Pope: "Whoever will not work should not eat"


Diamond Member
Mar 31, 2009
Just when I have my doubts about this Pope he goes and says the right thing.


In his weekly Angelus message Wednesday, Pope Francis praised the value of hard work and a willingness to do one’s part for the common good rather than freeloading off society.

Citing Saint Paul, Francis said that “anyone unwilling to work should not eat” and added that being called a hard worker is the highest form of praise for a “serious, honest person.”

To call someone a worker, the Pope said, means that he is a member of the community who does his part and doesn’t “live off others.”

Work, he noted, “is needed to support one’s family, raise children and ensure a decent life to loved ones.” This habit of hard work, he added, is learned in the home, from one’s parents who support their family and in this way contribute to the common good.

Pope Francis: ‘Whoever Will Not Work Should Not Eat’ - Breitbart
Even a broken clock can be right twice a day, Irish Lass. The Apostle Paul spoke those words. Anyone can quote Scripture including the Devil.

Stop listening to what this Pope says and watch what he is doing. The man is not a Christian. He is a wolf in sheep's clothing. A very dangerous wolf. Find a church that is based on the Bible and not an ancient Babylonian religion. Follow Jesus Christ and do not follow men. They can mislead you and lead your soul to hell. Follow Jesus and do what His Word tells you to do. Not the Roman Catholic System.
Nope sure wont. He's already a Christian. And a white male. Now he's racist....as if the white male Christian part wasn't racist enough.....but now he dared suggest that a person must carry their own weight.
Nope sure wont. He's already a Christian. And a white male. Now he's racist....as if the white male Christian part wasn't racist enough.....but now he dared suggest that a person must carry their own weight.

his intent was to erase the need for the word "ghetto"
While I agree with the context I cant get over (well, I laugh at) those people who are simply hung up on the work issue. Work is a means to a paycheck, no more no less. The thought of someone not working simply doesnt bother me all that much. Those that work for low wages are the people who should be receiving gov't assistance. That I do believe. Yes if one can work one should but the subject doesnt bother me nearly as much as it bothers some of those goof balls who are rabid about it.
While I agree with the context I cant get over (well, I laugh at) those people who are simply hung up on the work issue. Work is a means to a paycheck, no more no less. The thought of someone not working simply doesnt bother me all that much. Those that work for low wages are the people who should be receiving gov't assistance. That I do believe. Yes if one can work one should but the subject doesnt bother me nearly as much as it bothers some of those goof balls who are rabid about it.

that makes you the goofball if you don't understand who gets stuck taking care of the damn idiots that refuse to work
Even a broken clock can be right twice a day, Irish Lass. The Apostle Paul spoke those words. Anyone can quote Scripture including the Devil.

Stop listening to what this Pope says and watch what he is doing. The man is not a Christian. He is a wolf in sheep's clothing. A very dangerous wolf. Find a church that is based on the Bible and not an ancient Babylonian religion. Follow Jesus Christ and do not follow men. They can mislead you and lead your soul to hell. Follow Jesus and do what His Word tells you to do. Not the Roman Catholic System.

I find it fascinating that other Christian churches criticize the Roman Catholic Church, even though Catholicism (along with Eastern Orthodox) are the foundation of the faith itself.....all these other churches came well after & were founded by a man named Luther. Catholicism & Orthodoxy were directly founded by Christ. Big difference....
Republicans refuse to make the distinction between "will not" and "can not".
Even a broken clock can be right twice a day, Irish Lass. The Apostle Paul spoke those words. Anyone can quote Scripture including the Devil.

Stop listening to what this Pope says and watch what he is doing. The man is not a Christian. He is a wolf in sheep's clothing. A very dangerous wolf. Find a church that is based on the Bible and not an ancient Babylonian religion. Follow Jesus Christ and do not follow men. They can mislead you and lead your soul to hell. Follow Jesus and do what His Word tells you to do. Not the Roman Catholic System.

I find it fascinating that other Christian churches criticize the Roman Catholic Church, even though Catholicism (along with Eastern Orthodox) are the foundation of the faith itself.....all these other churches came well after & were founded by a man named Luther. Catholicism & Orthodoxy were directly founded by Christ. Big difference....
Catholicism was not founded by Christ, it was founded by a Roman emperor, and before Roman Catholicism came the church of Christ, which was treated like a cult in Rome.

The church of Christ gave away possessions to the needy and lived in poverty, helping the poor and teaching the works of Jesus Christ. This "cults" popularity in Rome amongst the common people is the primary reason Constantine used these teachings to rally the support of the common people to his new empire. Catholicism was certainly NOT founded by Christ, that's preposterous.
Even a broken clock can be right twice a day, Irish Lass. The Apostle Paul spoke those words. Anyone can quote Scripture including the Devil.

Stop listening to what this Pope says and watch what he is doing. The man is not a Christian. He is a wolf in sheep's clothing. A very dangerous wolf. Find a church that is based on the Bible and not an ancient Babylonian religion. Follow Jesus Christ and do not follow men. They can mislead you and lead your soul to hell. Follow Jesus and do what His Word tells you to do. Not the Roman Catholic System.

Take this act to the Conspiracy Forum, headcase.
"Work, he noted, “is needed to support one’s family, raise children and ensure a decent life to loved ones.” This habit of hard work, he added, is learned in the home, from one’s parents who support their family and in this way contribute to the common good."
Well that pretty much leaves the negro race out of the picture.
But then when you look at the RC church historically they never could be bothered too much with the negroes world wide. The RC church historically has rather been much more interested in races that produces anything of any value which the RC church made sure they got their cut from.
Watch the movie 'The Mission'. Pretty much sums up the RC church then and now.
Not an African negro to be found.
"Work, he noted, “is needed to support one’s family, raise children and ensure a decent life to loved ones.” This habit of hard work, he added, is learned in the home, from one’s parents who support their family and in this way contribute to the common good."
Well that pretty much leaves the negro race out of the picture.
But then when you look at the RC church historically they never could be bothered too much with the negroes world wide. The RC church historically has rather been much more interested in races that produces anything of any value which the RC church made sure they got their cut from.
Watch the movie 'The Mission'. Pretty much sums up the RC church then and now.
Not an African negro to be found.

This thread has NOTHING to do with your weak, cowardly racism. Plenty of other threads for weaklings like you to embarrass yourselves on. Try sticking to the topic of this one.

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