Pope / Vatican Tells 'Devout Catholic' Biden Not To Attend Funeral - 1st Catholic President in 60 Years Not To Attend Pope's Funeral


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"In Tuesday's briefing, Jean-Pierre said that — instead of the president — the United States will be represented at Pope Benedict XVI's funeral by America's Ambassador to the Holy See, Joe Donnelly. Jean-Pierre explained that the decision for Biden to skip out on the farewell was made "in line with the wishes of the late Pope and the Vatican" because "their wishes" were for Biden not to attend."


https://townhall.com/tipsheet/spenc...me-over-pope-benedicts-funeral-n2617849Pope's Funeral
Fuck the Pope who resides on his throne in Rome.

I don't care about Tater a fig but that's a huge insult to America.
Oh oh wow. This is the price I think for President Biden going for abortion

This is leader ship by the Catholic Church they’re showing that even the most powerful in the world have to abide by the cardinal rules.
"In Tuesday's briefing, Jean-Pierre said that — instead of the president — the United States will be represented at Pope Benedict XVI's funeral by America's Ambassador to the Holy See, Joe Donnelly. Jean-Pierre explained that the decision for Biden to skip out on the farewell was made "in line with the wishes of the late Pope and the Vatican" because "their wishes" were for Biden not to attend."


https://townhall.com/tipsheet/spencerbrown/2023/01/04/biden-embarrassed-on-world-stage-again-this-time-over-pope-benedicts-funeral-n2617849Pope's Funeral
Biden's push for abortion got him denied Communion at a Catholic church in S. Carolina. That is a serious penalty for Catholics. When UNC Jojo calls himself a loyal Catholic, he is lying again.
What the hell did he do to upset the Pope? That's one committed man. He refuses to allow a well wisher after his passing, a strong constitution that's for sure most just want as many well wishers as possible.
"In Tuesday's briefing, Jean-Pierre said that — instead of the president — the United States will be represented at Pope Benedict XVI's funeral by America's Ambassador to the Holy See, Joe Donnelly. Jean-Pierre explained that the decision for Biden to skip out on the farewell was made "in line with the wishes of the late Pope and the Vatican" because "their wishes" were for Biden not to attend."


https://townhall.com/tipsheet/spencerbrown/2023/01/04/biden-embarrassed-on-world-stage-again-this-time-over-pope-benedicts-funeral-n2617849Pope's Funeral

Joey Xi Bai Dung should be excommunicated along with Nancy Pelosi.
The Church has a very clear and concise stand on abortion.

Those who support abortion are not routinely viewed as members-in-good-standing.

It is entirely likely that the Church views abortion support by a Roman Catholic politician to be anathema and moral cowardice and a failure of leadership.

If there's any truth to these reports that Uncle Joe is unwelcome then I must confess that I am not terribly surprised.

The stance does, indeed, send a message to America... not one of insult to the country but admonition that the country has lost its way in this context.

The Church was the Moral Conscience of Europe for a millennia or more... and even though they've lost temporal power they still flex spiritual muscle.

In their eyes some things - like moral precepts - never, ever change, regardless of laws and the times - and Thou Shalt Not Kill (innocent babies) is one of them.

They are doing their job as they see it... a role of moral leadership that they believe was bestowed upon them by Jesus of Nazareth himself... timeless values.

Or so it seems to this observer. ;)
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When you claim to be a 'devout Catholic' but the Vatican won't let you anywhere near the Pope's funeral....ya might not be as 'devout' a Catholic as you thought / claim to be.

Showering with your young daughter
Grabbing women by the vagina
Sniffing and fondling children...


Claiming to have been raised i
Fuck the Pope who resides on his throne in Rome.

