Pope's Message: America a Good Idea, But Tone it the F Down & Get Morality fer Crissakes.

The pope is the dude...but when will he outline the responsibilities of the poor.
Blessed are those who sit on their dead ass and look for handouts.
Look, I've been poor a great deal of my life and I can tell you that I still struggle to overcome it against odds if I described to you, are so rough you wouldn't believe me if I told you the stark and honest truth of all of it. You would say I was fabricating it. The odds have been phantasmagorically stacked against me. So much so, and so consitently that "bad luck" doesn't even do the phenomenon justice. There even seems to be a higher intelligence to it. And my pushing on through this is the rare, rare exception. I've had people approach me and tell me who know just a thumbnail of what I've been through "I really don't see how you can go on; I would've folded years ago and just lived under the bridge looking for handouts".

I am the rare exception. I have had some good luck, just enough to keep a life preserver around my neck as I struggle on trying not to drown in circumstance. For that I am thankful. For that I count my blessings. But others aren't as fortunate. When all you can see before you, modeled by what you saw your parents doing as a lifetime of struggle, going nowhere with no hope in sight because of a capitalistic system stacked to favor the ever richer, ever more greedy and ruthless upper eschelons of society, you GIVE UP HOPE. At that precise moment it isn't about "lazy people sitting on ass looking for handouts". It is about the downtrodden using their rat brains to just get by day by day. When you have enough people doing that, your society falls apart.

It has never occured to the very rich that as their own portfolios shrink, that it is they themselves who are at fault. If you sell automobiles, for example, and your sales are dropping off after you just automated 10 of your factories with robots, replacing thousands of jobs, then you can look in the mirror for why sales are dropping and your wealth is shrinking. Robots don't buy cars. Little kids chained to looms in Asia don't go on luxury cruises or buy designer Versachi outfits.

Henry Ford knew enough to pay his workers a high enough wage (profit sharing essentially) so they could afford his vehicles. That's called being economically smart and not greedy. Rich people today are myopic, stupid and selfish...often narcissistic. In the old days they used to go to church at least. They used to have a basic morality and felt the compulsion to become charitable and donate to worthy causes of human suffering. Today it's "every man for himself"...like a bunch of hyenas chewing on the last scraps of a fallen elephant, then finally they will turn upon each other as the last scrap disappears.

Being rich isn't a problem. Being rich without any vestige of morality IS a problem. If men stopped bowing arrogantly at the ATM machine and instead returned to bowing humbly at the crucifixion, they would begin to remember what true sacrifice is for the common good of humanity...even themselves ultimately!

Christ had nails driven through his hands and feet and a crown of thorns slammed into his scalp and spent his last hours suffocating to death hanging from a cross to show the lengths one must go to in order to help others along. The least a business man can do is trim back some of his own fat to throw a few more scraps to his devoted workers and keep the home where he lives thriving and filled with hope of opportunity. He doesn't even have to have holes put in his hands or feet.
The pope is the dude...but when will he outline the responsibilities of the poor.
Blessed are those who sit on their dead ass and look for handouts.
Look, I've been poor a great deal of my life and I can tell you that I still struggle to overcome it against odds if I described to you, are so rough you wouldn't believe me if I told you the stark and honest truth of all of it. You would say I was fabricating it. The odds have been phantasmagorically stacked against me. So much so, and so consitently that "bad luck" doesn't even do the phenomenon justice. There even seems to be a higher intelligence to it. And my pushing on through this is the rare, rare exception. I've had people approach me and tell me who know just a thumbnail of what I've been through "I really don't see how you can go on; I would've folded years ago and just lived under the bridge looking for handouts".

