Pope Francis' Says He's Not A Liberal...That His Words Are Church Doctrine


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Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts






During his six-day, three-city visit to the U.S., the pope will meet with the president on Wednesday, address Congress on Thursday, speak at the United Nations in New York on Friday and take part in a Vatican-sponsored conference on the family in Philadelphia over the weekend.

The Argentine known as the "slum pope" for ministering to the downtrodden in his native Buenos Aires is expected to urge America to take better care of the environment and the poor and return to its founding ideals of religious liberty and open arms toward immigrants.

During the flight, Francis defended himself against conservative criticism that his condemnation of trickle-down economics makes him a communist.

"I am certain that I have never said anything beyond what is in the social doctrine of the church," he said. He said some may have misinterpreted his writings in a way that makes him sound "a little bit more left-leaning," but he said that's wrong.

Raw: Pope Francis Celebrates Mass In Holguin Play video

Joking about doubts in some quarters over whether he is truly Catholic, he said, "If I have to recite the Creed, I'm ready."

Francis is the fourth pope ever to visit the United States.

Francis' enormous popularity, propensity for wading into crowds and insistence on using an open-sided Jeep rather than a bulletproof popemobile have complicated things for U.S. law enforcement, which has mounted one of the biggest security operations in American history to keep him safe.

The measures are unprecedented for a papal trip and could make it nearly impossible for many ordinary Americans to get anywhere close to Francis.

For all the attention likely to be paid to Francis' speeches, including the first address from a pope to Congress, his more personal gestures — visiting with immigrants, prisoners and the homeless — could yield some of the most memorable images of the trip.

"What the pope does in the United States will be more important than what he says," said Mat Schmalz, a religious studies professor at Holy Cross college in Worcester, Massachusetts. "There are a lot of things he will say about capitalism and about wealth inequality, but many Americans and politicians have already made up their minds on these issues. What I would look for is a particular gesture, an unscripted act, that will move people."

In Cuba, Francis basked in the adulation of Cubans grateful to him for brokering the re-establishment of diplomatic relations between the U.S. and the communist island.

On the plane, though, he told reporters he will not use his speech to Congress to call specifically for the U.S. to lift the Cold War-era trade embargo against Cuba.

He arrives at a moment of bitter infighting across the country over gay rights, immigration, abortion and race relations — issues that are always simmering in the U.S. but have boiled over in the heat of a presidential campaign.

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Santeria practitioners undergo a brief fit of spirit-induced convulsions during a ceremony to attrac …
Capitol Hill is consumed by disputes over abortion and federal funding for Planned Parenthood after hidden-camera videos showed its officials talking about the organization's practice of sending tissue from aborted fetuses to medical researchers. While Francis has staunchly upheld church teaching against abortion, he has recently allowed ordinary priests, and not just bishops, to absolve women of the sin.

Francis' visit comes three months after the U.S. Supreme Court legalized gay marriage, putting U.S. bishops on the defensive and sharply dividing Americans over how much they should accommodate religious objectors. The pope has strongly upheld church teaching against same-sex marriage but adopted a welcoming tone toward gays themselves, saying, "Who am I to judge?" when asked about a supposedly gay priest.

Pope of the poor arrives in US denying he's a liberal
use of condoms, permit divorce/annulments, forgive abortions, welcome gays to communion......
Well that about sums up the mentality here. First guy claims a quote that doesn't exist; next guy says "he's a freak" but can't say why; and this guy just posts an endless diarrhea of meme generators imagining an accent he doesn't have making reference to sexual predilections he also does not have.

Parade of the Synaptically Bereft.


He's uh, not Italian, Stupid.

Actually he is Italian and he speaks fluent Italian. His real name is Jorge Mario Bergoglio. He is the son of Italian immigrants - both father and mother. He was born in Latin America. Can an Italian be born in Latin America? Why yes! They can! The man is an Italian. Once again the Jesuits have played the people for fools. This guy is an Italian. Do not call people stupid. It isn't nice.

Pope Francis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jorge Mario Bergoglio was born on 17 December 1936 in Flores,[3] a barrio ofBuenos Aires. He was the eldest[4] of five children of Mario José Bergoglio, anItalian immigrant accountant[5] born in Portacomaro (Province of Asti) in Italy'sPiedmont region, and his wife Regina María Sívori,[6] a housewife born in Buenos Aires to a family of northern Italian (Piedmontese-Genoese) origin.

