Poor Me Stories

Sep 27, 2010
I'm bored and looking for some interesting Poor Me stories to read. Most of the "Poor Me" stories in forums typically contain themes like these:
You were abducted by aliens and now your life-long ambition is to find others like You . . .
You joined forums seeking friendship but you can't understand why most Forumsters just tell you to ____ off . . .
You tried religion but when God didn't give you a giant penis, you knew there was no such things as gods . . .
You finally found a forum where people use profanity just like you but you can't understand why most Forumsters just tell You to ____ off too . . .
You want to share your profound wisdom about politics, life, philosophy, sports etc. but you can't understand why most Forumsters just tell you to ____ off . . .
You were abducted by aliens and they gave you a mission to join forums, then display a demonic pic on your profile to pretend you're tough and evil and then show as many people as possible in the forum how clever you are that you know how to swear but you can't understand why most Forumsters just tell You to ____ off too . . .
You hoped to find a girlfriend by joining a forum but when you PM members whom you think are female, they just tell You to ____ off too . . .
Because You are female, you thought people in forums would appreciate your point of view but you can't understand why most Forumsters just tell You to ____ off too . . .
You have low self esteem and want to find someone in a forum to whine about life with but because most Forumsters just tell You to ____ off, you're now even more depressed . . .

Anyway, if you have more interesting stories than "those" I'd like to see them and I won't tell you to ____ off either. Thanks. :)

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