I am the rare exception. I have had some good luck, just enough to keep a life preserver around my neck as I struggle on trying not to drown in circumstance. For that I am thankful. For that I count my blessings. But others aren't as fortunate. When all you can see before you, modeled by what you saw your parents doing as a lifetime of struggle, going nowhere with no hope in sight because of a capitalistic system stacked to favor the ever richer, ever more greedy and ruthless upper eschelons of society, you GIVE UP HOPE. At that precise moment it isn't about "lazy people sitting on ass looking for handouts". It is about the downtrodden using their rat brains to just get by day by day. When you have enough people doing that, your society falls apart.

It has never occured to the very rich that as their own portfolios shrink, that it is they themselves who are at fault. If you sell automobiles, for example, and your sales are dropping off after you just automated 10 of your factories with robots, replacing thousands of jobs, then you can look in the mirror for why sales are dropping and your wealth is shrinking. Robots don't buy cars. Little kids chained to looms in Asia don't go on luxury cruises or buy designer Versachi outfits.

Henry Ford knew enough to pay his workers a high enough wage (profit sharing essentially) so they could afford his vehicles. That's called being economically smart and not greedy. Rich people today are myopic, stupid and selfish...often narcissistic. In the old days they used to go to church at least. They used to have a basic morality and felt the compulsion to become charitable and donate to worthy causes of human suffering. Today it's "every man for himself"...like a bunch of hyenas chewing on the last scraps of a fallen elephant, then finally they will turn upon each other as the last scrap disappears.

Being rich isn't a problem. Being rich without any vestige of morality IS a problem. If men stopped bowing arrogantly at the ATM machine and instead returned to bowing humbly at the crucifixion, they would begin to remember what true sacrifice is for the common good of humanity...even themselves ultimately!

Christ had nails driven through his hands and feet and a crown of thorns slammed into his scalp and spent his last hours suffocating to death hanging from a cross to show the lengths one must go to in order to help others along. The least a business man can do is trim back some of his own fat to throw a few more scraps to his devoted workers and keep the home where he lives thriving and filled with hope of opportunity. He doesn't even have to have holes put in his hands or feet.

Jesus was crucified for sedition against rome-----not for being charitable or helpful.
I read all about it in the New Testament
The pope is the dude...but when will he outline the responsibilities of the poor.
Blessed are those who sit on their dead ass and look for handouts.
Look, I've been poor a great deal of my life and I can tell you that I still struggle to overcome it against odds if I described to you, are so rough you wouldn't believe me if I told you the stark and honest truth of all of it. You would say I was fabricating it. The odds have been phantasmagorically stacked against me. So much so, and so consitently that "bad luck" doesn't even do the phenomenon justice. There even seems to be a higher intelligence to it. And my pushing on through this is the rare, rare exception. I've had people approach me and tell me who know just a thumbnail of what I've been through "I really don't see how you can go on; I would've folded years ago and just lived under the bridge looking for handouts".

I am the rare exception. I have had some good luck, just enough to keep a life preserver around my neck as I struggle on trying not to drown in circumstance. For that I am thankful. For that I count my blessings. But others aren't as fortunate. When all you can see before you, modeled by what you saw your parents doing as a lifetime of struggle, going nowhere with no hope in sight because of a capitalistic system stacked to favor the ever richer, ever more greedy and ruthless upper eschelons of society, you GIVE UP HOPE. At that precise moment it isn't about "lazy people sitting on ass looking for handouts". It is about the downtrodden using their rat brains to just get by day by day. When you have enough people doing that, your society falls apart.

It has never occured to the very rich that as their own portfolios shrink, that it is they themselves who are at fault. If you sell automobiles, for example, and your sales are dropping off after you just automated 10 of your factories with robots, replacing thousands of jobs, then you can look in the mirror for why sales are dropping and your wealth is shrinking. Robots don't buy cars. Little kids chained to looms in Asia don't go on luxury cruises or buy designer Versachi outfits.

Henry Ford knew enough to pay his workers a high enough wage (profit sharing essentially) so they could afford his vehicles. That's called being economically smart and not greedy. Rich people today are myopic, stupid and selfish...often narcissistic. In the old days they used to go to church at least. They used to have a basic morality and felt the compulsion to become charitable and donate to worthy causes of human suffering. Today it's "every man for himself"...like a bunch of hyenas chewing on the last scraps of a fallen elephant, then finally they will turn upon each other as the last scrap disappears.

