Porn question

Oh NOW I get it. You're just a messenger. A prophet on a mission. To HELP spread the message of that photo shoot. You're innocent. It was MEANT TO BE. and you've taken on the burden of spreading the word.

OK dude -- carry on.. . :eusa_clap: If you remember 1996, the entire "edgy" setting of those "lesbian shots" was pretty much a POLITICAL STATEMENT. One that many on the left were carrying to mainstream LGBTQ issues and concerns. Was NOT a token whack off exercise. MIGHT have been a Civil Liberties exercise. Have you considered the timing and the message???

Make of it what you want. I just enjoy watching the bible thumpers twist themselves into knots trying to justify those pictures after so many years of their holier than thou rhetoric. I never really thought about that prophet on a mission thing, but that sounds cool too.

Oh me too. I love to watch them twist. It's been my favorite past time since I became politically "homeless" 25 years ago. Know what ELSE I love to watch? Leftists who suddenly become intolerant and not inclusive when it suits their political goals. Getting PREACHY about simple bisexual art and affection. Calling it porn.

It's hysterical man. The whole "tribal conflict" thing that BOTH sides do. It would be even MORE amusing if the two warring tribes weren't RUINING MY COUNTRY in the process. :mad:

I'm pretty much a FULL time committed liberal on simple stuff like this. NOT just when my party stands to win the battle. Not a soldier of fortune for hire by a political dynasty. More of a free agent liberal..

If you think I have a problem with those pictures, you are completely missing my point.

We're still AT this ?? :lmao: I do GET your point. You're trying to sell a legend that we have the first "porn star whore" to be a 1st lady. Andrew Jackson -- who was until this election -- the most famous populist to hijack and screw a major party -- had that SAME LEGEND tossed at HIS wife back in the 1800s. It was a MAJOR campaign scandal.

The difference is those days was -- being a whore a bad thing. And you could not make YOUR CANDIDATES look better by finding a similar whore on the "other side". While in THESE DAYS -- finding a scandalous whore or other tradeable commodity in sin can completely make your "whore" look pure as the driven snow.

So -- instead of celebrating Melania's brave and early depiction of bisexual amory as a GOOD THING if it was your candidate, you load it up as weapon, shoot it at the wall and see if it will stick around as "history re-written". Have at it.. Best of luck. If all this furor over nothing wasn't KILLING MY COUNTRY -- it would be amusing..

You do what good party warriors HAVE to do. I get it. That's why I've spent 20 years trying to wean the public OFF of this 2 tribe conflict and into humble, responsible 3rd party candidates that just want to serve and don't CARE about compromising principles to win power.

I'm not sure if the claims against Andrew Jackson's wife were true, but there is no doubt about Trump's wife. You assume I oppose Trump in every way possible out of party loyalty. You are wrong. It doesn't take a liberal to see he is a danger to this country, and with the power of the presidency, the world. No that is not an exaggeration, and I think you know that.

I'm no fan of Trump. He's a meglomaniac who will probably instantly piss off -- anyone GOOD and talented that works with him. I expect fireworks and a lot of serious mistakes and miscalculations. And MORE power given to the Exec Branch and Govt at a time when he should be "draining the swamp"..

But wasting time on fraternity pranks and silly shit like this -- is NOT gonna get people to wake up and start voting for Humble and Principled.. Is it???
Way to retaliate would be to adopt an avatar of your own featuring Hillary in some lewd pose with a male stud.

Too bad that's not something you might find. But you could have a lot of fun looking.

Oh hell no.. You could go blind doing that.. :ack-1: The way to retaliate is to organize the Indies and 3rd parties --- that are now almost as many as Reps and Dems.. And run candidates that don't pull stunts and outrageous drama to win power. Need to ditch this tabloid stuff. It's ruining the REAL meaning of Amer. politics. It just gets TOO AMPLIFIED by all the media around us in this age...
There's a member, BULLDOG, who has what I consider porn as an avatar.

Is that permitted? Do I have to place him on ignore, or can you just have him change it?

Here's the answer -- best I know. We had the moderator with the MOST EXPERIENCE in "porn" take a look. And the rules say -- no female nipples, no genitalia of ANY kind. And this Moderator/porn expert said that the "nipples were sufficiently blurred". So it's just like watching Survivor, when they have to blur some parts that have "wardrobe malfunctions" during the rope pull or the mud wrestling.

