Popular vote for POTUS under our current system would violate equal protection

California actively floods their system with illegal voters.

^bullshit claim

Absolute fact.

When an illegal alien gets a drivers license, they are automatically registered to vote.

Bill Text - AB-1461 Voter registration: California New Motor Voter Program.

While it is still technically illegal for the illegals to vote, they ARE registered and nothing will stop or even hamper them from voting.

California does indeed flood the system with illegal voters.

Go ahead and post leftwing Snopes, and I will again show WHY Snopes is a fraud.

False.... I know one of you idiots will post this. Read your link and tell me what is wrong with your link. See sample of DL.


This did not came from Snopes.

In addition, the information of those who choose to be registered will be sent from the DMV to the Secretary of State’s office, where citizenship will be verified and names will then be added to the voter rolls.

Now let us assume that undocumented immigrants decide to lie about their legal status and ask to be registered to vote. The possibility of them actually ending up on the voter rolls is simply not likely.

Not only will citizenship be verified by the state, but according to DriveCA.org, in California noncitizen licenses carry the words “Federal Limits Apply” and “not valid for official federal purposes.”

While the new bill is not an actual “automatic registration,” like its critics make it out to be, it will ease and accelerate the process of voter registration.

As I said, all are registered and it is up to the SOS to weed out those who are not eligible.

I'm not sure what significance you attach to the federal limits, ID is NEVER required to vote in California - only to buy ammunition....

Did you read what I just posted or you just look at it?
How can they vote if they were not registered to vote in the first place?
How can they registered to vote when they are not qualified to begin with?
DMV workers also voted for Trump some are sick with illegals....... Don't you think anyone of those workers could have come out and said........... Illegals were all registered to vote. Instead you are coming out with your own anti immigration crap.
I posted the picture for you and Kaz education.
California actively floods their system with illegal voters.

^bullshit claim

Absolute fact.

When an illegal alien gets a drivers license, they are automatically registered to vote.

Bill Text - AB-1461 Voter registration: California New Motor Voter Program.

While it is still technically illegal for the illegals to vote, they ARE registered and nothing will stop or even hamper them from voting.

California does indeed flood the system with illegal voters.

Go ahead and post leftwing Snopes, and I will again show WHY Snopes is a fraud.

So wrong.
So dumb.

What documentation is required to register to vote in California?
Oh Goodie. Please present your proof that California actively floods their system with illegal voters. Feel free to present any sources you like, but the crazy ones will be laughed at.

I don't cater to willful stupidity, BULLSHIT.

I do like it from the guy who can't show Trump ran on family values while you call for women to wear maxis because seeing all that skin just reminds you what you aren't getting.

I even keep pointing you to Fox, the conservative news channel with all the conservative women showing lots of skin and you whiff on that too.

Now you want a link for basic information you could easily find yourself? LOL, yeah ...

I've read your posts. Yes, you are all about willfully stupid. You made the claim. Either prove it or admit it was just something you heard from other RWNJs. As far as pointing out the right's decision to forget about family values to allow trump's lesbian stripper wife, family values are still in your platform. You haven't even had time to drop that yet.

You want proof that California is illegal friendly and you say I'm willfully stupid. Grow a pair, Nancy, you're a joke

You didn't claim they were friendly. You claimed that they actively flooded their system with illegal voters. Two drastically different things. Why are you trying to weasel out of it? Present your proof.

You get a drivers license, you can use that to register to vote. Easily verifiable, I don't need to cure your ignorance for you, especially since you love it so

A SSN is required and all applicants information is verified.
I've read your posts. Yes, you are all about willfully stupid. You made the claim. Either prove it or admit it was just something you heard from other RWNJs. As far as pointing out the right's decision to forget about family values to allow trump's lesbian stripper wife, family values are still in your platform. You haven't even had time to drop that yet.

You want proof that California is illegal friendly and you say I'm willfully stupid. Grow a pair, Nancy, you're a joke

You didn't claim they were friendly. You claimed that they actively flooded their system with illegal voters. Two drastically different things. Why are you trying to weasel out of it? Present your proof.

You get a drivers license, you can use that to register to vote. Easily verifiable, I don't need to cure your ignorance for you, especially since you love it so

That's what happens when you only watch fox. You heard that claim, but they didn't bother to find out the facts or to present them after that claim
get someone to read the following and explain it to you.