I don't care about Tater a fig but that's a huge insult to America.
"According to the Vatican Press Office, there will only be two official state delegations attending the funeral — from Italy and Germany. German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier will attend the funeral. According to Catholic News Agency, Italian President Sergio Mattarella and Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni paid their respects at St. Peter's Basilica on Monday."
Biden won't attend Pope Benedict XVI's funeral, White House says
"In Tuesday's briefing, Jean-Pierre said that — instead of the president — the United States will be represented at Pope Benedict XVI's funeral by America's Ambassador to the Holy See, Joe Donnelly. Jean-Pierre explained that the decision for Biden to skip out on the farewell was made "in line with the wishes of the late Pope and the Vatican" because "their wishes" were for Biden not to attend."


https://townhall.com/tipsheet/spencerbrown/2023/01/04/biden-embarrassed-on-world-stage-again-this-time-over-pope-benedicts-funeral-n2617849Pope's Funeral
And here is the real reason:
Vatican spokesman Matteo Bruni told reporters that “following the wishes of the pope emeritus, the funeral will be held under the sign of simplicity,” stressing that it will be a “solemn but sober funeral.”

“The express request on the part of the emeritus pope is that everything be simple, both with regard to the funeral as well as the other celebrations and gestures during this time of pain,” he added.

While only two state delegations were officially invited to attend the funeral Mass for the pope emeritus, some heads of state and public figures have decided to attend the funeral in an unofficial capacity.
So they just want to keep it low key with only two countries sending official delegations... US President can't do low key, so he is being respectful... If the US President goes this becomes a unofficial summit of world leaders..
Look at Harry and Megs wedding, that was a full diplomatic mission for the UK government. Mandela's Funeral was the same...

The Pope asked that wouldn't happen.
The Church has a very clear and concise stand on abortion.

Those who support abortion are not routinely viewed as members-in-good-standing.

It is entirely likely that the Church views abortion support by a Roman Catholic politician to be anathema and moral cowardice and a failure of leadership.

If there's any truth to these reports that Uncle Joe is unwelcome then I must confess that I am not terribly surprised.

The stance does, indeed, send a message to America... not one of insult to the country but admonition that the country has lost its way in this context.

The Church was the Moral Conscience of Europe for a millennia or more... and even though they've lost temporal power they still flex spiritual muscle.

In their eyes some things - like moral precepts - never, ever change, regardless of laws and the times - and Thou Shalt Not Kill (innocent babies) is one of them.

They are doing their job as they see it... a role of moral leadership that they believe was bestowed upon them by Jesus of Nazareth himself... timeless values.

Or so it seems to this observer. ;)
It has nothing to do with abortion...

Nearly every European leader holds very similar views as Biden... Some are going as they have a connection, ie Germany and Italy... Rest are not going... This is the usual shit stirring crap..
Fuck the Pope who resides on his throne in Rome.

I don't care about Tater a fig but that's a huge insult to America.
You almost get that right. The actual insult to America is the Biden administration. The Vatican got it right. FJB
"In Tuesday's briefing, Jean-Pierre said that — instead of the president — the United States will be represented at Pope Benedict XVI's funeral by America's Ambassador to the Holy See, Joe Donnelly. Jean-Pierre explained that the decision for Biden to skip out on the farewell was made "in line with the wishes of the late Pope and the Vatican" because "their wishes" were for Biden not to attend."


https://townhall.com/tipsheet/spencerbrown/2023/01/04/biden-embarrassed-on-world-stage-again-this-time-over-pope-benedicts-funeral-n2617849Pope's Funeral
And here is the real reason:

So they just want to keep it low key with only two countries sending official delegations... US President can't do low key, so he is being respectful... If the US President goes this becomes a unofficial summit of world leaders..
Look at Harry and Megs wedding, that was a full diplomatic mission for the UK government. Mandela's Funeral was the same...

The Pope asked that wouldn't happen.

'Low key'


The Vatican doesn't want Joe there.
Its fascinating watching evil rejecting evil, how ancient Sumerian of them! The pope and the catholic church worship at the feet of a demon(Astarte)...