Being rich isn't a problem. Being rich without any vestige of morality IS a problem. If men stopped bowing arrogantly at the ATM machine and instead returned to bowing humbly at the crucifixion, they would begin to remember what true sacrifice is for the common good of humanity...even themselves ultimately!

Christ had nails driven through his hands and feet and a crown of thorns slammed into his scalp and spent his last hours suffocating to death hanging from a cross to show the lengths one must go to in order to help others along. The least a business man can do is trim back some of his own fat to throw a few more scraps to his devoted workers and keep the home where he lives thriving and filled with hope of opportunity. He doesn't even have to have holes put in his hands or feet.

Jesus was crucified for sedition against rome-----not for being charitable or helpful.
I read all about it in the New Testament
Rome saved the cross for the worst of the worst.

And we can sum up the above easily:

Mark 10:25
"It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God."
The pope is the dude...but when will he outline the responsibilities of the poor.
Blessed are those who sit on their dead ass and look for handouts.
Look, I've been poor a great deal of my life and I can tell you that I still struggle to overcome it against odds if I described to you, are so rough you wouldn't believe me if I told you the stark and honest truth of all of it. You would say I was fabricating it. The odds have been phantasmagorically stacked against me. So much so, and so consitently that "bad luck" doesn't even do the phenomenon justice. There even seems to be a higher intelligence to it. And my pushing on through this is the rare, rare exception. I've had people approach me and tell me who know just a thumbnail of what I've been through "I really don't see how you can go on; I would've folded years ago and just lived under the bridge looking for handouts".

I am the rare exception. I have had some good luck, just enough to keep a life preserver around my neck as I struggle on trying not to drown in circumstance. For that I am thankful. For that I count my blessings. But others aren't as fortunate. When all you can see before you, modeled by what you saw your parents doing as a lifetime of struggle, going nowhere with no hope in sight because of a capitalistic system stacked to favor the ever richer, ever more greedy and ruthless upper eschelons of society, you GIVE UP HOPE. At that precise moment it isn't about "lazy people sitting on ass looking for handouts". It is about the downtrodden using their rat brains to just get by day by day. When you have enough people doing that, your society falls apart.

It has never occured to the very rich that as their own portfolios shrink, that it is they themselves who are at fault. If you sell automobiles, for example, and your sales are dropping off after you just automated 10 of your factories with robots, replacing thousands of jobs, then you can look in the mirror for why sales are dropping and your wealth is shrinking. Robots don't buy cars. Little kids chained to looms in Asia don't go on luxury cruises or buy designer Versachi outfits.

Henry Ford knew enough to pay his workers a high enough wage (profit sharing essentially) so they could afford his vehicles. That's called being economically smart and not greedy. Rich people today are myopic, stupid and selfish...often narcissistic. In the old days they used to go to church at least. They used to have a basic morality and felt the compulsion to become charitable and donate to worthy causes of human suffering. Today it's "every man for himself"...like a bunch of hyenas chewing on the last scraps of a fallen elephant, then finally they will turn upon each other as the last scrap disappears.

Being rich isn't a problem. Being rich without any vestige of morality IS a problem. If men stopped bowing arrogantly at the ATM machine and instead returned to bowing humbly at the crucifixion, they would begin to remember what true sacrifice is for the common good of humanity...even themselves ultimately!

Christ had nails driven through his hands and feet and a crown of thorns slammed into his scalp and spent his last hours suffocating to death hanging from a cross to show the lengths one must go to in order to help others along. The least a business man can do is trim back some of his own fat to throw a few more scraps to his devoted workers and keep the home where he lives thriving and filled with hope of opportunity. He doesn't even have to have holes put in his hands or feet.
Being poor because you were too stupid/lazy to prepare for success is also a problem. You claim to be an exception...and you rate assistance. Many do not. How do we separate the two. Smart policy might be the first step.