Can we close this case now?? And no -- you can't ask who it was. The Staff porn expert wants to remain anonymous.. :mm:
When I was the resident mod porn meister, I would have had the picture removed... a little blurred would not have been given the time of's simply to skirt the intention of the rules....

we have no restrictions for children posting or perusing here, and no block or disclaimer for children under any age...if we did have a warning or some restrictions for children under the age of 15 or so, then it would be fine and dandy, but we don't have one here on this site....

So this Miss Prude-y, would have ruled to zap it, poof, gone!


I appreciate your service. But the blurring is good enough to get a PG14 rating on TV -- so it's good enough for us now. Maybe in those "ancient days" :biggrin: -- you didn't have image editing that was so accurate and handy..

Don't hate me.. . :tomato:

BTW.. Could it be YOUR Avie "is an intent to skirt the rules" :tongue: Ms Prude-y... ???
Last edited:
Make of it what you want. I just enjoy watching the bible thumpers twist themselves into knots trying to justify those pictures after so many years of their holier than thou rhetoric. I never really thought about that prophet on a mission thing, but that sounds cool too.

Oh me too. I love to watch them twist. It's been my favorite past time since I became politically "homeless" 25 years ago. Know what ELSE I love to watch? Leftists who suddenly become intolerant and not inclusive when it suits their political goals. Getting PREACHY about simple bisexual art and affection. Calling it porn.

It's hysterical man. The whole "tribal conflict" thing that BOTH sides do. It would be even MORE amusing if the two warring tribes weren't RUINING MY COUNTRY in the process. :mad:

I'm pretty much a FULL time committed liberal on simple stuff like this. NOT just when my party stands to win the battle. Not a soldier of fortune for hire by a political dynasty. More of a free agent liberal..

If you think I have a problem with those pictures, you are completely missing my point.

We're still AT this ?? :lmao: I do GET your point. You're trying to sell a legend that we have the first "porn star whore" to be a 1st lady. Andrew Jackson -- who was until this election -- the most famous populist to hijack and screw a major party -- had that SAME LEGEND tossed at HIS wife back in the 1800s. It was a MAJOR campaign scandal.

The difference is those days was -- being a whore a bad thing. And you could not make YOUR CANDIDATES look better by finding a similar whore on the "other side". While in THESE DAYS -- finding a scandalous whore or other tradeable commodity in sin can completely make your "whore" look pure as the driven snow.

So -- instead of celebrating Melania's brave and early depiction of bisexual amory as a GOOD THING if it was your candidate, you load it up as weapon, shoot it at the wall and see if it will stick around as "history re-written". Have at it.. Best of luck. If all this furor over nothing wasn't KILLING MY COUNTRY -- it would be amusing..

You do what good party warriors HAVE to do. I get it. That's why I've spent 20 years trying to wean the public OFF of this 2 tribe conflict and into humble, responsible 3rd party candidates that just want to serve and don't CARE about compromising principles to win power.

I'm not sure if the claims against Andrew Jackson's wife were true, but there is no doubt about Trump's wife. You assume I oppose Trump in every way possible out of party loyalty. You are wrong. It doesn't take a liberal to see he is a danger to this country, and with the power of the presidency, the world. No that is not an exaggeration, and I think you know that.

I'm no fan of Trump. He's a meglomaniac who will probably instantly piss off -- anyone GOOD and talented that works with him. I expect fireworks and a lot of serious mistakes and miscalculations. And MORE power given to the Exec Branch and Govt at a time when he should be "draining the swamp"..

But wasting time on fraternity pranks and silly shit like this -- is NOT gonna get people to wake up and start voting for Humble and Principled.. Is it???

Hillary Clinton? Humble and principled? :D ROFL.
Oh me too. I love to watch them twist. It's been my favorite past time since I became politically "homeless" 25 years ago. Know what ELSE I love to watch? Leftists who suddenly become intolerant and not inclusive when it suits their political goals. Getting PREACHY about simple bisexual art and affection. Calling it porn.

It's hysterical man. The whole "tribal conflict" thing that BOTH sides do. It would be even MORE amusing if the two warring tribes weren't RUINING MY COUNTRY in the process. :mad:

I'm pretty much a FULL time committed liberal on simple stuff like this. NOT just when my party stands to win the battle. Not a soldier of fortune for hire by a political dynasty. More of a free agent liberal..

If you think I have a problem with those pictures, you are completely missing my point.