FALSE: California Passed a Law Allowing Undocumented Immigrants to Vote in Federal Elections
While critics of the New Motor Voter Act fear that undocumented people may slip through the loopholes and get registered to vote, it's false to say that California has made it legal for undocumented people to vote. In fact, California Secretary of State Alex Padilla said that the new law is actually more secure:

The way automatic registration works is relatively simple: Eligible citizens are registered to vote when they show up at a Department of Motor Vehicles office to obtain a driver's license or state ID. The DMV gives the eligible voter a chance to opt out if they prefer not to register. If the person does not opt out, the DMV electronically transfers their voter registration information to the Secretary of State's office, rather than making election officials enter data by hand from paper registration forms...

"... Automated voter registration is actually a more secure way of doing things," California Secretary of State Alex Padilla told HuffPost in September. Potential voters "have to demonstrate proof of age, the vast majority of time people are showing a birth certificate or a passport, which also reflects citizenship. That's arguably more secure than someone checking a box under penalty of perjury," Padilla said.

While it's true that undocumented people in California can obtain a driver's license, the state has not passed any laws which also gives them the right to vote. The New Motor Voter Act was passed in an effort to improve voter turnout, and while this law does automatically register citizens to vote when obtaining or renewing a driver's license, this only applies to citizens who are already eligible to vote.

See, you could find it as I said if you put any effort into it. Illegals can legally get a drivers license. They are then automatically set up to vote unless they say not to register them. And if they don't, there is no process to take away their ability to illegally vote. Well done

How many times will you tell the same lie?

Frequently Asked Questions | California Secretary of State
See? You tell the retards that Voter ID doesn't stop the most common types of voter fraud which occur, and their little retard brains hear, "There is no fraud" or "I support fraud."

Goddam, you just can't fight that kind of profound stupidity!

Apple != Bird

That said, this is your usual promotion of election fraud. The motor voter bill automatically registers illegal aliens to vote - this is a fact. The Cal-SOS claims that there are enough indicators that they will remove the illegals from the system - sure,,,

The fact is that exactly as Kaz posted, the Peoples Republic is flooding the system with illegal voters. This is deliberate and systematic fraud on behalf of the Soros party, which owns and runs California.

Post proof.

Do you honestly believe that any State would have such a system?
See? You tell the retards that Voter ID doesn't stop the most common types of voter fraud which occur, and their little retard brains hear, "There is no fraud" or "I support fraud."

Goddam, you just can't fight that kind of profound stupidity!

Apple != Bird

That said, this is your usual promotion of election fraud. The motor voter bill automatically registers illegal aliens to vote - this is a fact. The Cal-SOS claims that there are enough indicators that they will remove the illegals from the system - sure,,,

The fact is that exactly as Kaz posted, the Peoples Republic is flooding the system with illegal voters. This is deliberate and systematic fraud on behalf of the Soros party, which owns and runs California.

Post proof.

Do you honestly believe that any State would have such a system?


Bill Text - AB-1461 Voter registration: California New Motor Voter Program.
The motor voter bill automatically registers illegal aliens to vote - this is a fact.
Nope. That is a lie. A bald faced lie. Retard.

Also, see post 56. Idiot.

Wrong again Guno, it is a FACT, as you know. That the SOS claims they will remove them does not alter the FACT that the illegals are automatically registered, as you well know.

Bill Text - AB-1461 Voter registration: California New Motor Voter Program.

Look, you're a democrat, lying to you is like breathing to normal people, you cannot exist without it. Still....
You realllllly should have read post 56, retard. I gave you a chance, but your two brain cells were too taxed.

California driver's licenses for illegals say in all caps "FEDERAL LIMITS APPLY" in the upper right hand corner.

You can't miss it.

On the back, it says, “This card is not acceptable for official federal purposes. This license is issued only as a license to drive a motor vehicle. It does not establish eligibility for employment, voter registration, or public benefits.”

Illegals are not automatically registered to vote under the Motor Voter law. Got it now, retard?

Again with the Straw Man fallacy.

The bill AUTOMATICALLY registers ALL drivers license recipients.

The secretary of state is tasked with REMOVING ineligible voters after the fact.

You know this and STILL lie.

You fucking Communists are incapable of honesty.

No it doesn't.
Voters still need to apply for registration.
Frequently Asked Questions | California Secretary of State
See? You tell the retards that Voter ID doesn't stop the most common types of voter fraud which occur, and their little retard brains hear, "There is no fraud" or "I support fraud."

Goddam, you just can't fight that kind of profound stupidity!

Apple != Bird

That said, this is your usual promotion of election fraud. The motor voter bill automatically registers illegal aliens to vote - this is a fact. The Cal-SOS claims that there are enough indicators that they will remove the illegals from the system - sure,,,

The fact is that exactly as Kaz posted, the Peoples Republic is flooding the system with illegal voters. This is deliberate and systematic fraud on behalf of the Soros party, which owns and runs California.

Post proof.

Do you honestly believe that any State would have such a system?


