Zone1 Pope Francis Is Leading His Flock To The Depths Of Hell. Allows Blessings To Same Sex Couples.

I would guess that the Catholic church is trying to be proactive by adjusting to the facts of the 21st. century, Yet we hear claims of Christ consciousness being the next phase of evolution! Duhhhhh!

Clearly the current phase of consciousness is the rejection of the Christ myth in which the world is accepting the alternatives of the supernatural, which is evolution.

If not the last Pope then more likely a Pope who will embrace reality that will put Christ and his dad in the second row behind modern science. The American people especially have not prepared themselves for the inevitable.
I am a great fan of Clif High plus top RVs
A fan . Not a Cultist or someone who is Cognitively Rigid .

They see Judaism , Christianity and Islam running out of steam NOW , because of the emergence of the Elohim and the complete destruction of Monotheism in terms of those cult religions .

Regardless , it is the best "Conspiracy" Theory in town ( With me using that self depracating term to pre-empt the Deniers) but with huge amounts of sane support which have been hidden deliberately . But DYOR and it is all there to look at , starting with Uncle Clif .
I am a great fan of Clif High plus top RVs
A fan . Not a Cultist or someone who is Cognitively Rigid .

They see Judaism , Christianity and Islam running out of steam NOW , because of the emergence of the Elohim and the complete destruction of Monotheism in terms of those cult religions .

Regardless , it is the best "Conspiracy" Theory in town ( With me using that self depracating term to pre-empt the Deniers) but with huge amounts of sane support which have been hidden deliberately . But DYOR and it is all there to look at , starting with Uncle Clif .
I am a great fan of Clif High plus top RVs
A fan . Not a Cultist or someone who is Cognitively Rigid .

They see Judaism , Christianity and Islam running out of steam NOW , because of the emergence of the Elohim and the complete destruction of Monotheism in terms of those cult religions .
IMO religions' biggest drawing care was the ordinary poor and working class's need to imagine being rescued from hard lives by an afterlife promise.

Life isn't hard anymore and neither is death as hard. The masses no longer have to rely on an escape through supernatural beliefs.
Regardless , it is the best "Conspiracy" Theory in town ( With me using that self depracating term to pre-empt the Deniers) but with huge amounts of sane support which have been hidden deliberately . But DYOR and it is all there to look at , starting with Uncle Clif .
There are numerous reasons why churches are either being ripped down or turned into soup kitchens. The Catholic church are at least attempting to be proactive by moving away from literal interpretations of their bibles.
IMO religions' biggest drawing care was the ordinary poor and working class's need to imagine being rescued from hard lives by an afterlife promise.
Isn't that what Karl Marx believed too?

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