We're still AT this ?? :lmao: I do GET your point. You're trying to sell a legend that we have the first "porn star whore" to be a 1st lady. Andrew Jackson -- who was until this election -- the most famous populist to hijack and screw a major party -- had that SAME LEGEND tossed at HIS wife back in the 1800s. It was a MAJOR campaign scandal.

The difference is those days was -- being a whore a bad thing. And you could not make YOUR CANDIDATES look better by finding a similar whore on the "other side". While in THESE DAYS -- finding a scandalous whore or other tradeable commodity in sin can completely make your "whore" look pure as the driven snow.

So -- instead of celebrating Melania's brave and early depiction of bisexual amory as a GOOD THING if it was your candidate, you load it up as weapon, shoot it at the wall and see if it will stick around as "history re-written". Have at it.. Best of luck. If all this furor over nothing wasn't KILLING MY COUNTRY -- it would be amusing..

You do what good party warriors HAVE to do. I get it. That's why I've spent 20 years trying to wean the public OFF of this 2 tribe conflict and into humble, responsible 3rd party candidates that just want to serve and don't CARE about compromising principles to win power.

I'm not sure if the claims against Andrew Jackson's wife were true, but there is no doubt about Trump's wife. You assume I oppose Trump in every way possible out of party loyalty. You are wrong. It doesn't take a liberal to see he is a danger to this country, and with the power of the presidency, the world. No that is not an exaggeration, and I think you know that.

I'm no fan of Trump. He's a meglomaniac who will probably instantly piss off -- anyone GOOD and talented that works with him. I expect fireworks and a lot of serious mistakes and miscalculations. And MORE power given to the Exec Branch and Govt at a time when he should be "draining the swamp"..

But wasting time on fraternity pranks and silly shit like this -- is NOT gonna get people to wake up and start voting for Humble and Principled.. Is it???

Hillary Clinton? Humble and principled? :D ROFL.

Nope. More like two successful ex-governors who were honest, humble and principled that got ignored on this last ballot. BECAUSE of the tabloid toxic circus atmosphere of the campaign..
There's a member, BULLDOG, who has what I consider porn as an avatar.

Is that permitted? Do I have to place him on ignore, or can you just have him change it?

Here's the answer -- best I know. We had the moderator with the MOST EXPERIENCE in "porn" take a look. And the rules say -- no female nipples, no genitalia of ANY kind. And this Moderator/porn expert said that the "nipples were sufficiently blurred". So it's just like watching Survivor, when they have to blur some parts that have "wardrobe malfunctions" during the rope pull or the mud wrestling.

Can we close this case now?? And no -- you can't ask who it was. The Staff porn expert wants to remain anonymous.. :mm:
When I was the resident mod porn meister, I would have had the picture removed... a little blurred would not have been given the time of's simply to skirt the intention of the rules....

we have no restrictions for children posting or perusing here, and no block or disclaimer for children under any age...if we did have a warning or some restrictions for children under the age of 15 or so, then it would be fine and dandy, but we don't have one here on this site....

So this Miss Prude-y, would have ruled to zap it, poof, gone!


I appreciate your service. But the blurring is good enough to get a PG14 rating on TV -- so it's good enough for us now. Maybe in those "ancient days" :biggrin: -- you didn't have image editing that was so accurate and handy..

Don't hate me.. . :tomato:

BTW.. Could it be YOUR Avie "is an intent to skirt the rules" :tongue: Ms Prude-y... ???
:lol: no hate what so ever mr flacaltenn! :lol:

It isn't the nipple nudity blur, it's the act itself coupled with it, but hey, 5 years ago was such an ancient time... they didn't have digital blurs! :D

Your site allows 10 year olds or even younger, there is no screening for age to become a member, unless that has changed...?

And would that picture or act be allowed on TV network broadcasting with just the nipple blur?

You are probably right, now a days compared to just 5 years ago, it probably WOULD be allowed! :eek:

Miss Prud-y :p
If you think I have a problem with those pictures, you are completely missing my point.

We're still AT this ?? :lmao: I do GET your point. You're trying to sell a legend that we have the first "porn star whore" to be a 1st lady. Andrew Jackson -- who was until this election -- the most famous populist to hijack and screw a major party -- had that SAME LEGEND tossed at HIS wife back in the 1800s. It was a MAJOR campaign scandal.