I tell the story of my nephew who arrived at my doorstep broke and desperate. I told him he was welcome to stay. The next day he had a job at a restaurant chain. He had that kind of work experience. Ten years late he was a millionaire.
The pope is the dude...but when will he outline the responsibilities of the poor.
Blessed are those who sit on their dead ass and look for handouts.
Look, I've been poor a great deal of my life and I can tell you that I still struggle to overcome it against odds if I described to you, are so rough you wouldn't believe me if I told you the stark and honest truth of all of it. You would say I was fabricating it. The odds have been phantasmagorically stacked against me. So much so, and so consitently that "bad luck" doesn't even do the phenomenon justice. There even seems to be a higher intelligence to it. And my pushing on through this is the rare, rare exception. I've had people approach me and tell me who know just a thumbnail of what I've been through "I really don't see how you can go on; I would've folded years ago and just lived under the bridge looking for handouts".

I am the rare exception. I have had some good luck, just enough to keep a life preserver around my neck as I struggle on trying not to drown in circumstance. For that I am thankful. For that I count my blessings. But others aren't as fortunate. When all you can see before you, modeled by what you saw your parents doing as a lifetime of struggle, going nowhere with no hope in sight because of a capitalistic system stacked to favor the ever richer, ever more greedy and ruthless upper eschelons of society, you GIVE UP HOPE. At that precise moment it isn't about "lazy people sitting on ass looking for handouts". It is about the downtrodden using their rat brains to just get by day by day. When you have enough people doing that, your society falls apart.

It has never occured to the very rich that as their own portfolios shrink, that it is they themselves who are at fault. If you sell automobiles, for example, and your sales are dropping off after you just automated 10 of your factories with robots, replacing thousands of jobs, then you can look in the mirror for why sales are dropping and your wealth is shrinking. Robots don't buy cars. Little kids chained to looms in Asia don't go on luxury cruises or buy designer Versachi outfits.

Henry Ford knew enough to pay his workers a high enough wage (profit sharing essentially) so they could afford his vehicles. That's called being economically smart and not greedy. Rich people today are myopic, stupid and selfish...often narcissistic. In the old days they used to go to church at least. They used to have a basic morality and felt the compulsion to become charitable and donate to worthy causes of human suffering. Today it's "every man for himself"...like a bunch of hyenas chewing on the last scraps of a fallen elephant, then finally they will turn upon each other as the last scrap disappears.

Being rich isn't a problem. Being rich without any vestige of morality IS a problem. If men stopped bowing arrogantly at the ATM machine and instead returned to bowing humbly at the crucifixion, they would begin to remember what true sacrifice is for the common good of humanity...even themselves ultimately!

Christ had nails driven through his hands and feet and a crown of thorns slammed into his scalp and spent his last hours suffocating to death hanging from a cross to show the lengths one must go to in order to help others along. The least a business man can do is trim back some of his own fat to throw a few more scraps to his devoted workers and keep the home where he lives thriving and filled with hope of opportunity. He doesn't even have to have holes put in his hands or feet.
Being poor because you were too stupid/lazy to prepare for success is also a problem. You claim to be an exception...and you rate assistance. Many do not. How do we separate the two. Smart policy might be the first step.

I tell the story of my nephew who arrived at my doorstep broke and desperate. I told him he was welcome to stay. The next day he had a job at a restaurant chain. He had that kind of work experience. Ten years late he was a millionaire.

