What Reason Would A Gag Order Be Placed On Trump?

Trump falsified his business records to cover up Cohen's "crime?" Really? Interesting theory. Good luck to the prosecution selling that to the jury.
After the last two days, I'm sure the Jury would convict Trump of kidnapping the Lindbergh baby. He just comes off as an awful human being.
Here is where I now think it is going... Please take this as an opinion of it based on a link Seymore posted, of how the law reads ...and what we know so far....

Trump aided and helped conceal the commission of another crime, with falsifying his business records.

The other crime was Cohen committing Campaign finance crimes. I don't know the specifics of Cohen's crimes but one surely had to be Cohen paying Stormy off with $130,000 for Trump and his political aspirations and campaign, when his individual limit according to law is somewhere around just $2500-$3000 per election cycle, another could be not reporting the donation to the campaign, etc....but I am uncertain precisely what the crimes were for him that I believe were at the felony level.

Regardless in Cohen's indictment it says at the bequest of Individual #1, or the unindicted Individual #1.... which was Trump.

The prosecution has spent time on these things-


- Showing that the stormy affair did happen and all the embarrassing things she told about it, that she wanted the public to know would have hurt his campaign.


-Hope Hicks testifying it was most certainly a red alarm fire with the Category 5 Access Hollywood tape and this Stormy thing was absolutely critical, to not get out and add to it!

-Hope testified that Michael would not do this for Trump, out of the kindness of his heart, Trump had to know!

-Pecker testifies that he dealt as Trump's ears to catch bad salacious stories looking to be sold about him so to PROTECT his CAMPAIGN....


-Pecker testified Trump knew all. He was a micro and macro, touched everything manager/owner.

-Trump's accountants and secretaries etc, testified to this also.


The prosecution seems to be establishing or trying to support Cohen establishing when he testifies, that Trump was aware of the illegal way Cohen was going to Fix It for him, to silence Stormy Daniels so his campaign would not be hurt and Trump couldn't be identified. They did this with Weisselberg notes stating how to get to the $420k Cohen was reimbursed....

They also are spending time establishing, that there is no way under the sun, that Trump would sign those $35000 checks to Cohen each month where their invoices were falsified, without knowing the plan for these falsified invoices was to pay back Cohen for the $130k and some!!!! A big amount more!!! They have Trump testimony from another suit with Stormy where Trump testified he did pay Cohen back....

This is the gist of what I can see happening, so far....
/——/ “Likely knowledge “. Oh, you got him now #9,876.
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After the last two days, I'm sure the Jury would convict Trump of kidnapping the Lindbergh baby. He just comes off as an awful human being.
LOL You're buying the Sister Porn Star act, huh? Too funny
/----/ There are only two people who know what actually happened that night, and you aren't one of them.

Okay. There are two people.

One of them has gotten on the stand under oath and told her side of the story.

One of them hasn't and never will, despite all his bravado.
Okay. There are two people.

One of them has gotten on the stand under oath and told her side of the story.

One of them hasn't and never will, despite all his bravado.
/----/ "One of them has gotten on the stand under oath and told her side of the story."
Oh, you mean the one who keeps changing her story? First they did, then they didn't, then they did. You mean that one?
/----/ "One of them has gotten on the stand under oath and told her side of the story."
Oh, you mean the one who keeps changing her story? First they did, then they didn't, then they did. You mean that one?

You mean the one who was paid for her silence, but spoke up after Trump and his lawyer started slandering her?

Come on, guy, do you people even hear yourselves?

Do you seriously think Mr. "Grab them by the pussy" didn't have sex with her?

The ironic thing is that Trump could have avoided this part of it and just concentrated on the documents part of this trial by stipulating he had sex with her.

Instead, he made this about his conduct, and a jury won't like him for it.
You mean the one who was paid for her silence, but spoke up after Trump and his lawyer started slandering her?

Come on, guy, do you people even hear yourselves?

Do you seriously think Mr. "Grab them by the pussy" didn't have sex with her?

The ironic thing is that Trump could have avoided this part of it and just concentrated on the documents part of this trial by stipulating he had sex with her.

Instead, he made this about his conduct, and a jury won't like him for it.
/---/ You're stuck on that because it's what you want to believe. Again, they are the only ones who know.
/---/ You're stuck on that because it's what you want to believe. Again, they are the only ones who know.

Actually, I believe it because when given two stories, one is from a woman who is fairly honest and has no really good reason to lie, and one of them is a lying sack of human excrement who has told 30,000 documented lies while he was president.
Other than to silence him so he won't expose all of the liberals trying to imprison him for nothing. I asked this question in another thread but I wanted to also make a new thread about it to give more people the chance to answer it. (People on the left mostly.) So, anybody got anything? :popcorn:

Edit: (Because I can) Bonus question: Why are they even holding a criminal trial for Trump supposedly cheating on his wife anyways?
There's only one reason........
You were there? WHy didn't you take a video? Would have solved this whole story. But you have the word of serial lying extortionist whore porn worker. That's good enough for you.
/----/ But the libtards didn't believe any of the Clinton victims. In fact, Hildabeast attacked them.
You were there? WHy didn't you take a video? Would have solved this whole story. But you have the word of serial lying extortionist whore porn worker. That's good enough for you.

Wow, flowing with the misogyny, bud.

Trump knew she was a porn worker when he invited her up to his room. When he let her promote her projects on his properties. The idea that she took advantage of him is.. silly.

/----/ But the libtards didn't believe any of the Clinton victims. In fact, Hildabeast attacked them.

Well, they were all caught in lies, so there was that.
Wow, flowing with the misogyny, bud.
What misogyny. sport?
Trump knew she was a porn worker when he invited her up to his room.

According to the word of a serial lying extortionist whore porn worker.

When he let her promote her projects on his properties. The idea that she took advantage of him is.. silly.

SO your story is that she didn't extort $130,000 from Trump? That's the whole basis of your cult's lawfare against him. You seem confused.
SO your story is that she didn't extort $130,000 from Trump? That's the whole basis of your cult's lawfare against him. You seem confused.
No confusion at all.

he paid her. He lied about it. He lied to the American people.

Slut shaming isn't going to save Trump.
No confusion at all.

he paid her. He lied about it. He lied to the American people.

Slut shaming isn't going to save Trump.
Your hyperpartisan yet feckless lawfare will. You've shot yourselves in both feet.

(BTW, speaking of misogyny - calling your star witness a "slut" - nice)
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Your hyperpartisan yet feckless lawfare will. You've shot yourselves in both feet.

(BTW, speaking of misogyny - calling your star witness a "slut" - nice)
No, I didn't call her that, Trump's lawyer did.

It won him no points with the jury.

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