Pope Francis is the Catholic Church's Obama

Sunni Man

Diamond Member
Aug 14, 2008
CNN) Some pontiffs have been beatified or canonized, but Pope Francis is receiving a far more dubious honor.

He's being "Obamified."

The charismatic Pope, who arrives in the United States on September 22, has gained fans in and out of the Catholic Church for denouncing unfettered capitalism, warning about climate change and urging mercy toward divorced couples and women who have had abortions.

He's also sparked a strange trend. The same political slurs and conspiracy theories that critics have used against President Barack Obama are now being deployed against Pope Francis. One critic even says the two leaders have morphed into one sinister figure he calls "Popama."

The Obamification of Pope Francis includes charges from conservative critics that he's either a socialist, the Antichrist, an illegitimately elected leader who wants to create a "New World Order" -- or all of the above. Their anxiety was captured by the headline of one online column: "Pope Francis is the Catholic Church's Obama -- God help us."

The 'Obamification' of Pope Francis - CNN.com
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CNN) Some pontiffs have been beatified or canonized, but Pope Francis is receiving a far more dubious honor.

He's being "Obamified."

The charismatic Pope, who arrives in the United States on September 22, has gained fans in and out of the Catholic Church for denouncing unfettered capitalism, warning about climate change and urging mercy toward divorced couples and women who have had abortions.

He's also sparked a strange trend. The same political slurs and conspiracy theories that critics have used against President Barack Obama are now being deployed against Pope Francis. One critic even says the two leaders have morphed into one sinister figure he calls "Popama."

The Obamification of Pope Francis includes charges from conservative critics that he's either a socialist, the Antichrist, an illegitimately elected leader who wants to create a "New World Order" -- or all of the above. Their anxiety was captured by the headline of one online column: "Pope Francis is the Catholic Church's Obama -- God help us."

The 'Obamification' of Pope Francis - CNN.com

Seems he isn't a full fledged Obamaite.

Vatican Disputes White House Guest List for Papal Visit
I believe Pope Francis is far more dangerous than Obama.

This is a prophecy that was given about a future Roman Catholic Pope and I believe from everything I have seen, read, heard about Pope Francis that he is the one God warned Dumitru Duduman about in this vision. If any of you do not believe God speaks to His own servants through visions and dreams see Joel Chapter 2. Dumitru is the one God appointed to warn America of a future invasion by the Russians which would happen when there was an uprising in the center of the country against the Government / when China invaded Taiwan - the Russians would attack.

The Beast Strikes

January 21, 1995

(Brother Duduman was in Romania at this time)

I fell asleep sometime around midnight. About 2:00 a.m. I heard a loud voice saying to me "Dumitru! Wake up! I must show you something!" Even though I was ill, I jumped to my feet, without realizing that I was awake. Then I realized I wasn't even in Romania. I saw myself in America.

A powerful voice spoke sternly to me, "Why have you become discouraged? Why did you try to question God, thinking in your heart that I have left you? Why do you keep so much sadness in your heart, and such a great mourning because I took your wife? Why have you allowed yourself to become discouraged so that you will no longer be able to work for me as you have until now? This is why I have come to you, to show you a revelation, which you must tell the American people."

The voice boomed at me, telling me to look to my right. I was awake - not sleeping. I was standing, and I turned my head as ordered. When I looked, I saw that there was a great flock of black birds, with very sharp, large beaks. Out of the beaks came a blinding light, which you could barely look at. From their tails I saw flames of fire shooting out. I became very frightened. I rubbed my eyes, thinking I was asleep and dreaming. But I was neither sleeping nor dreaming.

This flock of birds suddenly turned into airplanes that did not make any noise. American airplanes would go up, trying to attack. But as they would draw close, they would fall to the earth in a blaze of fire.

Once again, I heard the voice, but I could not see who was speaking to me. The voice said, "Look higher than the black planes." When I looked, above the planes, I saw a helicopter which hovered above them. On the side of the helicopter there was a plank, like on a ship, where soldiers were lined up, dressed in black, all armed the same, and of about the same size. From the center of the helicopter, a platform began to raise up. It rose higher than the helicopter itself.