He's uh, not Italian, Stupid.

Actually he is Italian and he speaks fluent Italian. His real name is Jorge Mario Bergoglio. He is the son of Italian immigrants - both father and mother. He was born in Latin America. Can an Italian be born in Latin America? Why yes! They can! The man is an Italian. Do not call people stupid. It isn't nice.

Pope Francis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jorge Mario Bergoglio was born on 17 December 1936 in Flores,[3] a barrio of Buenos Aires. He was the eldest[4] of five children of Mario José Bergoglio, anItalian immigrant accountant[5] born in Portacomaro (Province of Asti) in Italy'sPiedmont region, and his wife Regina María Sívori,[6] a housewife born in Buenos Aires to a family of northern Italian (Piedmontese-Genoese) origin.

YOUR OWN LINK says you're full of shit. Argentina is not part of Italy. Not even the same continent.
I didn't even need to quote anything -- IT'S RIGHT THERE IN YOUR OWN POST, DUMBASS.

Moreover you don't adopt a fucking accent from your ancestral heritage --- YOU GET IT FROM YOUR OWN ENVIRONMENT and the peers you grow up with.


He's uh, not Italian, Stupid.

Actually he is Italian and he speaks fluent Italian. His real name is Jorge Mario Bergoglio. He is the son of Italian immigrants - both father and mother. He was born in Latin America. Can an Italian be born in Latin America? Why yes! They can! The man is an Italian. Once again the Jesuits have played the people for fools. This guy is an Italian. Do not call people stupid. It isn't nice.

Pope Francis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jorge Mario Bergoglio was born on 17 December 1936 in Flores,[3] a barrio ofBuenos Aires. He was the eldest[4] of five children of Mario José Bergoglio, anItalian immigrant accountant[5] born in Portacomaro (Province of Asti) in Italy'sPiedmont region, and his wife Regina María Sívori,[6] a housewife born in Buenos Aires to a family of northern Italian (Piedmontese-Genoese) origin.
The media wants everyone to think he's a Latino.

I remember hearing about this before....but the press keeps saying he's like an illegal immigrant supporting open borders.

He's uh, not Italian, Stupid.

Actually he is Italian and he speaks fluent Italian. His real name is Jorge Mario Bergoglio. He is the son of Italian immigrants - both father and mother. He was born in Latin America. Can an Italian be born in Latin America? Why yes! They can! The man is an Italian. Do not call people stupid. It isn't nice.

Pope Francis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jorge Mario Bergoglio was born on 17 December 1936 in Flores,[3] a barrio of Buenos Aires. He was the eldest[4] of five children of Mario José Bergoglio, anItalian immigrant accountant[5] born in Portacomaro (Province of Asti) in Italy'sPiedmont region, and his wife Regina María Sívori,[6] a housewife born in Buenos Aires to a family of northern Italian (Piedmontese-Genoese) origin.

YOUR OWN LINK says you're full of shit. Argentina is not part of Italy. Not even the same continent.
I didn't even need to quote anything -- IT'S RIGHT THERE IN YOUR OWN POST, DUMBASS.

Moreover you don't adopt a fucking accent from your ancestral heritage --- YOU GET IT FROM YOUR OWN ENVIRONMENT and the peers you grow up with.


Listen up, Pogo. He was born in Argentina but he is Italian. His father was an Italian, his mother was from an Italian family - it is right there in my post as you pointed out. THINK!

If you run a DNA test on him you'll find he is Italian. Capeesh?!

Let's do this to make it simple for you. We'll use this analogy..........My mother is an Italian woman from Italy and my father is an Italian man from Italy and they move me to America. They enroll me in school after I am naturalized as an "American Citizen" and I speak fluent Italian because I am raised in an Italian household. The teacher says to me, your last name is Ghotti. Are you Italian? I say yes, I am Italian. I marry an Italian man and have Italian children. Their teacher asks them, you have an Italian last name - are you Italian? They say yes, we are Italian. Our parents are Italian. We love living in America. Get it now?
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