Put limits on how long one can receive benefits, this crap of people making a career out of welfare needs to stop.
The pope is the dude...but when will he outline the responsibilities of the poor.
Blessed are those who sit on their dead ass and look for handouts.
Look, I've been poor a great deal of my life and I can tell you that I still struggle to overcome it against odds if I described to you, are so rough you wouldn't believe me if I told you the stark and honest truth of all of it. You would say I was fabricating it. The odds have been phantasmagorically stacked against me. So much so, and so consitently that "bad luck" doesn't even do the phenomenon justice. There even seems to be a higher intelligence to it. And my pushing on through this is the rare, rare exception. I've had people approach me and tell me who know just a thumbnail of what I've been through "I really don't see how you can go on; I would've folded years ago and just lived under the bridge looking for handouts".

I am the rare exception. I have had some good luck, just enough to keep a life preserver around my neck as I struggle on trying not to drown in circumstance. For that I am thankful. For that I count my blessings. But others aren't as fortunate. When all you can see before you, modeled by what you saw your parents doing as a lifetime of struggle, going nowhere with no hope in sight because of a capitalistic system stacked to favor the ever richer, ever more greedy and ruthless upper eschelons of society, you GIVE UP HOPE. At that precise moment it isn't about "lazy people sitting on ass looking for handouts". It is about the downtrodden using their rat brains to just get by day by day. When you have enough people doing that, your society falls apart.

It has never occured to the very rich that as their own portfolios shrink, that it is they themselves who are at fault. If you sell automobiles, for example, and your sales are dropping off after you just automated 10 of your factories with robots, replacing thousands of jobs, then you can look in the mirror for why sales are dropping and your wealth is shrinking. Robots don't buy cars. Little kids chained to looms in Asia don't go on luxury cruises or buy designer Versachi outfits.

Henry Ford knew enough to pay his workers a high enough wage (profit sharing essentially) so they could afford his vehicles. That's called being economically smart and not greedy. Rich people today are myopic, stupid and selfish...often narcissistic. In the old days they used to go to church at least. They used to have a basic morality and felt the compulsion to become charitable and donate to worthy causes of human suffering. Today it's "every man for himself"...like a bunch of hyenas chewing on the last scraps of a fallen elephant, then finally they will turn upon each other as the last scrap disappears.

Being rich isn't a problem. Being rich without any vestige of morality IS a problem. If men stopped bowing arrogantly at the ATM machine and instead returned to bowing humbly at the crucifixion, they would begin to remember what true sacrifice is for the common good of humanity...even themselves ultimately!

Christ had nails driven through his hands and feet and a crown of thorns slammed into his scalp and spent his last hours suffocating to death hanging from a cross to show the lengths one must go to in order to help others along. The least a business man can do is trim back some of his own fat to throw a few more scraps to his devoted workers and keep the home where he lives thriving and filled with hope of opportunity. He doesn't even have to have holes put in his hands or feet.
Being poor because you were too stupid/lazy to prepare for success is also a problem. You claim to be an exception...and you rate assistance. Many do not. How do we separate the two. Smart policy might be the first step.

I tell the story of my nephew who arrived at my doorstep broke and desperate. I told him he was welcome to stay. The next day he had a job at a restaurant chain. He had that kind of work experience. Ten years late he was a millionaire.

Put limits on how long one can receive benefits, this crap of people making a career out of welfare needs to stop.

some people are incapable of working-------SHEEEESH LASSIE
I'm pretty sick of this pope and all his commie bullshit, so I didn't listen to anything he has said since he was here.

I was disgusted by the news story regarding the obviously staged event where some wetback's anchor baby breached security and got to promote the open borders agenda.

Neither will the Tea Baggers in Congress, so don't worry - your hate and stupidity are safe.
The pope can blow it out his ass as far as I'm concerned. He is not an American citizen and therefore his opinion is about as important as my 16 month old grandsons
Well I've never seen Congress more subdued in my entire life. I can only hope that humble stance will last.

Yes we are a great nation, but as the Pope just said, our greatness and liberties and freedoms have run amok and we need to tone it down. Dad came & the kids were squirming in their seats. Let's see how well they embody Dad's warnings.