On the platform was a throne. The Pope was on the throne, yelling with a loud voice, "I have been given the power to rule the earth and to fight against the Protestants, that I may overtake them."

As I watched him with terror and fear - because he was surrounded by a powerful force which was formed by planes and personnel - suddenly a white cloud appeared and covered them, so I could no longer see anything. Out of the midst of the white cloud came a man dressed in shining clothes, wearing a shiny crown on his head. He spoke to me. His voice sounded like thunder. When I heard his voice, I fell to the ground.

He said, "Remember everything you've heard, everything you've seen, and everything you will hear. Tell my people, because once again I want to work with you more than I have until now. The armies, and the planes that you saw, and the Beast that sat upon the helicopter - these are the catholic powers which will overtake the holy, that the words prophesied in Revelation may come to pass. A majority of my people will be overtaken and trampled because their lives are not clean before their Lord. Tell this message to them! Do not be quiet! For if you are quiet, I will punish you! The churches are fraudulent (counterfeit, fake). They live a life as their hearts desire, with their hands stained in blood - in adultery, in sodomy, and worshiping strange and foreign gods. Because they have forsaken the true God, He has allowed them to go as their hearts desired. Now, tell them! Cry out loud! Tell them to stop treading the path their hearts desire - to repent with all their hearts, that in the day of the Beast's anger I may be able to save them, so they would not deny me. The time is very short, and the army of their salvation is already prepared."

Again, He spoke to me, "Look to your right." When I looked, I saw such a vast army that my eyes could not encompass it. "This is the army I have prepared to save my people from the Beast's grasp. Do not forget to tell them the words that I have told you. I will give you a spirit of remembrance." The voice continued speaking to me, "I will come and bring you more revelations about the times of the end."

Then again, I heard a thunder. Then the white cloud and the being disappeared. I was so terrified that I was unable to sleep the rest of the night.

Excepted from:
Dreams and Visions From God
Copyright © 1994, 1996, 2000
I believe Pope Francis is far more dangerous than Obama.

This is a prophecy that was given about a future Roman Catholic Pope and I believe from everything I have seen, read, heard about Pope Francis that he is the one God warned Dumitru Duduman about in this vision. If any of you do not believe God speaks to His own servants through visions and dreams see Joel Chapter 2. Dumitru is the one God appointed to warn America of a future invasion by the Russians which would happen when there was an uprising in the center of the country against the Government / when China invaded Taiwan - the Russians would attack.

The Beast Strikes
Fundamentalist shouldn't comment on things they don't understand........like God and the Bible.
I believe Pope Francis is far more dangerous than Obama.

This is a prophecy that was given about a future Roman Catholic Pope and I believe from everything I have seen, read, heard about Pope Francis that he is the one God warned Dumitru Duduman about in this vision. If any of you do not believe God speaks to His own servants through visions and dreams see Joel Chapter 2. Dumitru is the one God appointed to warn America of a future invasion by the Russians which would happen when there was an uprising in the center of the country against the Government / when China invaded Taiwan - the Russians would attack.

The Beast Strikes

January 21, 1995

(Brother Duduman was in Romania at this time)

I fell asleep sometime around midnight. About 2:00 a.m. I heard a loud voice saying to me "Dumitru! Wake up! I must show you something!" Even though I was ill, I jumped to my feet, without realizing that I was awake. Then I realized I wasn't even in Romania. I saw myself in America.

A powerful voice spoke sternly to me, "Why have you become discouraged? Why did you try to question God, thinking in your heart that I have left you? Why do you keep so much sadness in your heart, and such a great mourning because I took your wife? Why have you allowed yourself to become discouraged so that you will no longer be able to work for me as you have until now? This is why I have come to you, to show you a revelation, which you must tell the American people."

