Is Portman an Obstructionist & are he and Kasich selling out their principles for Medicaid Dollars?

  • Yes, Portman & Kasich sold out, and now Ohio is becoming a welfare state addicted to federal monies

    Votes: 3 100.0%
  • No, Health Insurance is a right, like flood insurance, only I want someone else to pay for mine.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
Ohio is slowly becoming a welfare state & Obama Care is making the situation worse.
Ohio's Obamacare expansion has already cost over $2 billion - (2015 stats)

In a state of just 11 million people, Ohio's Government spends $111 Billion a year, and much of that spending is on Medicaid, Obamacare, and Entitlement programs, and running an Over Bloated Government who keeps most of our tax revenue in Columbus.

Collapsing Obamacare is not something we can ignore, and Ohio's approach to adopting it was a classic example of Bureacratic Negligence & Greed.

Kasich played a shell game to make failing Obamacare work in Ohio (somewhat), and Portman went right along with the scheme by drastically expanding Medicaid.

As we know The Obama Regime bribed states to go along with Obamacare by making it possible to expand Medicaid, when The Federal Government hijacked 1\6th of our economy. This was an intentional act to move states like Ohio further in to dependency on Federal Funds, making The State of Ohio, as ward of "THE STATE" Ohio's adoption of Obamacare in the way it was handled represents an exponential expansion in the growth and scope and intrusion of Government in to our Lives. This is unacceptable for a nation who was built upon the principles of Individual Liberties, and Independence from an Intrusive Government.

Because of Obamacare's poor design and it's PUNITIVE nature which Punishes the Working Poor, The Middle Class, & Small Businesses & has hidden taxes and penalties combined with it's out of control costs, accelerating premiums, both consumers are opting out of Obamacare (8 Million this year and paying the fines) and Insurers are fleeing The Obamacare Market. Obamacare was once humorously called The Affordable Care Act. Who is laughing now?

There will be 40 Counties in Ohio without health care insurance availability and Obama Care is completely collapsing. What is Rob Portman doing about it?

I'll tell you what he is doing. NOTHING.

He and Kasich are addicted to The Bribery of increased Federal Dollars for Medicaid, and they are hoping Obamacare stays, not because they want to help the people of OHIO have access to affordable health insurance (something the clearly does not exist).... NO....because they want to continue with the bribery of increased Federal Funds for Medicaid....which BTW....we have to BORROW from the Federal Reserve with deficit spending.

All this money is abused by politicians, hospitals, Drs, and insurers, and it never really gets to those who need it.

We don't need that kind of solution!

We need a Free Market solution and competition between states. We don't need politicians fighting The People to protect STATE Monopolies on Health Insurance!

Medicaid Fraud is out of control, and this is just a continuation of it, and WE THE PEOPLE need to hold our government accountable for how they abuse and misuse our tax dollars. Medicaid Dollars to bribe states is just a gateway for corruption.

Doubt me?

Just type in Medicaid Fraud in any search engine. It is as rampant as the Heroin epidemic, but let's jut throw more money at it, instead of fixing the problem. That is always a politician's point of view.
Sessions announces "largest health care fraud takedown" in U.S. history - CBS News

But back to Portman:

Portman, unwilling to be part of the solution, has decided to be an Obstructionist. He wants to hold on to all of that Medicaid money so he and Kasich can distribute it as they see fit, and no doubt skim a little off the top for themselves or other state departments.

So Portman does the only logical thing he can do to greedily hold on to this pot of Federal Money (a loan) and he blocks the repeal of Obama Care, like the good little RINO he is.

I say Repeal and Replace Portman the next time he is up for election.

Portman's leadership is NO LEADERSHIP at all. The Same goes for Kasich and the two of them are a disastrous duo for Ohio!

Their leadership will eventually make the entire state look like a 3rd world country.

Repeal and Replace Rob Portman
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I thought there would be people from Ohio who might want to talk about States becoming dependent on Federal Medicaid Dollars to stop from Drowning in The Obamacare disaster.

There are three other Senators who are according to their own statements now dependent on Medicaid Dollars who like Rob Portman said they would repeal Obamacare and was elected to do that very thing, who now want to keep it.

Fourth Republican speaks out against Senate health care bill; revival unlikely
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Kasich is a fucking progressive shit bag…

Kasich is a fucking progressive shit bag…

Thing is, he ran as a Conservative, and then he showed his true colors once he got in to office.

Portman did the same damn thing. Why don't these two join The Democrat Party if they are going to pull stunts like that?

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