The difference is those days was -- being a whore a bad thing. And you could not make YOUR CANDIDATES look better by finding a similar whore on the "other side". While in THESE DAYS -- finding a scandalous whore or other tradeable commodity in sin can completely make your "whore" look pure as the driven snow.

So -- instead of celebrating Melania's brave and early depiction of bisexual amory as a GOOD THING if it was your candidate, you load it up as weapon, shoot it at the wall and see if it will stick around as "history re-written". Have at it.. Best of luck. If all this furor over nothing wasn't KILLING MY COUNTRY -- it would be amusing..

You do what good party warriors HAVE to do. I get it. That's why I've spent 20 years trying to wean the public OFF of this 2 tribe conflict and into humble, responsible 3rd party candidates that just want to serve and don't CARE about compromising principles to win power.

I'm not sure if the claims against Andrew Jackson's wife were true, but there is no doubt about Trump's wife. You assume I oppose Trump in every way possible out of party loyalty. You are wrong. It doesn't take a liberal to see he is a danger to this country, and with the power of the presidency, the world. No that is not an exaggeration, and I think you know that.

I'm no fan of Trump. He's a meglomaniac who will probably instantly piss off -- anyone GOOD and talented that works with him. I expect fireworks and a lot of serious mistakes and miscalculations. And MORE power given to the Exec Branch and Govt at a time when he should be "draining the swamp"..

But wasting time on fraternity pranks and silly shit like this -- is NOT gonna get people to wake up and start voting for Humble and Principled.. Is it???

Hillary Clinton? Humble and principled? :D ROFL.

Nope. More like two successful ex-governors who were honest, humble and principled that got ignored on this last ballot.

Awww. :smiliehug: Maybe next time.
There's a member, BULLDOG, who has what I consider porn as an avatar.

Is that permitted? Do I have to place him on ignore, or can you just have him change it?

Here's the answer -- best I know. We had the moderator with the MOST EXPERIENCE in "porn" take a look. And the rules say -- no female nipples, no genitalia of ANY kind. And this Moderator/porn expert said that the "nipples were sufficiently blurred". So it's just like watching Survivor, when they have to blur some parts that have "wardrobe malfunctions" during the rope pull or the mud wrestling.

Can we close this case now?? And no -- you can't ask who it was. The Staff porn expert wants to remain anonymous.. :mm:
When I was the resident mod porn meister, I would have had the picture removed... a little blurred would not have been given the time of's simply to skirt the intention of the rules....

we have no restrictions for children posting or perusing here, and no block or disclaimer for children under any age...if we did have a warning or some restrictions for children under the age of 15 or so, then it would be fine and dandy, but we don't have one here on this site....

So this Miss Prude-y, would have ruled to zap it, poof, gone!


I appreciate your service. But the blurring is good enough to get a PG14 rating on TV -- so it's good enough for us now. Maybe in those "ancient days" :biggrin: -- you didn't have image editing that was so accurate and handy..

Don't hate me.. . :tomato:

BTW.. Could it be YOUR Avie "is an intent to skirt the rules" :tongue: Ms Prude-y... ???
:lol: no hate what so ever mr flacaltenn! :lol:

It isn't the nipple nudity blur, it's the act itself coupled with it, but hey, 5 years ago was such an ancient time... they didn't have digital blurs! :D

Your site allows 10 year olds or even younger, there is no screening for age to become a member, unless that has changed...?

And would that picture or act be allowed on TV network broadcasting with just the nipple blur?

You are probably right, now a days compared to just 5 years ago, it probably WOULD be allowed! :eek:

Miss Prud-y :p

I have watched shows on the fucking FAMILY channel that were PG14, where the script is about infidelity and rape --- with more blurred frames than that. Or re-runs of Animal House for that matter.
We're still AT this ?? :lmao: I do GET your point. You're trying to sell a legend that we have the first "porn star whore" to be a 1st lady. Andrew Jackson -- who was until this election -- the most famous populist to hijack and screw a major party -- had that SAME LEGEND tossed at HIS wife back in the 1800s. It was a MAJOR campaign scandal.

The difference is those days was -- being a whore a bad thing. And you could not make YOUR CANDIDATES look better by finding a similar whore on the "other side". While in THESE DAYS -- finding a scandalous whore or other tradeable commodity in sin can completely make your "whore" look pure as the driven snow.

So -- instead of celebrating Melania's brave and early depiction of bisexual amory as a GOOD THING if it was your candidate, you load it up as weapon, shoot it at the wall and see if it will stick around as "history re-written". Have at it.. Best of luck. If all this furor over nothing wasn't KILLING MY COUNTRY -- it would be amusing..