The voice boomed at me, telling me to look to my right. I was awake - not sleeping. I was standing, and I turned my head as ordered. When I looked, I saw that there was a great flock of black birds, with very sharp, large beaks. Out of the beaks came a blinding light, which you could barely look at. From their tails I saw flames of fire shooting out. I became very frightened. I rubbed my eyes, thinking I was asleep and dreaming. But I was neither sleeping nor dreaming.

This flock of birds suddenly turned into airplanes that did not make any noise. American airplanes would go up, trying to attack. But as they would draw close, they would fall to the earth in a blaze of fire.

Once again, I heard the voice, but I could not see who was speaking to me. The voice said, "Look higher than the black planes." When I looked, above the planes, I saw a helicopter which hovered above them. On the side of the helicopter there was a plank, like on a ship, where soldiers were lined up, dressed in black, all armed the same, and of about the same size. From the center of the helicopter, a platform began to raise up. It rose higher than the helicopter itself.

On the platform was a throne. The Pope was on the throne, yelling with a loud voice, "I have been given the power to rule the earth and to fight against the Protestants, that I may overtake them."

As I watched him with terror and fear - because he was surrounded by a powerful force which was formed by planes and personnel - suddenly a white cloud appeared and covered them, so I could no longer see anything. Out of the midst of the white cloud came a man dressed in shining clothes, wearing a shiny crown on his head. He spoke to me. His voice sounded like thunder. When I heard his voice, I fell to the ground.

He said, "Remember everything you've heard, everything you've seen, and everything you will hear. Tell my people, because once again I want to work with you more than I have until now. The armies, and the planes that you saw, and the Beast that sat upon the helicopter - these are the catholic powers which will overtake the holy, that the words prophesied in Revelation may come to pass. A majority of my people will be overtaken and trampled because their lives are not clean before their Lord. Tell this message to them! Do not be quiet! For if you are quiet, I will punish you! The churches are fraudulent (counterfeit, fake). They live a life as their hearts desire, with their hands stained in blood - in adultery, in sodomy, and worshiping strange and foreign gods. Because they have forsaken the true God, He has allowed them to go as their hearts desired. Now, tell them! Cry out loud! Tell them to stop treading the path their hearts desire - to repent with all their hearts, that in the day of the Beast's anger I may be able to save them, so they would not deny me. The time is very short, and the army of their salvation is already prepared."

Again, He spoke to me, "Look to your right." When I looked, I saw such a vast army that my eyes could not encompass it. "This is the army I have prepared to save my people from the Beast's grasp. Do not forget to tell them the words that I have told you. I will give you a spirit of remembrance." The voice continued speaking to me, "I will come and bring you more revelations about the times of the end."

Then again, I heard a thunder. Then the white cloud and the being disappeared. I was so terrified that I was unable to sleep the rest of the night.

Excepted from:
Dreams and Visions From God
Copyright © 1994, 1996, 2000

Right on cue. lol.
I believe Pope Francis is far more dangerous than Obama.

This is a prophecy that was given about a future Roman Catholic Pope and I believe from everything I have seen, read, heard about Pope Francis that he is the one God warned Dumitru Duduman about in this vision. If any of you do not believe God speaks to His own servants through visions and dreams see Joel Chapter 2. Dumitru is the one God appointed to warn America of a future invasion by the Russians which would happen when there was an uprising in the center of the country against the Government / when China invaded Taiwan - the Russians would attack.

The Beast Strikes
Fundamentalist shouldn't comment on things they don't understand........like God and the Bible.

