What Reason Would A Gag Order Be Placed On Trump?

It is perfectly permissible speech to maintain innocence, to maintain persecution, and to identify the judges conflicts with his daughter working for those trying to imprison Trump
You know he is within his rights but his expressions of innocence are worrisome to the witch hunt and you label it threatening and intimidating which is word change crap
SOME THINGS need a very clear and strong defense.
OTHER THINGS need to be admitted too All MAKE MISTAKES.
SOME TIMES Its better to be honest, rather than keep lying & create false testimony.
I must admit that I was not aware that judges could impose gag orders on defendants. That seems patently unconstitutional to me, especially when no such order has been imposed on the prosecution.
I must admit that I was not aware that judges could impose gag orders on defendants. That seems patently unconstitutional to me, especially when no such order has been imposed on the prosecution.
Usually, in a court case, both sides are restricted on what they can say to the press.

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