You do what good party warriors HAVE to do. I get it. That's why I've spent 20 years trying to wean the public OFF of this 2 tribe conflict and into humble, responsible 3rd party candidates that just want to serve and don't CARE about compromising principles to win power.

I'm not sure if the claims against Andrew Jackson's wife were true, but there is no doubt about Trump's wife. You assume I oppose Trump in every way possible out of party loyalty. You are wrong. It doesn't take a liberal to see he is a danger to this country, and with the power of the presidency, the world. No that is not an exaggeration, and I think you know that.

I'm no fan of Trump. He's a meglomaniac who will probably instantly piss off -- anyone GOOD and talented that works with him. I expect fireworks and a lot of serious mistakes and miscalculations. And MORE power given to the Exec Branch and Govt at a time when he should be "draining the swamp"..

But wasting time on fraternity pranks and silly shit like this -- is NOT gonna get people to wake up and start voting for Humble and Principled.. Is it???

Hillary Clinton? Humble and principled? :D ROFL.

Nope. More like two successful ex-governors who were honest, humble and principled that got ignored on this last ballot.

Awww. :smiliehug: Maybe next time.

Just wait 4 months or so. You'll be so damn sorry that hugging just won't cut it as an apology. :banana:
There's a member, BULLDOG, who has what I consider porn as an avatar.

Is that permitted? Do I have to place him on ignore, or can you just have him change it?

Here's the answer -- best I know. We had the moderator with the MOST EXPERIENCE in "porn" take a look. And the rules say -- no female nipples, no genitalia of ANY kind. And this Moderator/porn expert said that the "nipples were sufficiently blurred". So it's just like watching Survivor, when they have to blur some parts that have "wardrobe malfunctions" during the rope pull or the mud wrestling.

Can we close this case now?? And no -- you can't ask who it was. The Staff porn expert wants to remain anonymous.. :mm:
When I was the resident mod porn meister, I would have had the picture removed... a little blurred would not have been given the time of's simply to skirt the intention of the rules....

we have no restrictions for children posting or perusing here, and no block or disclaimer for children under any age...if we did have a warning or some restrictions for children under the age of 15 or so, then it would be fine and dandy, but we don't have one here on this site....

So this Miss Prude-y, would have ruled to zap it, poof, gone!


I appreciate your service. But the blurring is good enough to get a PG14 rating on TV -- so it's good enough for us now. Maybe in those "ancient days" :biggrin: -- you didn't have image editing that was so accurate and handy..

Don't hate me.. . :tomato:

BTW.. Could it be YOUR Avie "is an intent to skirt the rules" :tongue: Ms Prude-y... ???
:lol: no hate what so ever mr flacaltenn! :lol:

It isn't the nipple nudity blur, it's the act itself coupled with it, but hey, 5 years ago was such an ancient time... they didn't have digital blurs! :D

Your site allows 10 year olds or even younger, there is no screening for age to become a member, unless that has changed...?

And would that picture or act be allowed on TV network broadcasting with just the nipple blur?

You are probably right, now a days compared to just 5 years ago, it probably WOULD be allowed! :eek:

Miss Prud-y :p

I have watched shows on the fucking FAMILY channel that were PG14, where the script is about infidelity and rape --- with more blurred frames than that. Or re-runs of Animal House for that matter.
on Broadcast Network TV, abc, cbs, nbc? Did it have a warning, this may not be suitable for children? Shoot, you are right, even soap operas discuss rape and have infidelity all over the place!

:beer: you win!
I'm not sure if the claims against Andrew Jackson's wife were true, but there is no doubt about Trump's wife. You assume I oppose Trump in every way possible out of party loyalty. You are wrong. It doesn't take a liberal to see he is a danger to this country, and with the power of the presidency, the world. No that is not an exaggeration, and I think you know that.

I'm no fan of Trump. He's a meglomaniac who will probably instantly piss off -- anyone GOOD and talented that works with him. I expect fireworks and a lot of serious mistakes and miscalculations. And MORE power given to the Exec Branch and Govt at a time when he should be "draining the swamp"..

But wasting time on fraternity pranks and silly shit like this -- is NOT gonna get people to wake up and start voting for Humble and Principled.. Is it???

Hillary Clinton? Humble and principled? :D ROFL.