If you understood the Bible you would not be listening to this anti-Christ Pope. You'd be listening to and obeying the Word of God that exposes him as a false prophet, Liminal. I pray the LORD opens your eyes because truly it is not the will of God for you to perish in this false religion of Catholicism. That you could believe that atheists can enter heaven by good works without repentance, without believing on Christ, without being born again - because this false prophet Pope has told you so - is evidence of the satanic deception which has gripped your heart and your mind. I pray for your deliverance from these lies and from all false teaching in Jesus Name. God loves you. Please read the King James Bible and stop believing men who deny the Word of God and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Jesus died on the cross for your sins. Not this man, Francis. Be willing to know and obey the will of God for your life and He will reveal His Word to you. Read John 7:17.
Jeremiah, I wasn't agreeing with your anti-Catholic bat shit. I was mocking it. Gosh, you are thick. lol
Jeremiah, I wasn't agreeing with your anti-Catholic bat shit. I was mocking it. Gosh, you are thick. lol

Unto the pure all things are pure: but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure, but even their mind and conscience is defiled.
Titus 1:15
Jeremiah, I wasn't agreeing with your anti-Catholic bat shit. I was mocking it. Gosh, you are thick. lol

Unto the pure all things are pure: but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure, but even their mind and conscience is defiled.
Titus 1:15

I didn't care about the anti-Catholic nonsense you spewed yesterday. Did you think today was going to be any different?
Unto the pure all things are pure: but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure, but even their mind and conscience is defiled.
Titus 1:15
Jeremiah, have you ever considered just addressing the topic of the OP and stop derailing the thread with your anti-catholic screeds?

I'm sure everyone here would appreciate it. ...... :cool:
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Unto the pure all things are pure: but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure, but even their mind and conscience is defiled.
Titus 1:15
Jeremiah, have you ever considered just addressing the topic of the OP and stop derailing the thread with your anti-catholic screeds?

I'm sure everyone here would appreciate it. ...... :cool:

Your OP gave the message that not all Americans were in agreement with this Pope coming here - and why - and I am one of those people. Are you saying that only half of your OP can be commented on? That doesn't sound fair to me, Sunni man.
The thread is about how Pope Francis has become "Obamafied" and champions such socialist issues as global warming and anti-capitalism.

Not about the Pope being the anti-christ and the Catholic church the seat of satan. ...... :cool:
The thread is about how Pope Francis has become "Obamafied" and champions such socialist issues as global warming and anti-capitalism.

Not about the Pope being the anti-christ and the Catholic church the seat of satan. ...... :cool:
You guys should go easy on my commie pope. He's not a bad man, just a little misguided on economics, human social history, science, reason, logic, and rational thought. I take the long view, knowing that we have to weather a few bad popes before getting another John Paul II.
CNN) Some pontiffs have been beatified or canonized, but Pope Francis is receiving a far more dubious honor.

He's being "Obamified."

The charismatic Pope, who arrives in the United States on September 22, has gained fans in and out of the Catholic Church for denouncing unfettered capitalism, warning about climate change and urging mercy toward divorced couples and women who have had abortions.

He's also sparked a strange trend. The same political slurs and conspiracy theories that critics have used against President Barack Obama are now being deployed against Pope Francis. One critic even says the two leaders have morphed into one sinister figure he calls "Popama."

The Obamification of Pope Francis includes charges from conservative critics that he's either a socialist, the Antichrist, an illegitimately elected leader who wants to create a "New World Order" -- or all of the above. Their anxiety was captured by the headline of one online column: "Pope Francis is the Catholic Church's Obama -- God help us."

The 'Obamification' of Pope Francis - CNN.com

Seems he isn't a full fledged Obamaite.

Vatican Disputes White House Guest List for Papal Visit
My commie pope is well intended, even if just a tad senile. Give him a break, fellas.
I believe Pope Francis is far more dangerous than Obama.

This is a prophecy that was given about a future Roman Catholic Pope and I believe from everything I have seen, read, heard about Pope Francis that he is the one God warned Dumitru Duduman about in this vision. If any of you do not believe God speaks to His own servants through visions and dreams see Joel Chapter 2. Dumitru is the one God appointed to warn America of a future invasion by the Russians which would happen when there was an uprising in the center of the country against the Government / when China invaded Taiwan - the Russians would attack.

