Pope preaches about global warming while flying jet that emits 100 lbs CO2 per mile.

It didn't escape my attention that many false preachers - prosperity preachers want to own their own jet and will have their people pay a fortune for one but I have never seen a jet the size of which the Pope has. That is utterly obscene and he is still going to talk about his humility and vow of poverty?

Why didn't he fly over on a commercial airline flight with the little people? And what's with all the body guards? If he is God why would he be so worried about himself getting harmed?

All religious leaders are money-grubbing frauds and Francis is the worst. Stupid media tells us he's the "people-pope".
Yes, he was really people popey when he spoke out against the oppressive regime in Cuba on behalf of the impoverished and starving people.

Oh wait, he didn't do that.

My commie Pope, chummy with communists all over the globe.

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