I always marvel at the reactions by devout Catholic's when I explain to them that Mary worship/devotion is actually pagan demon devotion, and a lie, an easily demonstrable lie that any Catholic can easily corroborate if they just open up a bible and actually read some of it, a task 95% of all Catholics seemingly do not do, nor ever will do!

Its absolutely fascinating to me that the two largest religions on earth are literal biblical heresies, loaded down in pagan ritual and demon worship. So its marvelously entertaining to observe the most evil man to ever get cheated into the white house, get dumped on by the most evil non-Christian religion on earth! :auiqs.jpg:
Biden's push for abortion got him denied Communion at a Catholic church in S. Carolina. That is a serious penalty for Catholics. When UNC Jojo calls himself a loyal Catholic, he is lying again.

Sure it wasn't him dropping a number 2 in his trousers the last time he visited?
Its fascinating watching evil rejecting evil, how ancient Sumerian of them! The pope and the catholic church worship at the feet of a demon(Astarte)...

I always marvel at the reactions by devout Catholic's when I explain to them that Mary worship/devotion is actually pagan demon devotion, and a lie, an easily demonstrable lie that any Catholic can easily corroborate if they just open up a bible and actually read some of it, a task 95% of all Catholics seemingly do not do, nor ever will do!

Its absolutely fascinating to me that the two largest religions on earth are literal biblical heresies, loaded down in pagan ritual and demon worship. So its marvelously entertaining to observe the most evil man to ever get cheated into the white house, get dumped on by the most evil non-Christian religion on earth! :auiqs.jpg:
There are many different interpretations of the holy word and the holy works of our lord.

To be fair to your point Catholic leaders and individuals of history were about stealing money, corruption and greed. Yet other Catholics of history stood for the message of Jesus. …. men like Robin Hood and Richard the Lionheart and so many more heroes of Catholic history. To serve the poor to stand up for what is right to be a knight of the church. It’s always been fascinating that during the middle ages you know the so-called time that has been around to see your fridge was the dark ages that you had all of the stories of valor and heroics that were produced by Catholics stories which taught us the difference between right and wrong. Stories that taught us how to stand up to bullies. Think of the “swan knight “

The point is undeniably crystal clear even if somebody criticizes the Catholic Church there have been billions of Catholics throughout history who have served the poor, they build hospitals they build schools because that is the message of our Lord and Savior Jesus. To this day Catholic charities is the largest organized charity group in the world. catholic churches exist all around the world and Catholic schools play a huge role in bringing health and education services to impoverished communities.

Look at the knights hospitaller, founded by the Blessed brother Gérard… all glory to God all glory to these people. Even in combat these knights would give medical assistance to their Muslim and other non-Christian enemies. This order of knighthood has lasted 1000 years and will last as God wills it. If you are into ninjas in samurai you have every reason to admire the Catholic Church. If you are into Buddhist warrior culture you have every single reason to admire Catholicism. You choose to view Catholics with history as being into corruption and money but you can also choose to read the plethora of books, short stories diaries written during the middle ages showing you that Catholics of the middle ages deeply cared about helping the poor and they would tell stories to their children about donating money to charity and fighting for what is right. So it’s up to you

Christians don’t believe in evil … people are capable of evil that’s a massive difference brother….. With Christianity it’s about helping the poor, being strong, being healthy, being physically fit, being a nice person to others. And I’ve seen in response people talk about decadence corruption money that is an issue that affects all of humanity. Otoh Jesus brought us a message of love of glory.

Catholic popes, catholic layman and priests have differed throughout the years in how they approach worldly matters my friend. Some have lived up to the message of Jesus others not so much.
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Nobody wants America's most popular unelected poopy president!
Oh, he was elected alright... legitimately... no substantial cheating or fraud or "steal" involved...the Big Steal is a Big Lie... conjured-up by the Orange Comb-Over Albatross.

That said... if it's true that the Vatican DID tell Sleepy Old Uncle Joe to stay away, then, I'm not terribly surprised.

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