The Beast Strikes

January 21, 1995

(Brother Duduman was in Romania at this time)

I fell asleep sometime around midnight. About 2:00 a.m. I heard a loud voice saying to me "Dumitru! Wake up! I must show you something!" Even though I was ill, I jumped to my feet, without realizing that I was awake. Then I realized I wasn't even in Romania. I saw myself in America.

A powerful voice spoke sternly to me, "Why have you become discouraged? Why did you try to question God, thinking in your heart that I have left you? Why do you keep so much sadness in your heart, and such a great mourning because I took your wife? Why have you allowed yourself to become discouraged so that you will no longer be able to work for me as you have until now? This is why I have come to you, to show you a revelation, which you must tell the American people."

The voice boomed at me, telling me to look to my right. I was awake - not sleeping. I was standing, and I turned my head as ordered. When I looked, I saw that there was a great flock of black birds, with very sharp, large beaks. Out of the beaks came a blinding light, which you could barely look at. From their tails I saw flames of fire shooting out. I became very frightened. I rubbed my eyes, thinking I was asleep and dreaming. But I was neither sleeping nor dreaming.

This flock of birds suddenly turned into airplanes that did not make any noise. American airplanes would go up, trying to attack. But as they would draw close, they would fall to the earth in a blaze of fire.

Once again, I heard the voice, but I could not see who was speaking to me. The voice said, "Look higher than the black planes." When I looked, above the planes, I saw a helicopter which hovered above them. On the side of the helicopter there was a plank, like on a ship, where soldiers were lined up, dressed in black, all armed the same, and of about the same size. From the center of the helicopter, a platform began to raise up. It rose higher than the helicopter itself.

On the platform was a throne. The Pope was on the throne, yelling with a loud voice, "I have been given the power to rule the earth and to fight against the Protestants, that I may overtake them."

As I watched him with terror and fear - because he was surrounded by a powerful force which was formed by planes and personnel - suddenly a white cloud appeared and covered them, so I could no longer see anything. Out of the midst of the white cloud came a man dressed in shining clothes, wearing a shiny crown on his head. He spoke to me. His voice sounded like thunder. When I heard his voice, I fell to the ground.

He said, "Remember everything you've heard, everything you've seen, and everything you will hear. Tell my people, because once again I want to work with you more than I have until now. The armies, and the planes that you saw, and the Beast that sat upon the helicopter - these are the catholic powers which will overtake the holy, that the words prophesied in Revelation may come to pass. A majority of my people will be overtaken and trampled because their lives are not clean before their Lord. Tell this message to them! Do not be quiet! For if you are quiet, I will punish you! The churches are fraudulent (counterfeit, fake). They live a life as their hearts desire, with their hands stained in blood - in adultery, in sodomy, and worshiping strange and foreign gods. Because they have forsaken the true God, He has allowed them to go as their hearts desired. Now, tell them! Cry out loud! Tell them to stop treading the path their hearts desire - to repent with all their hearts, that in the day of the Beast's anger I may be able to save them, so they would not deny me. The time is very short, and the army of their salvation is already prepared."

Again, He spoke to me, "Look to your right." When I looked, I saw such a vast army that my eyes could not encompass it. "This is the army I have prepared to save my people from the Beast's grasp. Do not forget to tell them the words that I have told you. I will give you a spirit of remembrance." The voice continued speaking to me, "I will come and bring you more revelations about the times of the end."

Then again, I heard a thunder. Then the white cloud and the being disappeared. I was so terrified that I was unable to sleep the rest of the night.

Excepted from:
Dreams and Visions From God
Copyright © 1994, 1996, 2000

You are a poor excuse for a Christian.......you follow false prophets.
If you understood the Bible you would know it was written by racist jews who plaguerized others and that it has no prophetic value at all. The pope must know he and all middle east cults are frauds.
If you understood the Bible you would know it was written by racist jews who plaguerized others and that it has no prophetic value at all. The pope must know he and all middle east cults are frauds.
You sound like a little kid who just discovered there's no Santa Clause.

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