff.

more wisdom from ned flanders.

new reputation!


hi, you have received -824 reputation points from willowtree.
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willowtree negged me for the above post.

rdean, do you even have points to your posts anymore. Or are you so busy quoting what you think are soundbytes that you lose track of what you are trying to accomplish?
Truth hurts in this case. This OP is mad at Santorum for nothing. Millions & Millions of this OP's fellow Democrats are unmarried lazy food stamp getting people. The Democrats couldn't win Elections without those millions of moochers. And that's just fact. It's not Santorum's fault this is fact. And they could use some positive male role models. That is also fact. So why this irrational invented beef with Santorum? Doesn't make any sense. I'm still not getting this OP's beef.
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[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P36x8rTb3jI]Obama Is Going To Pay For My Gas And Mortgage!!! - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KRgB2eeHZEw&feature=related]Your Higher Taxes pay for My healthcare thanks President Obama Healthcare Reform - GloZell - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TswMeHnh2cA&feature=relmfu]Black Woman Doesn't like Obama No-more Oprah and Obama! I Oh No... Part 2.. GloZell - YouTube[/ame]

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