Bill Text - AB-1461 Voter registration: California New Motor Voter Program.

Read it, dope.
You want proof that California is illegal friendly and you say I'm willfully stupid. Grow a pair, Nancy, you're a joke

You didn't claim they were friendly. You claimed that they actively flooded their system with illegal voters. Two drastically different things. Why are you trying to weasel out of it? Present your proof.

You get a drivers license, you can use that to register to vote. Easily verifiable, I don't need to cure your ignorance for you, especially since you love it so

That's what happens when you only watch fox. You heard that claim, but they didn't bother to find out the facts or to present them after that claim
get someone to read the following and explain it to you.

FALSE: California Passed a Law Allowing Undocumented Immigrants to Vote in Federal Elections
While critics of the New Motor Voter Act fear that undocumented people may slip through the loopholes and get registered to vote, it's false to say that California has made it legal for undocumented people to vote. In fact, California Secretary of State Alex Padilla said that the new law is actually more secure:

The way automatic registration works is relatively simple: Eligible citizens are registered to vote when they show up at a Department of Motor Vehicles office to obtain a driver's license or state ID. The DMV gives the eligible voter a chance to opt out if they prefer not to register. If the person does not opt out, the DMV electronically transfers their voter registration information to the Secretary of State's office, rather than making election officials enter data by hand from paper registration forms...

"... Automated voter registration is actually a more secure way of doing things," California Secretary of State Alex Padilla told HuffPost in September. Potential voters "have to demonstrate proof of age, the vast majority of time people are showing a birth certificate or a passport, which also reflects citizenship. That's arguably more secure than someone checking a box under penalty of perjury," Padilla said.

While it's true that undocumented people in California can obtain a driver's license, the state has not passed any laws which also gives them the right to vote. The New Motor Voter Act was passed in an effort to improve voter turnout, and while this law does automatically register citizens to vote when obtaining or renewing a driver's license, this only applies to citizens who are already eligible to vote.

See, you could find it as I said if you put any effort into it. Illegals can legally get a drivers license. They are then automatically set up to vote unless they say not to register them. And if they don't, there is no process to take away their ability to illegally vote. Well done

How many times will you tell the same lie?

Frequently Asked Questions | California Secretary of State
It's not a lie if trump sez it.
Your logic is well, suspect.

If each of the proportional states were to spit evenly, it would only serve to allow the non-proportiaonal states of California and New York to dominate the elections.

Of course you can get to your 105 number REAL fast by pushing California and New York to go proportional. Shall I hold my breath awaiting you glorious Soros soldiers demanding this? :dunno:

CA and NY have already passed the law and are included in the 165. All that matters is that enough state sign on with 270 total EV's

(CA, DC, HI, IL, MA, MD, NJ, NY, RI, VT, WA) have all passed it.

National Popular Vote

California is definitely NOT proportional with EV's.

U. S. Electoral College: Frequently Asked Questions

It took me a while to figure it out too because neither BlindBoo nor the link explained it very well. But what they are doing is agreeing that they will all cast their EVs to the national popular vote winner. That way the popular vote winner will have 270 and win regardless of what the other States do. It doesn't take effect until they have 270 votes

It is a simple solution to get to a popular national vote without involving the Federal Government doing anything. No Constitutional Amendment, just a few more states.

Yes, you suck at explaining it though.

It's also not permanent, States can join or pull out of the deal any time they want

Nah, your first instinct is to disagree and criticize not to comprehend or try to understand. Your responses proved it.
Not really. States can decide to bind their electors to the national popular vote.

National Popular Vote

Agreement Among the States to Elect the President by National Popular Vote

Sure they can, but why would they?

If candidate A won the state's popular vote, and candidate B won the national popular vote, how long do think it would take for the Governor and Legislators to be voted out of office?

Might as well as not have Presidential Elections and just let state Governors and legislators pick the President.
You didn't claim they were friendly. You claimed that they actively flooded their system with illegal voters. Two drastically different things. Why are you trying to weasel out of it? Present your proof.

You get a drivers license, you can use that to register to vote. Easily verifiable, I don't need to cure your ignorance for you, especially since you love it so

That's what happens when you only watch fox. You heard that claim, but they didn't bother to find out the facts or to present them after that claim
get someone to read the following and explain it to you.

FALSE: California Passed a Law Allowing Undocumented Immigrants to Vote in Federal Elections
While critics of the New Motor Voter Act fear that undocumented people may slip through the loopholes and get registered to vote, it's false to say that California has made it legal for undocumented people to vote. In fact, California Secretary of State Alex Padilla said that the new law is actually more secure:

The way automatic registration works is relatively simple: Eligible citizens are registered to vote when they show up at a Department of Motor Vehicles office to obtain a driver's license or state ID. The DMV gives the eligible voter a chance to opt out if they prefer not to register. If the person does not opt out, the DMV electronically transfers their voter registration information to the Secretary of State's office, rather than making election officials enter data by hand from paper registration forms...