Nope. More like two successful ex-governors who were honest, humble and principled that got ignored on this last ballot.

Awww. :smiliehug: Maybe next time.

Just wait 4 months or so. You'll be so damn sorry that hugging just won't cut it as an apology. :banana:

I'm not sure if the claims against Andrew Jackson's wife were true, but there is no doubt about Trump's wife. You assume I oppose Trump in every way possible out of party loyalty. You are wrong. It doesn't take a liberal to see he is a danger to this country, and with the power of the presidency, the world. No that is not an exaggeration, and I think you know that.

I'm no fan of Trump. He's a meglomaniac who will probably instantly piss off -- anyone GOOD and talented that works with him. I expect fireworks and a lot of serious mistakes and miscalculations. And MORE power given to the Exec Branch and Govt at a time when he should be "draining the swamp"..

But wasting time on fraternity pranks and silly shit like this -- is NOT gonna get people to wake up and start voting for Humble and Principled.. Is it???

Hillary Clinton? Humble and principled? :D ROFL.

Nope. More like two successful ex-governors who were honest, humble and principled that got ignored on this last ballot.

Awww. :smiliehug: Maybe next time.

Just wait 4 months or so. You'll be so damn sorry that hugging just won't cut it as an apology. :banana:

Had to think of SCOTUS appointees and other things too. What is the worst thing you think is going to happen though? :)
Make of it what you want. I just enjoy watching the bible thumpers twist themselves into knots trying to justify those pictures after so many years of their holier than thou rhetoric. I never really thought about that prophet on a mission thing, but that sounds cool too.

Oh me too. I love to watch them twist. It's been my favorite past time since I became politically "homeless" 25 years ago. Know what ELSE I love to watch? Leftists who suddenly become intolerant and not inclusive when it suits their political goals. Getting PREACHY about simple bisexual art and affection. Calling it porn.

It's hysterical man. The whole "tribal conflict" thing that BOTH sides do. It would be even MORE amusing if the two warring tribes weren't RUINING MY COUNTRY in the process. :mad:

I'm pretty much a FULL time committed liberal on simple stuff like this. NOT just when my party stands to win the battle. Not a soldier of fortune for hire by a political dynasty. More of a free agent liberal..

If you think I have a problem with those pictures, you are completely missing my point.

We're still AT this ?? :lmao: I do GET your point. You're trying to sell a legend that we have the first "porn star whore" to be a 1st lady. Andrew Jackson -- who was until this election -- the most famous populist to hijack and screw a major party -- had that SAME LEGEND tossed at HIS wife back in the 1800s. It was a MAJOR campaign scandal.

The difference is those days was -- being a whore a bad thing. And you could not make YOUR CANDIDATES look better by finding a similar whore on the "other side". While in THESE DAYS -- finding a scandalous whore or other tradeable commodity in sin can completely make your "whore" look pure as the driven snow.

So -- instead of celebrating Melania's brave and early depiction of bisexual amory as a GOOD THING if it was your candidate, you load it up as weapon, shoot it at the wall and see if it will stick around as "history re-written". Have at it.. Best of luck. If all this furor over nothing wasn't KILLING MY COUNTRY -- it would be amusing..

You do what good party warriors HAVE to do. I get it. That's why I've spent 20 years trying to wean the public OFF of this 2 tribe conflict and into humble, responsible 3rd party candidates that just want to serve and don't CARE about compromising principles to win power.

I'm not sure if the claims against Andrew Jackson's wife were true, but there is no doubt about Trump's wife. You assume I oppose Trump in every way possible out of party loyalty. You are wrong. It doesn't take a liberal to see he is a danger to this country, and with the power of the presidency, the world. No that is not an exaggeration, and I think you know that.

I'm no fan of Trump. He's a meglomaniac who will probably instantly piss off -- anyone GOOD and talented that works with him. I expect fireworks and a lot of serious mistakes and miscalculations. And MORE power given to the Exec Branch and Govt at a time when he should be "draining the swamp"..

But wasting time on fraternity pranks and silly shit like this -- is NOT gonna get people to wake up and start voting for Humble and Principled.. Is it???

It's what got them to vote for that clown in the first place. All they had is lies and exaggerations. They didn't decide to vote for him based on sound documented facts, and sober reasoning.
I'm no fan of Trump. He's a meglomaniac who will probably instantly piss off -- anyone GOOD and talented that works with him. I expect fireworks and a lot of serious mistakes and miscalculations. And MORE power given to the Exec Branch and Govt at a time when he should be "draining the swamp"..