Was I the only one who saw that Justice Ginsburg refused to look at the Pope and kept her hed bent down staring at the floor?
Liberals will say this is a Rebuke against Republicans....and what it really is...is the Pope telling Obama to cool it.
why should we? we've been the number 1 in giving, in inventions to help the world, 1000's our of our men died for that privilege to crow. the hell with anyone who thinks we don't have a RIGHT to pump ourselves up
why should we? we've been the number 1 in giving, in inventions to help the world, 1000's our of our men died for that privilege to crow. the hell with anyone who thinks we don't have a RIGHT to pump ourselves up
Seeing as your wholly unacquainted with the concept of being humble and reflective, there is no context in which to convey why crowing about killing often innocent people in the name of economic expansion like the Iraq War (aka blood for "liberty & freedom!") by the US is morally wrong. Some people enjoy and embrace blood for oil. Some don't. Clearly you enjoy it.

So, enjoy your alternate reality. The reality of this thread is for people who have an inkling of reflection that their way may not be the absolute 100% always right way 100% of the time. This thread is for people humbled by the Pope's speeches. Those that have made a religion out of their own subjective personal arrogance need not participate. There is no way even the highest messenger of God will have one decible penetrate beyond the earwax in your outer ear.
why should we? we've been the number 1 in giving, in inventions to help the world, 1000's our of our men died for that privilege to crow. the hell with anyone who thinks we don't have a RIGHT to pump ourselves up
Seeing as your wholly unacquainted with the concept of being humble and reflective, there is no context in which to convey why crowing about killing often innocent people in the name of economic expansion (aka blood for "liberty & freedom!") by the US is morally wrong.

So, enjoy your alternate reality. The reality of this thread is for people who have an inkling of reflection that their way may not be the absolute 100% always right way 100% of the time. This thread is for people humbled by the Pope's speeches. Those that have made a religion out of their own subjective personal arrogance need not participate. There is no way even the highest messenger of God will have one decible penetrate beyond the earwax in your outer ear.

oh brother. you need a church to preach at. You live how ever YOU WANT. you don't have a right to tell the rest of us how WE SHOULD be living ours. the Pope can whatever he want's doesn't mean we are all now going to give up all our worldly good for him
why should we? we've been the number 1 in giving, in inventions to help the world, 1000's our of our men died for that privilege to crow. the hell with anyone who thinks we don't have a RIGHT to pump ourselves up
Seeing as your wholly unacquainted with the concept of being humble and reflective, there is no context in which to convey why crowing about killing often innocent people in the name of economic expansion (aka blood for "liberty & freedom!") by the US is morally wrong.

So, enjoy your alternate reality. The reality of this thread is for people who have an inkling of reflection that their way may not be the absolute 100% always right way 100% of the time. This thread is for people humbled by the Pope's speeches. Those that have made a religion out of their own subjective personal arrogance need not participate. There is no way even the highest messenger of God will have one decible penetrate beyond the earwax in your outer ear.

oh brother. you need a church to preach at. You live how ever YOU WANT. you don't have a right to tell the rest of us how WE SHOULD be living ours. the Pope can whatever he want's doesn't mean we are all now going to give up all our worldly good for him
How about giving them up for Jesus, or can't you be bother with his teachings?
Pope can whatever he want's doesn't mean we are all now going to give up all our worldly good for him
It's OK Satan :itsok: ...lol... I know. You don't have the perspective necessary to understand what the Pope was saying. You can keep your worldly goods and your loving devotion to them. Fight for them! Fight to the death!! How could you possibly envision doing anything else?

oh brother. you need a church to preach at. You live how ever YOU WANT. you don't have a right to tell the rest of us how WE SHOULD be living ours. the Pope can whatever he want's doesn't mean we are all now going to give up all our worldly good for him
How about giving them up for Jesus, or can't you be bother with his teachings?

Stay tuned Paint. I have a feeling you will be as happy with the Pope's message as Stephanie is by the end of Sunday..
Pope's invitational announcement to join him at his speech on families in Philadelphia:


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