"... Automated voter registration is actually a more secure way of doing things," California Secretary of State Alex Padilla told HuffPost in September. Potential voters "have to demonstrate proof of age, the vast majority of time people are showing a birth certificate or a passport, which also reflects citizenship. That's arguably more secure than someone checking a box under penalty of perjury," Padilla said.

While it's true that undocumented people in California can obtain a driver's license, the state has not passed any laws which also gives them the right to vote. The New Motor Voter Act was passed in an effort to improve voter turnout, and while this law does automatically register citizens to vote when obtaining or renewing a driver's license, this only applies to citizens who are already eligible to vote.

See, you could find it as I said if you put any effort into it. Illegals can legally get a drivers license. They are then automatically set up to vote unless they say not to register them. And if they don't, there is no process to take away their ability to illegally vote. Well done

How many times will you tell the same lie?

Frequently Asked Questions | California Secretary of State
It's not a lie if trump sez it.

Challenge ... accepted!

Name a lie Hillary told
CA and NY have already passed the law and are included in the 165. All that matters is that enough state sign on with 270 total EV's

(CA, DC, HI, IL, MA, MD, NJ, NY, RI, VT, WA) have all passed it.

National Popular Vote

California is definitely NOT proportional with EV's.

U. S. Electoral College: Frequently Asked Questions

It took me a while to figure it out too because neither BlindBoo nor the link explained it very well. But what they are doing is agreeing that they will all cast their EVs to the national popular vote winner. That way the popular vote winner will have 270 and win regardless of what the other States do. It doesn't take effect until they have 270 votes

It is a simple solution to get to a popular national vote without involving the Federal Government doing anything. No Constitutional Amendment, just a few more states.

Yes, you suck at explaining it though.

It's also not permanent, States can join or pull out of the deal any time they want

Nah, your first instinct is to disagree and criticize not to comprehend or try to understand. Your responses proved it.

Sure. What's the post number where you think you explained it clearly?
The states themselves have always had the right

I am not sure why you keep repeating a statement to me that I keep repeating I agree with as if it's an argument against what I'm saying

All that is needed is for enough states that have a total of 105 more EVs to pass the law and it will be a done deal. No Amendment required.

Currently every State would have to decide that for themselves. Where do you get 105 EVs? I don't know what that means

It was in the links.

11 states have passed the law already. The EV of those states totals up to 165. As soon as enough states pass the law to equal 270 EV's the law goes into effect in those states. Hence the 105 number. If enough states pass the law, it will effectively give us a national popular vote without having to worry about an amendment or the things you listed.

Your logic is well, suspect.

If each of the proportional states were to spit evenly, it would only serve to allow the non-proportiaonal states of California and New York to dominate the elections.

Of course you can get to your 105 number REAL fast by pushing California and New York to go proportional. Shall I hold my breath awaiting you glorious Soros soldiers demanding this? :dunno:

CA and NY have already passed the law and are included in the 165. All that matters is that enough state sign on with 270 total EV's

(CA, DC, HI, IL, MA, MD, NJ, NY, RI, VT, WA) have all passed it.

National Popular Vote

California is definitely NOT proportional with EV's.

U. S. Electoral College: Frequently Asked Questions
Your link has nothing to do with California
I am not sure why you keep repeating a statement to me that I keep repeating I agree with as if it's an argument against what I'm saying

Currently every State would have to decide that for themselves. Where do you get 105 EVs? I don't know what that means

It was in the links.

11 states have passed the law already. The EV of those states totals up to 165. As soon as enough states pass the law to equal 270 EV's the law goes into effect in those states. Hence the 105 number. If enough states pass the law, it will effectively give us a national popular vote without having to worry about an amendment or the things you listed.

Your logic is well, suspect.

If each of the proportional states were to spit evenly, it would only serve to allow the non-proportiaonal states of California and New York to dominate the elections.

Of course you can get to your 105 number REAL fast by pushing California and New York to go proportional. Shall I hold my breath awaiting you glorious Soros soldiers demanding this? :dunno:

CA and NY have already passed the law and are included in the 165. All that matters is that enough state sign on with 270 total EV's

(CA, DC, HI, IL, MA, MD, NJ, NY, RI, VT, WA) have all passed it.

National Popular Vote

California is definitely NOT proportional with EV's.

U. S. Electoral College: Frequently Asked Questions
Your link has nothing to do with California

It clearly states the fact that California is a "Winner Take All" state.

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