But wasting time on fraternity pranks and silly shit like this -- is NOT gonna get people to wake up and start voting for Humble and Principled.. Is it???

Hillary Clinton? Humble and principled? :D ROFL.

Nope. More like two successful ex-governors who were honest, humble and principled that got ignored on this last ballot.

Awww. :smiliehug: Maybe next time.

Just wait 4 months or so. You'll be so damn sorry that hugging just won't cut it as an apology. :banana:

Had to think of SCOTUS appointees and other things too. What is the worst thing you think is going to happen though? :)

SCOTUS would have been just fine with appointees chosen on the basis of fundamental Constitution interpretation. Without the political wrangling over "hot issues".. LParty LOVES the Constitution just the way it's is.

And all the noise that is giving America a collective headache -- like THIS non-issue here, would be in the dumpster about now..
“I think it is important to show the beauty and freedom of the woman, and I am very proud of these pictures because they celebrate Melania’s beauty, ’’ de Basseville said.

Asked about the photos, Donald Trump said: “Melania was one of the most successful models, and she did many photo shoots, including for covers and major magazines. This was a picture taken for a European magazine prior to my knowing Melania. In Europe, pictures like this are very fashionable and common.”

The Slovenian-born beauty, now 46, first met Trump at a Fashion Week party in 1998. They married in January 2005 and have one son, Baron, 10.

She has modeled for Sports Illustrated and Vogue among other publications, posing for such top photographers as Helmut Newton and Mario Testino.
She's 46 but she looks younger than me... :uhh:

Well, I don't know about that, but she is a very attractive lady. I think this is a really nice photo of her and Donald. She looks great. :)


Note how skilled she is in standing so that you get a pretty good look at at least one tit and her lacy bra. You don't see that in most pictures of first ladies. I don't remember ever seeing any first lady's lacy bra before.
I think she knows how to stand in front of a camera because she was a model. You know models have to learn how to pose on camera :)
“I think it is important to show the beauty and freedom of the woman, and I am very proud of these pictures because they celebrate Melania’s beauty, ’’ de Basseville said.

Asked about the photos, Donald Trump said: “Melania was one of the most successful models, and she did many photo shoots, including for covers and major magazines. This was a picture taken for a European magazine prior to my knowing Melania. In Europe, pictures like this are very fashionable and common.”

The Slovenian-born beauty, now 46, first met Trump at a Fashion Week party in 1998. They married in January 2005 and have one son, Baron, 10.

She has modeled for Sports Illustrated and Vogue among other publications, posing for such top photographers as Helmut Newton and Mario Testino.
She's 46 but she looks younger than me... :uhh:

Well, I don't know about that, but she is a very attractive lady. I think this is a really nice photo of her and Donald. She looks great. :)


Note how skilled she is in standing so that you get a pretty good look at at least one tit and her lacy bra. You don't see that in most pictures of first ladies. I don't remember ever seeing any first lady's lacy bra before.
I think she knows how to stand in front of a camera because she was a model. You know models have to learn how to pose on camera :)

Got it. Her top priority is SHOW THE TITS.
“I think it is important to show the beauty and freedom of the woman, and I am very proud of these pictures because they celebrate Melania’s beauty, ’’ de Basseville said.

Asked about the photos, Donald Trump said: “Melania was one of the most successful models, and she did many photo shoots, including for covers and major magazines. This was a picture taken for a European magazine prior to my knowing Melania. In Europe, pictures like this are very fashionable and common.”

The Slovenian-born beauty, now 46, first met Trump at a Fashion Week party in 1998. They married in January 2005 and have one son, Baron, 10.

She has modeled for Sports Illustrated and Vogue among other publications, posing for such top photographers as Helmut Newton and Mario Testino.
She's 46 but she looks younger than me... :uhh:

Well, I don't know about that, but she is a very attractive lady. I think this is a really nice photo of her and Donald. She looks great. :)


Note how skilled she is in standing so that you get a pretty good look at at least one tit and her lacy bra. You don't see that in most pictures of first ladies. I don't remember ever seeing any first lady's lacy bra before.
I think she knows how to stand in front of a camera because she was a model. You know models have to learn how to pose on camera :)

Got it. Her top priority is SHOW THE TITS.

Are you for real? Her outfit looks fine. What a douche you are. Lol. This isn't the 1950s, bud.

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